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Practical Research 1 Course Outline/Timeline

Week Coverage
 importance of research in daily life
1  characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
 Quantitative research vs Qualitative research
 kinds of quantitative research across fields
 value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths and
2 weaknesses
 importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry
The Research Problem
 Making research title
3  Making research questions
 Title defense
Drafting Chapter 1 (The Problem and Its Setting)
 Scope and delimitation
 Significance of the study
4  Definition of terms
 Conceptual/theoretical framework
 Introduction
Polishing Chapter 1/Lesson on Chapter 2 (Review of Related Literature and Studies)
5  Plagiarism
 APA Citation
6 Drafting Chapter 2 (RRL and RRS)
7 Polishing Chapter 2/Lesson on Chapter 3 (Methodology)
8 Drafting Chapter 3
 Research Design
 Research Respondents
 Research Locale
 Research Instrument
 Data Gathering Procedure
 Statistical Treatment
Making Letters of Approval/Consent
9 Proposal Defense (Chapters 1-3)
10 Conduct of Research/Data Gathering
11 Drafting Chapter 4 (Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data)
12 Polishing Chapter 4; Drafting and Polishing Chapter 5
13 Finalization of Chapters 1-5
Making of final Research parts
 Appendices
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Approval Sheet
 Acknowledgment
 Abstract

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