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September 7, 2012 Friday 43 = 40 + 3

2. Put counters of 10s and 1s.


3. Regroup set of tens and ones

7:00 – 7:50 – One Masipag
7:50 – 8:40 – One Mapagmahal
10:25 – 11:15 – One Masunurin 43 = 30 + 13

I. Learning Objective/s 4. Therefore 43 = 40 + 3 and regrouped as 30 + 13.

After a 50- minute lesson, the children will be able to: Generalization: Ask the class: How did you group the
sets? We regroup or rename the set of tens and ones.
A. Regroup sets of tens and ones using objects. HOW? We do it by getting or borrowing 1 ten from the set
of tens and bring or give it to the set of ones.
II. Learning Content
C. Application
Skill: Regrouping sets of ones into sets of tens and Fixing SkiIls/ Practice
sets of tens into hundreds using objects Individual Activity: Each pupil will use their workmat, place
Reference: BEC PELC 1 A2.5, Math Made Easy pp. 131 - value kit counters and drill board to show the Regrouping
133 of sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of tens into
Materials: Individual counters (containing 100 objects) hundreds.
Value: Be Healthy 1. 35 2. 42 3. 50 4. 61 5. 73

III. Learning Experiences Always be healthy. Eat fruits and vegetables.
A. Preparatory Activities
IV. Assessment
1. Problem of the Day A. Formative Test
Each child took a number from the hat. What is each Give the missing number
child’s number? Read the clues and write the numbers. Ex. 47 = 40 + _______
My number has 4 tens and 4 extras. ______ = 30 + _______
My number has 2 tens and 3 extras. ______ B. Behavior
My number has 7 tens and no extras. ______ Did you listen attentively?  or 

2. Review V. Home Activity

Write the correct answer. Answer page 133 – Book: Math Made Easy
1. 24 = 20 + ____ 4. 11 = ____ + ____
2. 69 = 60 + ____ 5. 40 = _____ + ____ Checked by:
3. 18 = ____ + 8
3. Motivation Mrs. Divina Gracia M. Barrientos
Show the class a set of fruits on a “magic tree”. Ask them
how they can count the fruits as fast as they can. Observed by: _______________________
Possible answer: We can group the fruits by tens and
ones.Ex. 25 = 2 tens and 5 ones or 20 + 5 (Expanded

Introduce that there is another way of grouping the fruits:

We can regroup or rename them.

Ex: 25 = 20 + 5 (expanded form)

= 10 + 15 (regroup or rename)

B. Developmental Activities
Tens Ones
1. Show Work Math # 2

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