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HappyTap Bangladesh Ltd.

Business Travel Policy

Version: 1.0
Effective: 01 January 2018

The official of the business must follow these rules during their tour. The rules are provisional and
may be amended to accommodate the needs if necessary. However, all amendments must be done
at the Corporate Office based on the proposals forwarded from the units/projects. The proposal that
may be forwarded by the units should also be on practical problems encountered during travel. In
addition, the Authority may also change the rules as situation demands. In any case, the attached
travel policy is to be followed till there is no other corrigendum on this.
Note: These Travel Rules are effective from February 01, 2018.

A. Travel Expenses:
Business Travel Expenses means the reimbursable expenses to an Officer/Staff/Worker when
he/she undertake an official tour within or beyond his/her place of posting.

B. Per Diem
- Only available when the distance from duty station is more than 30km
- Per diem shall be calculated for an individual on the basis of overnight stay outside the duty
station and the distance is not less than 30 KM, the principle of adjustment for departure and
return being as follows:
If an individual departs from his/her station before noon (AN) and does not return same
day, then he or she will be entitled to Full Rate.
ii. If an individual departs from his/her office at FN or before AN but returns within office
hour, then he or she will be entitled will be entitled to Half Rate.
If an individual departs from his/her office after FN & at AN and does not return before
10 pm same day, then he/she will be entitled to Half Rate.

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C. Procedure:
All travels should be related entirely to the Company's business only. Officials should obtain 'Tour
Program' and a 'Travel Order' I movement pass duly approved by the Administrative Head before
proceeding for the official tour.
On return from tour, Officials shall immediately submit a Tour Report within the following day
after returning from the Tour to the authority concerned.

D. Advance Payment:
Cash advances to the tune of 75% of the total entitlement may be paid to the official to cover the
expenses, which will be adjusted on submission of proper bills/vouchers and tour report on
completion of the tour. No advance shall be permissible to the officer(s) who have failed to
properly adjust the advances received previously.

E. Mode of Transport (Out Station)

Grade Identity Entitlement (Actual Fare)
Director/GM/Equivalent Actual
Manager/Dy. Manager/Dy. Project Manager/ AC Bus, Train First Class, Auto Rickshaw etc.
Equivalent First class River Craft (Single Cabin)

Sr. Officer/ Officer/Equivalent Bus, Train (Shovon), Auto Rickshaw etc.

Jr. Officer and all other Staff Bus, Train, Auto Rickshaw (where Bus,
Rickshaw is not available)

F. Entitlement of Allowances:
1. Headquarter Allowances:

i. Fixed Headquarter Meal Allowance:

Grade Identity Lunch

Director/ 300
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Manager/Dy. 250
Manager/Dy. Project

Sr. Officer/Officer/ 130


Jr. Officer and all other 100


The above allowance is applicable for incumbents on office duty. This allowance will be considered
irrespective of any travel made. This is fixed allowance and reimbursement doesn’t require any bill or

ii. Headquarter Outstation:

Grade Identity B/Fast Lunch Dinner Iftari Shehri TA

Director/ Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

Manager/Dy. 100 250 250 100 170 As per
Manager/Dy. Project Entitlemen
Manager/Equivalent t

Sr. Officer/Officer/ 60 130 130 75 130 As per

Equivalent Entitlemen
Jr. Officer and all other 50 120 120 75 120 As per
Staff Entitlemen
The above allowances are applicable only to those, who are on duty beyond, office and performing
duties in Bank, Court or other offices during the time of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner or Iftar and Sehri
and while on bona fide journey for official purpose. An individual will be either entitled with DA or
Food Allowance. Moreover, Food Allowance mentioned above is applicable for all stations. Bills or
cash memos are to be submitted for reimbursement

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2. Out Station Allowance:

a. Dhaka, Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, Sylhet, Khulna:

Grade Identity Hotel Fare Meal Travel Fare T A (Local)

Director/Sr.GM/GM/ Actual Actual Actual Actual


Manager/Dy, Manager/Dy. 3000 1200 As per As per

Project Manager/ Equivalent Entitlement Entitlement

Sr. Officer/Officer/Equivalent 1500 800 As per As per

Entitlement Entitlement
All other Staff 1000 600 As per As per
Entitlement Entitlement
Note: Hotel is entitled when an individual moves beyond his work station for minimum 80 km , unless
an emergency occurs.

b. Rest of Bangladesh:
Grade Identity Hotel Fare Meal Travel Fare T A (Local)

Director/Sr.GM/GM/ Actual Actual Actual Actual

Manager/Dy. Manager/Dy. 2500 1200 As per As per
Project Manager/Equivalent Entitlement Entitlement

Sr. Officer/Officer/Equivalent 1200 800 As per As per

Entitlement Entitlement
Jr. Officer and All other Staff 800 600 As per As per
Entitlement Entitlement

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NB: All above entitlements must be supported by proper bills/money receipts. However, Chauffer
accompanying the Officer will get Tk. 400 as hotel fare every day.


DA = Daily Allowance, T A = Travelling Allowance, LJ = Long Journey,

Daily Allowance means — Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Others

CHO means, Corporate Head Office/Head/Head Office/Work Station and within the distance of 30 km
from Head Office.

Out Station means, the area beyond the CHO.

If anyone needs to stay overnight, he/she will get Hotel Fare and Daily Allowance.

The above entitlements may be amended from time to time, depending upon the operational
requirement of the Company.

3. Local Travelling:

The Officers, Staff/Workers requiring local travel (i.e. within his/her Corporate Head
Office/Factory Area) shall be paid actual conveyance expenses for Taxi Cab, Auto Rickshaw,
Bus or Rickshaw as the case may be if they do not use Company transport.

a. Mode of Transport (Local Travelling):

Grade Identity Entitlement (Actual Fare)
Director/Sr. GM/GM/Equivalent Actual

Manager/Dy. Manager/Dy. Project Manager/ AC Bus, Taxi Cab, Auto Rickshaw, Rickshaw
Equivalent etc.

Sr. Officer/Officer/Equivalent Bus, Rickshaw

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Jr. Officer and All other Staff Bus, Rickshaw

Final Approval of the expense is to be done by the concerned Head of Dept. after proper verification
by the respective supervisor. Based on this approval, the Finance & Accounts department will arrange
necessary payment after proper checking.

Out Station Allowance (Overnight Staying) includes, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Travelling Allowance
and Hotel Fare, supported with proper bills, vouchers and tour reports.

Tickets and vouchers must support in case of long journey and staying in the hotel.

For any ambiguity/confusion, please clarify from undersigned.

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