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School of Mechanical Engineering

Undergraduate Course Outlines Sharif University of Technology

Jig, Fixture and Gage Design

Course Code:
Credits: 3
Course Type: Theoretical
Requisites: Machine Design 1
Course Length: 51 hours


1. Basic Types and Functions of Jig and Fixtures

a. Purpose of Tool Design
b. Types and Functions of Jigs and Fixtures
c. Supporting and Locating Principles
d. Clamping and Workholding Principles
e. Basic Construction Principles

2. Designing and Constructing Jigs and Fixtures

a. Template Jigs
b. Vise-Held and Plate Fixtures
c. Plate Jigs
d. Angle-Plate Jigs and Fixtures
e. Channel and Box Jigs
f. Vise-Jaw Jigs and Fixtures

3. Specialized Workholding Topics

a. Power Workholding
b. Modular Fixturing
c. Welding and Inspection Tooling
d. Low-Cost Jigs and Fixtures

4. Tool Design for Inspection and Gaging

a. Gaging Principles
b. Gage Wear Allowance
c. Gage Materials
d. Gaging Policy
e. Gage Measurement
f. Gages Types

1- "Tool Design" , 2nd. Ed., H. W. Pollack, Prentic-Hall Int. Ed., New Jersey, 1988.
2. “Fundamental of Tool Design", SME Publication 4th ed., 1998.
3. “Tool Design", 3rd ed., Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 1973.
4. “Handbook of Jig & Fixture Design", SME Publication, 1989.
5. “Low-Cost Jigs, Fixtures & Gages for Limited Production”, W.E.Boyes,
SME, 1986.

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