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British Literature of the 20th Century

IDI – 2460 – 02

The Will ~ J. M. Barrie


Juana Darirsis De los Santos Ferreras

ID: 100371677
Jame Matthew Barrie was a Scottish novelist and playwright best known for writing
Peter Pan, a fairy play which story was inspired by a couple of friends he once met.
Barrie also wrote many others plays, but none of them were as popular as Peter Pan;
nevertheless, they were also amazing writings that positively shaped Barrie’s carrier
through time.

On the other hand, Barrie, out of ten siblings is placed second. He accomplished his
superior education at Edinburgh University, and later he became a journalist as well.

Among all his writings, “The Will’’, a story that has as a setting a single room, can be
found. This story narrates the life of two people in an unsmiling way, but it also shares
some generosity within its scenes. The characters herein are MR. Devizes, Senior, MR.
Devices, Junior, Surtees (a clerk), Philip Ross, Emily Ross (Philip’s wife), Sennet ( a
clerk), and Creed, another clerk.

Jame Matthew Barrie’s “The Will’’ appears to illustrate the struggle that many families
go through when having a heritage to leave to relatives. The single fact of making up
one’s mind and make the correct decision according to one’s will seems no to be so
simple after all. This is not the typical lust story where since the very beginning the
main character is lusting after a certain amount of money and expecting the one with the
fortune to die. To the contrary, the reader can tell in the very first scene how generous
and kind these two people are and how alive their love is.

We all acknowledge that through time priorities change. We might find ourselves
having different perceptions about a matter that once used to be; therefore, that image
regarding so is no longer with us and this takes us to reconsider our previous resolution.
Even love might fade and become weaker due to routine and lack of innovation which I
do not think it was the case between Mr. Philip and Mrs. Emily, but certainly the
affection towards money grew during time and this created some sort of ambition that
eventually affected their relationship no so positively.

It is convenient to say that the idea of having our future pretty much defined and setting
boundaries when it comes to something that we indeed care about is phenomenal.
Nevertheless, it would not be dumb to be prepared just in case things turn out to be
completely dissimilar. For instance, here in this story Mr. Philip who was expected to
pass away first found himself under the circumstances of having to say good-bye to his
wife. His daughter and son due to their reckless behavior did not deserve a penny of that
said fortune. Mr. Philip ended up not clearly knowing what to do with his money, and
personally, I am still wondering what the destination of that money was. Did he help
out an ill person? Did he give any piece of advice to any couple so their love does not

Whatever the ending of this story was I think it was totally worth reading. I know many
people might feel identified with it because its message is not hard to be understood,
and even if it was I still keep my word of this being an interesting reading to do due to
the lesson it teaches us.

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