Flow Velocity: Measurement (Full Pipe) 1. DYE TESTING Is Done Into Two Phases, Main Line Dye Testing Examines Storm Sewers and Catch Basins Step 1

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2019

4TH YEAR BSCE / 1511117

1. DYE TESTING is done into two phases, main line dye testing examines storm sewers and catch basins
while residential dye testing in in homes.
Put an inducing dye in the storm sewer and check if there is a cross movement from the water from storm
to the sanitary.

Test the residential side of the system which will be the down spouts. introduce the dye and check if the
flow of the water makes its way into the sanitary lines.
Collect all the data gathered and check if there is a problem, cross connections between pipe lines.


When water flows in a pipe, friction occurs between the flowing water and the pipe wall, and between the
waters of water moving at different velocities in the pipe due to the viscosity of the water. The flow velocity
is zero at the pipe wall and maximum along the centerline of the pipe. Velocity of flow means the average
velocity over the cross section of the flow.



This is a method for measuring small and large water flow with medium accuracy. In this method, water-
staining dye is used instead of a float to measure the water flow.
Measure the time (t1, in seconds) it takes for the front of the dye stain to reach line BB.

Drop a small amount of dye in the middle of the stream a little above line AA. This will form a dye stain in the
Note: potassium permanganate and fluorescein are suitable dye solutions that may be available from chemical

Measure the time (t2, in seconds) it takes for the end of the dye stain to reach line BB.

Calculate the average time it takes the front and back of the dye stain to reach line BB by adding t 1 and t2 and
dividing the result by 2.
Calculate the water velocity (in m/s) by dividing the distance from AA to BB (in m) by the average time (in
Note: when you use a dye stain you do not have to multiply the water velocity by a correction factor as you do
when using a float.
Calculate the average cross-section of the stream
The water flow equals the water velocity multiplied by the average cross-section.


Step 1. Choose a suitable channel section with minimum turbulence (ideally at least 3 channel widths long).
Step 2. Mark the beginning and end of the distance your floating object will travel. We recommend 20 feet as a
minimum, but a travel time of around 20 seconds is best. The faster the velocity the harder it is to time the
travel over short distances.
Step 3. Throw your floating object into the stream upstream of your upstream marker.
Step 4. Start the timer when the object crosses the upstream marker and stop the timer when it crosses the
downstream marker.
Step 5. You should repeat the measurement at least 3 times and use the average feet per second by adding
the three measurements and dividing that number by 3.
Step 6. Measure stream’s width and depth across the downstream marker section. Be sure it is safe to wade,
before getting in the channel. Use a yard stick or staff gauge to measure the depth at regular intervals across
the channel. Taking ten depth measurements is the recommended minimum required but more will be better,
especially in larger channels (about every foot across).
Calculating the Area: (see image below)
To get an overall channel area measurement, simply measure the width of the channel and then take 10 or
more depth readings across the width. Try to take these depth readings about every 1 foot across (depending
on the width and uniformity of the channel).

After taking the depth readings you simply add up the depths and divide that number by how many depth
readings you measured. See example below:
Depth 1 Depth 2 Depth 3 Depth 4 Depth 5 Depth 6 Depth 7 Depth 8 Depth 9
.6 .9 1 1.1 1.2 .9 .7 .7 .6 .4
Add up the depth values to get 8.1 and divide that by the number 10 (10 is how many measurements were
made) the value you get is .81 – this is the average depth across the channel.
Now you can take the channel width (let’s say 6 feet) and multiply that by the average depth.
Area = 6 x .81
Area = 4.86 square feet
If my float measurements gave me an average surface velocity of 2.2 ft/s (feet per second), then I can
calculate the CFS discharge by using the discharge formula below.
CFS = Area x Velocity
CFS = 4.86 x 2.2
CFS = 10.69 (Cubic Feet per Second) or CFS x 448.83 = 4,797.99 GPM (converted CFS to GPM)
Adjusted Velocity (see note below) = 2.2 ft/s x .85 = 1.87 adjusted ft/s (feet per second)
New Estimated CFS – 4.86 Area x 1.87 ft/s = 9.136 CFS
NOTE: Surface velocities are typically higher than average overall channel velocity. To account for this, we
take the surface velocity measured, and multiply it by .85, to adjust the overall velocity to be more
representative of the slower velocities under the surface. For example, if your surface velocity measurement is
2 ft/s (feet per second) and you multiply that by .85 you will get 1.7 ft/s, this will most likely be a better value to
use in your flow calculation for the overall discharge rate.
Tip: To improve accuracy in very wide channels you can take more velocity readings by dropping the float in
different locations across the width of the channel. Take a few extra measurements, and then average those
Feel free to call us at (435) 755-0774 if you have questions.


1. Notch weir (FOR OPEN CHANNEL)

 Used to determine flows from open water sources such as streams.
(1) Fill the overhead tank & maintain constant overflow.
(2) Start filling the v-notch tank with water up to the v-notch & obtain steady state.
(3) Allow water to flow through v-notch after getting steady state.
(4) Measure the head of water above v-notch from inclined manometer.
(5) Note down volumetric flow rate through v-notch.
(6) Similarly take readings for different flow rate & head over the v-notch.
2. Orifice plate (FOR PIPES)

These plates are generally installed by trapping it between two pipe flanges.
The calculation for incompressible (liquid) flow is described by the incompressible Bernoulli equation, as
long as the flow is sub-sonic ( < mach 0.3).

1. The detail of the fluid movement inside the pipe and orifice plate has to be understood.
2. The fluid having uniform cross section of flow converges into the orifice plate’s opening in its upstream.
When the fluid comes out of the orifice plate’s opening, its cross section is minimum and uniform for a
particular distance and then the cross section of the fluid starts diverging in the down stream.
3. At the upstream of the orifice, before the converging of the fluid takes place, the pressure of he fluid
(P1) is maximum. As the fluid starts converging, to enter the orifice opening its pressure drops. When
the fluid comes out of the orifice opening, its pressure is minimum (p2) and this minimum pressure
remains constant in the minimum cross section area of fluid flow at the downstream.
4. This minimum cross sectional area of the fluid obtained at downstream from the orifice edge is called
5. The differential pressure sensor attached between points 1 and 2 records the pressure difference (P1 –
P2) between these two points which becomes an indication of the flow rate of the fluid through the pipe
when calibrated.
3. Venturi Flow meter (FOR PIPES)


1. The fluid whose flow rate is to be measured enters the entry section of the venturi meter with a
pressure P1.
2. As the fluid from the entry section of venturi meter flows into the converging section, its pressure keeps
on reducing and attains a minimum value P2 when it enters the throat. That is, in the throat, the fluid
pressure P2 will be minimum.
3. The differential pressure sensor attached between the entry and throat section of the venturi meter
records the pressure difference(P1-P2) which becomes an indication of the flow rate of the fluid through
the pipe when calibrated.
4. The diverging section has been provided to enable the fluid to regain its pressure and hence its kinetic
energy. Lesser the angle of the diverging section, greater is the recovery.

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