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July 31,2020


CA State Dislocated Wo rker Unit via E-Mail ([email protected],gov)

WARN Act Coordinator
Program Support Unit, Workforce Services Division
Employment Development Department
722 Capitol Mall, MIC 69lRoom 3099
Sacramento. CA 95814

Local Workforce Investment Board

Kem/Inyo/Tvlono Consortium
Ms. Teresa Hitchcock, Assistant CAO
Kem,{nyo,Mono Consortium
1600 East Belle Terrace
Bakersfield, CA 9330

Chair of the Board of Supervisors,

Leticia Perez, Chair
Kem County Board of Supervisors
1115 Truxtun Ave., 5th Floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Mavor's Office
Mayor Karen K. Goh
City Hall South
1501 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield. CA 93301

Re Employment Separations of Westem Dental Services, Inc.'s Employees at Dental

Practice Located at 1201 24th Sffeet, Suite A, Bakersfield, CA 93301

Dear Sir or Madam:

As a follow-up to our prior correspondences in which we informed you consistent

with Govemor Newsom's Executive Order N-31-20, that as a result of the unforeseen
business circumstances resulting from the sudden and unprecedented effects of the
coronavirus outbreak on our business, Westem Dental Services, Inc. (the "Company")
suspended significarit portions of its operations, including operations impacting the facility
listed above. As a result of the continuing COVID-l9 pandemic and govemment orders
and since our last communication, the Company is continuing to experience the drastic
impact ofthe pandemic, including unforeseeable impacts resulting from new or evolving
orders and public health guidance and protocols which have impacted patient demands,

Bakersfield Downton 164

staffing needs, operations and services. As a result, we will conduct employee separations
at the facility listed and referenced above. This action is expected to be permanent.
Notice of the employee separations will begin on August 1, 2020. Enclosed is a
Iisting of the job titles of employees whose employment will terminate, the number of
employees in eachjob classification and the anticipated separation date for these affected
Again, we apologize that we were unable to provide more advance notice of the
action. The speed and vast reach of the physical calamity that is the coronavirus outbreak,
as well as the declaration of a state of emergency and directives at the federal, state and
local level, including but not limited to: the closure of non-essentiaVnon-emergency
business services, the directives for individuals to remain in place, with exception for
essential needs, in certainjurisdictions, the directives for individuals to avoid congregating,
limit travel and to work remotely and the drastic impact that the current COVID-19
pandemic has had on our patients and employees was unforeseeable, and will continue to
cause, among other things, a drastic impact on the Company's business, including but not
limited to the continued closure or substantial reduction ofoperations at certain Company
facilities such that the Company does not have altemative work to offer to its affected
employees. After reviewing our staffing and business needs, we are providing this notice
to you at the earliest practicable time.
The affected employees do not have any bumping rights. None of the employees
are represented by a union.

Affected employees have been informed in their notice that if they have lost their
job or laid off temporarily that they may be entitled to Unemployment Insurance (UI).
They also have been advised that more information about UI and other resources available
to workers is available at
You may contact Mr. Robert Eisen, Senior Vice President and Chief Human at
(714) 571-3406, 530 S. Main Street, Orange CA 92886 or email at
reisen0 ifyou have any questions or want further information.

Very truly yours,

Robert Eisen
Senior Vice PresidenV Chief Human
Resources Officer


Employee Separations {separati on effective date August 14,

Job Titte Number of Employees

Hygienist 7
Jtly 31,2020


CA State Dislocated Worker Unit via E-Mail ( eddwarnnotice la'. g ov )

WARN Act Coordinator
Program Support Unit, Workforce Services Division
Employment Development Department
722 Capitol Mall, MIC 69lRoom 3099
Sacramento, CA 95 814

Local Workforce Investment Board

Kem/Inyo/Mono Consortium
Ms. Teresa Hitchcock, Assistant CAO
Kem/Inyo,Mono Consortium
1 600 F,ast Relle Terrace
Bakersfield, CA 93307

Chair of the Board of Supervisors,

Leticia Perez, Chair
Kern County Board of Supervisors
1 1 15 Truxtun Ave., 5th Floor

Bakersfield, CA 93301

)Iavor's Office
Mayor Karen K. Goh
City Hall South
1501 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Re: Emplovment Separations of Westem Dental Services. Inc.'s Employees at Dental

Practice Located at 3401 Coffee Road, Suite A, Bakersfield. CA 93308

Dear Sir or Nladam:

As a follow-up to our prior correspondences in which we informed you consistent

with Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-31-20, that as a result of the unforeseen
business circumstances resulting from the sudden and unprecedented etfects of the
coronavirus outbreak on our business, Westem Dental Sewices, Inc. (the "Company',)
suspended significant portions of its operations, including operations impacting the facility
listed above. As a result of the continuing COVID-I9 pandemic and govemment orders
and since our last communication, the Company is continuing to experience the drastic
impact of the pandemic, including unforeseeable impacts resulting from new or evolving

Bakersfield 179
orders and public health guidance and protocols which have impacted patient demands,
staffing needs, operations and services. As a result, we will conduct employee separations
at the facility listed and referenced above. This action is expected to be permanent.
Notice of the employee separations will begin on August 1, 2020. Enclosed is a
listing of the job titles of employees whose employment will terminate, the number of
employees in eachjob classification and the anticipated separation date for these affected
Again, we apologize that we were unable to provide more advance notice of the
action. The speed and vast reach of the physical calamity that is the coronavirus outbreak,
as well as the declaration of a state of emergency and directives at the federal, state and
local level, including but not limited to: the closure of non-essential/non-emergency
business services, the directives for individuals to remain in place, with exception for
essential needs, in certainj urisdictions, the directives for individuals to avoid congregating,
limit travel and to work remotely and the drastic impact that the current COVID-l9
pandemic has had on our patients and employees was unforeseeable, and will contilue to
cause, among other things, a drastic impact on the Company's business, including but not
limited to the continued closure or substantial reduction of operations at certain Company
facilities such that the Company does not have alternative work to offer to its affected
employees. After reviewing our staffing and business needs, we are providing this notice
to you at the earliest practicable time.
The affected employees do not have any bumping rights. None of the employees
are represented by a union.

Affected employees have been informed in their notice that ifthey have lost their
job or laid off temporarily that they may be entitled to Unemployment Insurance (UI).
They also have been advised that more information about UI and other resources available
to workers is available at
You may contact Mr. Robert Eisen, Senior Vice President and Chief Human at
(714) 571-3406, 530 S. Main Street, Orange CA 92886 or email at
[email protected] if you have any questions or want further information.

Very truly yours,

Robert Eisen
Senior Vice Presidenti Chief Human
Resources Officer


parations (separation \4, 2 020 )

,: JOb Title Number of Empl es
Oral 5u rgeon Assistant 1
.Iulv 3l . 2020


CAS tate Dislocated Worker Unit via E-Mail ([email protected])

WARN Act Coordinator
Program Support Unit, Workforce Services Division
Employment Development Department
722 Capitol Mall, MIC 69/Room 3099
Sacramento, CA 95 814

Local Workforce Investment Board

Kem/Inyo/Mono Consortium
Ms. Teresa Hitchcock. Assistant CAO
Kem,/lnyo/Mono Consortium
1600 East Belle Terrace
Bakersfield, CA 9330

Chair o f the Board of Suoervisors.

Leticia Perez, Chair
Kem County Board of Supervisors
1 1 15 Trurtun Ave., 5th Floor

Bakersfield, CA 93301

Mavor's Office
Mayor Karen K. Goh
City Hall South
l50l Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield. CA 93301

Re Employment Separations of Westem Dental Services, Inc.'s Employees at Dental

Practice Located at 4409 Ming Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Dear Sir or Madam:

As a follow-up to our prior correspondences in which we informed you consistent

with Govemor Newsom's Executive Order N-31-20, that as a result of the unforeseen
business circumstances resulting from the sudden and unprecedented effects of the
coronavirus outbreak on our business, Westem Dental Services, Inc. (the "Company")
suspended significant portions of its operations, including operations impacting the facility
listed above. As a result of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and govemment orders
and since our last communication, the Company is continuing to experience the drastic
impact of the pandemic, including unforeseeable impacts resulting from new or evolving
orders and public health guidance and protocols which have impacted patient demands,
staffing needs, operations and services. As a result, we will conduct employee separations
at the facility listed and referenced above. This action is expected to be permanent.

Notice of the employee separations will begin on August 1, 2020. Enclosed is a

listing of the job titles of employees whose employment will terminate, the number of
employees in eachjob classification and the anticipated separation date for these aJlected
Again, we apologize that we were unable to provide more advance notice of the
action. The speed and vast reach ofthe physical calamity that is the coronavirus outbreak,
as well as the declaration of a state of emergency and directives at the federal, state and
local level, including but not limited to: the closure of non-essential/non-emergency
business services, the directives for individuals to remain in place, with exception for
essential needs, in certain jurisdictions, the directives lor individuals to avoid congregating,
limit travel and to work remotely and the drastic impact that the current COVID-19
pandemic has had on our patients and employees was unforeseeable, and will continue to
cause, among other things, a drastic impact on tlle Company's business, including but not
limited to the continued closure or substantial reduction of operations at certain Company
facilities such that the Company does not have altemative work to offer to its affected
employees. After reviewing our staffing and business needs, we are providing this notice
to you at the earliest practicable time.
The affected employees do not have any bumping rights. None of the employees
are represented by a union.

Affected employees have been informed in their notice that if they have lost their
job or laid off temporarily that they may be entitled to Unemployment lnsurance (UI).
They also have been advised that more information about UI and other resources available
to workers is available at i 9.
You may contact Mr. Robert Eisen, Senior Vice President and Chief Human at
(714) 571-3406, 530 S. Main Street, Orange CA 92886 or email at
[email protected] if you have any questions or want further information

Very truly yours,

Robert Eisen
Senior Vice President/ Chief Human
Resources Of{icer


Business Ma nager 1
tl t
Receptionist 1,
I :',,;

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