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Electrically powered endless hoist
for man-riding

Original Operating Instructions

T 1020 P

X 300 P
X 500 P
X 720 P
X 820 P
X 1030 P

This instruction manual must be available for the

TIRAK® user at all times
series Additional copies may be obtained on request.
X 2050 P
Page Page

Information for this manual 2 4.5 Slack wire rope

4.5.1 Slack wire ropes 14
Notes for manufacturers of 4.5.2 Use of rope winders 14
suspended suspended access equipment 3
4.6 Electric connections 15
Explanation of symbols used 3 4.7 Electric controls
1. Safety Advice 4 4.7.1 Push button control UP/DOWN 15
4.7.2 Examples for central control 16
2. Exclusion of non-intended use 5 4.8 Wire rope installation
3. Machine Description 4.8.1 Preparing the rope 16
4.8.2 Lifting rope installation 17
3.1 Purpose 5 4.8.3 Safety rope installation 17
3.2 Working principle 5
5. Operation
3.3 Allowed TIRAK® wire rope for
man-riding 5 5.1 Checks before starting 18
3.4 Noise emission 5 5.2 Daily checks 18
3.5 Main components and 5.3 Weekly checks of wire rope and cable 19
operating controls 6 5.4 Operation
3.6 Technical data 5.4.1 Stop / EMERGENCY-STOP 19
3.6.1 TIRAK® hoists 6 5.4.2 Service operation 20
3.6.2 BLOCSTOP® 5.5 Manual operation
Fall arrest device 7 5.5.1 Emergency descent 20
3.7 Typical examples 7 5.5.2 Manual lifting 20
5.6 Action in the event of operation
3.8 Safety devices
of the fall arrest device 21
3.8.1 Primary brake 8 6. Troubleshooting 22-24
3.8.2 Emergency STOP 8
3.8.3 Phase control relay 8 7. Out of operation 24
3.8.4 Load limiting device 8
3.8.5 Manual operation 8 8. Maintenance
3.8.6 Fall arrest devices 9 8.1 Maintenance
3.8.7 Upper limit switch 10 8.1.1 Hoist 25
3.9 Residual risks 10 8.1.2 Wire rope 25
8.1.3 Motor, brake, and gear box 25
4. Setting up 8.1.4 BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device 25
4.1 General 10 8.2 Checks
4.2 Required equipment 10 8.2.1 Essential checks 25-26
4.3 Anchoring the TIRAK® hoist 8.2.2 Safety inspection 27
4.3.1 Anchoring devices and 8.3 Repair 27
dimensions 11
4.3.2 Anchoring the TIRAK® hoist 11 9. Spare parts
4.4 Installation of the fall arrest device 9.1 Hoist 28
4.4.1 Evidence of carrying capacity 12 9.2 Motor and brake 28
4.4.2 Dimensions of BSA devices 12
9.3 Elektric control 28
4.4.3 Dimensions of BSO devices 12
9.4 BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device 28
4.4.4 Anchoring the fall arrest device 13
4.4.5 Connection to the 9.5 Nameplates and labels 28-29
TIRAK® control system 14

Information for this Operating and Maintenance Manual

Date of edition Address of the manufacturer:

GREIFZUG Hebezeugbau GmbH
1. Edition: January 2002 Scheidtbachstraße 19-21
51469 Bergisch Gladbach
Copyright Germany
The copyright of these assembly and operating Telefon: +49 / 22 02 / 10 04-0
instructions shall remain with the manufacturer. Telefax: +49 / 22 02 / 10 04-50 or -70

For addresses of other TRACTEL Group Companies see page 32.

Notes for manufacturers of suspended access equipment

The manufacturer of “Suspended access equip-
ment (SAE)” (working platforms, baskets, seats or
similar) into which a TIRAK® device with corre-
sponding BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device is installed, Susp
must indicate all notes of these operating in- Susp and ns
structions required for safe use at the ende
d pla
appropriate point of the instructions which the s
manufacturer must prepare for the SAE. Orig
oper ssembly
Merely enclosing these instructions ation a
instr nd
does not satisfy the requirements of the ns
EC Machinery Directive or of the applicable stand-

Users of “Suspended access equipment” from

GREIFZUG GmbH or from another company of
the TRACTEL Group shall receive the complete
instructions for the corresponding installation.

Explanation of symbols used

Safety advice

Symbol Code word Meaning Possible consequences of non-compliance

DANGER possibly imminant Fatal or serious injuries!
STOP danger:
DANGER possibly imminant
danger through Fatal or serious injuries!
CAUTION dangerous Injuries to persons
situation: or damage to property.

Other advice
Attention dangerous Damage to appliance.
situation: or its surroundings.

Important Useful tips for

optimum working: None

(without code word) Instruction to operation/

documentation in writing.

1. Safety advice

Follow all instructions and safety

regulations contained in this
manual to avoid injuries.
l) When using self-locking nuts please observe the
a) TIRAK® hoists for man-riding with BLOCSTOP® following:
fall arrest devices are designed for installation in
“Suspended access equipment (SAE)”. – the screw must protrude from the nut with at
least half of its thread diameter;
b) TIRAK® hoists with standard electric equipment
must not be used in a potentially explosive at- – do not re-use nuts if they can be unscrewed
mosphere1). by hand!
c) Anchoring, maintenance, and/or the operation of m) DO NOT overload the TIRAK® hoist.
a TIRAK® hoist must only be done by persons, n) Use only the prescribed TIRAK® rope in perfect
who are familiar with it. Employees must have condition. Use only normally commercially avail-
received the instruction to anchor, maintain, and/ able multi-purpose greases for the required
or operate the hoist by their employer. lubrication of the rope. Do not use any lubricants
d) They must be familiar with the relevant accident containing disulphide (e.g. Molycote®).
prevention regulations e.g. “Hoists, lifting and pull- o) When using a rope other than the prescribed
ing devices”, “load carrying devices in hoist TIRAK® rope, the warranty entitlement given by
operation”, “safety requirements on suspended GREIFZUG Hebezeugbau GmbH or other com-
access equipment (EN 1808)” etc. and have been pany of the TRACTEL Group shall not apply.
instructed accordingly.
They must have read and understood the assem- p) The electrical connection of the TIRAK® hoists
bly and operating instructions prepared by the as well as of electrical accessories must be car-
manufacturer of the SAE. ried out in accordance with EN 60204-1.
e) If more than one person is entrusted with one of q) Checks and repairs to the electrical system must
the above mentioned activities, the manufacturer only be performed by qualified electricians.
of the SAE must designate a supervisor who is r) Other checks and repairs must only be performed
authorised to give instructions. by GREIFZUG Hebezeugbau GmbH, other com-
f) Only TIRAK® hoists, BLOCSTOP® fall arrest de- pany of the TRACTEL Group or a hoist workshop.
vices, ropes, anchoring devices as well as leads s) GREIFZUG Hebezeugbau GmbH or an other com-
and control cables in good condition must be pany of TRACTEL Group shall assume no liability
used. for damage as a result of conversions and altera-
g) The safety equipment supplied with the TIRAK® tions to the devices supplied by itself or as a
hoist (e.g. the BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device) result of the use of non-original parts.
must be assembled on the SAE.
The manufacturer of the SAE is respon-
sible for the installation of the limit
switches for LIFTING and if applicable
h) Before starting with the assembly, please check
that all parts are complete and defect-free.
i) Anchor TIRAK® hoist and BLOCSTOP® fall arrest
device so that the lifting or safety ropes are verti-
k) Only anchor TIRAK® hoist and BLOCSTOP® fall
arrest device at the points provided for this pur-
pose (connection rods, anchor points, or load

1) TIRAK® hoists can be supplied for these applications on request.

2. Exclusion of non-intended use

Use of standard TIRAK® hoists and other equipment for man-riding

under the following conditions is prohibited:
– at temperatures below -10 °C or above +50 °C,
for X 1030 to 2050 P series below -15 °C or above +80 °C
(for advice regarding gearbox oils for lower/higher temperatures
see chapter 8.3);
– in potentially explosive atmosphere.
Machines for these conditions can be supplied on request.

3. Machine description

3.1 Purpose 3.3 Allowed TIRAK® wire rope for

TIRAK® hoists of the series man-riding

X 300 P, X 500 P, X 720 P, X 820 P,

X 1030 P, T 1020 P und X 2050 P for TIRAK®-Series Wire-rope-Ø
are portable, electric driven hoists for
X 300 P 8 mm
Lifting and Lowering X 500 P
X 720 P 9 mm
“Suspended access equipment” X 820 P
by means of a TIRAK® wire rope prescribed by T 1020 P
the manufacturer.
X 1030 P 10 mm
This wire rope is mandatory for the safe and
troublefree working with TIRAK® hoists.
X 2050 P 14 mm

Identification: one red strand.

Diamater indication on the ferrule:

Fig. 1

Indication G
on the B
ferrulle: 8
example for

8 mm dia.
3.2 Working principle
A TIRAK® hoist is installed on suspended access
equipment with which it moves up and down on wire
For either lifting or lowering there is one correspond-
ing push button. 3.4 Noise emission
The wire rope is driven through the winch with con- TIRAK®-Series (Distance 1 m)
stantly equal safety, and the length of wire rope i. e. X 300 P: .................................................................................. max. 72 dB(A)
the possible pulling length, is practically unlimited.
X 500/720/820/1030 P, T 1020 P: ...... max. 70 dB(A)
All TIRAK® hoists referred to in 3.1 have an integrated
load limiting device. X 2050 P .......................................................................... max. 78,5 dB(A)

3.5 Main components and operating controls

Fig. 2a TIRAK® Fig. 2b TIRAK®

Series Series
X 300 P T 1020 P
X 500 P
6 8
X 720 P
6 X 820 P
X 1030 P
2 5

3 7

c 7 Fig. 2d
b 4a c b
1 2


Fig. 2c
X 2050 P
7 6

1. Wire rope drive

5 mechanism
2. Motor
3. Gearbox
2 4. Controls
a with central control box
1 b at the terminal box
c with pendant control, mounted on the terminal
d with pendant control, with connector
5. Where appliable: connector to the central control
3 box
6. Always: connector to the upper limit switch
(at the TIRAK® terminal box)
7. Brake release lever
8. Lifting rope

3.6 Technical Data
3.6.1 TIRAK® Hoists Design according to DIN 15 020, transmission group 1 Bm or1 Cm.
Technical modifications reserved.

Type TIRAK® Dead-

Rope Rated- Dimensions
Hoist Capacity of Output rope weight
speed Current
drive Ø approx. a b c
TIRAK® Model kg2) m/min –3) kW A mm kg4) mm mm mm
X 300 P 300 9 D 0,5 1,6 8 28 437 272 285
X 302 P 18 D 0,9 2,6 8 28 437 272 285
X 301 P 9 W 0,5 4,5 8 29 476 272 285
X 500 P 500 9 D 0,9 2,8 8 39 485 297 250
X 502 P 18 D 1,8 5,0 8 39 495 297 250
X 503 P 9/18 D 0,9/1,8 2,8/5,1 8 41 495 297 250
X 501 P 9 W 0,9 6,5 8 43 546 297 256
X 720 P 700 9 D 1,5 3,9 9 43 546 297 256
X 820 P 800 9 D 1,25 4,0 9 48 525 297 285
X 822 P 18 D 3,5 7,0 9 60 563 307 285
X 823 P 9/18 D 1,75/3,5 4,5/9,0 9 61 563 307 315
T 1020 P 800 9 D 1,9 4,6 9 74 577 320 315
T 1023 P 9/18 D 1,9/3,6 5,5/9,5 9 84 645 320 315
X 1030 P 1000 9 D 1,9 4,6 10 48 525 297 285
X 1032 P 18 D 3,6 9,5 10 60 563 307 285
X 1033 P 9/18 D 1,9/3,6 5,5/9,5 10 61 563 307 315
X 2050 P 2000 6 D 2,2 6 14 85 650 400 340
X 2052 P 12 D 5,5 12 14 110 660 400 350

Table 1 1) Hoist to 9 m/min = Driving group 1Bm, Hoists over 9 m/min = Driving group 1Cm
2) If the capacity is not sufficient in direct pull, multiply it by reeving the rope according to the block and tackle principle.
3) D = 415 V three phase current; W =110/220 V single phase current.
4) Weight without wire rope. 5) With load limiting device. 6) 60 % Operating rate at 12 m/min.

3.6.2 BLOCSTOP® Fall arrest device

Fig. 3 Safety rope

a c rope




BSA 15-301 BSA 20-303 BSA 35-305 BSO 500 BSO 1020 BSO 2050
BSA 20-330 BSO 1030

for max. TIRAK® Dead The BLOCSTOP®-Models BSO… can

Fall Dimensions
arrest device
Capacity wire rope Rope weight if desired be equipped with a limit
speed Ø approx. a b c switch which stops the downward travel
BLOCSTOP Model kg 1)
m/min mm kg mm mm mm of the assigned hoist in the event of
BSA 15-301 500 – 8 4 286 191 76
the BLOCSTOP® being closed.
BSA 20-303 800 – 9 6 350 222 76
BSA 20-330 1000 – 10 6 350 222 76
BSA 35-305 2000 – 14 10,5 395 313 90
BSO 500 500 18 8 4,7 214 121 131
BSO 1020 800 18 9 6 251 140 131
BSO 1030 1000 18 10 6 251 140 131
BSO 2050 2000 18 14 14 408 150 183 Table 2

3.7 Typical Examples (Schematical Drawing)

Fig. 4a Fig. 4b
3 3
7 4 7 4



1 1

Fall arrest device
Platform 2b BLOCSTOP® BSO
with Fall arrest device Platform
end 5 3 Lifting rope with
suspension 4 Safety rope rear
5 Tensioning weight suspension
on safety rope
6 Upper limit switch
Fig. 4c 7 Buffer plate for Fig. 4d
upper limit switch
3 4
7 7

6 6



Working cage Working seat

3.8 Safety devices
Fig. 5
Control for
3.8.1Primary brake
1 2
Electromagnetic brake wich closes automatically Speed Speed
– if the UP/DOWN-button is released
– in case of power supply failure.
3.8.2 Emergency Stop
Pushing the red EMERGENCY STOP button in case
of emergency completely switches off the hoist con- STOP
trol. To start after clearing the problem, turn the
EMERGENCY-STOP button clockwise until it re-
Fig. 6

3.8.3 Phase control relay Phase inverter

On hoists with 3-phase motors, the integrated phase in CE-plug
control relay stops the operation, if the phases are
reversed. This prevents wrong coordination of the
UP/DOWN-buttons, which would prevent operation of Reducing the switch-off threshold value
the load limiting device as well as the upper limit Setting to a lower threshold value e.g. as a result of a
switch. lower carrying capacity of the suspended access
Correction: turn the phase inverter of the plug by equipment, can only be carried out by a qualified
180° (Fig. 6). electrician or a hoist workshop (fig. 7):
A Pre-setting
A.1 Nominal curent
3.8.4 Load limiting device Turn upper regulator to the right as far as the Electronic load limiting device stop.
The load limiting device is set by the manufacturer in A.2 Start-bridging
such a manner that it switches off the lifting move- Turn lower regulator to the right as far as the
ment at the latest when the load has reached 1.25 stop.
times the rated capacity of the hoist. A warning signal
(lamp or buzzer) must be provided for on the control
Fig. 7 Electronic load limiting device
box which notifies the operator of the overload.
Possible causes for switching off: A1 11 K I1 I2

– overloading of the suspended access equipment, U

(L) (L)
10A 5A IN = 5 A, 10 A ~
possibly as a result of unfavourable load distribu- 40
80 U
N Speicher R

tion, or 10 % 100 A1 A2 K
10 A

I1 I2 Y1 Y2 12 11 14 GREIFZUG

– the suspended access equipment being blocked 11 START

Y1 Y2
Hysterese (= IS x 0,5)

by an obstacle during upward travel. 12 14 R

0,5 s START

Action following switching off: TIH4X-G µ 5A 250V~ 1000VA

Press DOWN button, 12 14 Y1 Y2 A2

– until the suspended access equipment is once

again on the ground and reduce the load to such B. Setting
an extent that, or redistribute it until there is no (Example for Tirak X 500 P)
longer any overload
B.1 Setting the overload
Attach overload = rated load + 25 %
– until the suspended access equipment is free
(e. g. 625 kg)
from the obstacle which must be removed before
travel is continued. During the lifting of the overload turn the upper
regulator to the left until the hoist stops.
Function of the load limiting device
Lower overload until the rope is slack.
The electronic load limiting device reacts to the cur-
rent consumption of the motor. The overload is Again lift overload – the hoist must stop as soon
detected during lifting. as it comes under load.

B.2 Setting the rated load 3.8.6 Fall arrest devices
Attach rated load (e. g. 500 kg) and lift the Suspended access equipment must be equipped with
nominal load from ground. a fall arrest device which secures the load against
Turn lower regulator to the left as far as the falling using a safety rope.
stop. The two systems available from the manufacturer of
Press UP button – the hoist must stop immedi- the TIRAK® hoists are described below.
Following each stopping of the hoist during BLOCSTOP® Model BSA
this setting procedure, press the DOWN button
shortly so that the upward travel is again possi- The fall arrest device model BLOCSTOP® BSA is
ble. opened by the loaded lifting rope (fig. 9) and secures
the suspended access equipment against:

Step by step a) rupture of the lifting rope,

– turn the lower regulator slightly to the right, b) failure of the hoist,
– then press UP button,
c) interlocking/becoming caught during downward
until lifting of the suspended nominal load is
travel with the result that the lifting rope is no
longer under tension,
Important note for TIRAK® with 2 speeds
d) inclined position of more than the maximum ad-
(pole changing motor):
missible 14° (on suspended platforms with the
The control system contains 2 load limiting
two hoists attached at the ends).
devices, the setting must be carried out for
both speeds. BLOCSTOP® model BSO Mechanical load limiting device
The fall arrest device model BLOCSTOP® BSO is
The load limiting device is installed in the rope drive released manually (fig. 10).
and switches off the UPWARD travel in the event of
The speed of the safety rope is constantly monitored
and the clamping mechanism closed automatically in
A warning signal (lamp/buzzer) is triggered which the event of a sudden occurrence of excessive speed.
does not go off until the cause of the overload has As a result, the suspended access equipment is se-
been removed. cured against
Possible causes for the switching off: a) rupture of the lifting rope and
– overload of the suspended access equipment, b) failure of the hoist
possibly as a result of unfavourable load distribu-
By pressing the EMERGENCY STOP button the fall
arrest device can also be closed manually in an emer-
or gency. This offers the advantage that a defective
hoist can be replaced on the hanging man-riding de-
– the suspended access equipment being blocked
by an obstacle during upward travel
The viewing window serves to enable to check the
Action following switching off:
operation of the centrifugal weights during service.
– reduce load to such an extent that, or redistribute
it until there is no longer any overload,
See section 5.6 on page 25 for action in the event
of operation of the fall arrest device.
– move downwards until the suspended access
equipment is free from the obstacle which must
be removed before travel is continued.
Fig. 8
3.8.5 Manual operation
Details in chapter 5.5 on page 25. Emergency Descent
In case of power failure you can manually open
the brake with lever (1) (Fig. 8). 1 Manual lifting
With the brake opened the suspended ac-
cess equipment can be lifted with the hand
wheel (2) placed on the motor shaft. (Fig. 8).

Fig. 9
Platform in
safety rope excessively
lifting rope inclined
lifting rope
a) to c) Case d)

Fig. 10


3.8.7 Upper limit switch 3.9 Residual risks

For each TIRAK hoist a limit switch must be assem- CAUTION!
bled at the upper end of the support frame/support The following risks are not constructively
stirrup of the suspended access equipment which covered for the TIRAK® hoist and the
stops operation of upward travel when pressed BLOCSTOP® fall arrest devices:
(fig. 11).
a) The load limiting device is set to the maximum
rated capacity of the respective hoist; the manu-
Fig. 11 facturer of the suspended access equipment must
Rope anchor
check whether the admissible overall weight of
his installation (own weight + working load) cor-
responds to this value.
Should a lower value be necessary,
Limit switch
buffer plate – have electronic load limiting device set by
qualified personnel;
(see section 3.8.4 load limiting device)
lifting rope Upper limit
switch – have mechanical load limiting device set by
the manufacturer.
b) The electronic load limiting device only de-
A buffer plate must be assembled underneath the tects an overload during lifting/upward travel.
rope anchor on the lifting rope which triggers the limit Therefore special care must be given to the dis-
switch. If possible the interval (a) to the rope anchor tribution of the loads.
should be 1.5 metres or more.
c) The BLOCSTOP® fall arrest devices only fulfil
With projecting components attach the buffer plate their safety function if the safety rope between
sufficiently well below the rope anchor that the sus- rope anchor and BLOCSTOP® is tensioned (no
pended access equipment stops in good time. slack rope!).
Attention! If the limit switch has been triggered, Therefore on safety ropes hanging down loosely,
press the DOWN button until the limit switch is a counterweight must always be secured 20 cm
again switched free. above the ground (see 4.8.3).

4. Setting up
4.1 General
The manufacturer of the suspended access equip-
ment is responsible for ensuring that the device,
including the suspension construction, conforms to
the applicable standards.
Required equipment
a) TIRAK® hoist(s) of correct capacity, speed and d) Electric supply cable of correct type and required
voltage with load limiting device. length, with correct number of wires and cross
sectional area.
b) Fall arrest device(s), e.g. BLOCSTOP® machine(s)
with at least the same capacitiy as the TIRAK® e) Pulleys for diverting or reeving the wire rope of
hoist(s) in use. sufficient strength and diameter.
c) TIRAK® wire rope with correct diameter and of Check condition of all components.
sufficient length. Also multi-purpose grease to
lubricate the rope

4.3 Anchoring the TIRAK® hoist

4.3.1 Anchoring devices and

Anchoring devices

– Series X 300/500/720/820 P and X

1030 P when screwing the housing
to the points (A):
M10x… screws, at least grade 8.8
with self-locking nuts;
Table 3
– series X 300/500/720/820 P and X
1030 P when anchoring by means of
the adapter (Fig. 14): Dimensions [mm]

M12x…screws, at least grade 8.8 for TIRAK® Series

with self-locking nuts;
X 300 P X 500/720/820 P T 1020 P X 2050 P
– Series X 500/720/820/1030 P when X 1030 P
screwing the housing to point (B):
a 255 300 449 570
M16x… screws, at least grade 8.8
with self-locking nuts; b 220 267 250 360
c 60 60 56 117
– Series T 1020 P at points (C + D): Ød 10.5 10.5 - 16,1
M16x… screws, at least grade 8.8 e - 35 - 45
with self-locking nuts; e1 - - - 35
– Series X 2050 P when screwing the f - 67 - 132
housing to the points (A): g - 26 28 40
M16x… screws, at least grade 8.8 h - 19 14 27
with self-locking nuts; h1 - - - 70
Øi - 16.5 16.5 30,1
– Series X 2050 P when screwing to k 112 100 - -
point (B): l 40 40 - 70
M30x… screws, at least grade 8.8
m 12 12 - -
with self-locking nuts;
n 98 98 - -
Instead of the screws, bolts or similar o 32 32 - -
with at least the same strength can p 26 26 - -
be used. Øq 13 13 - -

Fig. 12 Fig. 13

a B f

Ød A
A b g
b c
Series X 300 P c
X 500/720/820/1030 P

k o n

l m
Fig. 14

Adapter (optional)
for Series X 300/500/720/820/1030 P

Fig. 15 Fig. 16


Ød B
Øi c
b h l
g b
h1 h
Series T 1020 P c
Series X 2050 P

4.3.2 Anchoring the TIRAK® hoist
Fig. 17 wire rope
Attention: under load
ALWAYS anchor the TIRAK® hoist in such
way that the wire rope enters the hoist per-
pendicularly, when under load (Fig. 17 to 19). A3

A) TIRAK®-Series
X 300 / 500 / 720 / 820 / 1030 P
(Fig. 17) A1 A2

– Anchor TIRAK® hoist with bolt or Shackle at slack

point (B), or B wire rope
– anchor the TIRAK® hoist at least at two of
the four anchoring points (A); Series X 300/500/720/820/1030 P
allowed: A1<–>A2, A2<–>A3, A3<–>A4
NOT allowed: anchoring only Fig. 18
wire rope under load
at points A1<–>A3 or A1<–>A4 or A2<–>A4.
A4 A3
B) TIRAK®-Series X 2050 P
(Fig. 18)

– Anchor TIRAK® hoist with bolt or Shackle at

point (B).
Attention: for lateral
Support TIRAK® hoist with additional adapters anchoring
in the direction of pull.
– Or anchor the TIRAK® hoist at least at two of
the four anchoring points (A1 to A4); A1
allowed: A1<–>A2, A2<–>A3, A3<–>A4, A2
B slack
wire rope
NOT allowed: anchoring only
at points A1<–>A3 or A1<–>A4 or A2<–>A4. Series X 2050 P

flat steel 60 x 12,

Attention: 165 long
It must be ensured by means of the mounting
(C) that the force is distributed evenly over
both anchoring points. Square tube
120 x 4.5, DIN 59410

Wire rope
Fig. 19 under load
When planning the anchoring we recommend
consultation with the manufacturer.

C) TIRAK®-Series T 1020 P
(Fig. 19)

– Anchor the TIRAK® hoist at the two points

(C and D). C
In this respect the anchoring point at (C) must Slack wire
be sufficient for the full carrying capacity of rope
the hoist whilst the anchoring at (D) merely Series T 1020 P
serves to stabilise the hoist.

D) All TIRAK®-Hoists! Fig. 20

When using an anchor bolt with safety pin:
Check the correct position of the safety pin
according to Fig. 20

4.4 Installation of the fall arrest device Safety pin

4.4.1 Evidence of carrying capacity

The construction for hanging the safety rope as
well as the component to which the BLOCSTOP® fall
arrest device is anchored must have at least four
times the carrying capacity (against rupture) of the
This is necessary in order to cope with the dynamic BLOCSTOP® BSA 15-301
Fig. 21
load in the event of fall arresting.

4.4.2 Dimensions for BSA-Devices Lifting

Safety rope
rope c2
Dimensions in mm for BLOCSTOP® BSA
Dim. BSA 15-301 BSA 20-303/330 BSA 35-305
a 286 350 395
b1 191 222 313
b2 269 324 370
c1 34 37 53
c2 75 75 90
d 91 121 140 Øh
e 42.5 55 60 c1
f 14 25 28
g 20 19.5 22 g
e f
Øh 12.1 12.1 22.2 d
S 100 100 200
Table 4 c1 = Casing breadth; c2 = Breadth over all b2

Fig. 22 BLOCSTOP® BSA 20-303/330 Fig. 23 BLOCSTOP® BSA 35-305

Lifting c2
c2 Safety rope rope Safety rope


c1 c1

g g e
e f f
d d
b1 b1
b2 b2

4.4.3 Anchoring the fall arrest device
Fig. 24

– Anchor the BLOCSTOP® Device to both anchor

points (A) in such a manner (fig. 24) that there is
10 cm interval (S) BSA 15/20… or
20 cm interval (S) BSA 35-305 Applies
between safety rope and lifting rope to all BSA
models not
(fig. 21 to 23). illustrated.
– The component to which the BLOCSSTOP® type
BSA... is anchored must be connected rigidly to A
the suspended access equipment.
Otherwise the BLOCSTOP® cannot function as
an inclination limiting device (fig. 25).
Fig. 25
Protect BLOCSTOP® devices against dirt!
(Details see page 17).

Anchoring devices
BSA 15-301 / 20-303 / 20-330:
M12x… screws, at least grade
8.8 with self-locking nuts;
BSA 35-305:
M22x… screws, at least grade
8.8 with self-locking nuts;
or bolts or similar with at least the
same strength.

B) ®
BLOCSTOP BSO 500 und anchoring
BSO 1020/1030 not permitted!

(Installation dimensions on page 18)

a) The interval between safety and lifting rope is
not laid down; however it should be kept as small
as possible.
b) Anchor the BLOCSTOP® device to the anchor-
ing point (A) in such a manner that the safety
rope runs vertically into the opening of the Fig. 26
BLOCSTOP® (fig. 26). If necessary guide the 90° 90°
safety rope over deflection pulleys.
Attention: Do not fully tighten screw; the AUF AUF
BLOCSTOP® models BSO 500 and BSO STOP
1020/1030 must be capable of swivelling
around the anchoring point (A). A

Anchoring devices
M12x… screws, at least grade 8.8
with self-locking nuts;
or bolts or similar with at least the BSO 500 BSO 1020/1030
same strength.

C) BLOCSTOP® BSO 2050 Fig. 27

90° 90°
(Installation dimensions on page 18)
a) The interval between safety and lifting rope is
not laid down; however it should be kept as
small as possible.
b) The anchoring component must be provided for
at an appropriate interval to the hoist on the Fig. 28
suspended access equipment and indeed in such
a manner that the safety rope runs vertically
into the opening of the BLOCSTOP® (fig. 27).
The anchoring component (a) must consist of
two brackets so that the BLOCSTOP® is linked
to this on both sides (fig.28).
c) Connect both anchor points of the BLOCSTOP®
to the anchor component (a) of the working plat-
form with bolts (b).
Bolt diameter: 22 mm
Minimum quality: c
Grade 8.8 (800 N/mm2 ≅ 800 MPa)
d) The bolts must be secured against loss by fore- a
locks (c) or equal value securing elements. BLOCSTOP® BSO 2050

Protect BLOCSTOP® devices against dirt! This applies in particular during work with air-
placed concrete or with synthetic resin coatings
Take appropriate action for ensuring that or similar!
no debris is carried into the BLOCSTOP© by the
rope. Deposits of this nature can lead to malfunction
which endanger work safety!

Applies only for BSO models with built-in limit switch:

4.4.4 Connection to the

TIRAK® control system Function
If the BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device is closed, the Fig. 29 (Principle sketch)
control current for the downward travel of the as-
signed hoist will be interrupted. Connection ( fig. 29) Plug connection
A) Plug connection
Connect limit switch cable (a) to the control box of
the assigned hoist with plug connection. a
B) Fixed wired connection Fixed wired connection Hoist
Have limit switch cable (a) connected in the con- To be carried out control
trol box of the assigned hoist by a qualified by electrician!
electrician in accordance with the wiring diagram

4.4.5 Dimensions of BLOCSTOP® BSO models

Fig. 30 Fig. 31 d1 d2
d1 d2 Safety rope

Safety rope


g Øh
e c2
b c1 a1


f e c2
b c1
Fig. 32

d1 d2 BLOCSTOP® BSO 2050

Safety rope
Table 5

Dimensions in mm for BLOCSTOP® BSO

Dimension BS0 500 BSO 1020 BSO 2050
BSO 1030
a 214 251 408
a1 - - 70
Øh b 121 140 150
c1 131 131 183
c2 37 37 110
c3 - - 55
g d1 64 65 60
e c2 d2 20 20 27.5
b c1 e 40 56 35
f 12.5 12.5 60
g 21.5 21.5 36
BLOCSTOP® BSO 1020/1030 Øh 12.2 12.2 22.2

4.5 Slack wire rope

4.5.1 Free-hanging wire ropes 4.5.2 Use of rope winders
Always ensure that the wire rope exit is not obstructed! The loose, unloaded end of the rope can also be
stored on suitable rope winders (e.g. motor or spring
Use a diverter pulley or other wire rope guiding sys-
rope drums).
tems for the slack wire rope to prevent damage from
rubbing over sharp edges. Make sure that the slack When planning, we recommend consulting the manu-
wire rope facturer of the TIRAK® hoists regarding design and
arrangement of the rope winders.
– is freely hanging down and able to untwist itself
– is properly reeled to prevent the formation of

4.6 Electrical Connections
The manufacturer of the suspended access equip- TIRAK® Max.
ment is responsible for the connection of the TIRAK® Series
wire rope
speed 3 phase 1 Ph 3 Phase 1 Ph
hoists taking into consideration the wiring diagrams m/min 400V 230V 230V~ 400V 230V 230V~

provided. 9 A B C A D E
X 300 P
DANGER! 18 A C - B E -
The electrical connection for TIRAK® winches 9 A C E B E F
must conform to EN 60204-1. X 500 P
18 B E - D G -
The lead must be protected by fuse by the
9 A - F D - -
customer. X 720 P
18 B - - E - -
Always pull the plug out before opening a
central control! 9 B D - D - -
X 820 P
a) Ensure that the mains voltage is adequate for 18 C E - E - -
the motor of the TIRAK®: 9 B E - D F -
T 1020 P
– Three phase: 18 C F - F G -
400 V (3P + E + 0), 50 Hz, 9 B E - D - -
16 amp rated plug and socket X 1030 P
18 C F - F - -
– Single phase:
6 C F - F G -
230 V (2P + E), 50 Hz, X 2050 P
16 amp rated plug and socket 12 D F - F G -
If in doubt ask. Table 6a
b) To avoid power loss between power source
and the TIRAK® always use power cables with
adequate cross sectional area. For cable lengths up to ...
See tables 6a and 6b.
20 m 50 m 100 m 200 m
Table 1a A 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
indicates the reference letter of the TIRAK ®
Reference letter of table 1a

model and the mains supply voltage. B 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,5

Maximum speed must be used for TIRAK® with C 1,5 1,5 2,5 4
two speeds. D 1,5 2,5 4 6
Table 1b E 1,5 2,5 4 10
gives the minimum cable Fig. 33 F 1,5 4 10 16
cross section based on the
reference letter. G 2,5 6 10 16
c) Use only heavy duty cables Cross section (mm )
with incorporated strain relief.
Table 6b
d) Hanging cables longer than
30 m should be fixed by means
of a cable sleeve or cable clamp.
(Fig. 33).
e) When using a generator its out- Cable sleeve
put must be at least 2.5 times
greater than the TIRAK® power

Connect limit switch for the upward travel
limitation to the plug connection of the
TIRAK® terminal box.
For this see fig. 35 on page 20.
Wiring diagrams for the electrical connection are
in the TIRAK® terminal box, as well as in the
central control cabinet, if provided.

4.7 Electrical Controls

4.7.1 Function / Starting the hoist

Fig. 34
Push button control for UP/DOWN.
Control for
On TIRAK® with two speed motor: 1 2
half depressed = low speed Speed Speeds
fully depressed = high speed.


Button depressed = mains supply
interrupted. EMERGENCY
To START, turn the EMERGENCY-STOP button
clockwise until it releases.

4.7.2 Example of a central control:

Fig. 35
2 Central control
3 a UP-Button
1 2 b DOWN-Button
d Select-button for single or
d g common operation
1 2

a of the hoists
h NOT e Control cable to the
c f Power supply cable
g Warning light “overload”
h 230 V connections
for lamps or tools
3 Upper limit switch
e f

4.8 Wire rope installation

4.8.1 Preparing the wire ropes Fig. 36
Use gloves, when handling wire ropes. Indication B
on the ferrulle:
a) Use only TIRAK® wire ropes specified by the 8
example for

TIRAK® manufacturer. 8 mm dia.

b) Check correct diameter (Fig. 36) and sufficient
length of the wire rope.
c) Always unreel the wire rope in a straight line
Fig. 37
(Fig. 37), to prevent it from becoming unusable
because of loops.
d) Check the rope condition for damage:
– proper connections (thimble, ferrule); on wire
ropes with hook: hook is not bent, safety catch Wire rope with
is in place (Fig. 38); hook …
– the wire rope has no visible damage along its
total length; the fused and tapered end is ac- … with thimble
cording to Fig. 39.

e) Attention!
Never use the TIRAK® wire rope for fixing a Fig. 38
safety catch
Never let the wire rope rub over sharp edges!
Always ensure a clear rope exit! ferrule

Always keep it lightly lubricated!

Use normally commercially available multi-pur-
pose grease; do not use lubricants containing
disulphide (e.g. Molycote®).
If the anchoring point for the rope is above
the TIRAK® hoist, first anchor the rope and Fig. 39
then insert into the TIRAK® device. Ø

4.8.2 Lifting rope installation 2Ø

When using a fall arrest device of the models
BLOCSTOP® BSA... first insert the lifting rope Fig. 40
between roll and rope guide of the sensor
arm from above (fig. 40)! Lifting rope

a) Feed the wire rope as far as possible into the

wire rope entry (fig. 41).
b) Press UP-button, and push in the wire rope, until
it starts to reeve itself automatically and exits at
the opposite side. Applies
Attention! Release lever to all BSA
Never use DOWN button to install the wire models.
rope, the load limiting device will not function!
Ensure a clear rope exit (fig. 41)!

Fig. 41


Ensure a clear rope exit

c) If the wire rope does not reeve, check: Fig. 42

– Is the wire rope tip in good condition?
– Did you press the correct button?
Phase inverter
– On three-phase motors: Turn the phase in- on CE-plug
verter of the plug for 180° (Fig. 42).

4.8.3 Safety rope installation
Fig. 43
a) The safety rope must hang free alongside the
lifting rope.
b) Open BLOCSTOP® (Abb. 43 + 44): Safety rope
Lifting rope

– push sensor arm (A) upwards by hand if it is
not already raised by the tensioned lifting rope.

– press lever (B) down until it locks into posi-
c) Place safety rope through the fall arrest device
from above and pull taught by hand. Applies
On the BLOCSTOP BSO 2050 the forward pro-
BSA … models.
truding control pin (C) indicates that the rope has
been introduced correctly. Otherwise remove the
rope and push through again.
Attention! Fig. 44
Should it still not protrude forward, send the
device to the supplier for checking.
d) Anchor counterweight to the safety rope approx.
Safety rope
20 cm above the ground (fig. 45):
11.5 kg for BSA 15-301 / 20-303 / 20-330
and BSO 500 / 1020 / 1030;
2 x 11.5 kg for BSA 35-305 and BSO 2050 B
Fig. 45 Counterweight

2 x 11.5 kg C
1 x 11.5 kg

Safety rope

5. Operation
5.1 Checks before starting
A qualified person must
To switch back on, turn EMERGENCY STOP
a) carry out the checks as per sections 5.2 and button to the right. Carry on travelling and
d) check the upper limit switches: when travelling
b) make a trial journey with the working load upwards press down individually by hand, the
limit of the suspended access equipment and corresponding hoist must stop immediately.
when so doing
Make a written note
c) press the EMERGENCY STOP button, the sus- of the result of this check
pended access equipment must come to a and keep the report.

5.2 Daily checks

a) Check correct anchoring of TIRAK© hoist and

BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device to the suspended Fig. 46
Controls for
access equipment. 1 2
b) Check function of UP and DOWN button as well Speed Speeds
as of EMERGENCY STOP button (fig. 46).
c) Check the function of the upper limit switch:
when travelling upwards press the tripping de-
vices down individually by hand, the cor- DOWN
responding hoist must stop immediately.
d) Pay attention to ensuring that nobody stands EMERGENCY
underneath the suspended access equipment. STOP
e) Check BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device.
It must not be possible Fig. 47
STOP to pull the safety rope upwards
when the BLOCSTOP® fall arrest
device is closed.
Safety rope
– The fall arrest device closes automatically
if the lifting rope is not tensioned e.g. when
the suspended access equipment is set on
the ground (fig. 47). Applies
Lifting rope
If the safety rope can however still be pulled to all BSA
upwards, replace BLOCSTOP® and send to models.
the supplier for checking.
– Close fall arrest device by pressing the EMER-
GENCY STOP button – the lever must jump Fig. 48
to the “CLOSED“ position (fig. 48).
If the safety rope can however still be pulled
upwards, replace BLOCSTOP® and send to
Safety rope
the supplier for checking.
– Re-open the fall arrest device by pressing OPEN
down the lever and sharply pull the safety AUF
rope upwards – the BLOCSTOP® must EMERGENCY
close automatically; if this is not the case re- STOP
place and send to the supplier for checking. Viewing
window Applies
During operation check the rotation of the to all BSO
centrifugal weights regularly through the models.
viewing window.

CAUTION! ii) If the closed BLOCSTOP® is blocking the rope:

If the centrifugal weights do not rotate:
– Open BLOCSTOP® by pressing down the
i) Check BLOCSTOP function (see above). lever.
If the safety rope is not blocked by the
– move platform downward carefully – at
closed BLOCSTOP®:
all times be prepared to catch the platform
– take measures for evacuating the on the safety rope by pressing the EMER-
platform crew; GENCY STOP button.
– anchor the platform suitably so that – After setting down the platform replace
the defective BLOCSTOP® can be re- BLOCSTOP® and send to the supplier for
placed on the suspended platform. checking.

5.3 Weekly checks of wire rope and
Fig. 49
cable Control for
1 2
Speed Speed
STOP Damaged wire ropes endanger
operational safety!
Therefore examine lifting and safety ropes in ac-
cordance with section 8.2.1 on page 30 for damage
which requires replacement. DOWN
Lubrication: Keep the wire rope lightly
lubricated. This will not affect the gripping STOP
power but will prolong the life of wire rope to a maxi-
Check all power supply and control cables and if
necessary replace.

5.4 Operation 5.4.2 Service operation (Fig. 49)

a) To START, turn the EMERGENCY-STOP but-
ton clockwise until it releases – it comes out,
5.4.1 Stop / Emergency Stop (Fig. 49) the control is on function.
a) To STOP movement release UP or DOWN b) To Climb: press UP-button.
button – the suspended access equipment stops. To Descend: press DOWN-button.
If not: To STOP, release button (see also chapter 5.4.1).
b) Press EMERGENCY STOP-Button, Important: If the hoist will not start, it might be
the control must stop completely. possible that two phases of power supply are
reversed so that the integrated phase control
if that does not function:
relay blocks the control.
c) Pull out the plug! Correction: turn the phase inverter of the plug
CAUTION! in cases b) and c): by 180°.

STOP working! c) When stopping the hoist the load is securely held
Have the TIRAK checked/repaired at any position by the primary brake.
by a qualified electrician. d) In the event of inclined position:
– Move lower TIRAK ® upwards with the UP
d) When using fall arrest devices of the type BSO... button until the platform again hangs horizon-
press EMERGENCY STOP button (A) to catch tally.
the suspended access equipment on the safety With central control, follow instructions for indi-
rope (fig. 50). vidual control of the hoists.

Fig. 50 CAUTION!
Safety rope Do not move the hoist UP with closed
BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device!
The safety rope would be pushed up and would
no longer be taught between suspension and
BLOCSTOP®, which would dangerously extend the
fall distance in the event of a fall arresting.

On BLOCSTOP® models BSO …:
In normal travelling operation the EMERGENCY
STOP button must not be used for stopping the
suspended access equipment.

5.5 Manual operation 5.6 Action in the event of
5.5.1 Emergency Descent
operation of the fall arrest device
In case of power failure you can manually open the A) DANGER!
In the event of rupture of the lifting
– Take the control lever (1) from the carrying han-
dle, insert it through the motor cover into the STOP rope or failure of the hoist, evacuate
the crew of the man-riding equipment.
brake release point, and raise it (fig. 51).
Important: In the event of operation of the fall arrest device
On working platforms with more than one the suspension of the safety rope and the con-
TIRAK®, if possible open brakes simultane- nection between BLOCSTOP ® and suspended
ously on all hoists – if only one operator is access equipment are submitted to dynamic loads.
on the platform, open brakes alternately so Before resuming normal operation carry out checks
that no inadmissible inclined position occurs. as per section 5.1!
– Move the suspended access equipment down the B) In the event of interlocking/becoming caught
rope(s). The centrifugal brake ensures a limited during downward travel so that the lifting rope is
descent speed. no longer under tension (only on BLOCSTOP®
To STOP: release the control lever (1). models BSA...),
After use: put back the control lever (1) in the carry- in the event of inclined position of more than
ing handle. 14° (only on BLOCSTOP® models BSA… on plat-
forms with two hoists attached to the ends),
on BLOCSTOP® models BSO... which are closed
CAUTION! by pressing the EMERGENCY STOP button:
Emergency descent in case of
overload is prohibited! – release the safety rope by moving the sus-
pended access equipment upwards – in the
event of inclined position, only the lower end.
– In the event of a power failure move upwards
Fig. 51 3 in manual operation as per section 5.5.2.
Lifting Fig. 52
Safety rope


5.5.2 Manual lifting

– Take off rubber cap (3).
– Put the hand wheel (2) on the motor shaft and
with the brake opened (see above) turn to the
– The fall arrest device BLOCSTOP® BSA…
right (TIRAK® T…) or to the left (TIRAK® X…) to
is automatically re-opened by the tensioned
let the TIRAK® climb the wire rope together with
lifting rope (fig. 52).
the suspended access device.
– Open BLOCSTOP® models BSO... manually:
– After use: put brake release lever (1), hand wheel
Press down lever (A) until it locks into position
(2) and rubber cap (3) back to their original posi-
(fig. 52).
When the suspended access equipment is on
the ground again, check the fall arrest device
operation as per section 5.2 on page 23.

Replace defective BLOCSTOP® devices
and send for repair by the manufacturer
or by a hoist workshop.

6. Troubleshooting

Avoid injuries:
1. Checks and repairs of the electrical equipment 2. Any other repairs should only be carried out by
must only be carried out by qualified electri- the manufacturer (or Group company) or by a
cians! Wiring diagrams are shown in the qualified person, and only original spare parts
control box of the motor. shall be used.

Breakdown Cause Remedy


neither up nor down
although the motor
STOP Any attempt to continue operating the TIRAK®
hoist jeopardizes the operational safety!
starts when the UP/
DOWN buttons are A1 Rope jam in the TIRAK® hoist. Stop working immediately!
pressed. Defective or incorrect wire rope Request assistance from the supplier
or obstructed rope exit. or the manufacturer.

A2 The platform has become Release platform carefully from the

caught on an obstacle obstacle or untie platform.
or Check affected platform parts for their
the platform is held tight. operational safety.
Inform supervisor.
The hoist A3 Power failure
doesn’t move at all. a) Control switched off. a) turn the EMERGENCY-STOP
button clockwise until it releases.
b) Interrupted power supply. b) Check reason and wait, until
power returns.
c) On 3-phase motors: two phases c) Turn phase inverter of
changed in the supply, the the central control
built-in phase control relay plug by 180°.
blocks the hoist control.

DANGER! d) Defect connection between d) Check lead and control cable,

Always pull power supply and fuses and connections or wiring of
the plug out be- hoist control. central control and terminal boxes
fore opening a and repair if necessary.
terminal box or A4 Wrong connection, Compare connection with wiring diagram.
a pendant or e. g. no neutral conductor If necessary conversion by the manu-
central control! facturer.
A5 Protective switching off
due to overheating:
a) One phase is missing a) Check/repair fuses, leads and
b) Insufficient cooling b) Clean air inlet at the motor cover.
c) Voltage too high/too low c) Check voltage and current consump-
tion on the motor under load. If ne-
cessary increase lead cross section.
A6 Brake does not open (no “click” noise, when switching on/off)
a) Defective supply conductor, a) Have supply conductor, brake coil
brake coil, or rectifier. and rectifier checked by an
electrician and repaired/replaced.
b) Worn brake rotor. b) Send the TIRAK® for repairs.

Breakdown Cause Remedy

Platform moves down DANGER!

but not up. Thoughtless behaviour
STOP endangers the safety
of the installation!
B1 The platform has become Move the platform carefully downwards
caught on an obstacle. and remove the obstacle.
Check platform parts affected for their
operational safety.
Inform the supervisor.
B2 Overload, the load limiting Check load and if necessary reduce or
device has switched off the hoist. distribute more evenly.
B3 Lifting rope run out Install lifting rope again.
with platform set down. Check why it had run out,
avoid repetition, e. g. by installing
longer lifting rope(s).
DANGER! B4 Upper limit switch:
Always pull a) Limit switch defective a) Check switch connection/function;
the plug out be- or not connected. if necessary replace.
fore opening a b) Limit switch activated. b) Move down until the limit switch
terminal box or is free.
a pendant or
central control! B5 One phase is missing. Check fuses and leads.

B6 Error in the UP control circuit Check connections, wiring, contactors

of the central control. and replace if necessary.
or the TIRAK® hoist.

B7 lack of motor power

a) Defective starting capacitor a) Have starting capacitor checked/
On replaced by an electrician.
single phase b) Defective centrifugal switch b) Check the current at the auxiliary
motors only (starting capacitor overloaded) winding in the terminal box.
Repair by the manufacturer or
a hoist workshop.

Excessive motor noise C1 Overheating Individual causes as well as

their correction
or see page 26 point A5.

hoist is crunching, C2 Dirt in the rope drive

Continuing travel can lead Replace the TIRAK®
to damage on the rope as urgently as possible and
and the rope drive. have checked/repaired by the
manufacturer or a hoist workshop.

although UP and DOWN

travel are possible.

Breakdown Cause Remedy

Platform moves up DANGER!

but not down Thoughtless behaviour
STOP endangers the safety
of the installation!
D1 The platform has hit Move platform carefully upwards,
an obstacle and remove the obstacle.
or has become caught Check platform parts affected for their
on an obstacle. operational safety.
Inform the supervisor.

D2 BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device

holds the platform
on the safety rope.
a) Lifting rope rupture a) + b) Evacuate platform and follow
the instructions in section
b) Failure of the hoist 5.6, page 25.
c) Platform becoming caught c) Move upwards until the loaded
(with BLOCSTOP® BSA…) lifting rope opens the BLOCSTOP®.

d) Inclined position of the platform d) Move lower platform end

(with BLOCSTOP® BSA…) upwards until the loaded lifting
rope opens the BLOCSTOP®.
e) Hoist speed too high e) Check hoist.
f) Trigging speed too low f) Replace BLOCSTOP® and send
(with BLOCSTOP® BSA…) for checking.
Defective BLOCSTOP® fall arrest devices
STOP endanger the operational safety of the installation!
They must be replaced as a matter of urgency!
Always pull D3 Error in DOWN control circuit If necessary Emergency descent
the plug out be- of the central control system (details in section 5.5)
fore opening a or the TIRAK® hoist. Check connections, wiring, contactors
terminal box or etc. and replace if necessary.
a pendant or
central control!
Should these steps not explain the cause and provide a remedy please contact
GREIFZUG Hebezeugbau GmbH, other TRACTEL Group company, or a hoist workshop.

7. Out of operation

a) Amchoring the platform: b) Disconnect the power supply to prevent any

unauthorised operation:
– Lower working platform to the ground with
slightly tensioned ropes – Disconnect power supply cable from site dis-
or, if available
– anchor working platform to the building in
order to secure it against swinging motion. – turn and lock the main switch to “0“.

8. Maintenance

Deadline Details
(Performer) Test item Regulations on page

Each working day: Anchoring parts Safety requirements on 23

(Supervisor) TIRAK® hoists suspended access 23
BLOCSTOP® equipment 23
fall arrest devices EN 1808

Each working week: Wire ropes VBG 9a, DIN 15020, part 2 30
(Supervisor) Electrical cables –

Annually: Entire installation EN 1808 (see above) -

(qualified person)

Annually, at the latest however TIRAK® hoists UVV “Hoists” VBG 8 31

after 500 or 250 operating EN 1808 (see above)
hours (qualified person)

Annually BLOCSTOP® EN 1808 (see above) 31

(qualified person) fall arrest devices

8.1 Maintenance
8.1.1 Hoist
The mechanism does not require any special mainte-
nance. Lubricator nipple

Lubrication: Keep the wire ropes lightly lubricated.

This will not affect the gripping power but will
prolong the life of wire rope to a maximum.

TIRAK® series X 2050 P

Fig. 53
Lubrication of the drive disks - outer toothing:
Replenish the reservoir behind the lubricating nipple
every 50 operating hours with a grease gun (fig. 53).
Specification: Water-insoluble and thermoduric ad-
hesive gear box grease,
e. g. VARILUB 8.1.3 Motor, brake, and gear box

Quantity: two times approx. 5 cm3 a) The motor does not require any special mainte-
nance. If it is very dirty, it should be cleaned to
– Prepare grease gun and press in first portion ensure an effective air flow.
with 3 to 5 shots;
b) The brake does not require any special mainte-
– Allow TIRAK® to run for approx. two seconds; nance. If it is very dirty, it should be cleaned.
– Press in second portion. Keep it free of oil or grease!
c) The gear box is maintenance-free.

8.1.2 Wire ropes

a) Always unreel and reel the wire rope. 8.1.4 BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device
b) Do not use the wire rope for fixing a load and do The BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device does not require
not pull it over sharp edges. any special maintenance.
c) Always keep the wire rope clean and lightly lu- Always keep the mechanism clean and lightly lubri-
bricated. Use normally commercially available cated, e. g. with GREIFZUG® oil or motor oil.
multi-purpose grease; do not use lubricants con- Too much oil is never bad – this will not affect the
taining disulphide (e.g. Molycote®). gripping power.

8.2 Checks
Fig. 55
8.2.1 Essential checks
a) General
“Pig-tail” curl
Prior to every operation in wire rope
during operation make sure, that
– the TIRAK® hoist,
– and all other used equipment (anchoring de-
vices, pulleys etc.)
are properly installed
without visible damage
Attention! Kinked wire rope

If during operation damage appears:

– STOP operating,
– if necessary: cordon off the danger zone,
– have the damage removed by a qualified
person! Damage
caused by improper use,
(e.g. by fixing a load with the rope)
b) Nameplates and labels
Make sure that all nameplates and labels are in place
and not obscured (see section 9.5, pages 32 to 33).
Replace missing labels and those which are not leg-
ible! Crushed wire rope

c) Wire ropes
Replace wire ropes, if one of the following
Birdcaged wire rope
defects is determined during the prescribed
weekly check:
– 8 or more wire breaks (fig. 54) on a length
which corresponds to 30 times the rope

Loop formation
Fig. 54 on wire rope

broken wires
Fig. 56

Wire rope
– Heavy rust formation on the surface or in- diameter
– Heat damage, recognisable through discol-
oured wires.
– Reduction of the diameter by 5% or more
compared with the nominal diameter (fig. 56).
– External damage to the rope – fig. 55 d) Electric cables
shows the most frequent forms of damage.
Replace lead and control cables if damage to
These examples do not however replace the the insulation or to cable connections is
DIN 15 020, folio 2 reference for wire rope determined during the prescribed weekly
checks! check.

8.2.2 Safety inspection
Checking the TIRAK® hoists and the BLOCSTOP®
fall arrest device by a qualified person:
1. The TIRAK® should be thoroughly examined every
twelve months or more regularly (see 2 below)
depending on the working practice and current
safety regulations in force.
2. The TIRAK® should be thoroughly examined at
the latest after 500 running hours but for hoists
with 18 m/min. and hoists of the series X 2050 P
with 12 m/min. speed after 250 running hours.

3. Extraordinary check
Following a fall arrest, a qualified person
must check the operational safety of the
BLOCSTOP© fall arrest device including an-
chor points, as well as the safety rope and
the rope anchoring.

It is the responsibility of the employer

that a written register is kept showing
the dates, period of use, and inspec-
tion record.

8.3 Repair
Repair of TIRAK® hoists must only be carried out by Quantities required:
the manufacturer (or Group company), or by a quali-
fied person and only original spare parts shall be X 300 P series: 1,4 l
used. X 500-1030 P series: 2,0 l
If a gearbox oil change is necessary, take one of the T 1020 P series: 2,0 l
oils specified below according to the temperature
range that the hoist will be usually used in. X 2050 P series: 5,0 l

Temperature range -10 to +50 °C -35 to +40 °C -15 to +80 °C

3) 3)
Mineral oils Synthetic oils
API Specification SAE85W-140 GL5 1) CLPPG or PGLP ISO VG 100 CLPPG or PGLP ISO VG 460 2)
Sample oils BP Hypogear EP 90 BP Enersyn SG-XP 100 BP Enersyn SG-XP 460
(other oils SHELL Spirax HD 90 SHELL Tivela Oil SD 100 SHELL Tivela Oil SD 460
on request) TEXACO Multigear EP6 S80 W90 TEXACO Synlube CLP 100 TEXACO Synlube CLP 460
1) Standard charge on series X 300 to 820 P and T 1020 P; also see foot note 3)!
2) Standard charge on series X 1030 to 2050 P
3) Important: Changing between mineral and synthetic oils requires the complete cleaning of the gearbox parts.

9. Spare Parts

9.1 Hoist Fig. 57

As well as the spare part number and description D
please always quote
– TIRAK® model E
– wire rope diameter, and A
– serial number. B C

9.2 Motor and brake

As well as the spare part number and description
please always quote A) TIRAK® nameplate
– Motor type B) Motor nameplate
C) Brake nameplate
D) Adhesive “Wire rope diameter”
– Type and supply voltage E) Adhesive “EMERGENCY STOP”
of the brake.
F) BLOCSTOP® BSA … nameplatel
G) BLOCSTOP® BSO … nameplatel

9.3 Electric controls D

In case of enquiries or spare parts order please al-
ways quote the
wiring diagram number.
The wiring diagram is situated in the control box of
the motor.

9.4 BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device D D

As well as the spare part number and description
please always quote
– BLOCSTOP® model A E
– wire rope diameter and
– serial number. B C

9.5 Nameplates and labels

Make sure that all nameplates and labels are in place
and not obscured (see figs. 57 and 58).
Replace missing labels and those which are not leg-


Spare parts lists are available

from your supplier
or from the manufacturer.

Fig. 58

A ® E Notablaß
tirak tractionMotorized
machine Bremslüfterhebel
im Handgriff
Anchor the machine. Connect to electric/air Emergency Descent
supply (see motor name plate). Feed in the Brake release lever
wire rope. Start the motor. Push wire rope in TIRAK handle
inside,until it reeves itself automatically.
Do not obstruct the wire rope outlet! Descente d’urgence
For details consult Operating Manual. Manette de commande du frein
IMPORTANT: Use only special TIRAK wire G 207-09/94 dans la poignée de portage
rope in good condition with short fused and
tapered end.
Lightly lubricate the wire rope.
Only TIRAK P models may be used for man-
riding. Use a BLOCSTOP® fall arrest device

Model: Capacity
Admissible load
for man-riding (kg):

Working speed (meters/min): F BLOCSTOP Abfangsicherung

Wire rope Breaking Typ:
diameter (mm): strenght (kg): Sauber halten.
Für Seil-Ø: Oft und reichlich
Year of Max.Traglast: schmieren.
manufacture: 200 Serial-No.:
In case of inquiry or spare parts order, please GREIFZUG Hebezeugbau GmbH · D-51469 Berg. Gladbach
mention type, wire rope diameter, and
serial number.

fall arrest device
B GREIFZUG GmbH Bergisch Gladbach
Type Serial number
Type Nr.
Rated load Wire rope Ø Year of manuf.
E-Mot. 60 Hz U min
kg mm 200
kW cos ϕ
lbs. in.
Schalt. Schutzart IP 55 F Is.Kl. Replace wire rope, if the reduction from
nominal diameter is 10 % or more.
Never use damaged wire rope.
C GREIFZUG GmbH Bergisch Gladbach 1) Daily check as follows:
– Push down the control lever in its
“OPEN” position and press the
Leistung W Spulenspannung V EMERGENCY STOP button. The
Moment Nm BLOCSTOP should close automati-
cally, and the control lever has to
return to its “CLOSED” position.
– Open the BLOCSTOP again, and
quickly pull the wire rope up-
wards. The BLOCSTOP should
Ø Ø close automatically, and the control
lever has to return to its “CLOSED”
8 9 position.
2) During operation the centrifugal weights
must rotate. Check regularly through the
mm mm window.
If during the above checks the BLOCSTOP
D malfunctions, replace it and return to the
supplier for inspection.
Address see TIRAK nameplate.
Ø Ø 3) Yearly inspection by the supplier.
Wire rope exchange: To pull the wire
10 14 rope through push and hold the control
lever in its OPEN position!
mm mm G 128.5-02/00 Made in Germany

TIRAK® hoist for silo inspection

Series XS 300 P
These devices conform to the special safety requirements
applicable for inspecting silos:
– Hand operation,
– hanging limit switch for manual operation
when passing through the silo opening.
The device illustrated is equipped with an automatic rope
reeler for a 40 m rope.
Limit switch
Details on request

TIRAK® hoists for material handling

Compact & versatile Capacity

0.3 to 3 t
– Unlimited rope travel.
– Small dimensions, portable.
– Working position: horizontal, inclined, vertical.
– Also moves with load on the rope
– T 1020 series pulls in both directions.

TIRAK® wire ropes

in any length required
on hand or
drum reel. 300 kg hoist 3 t hoist

TIRAK® with rope storage as “Mobile Winch” 300 kg hoist with

80 m rope reeler
for rope lengths from 80 to 500 m
– The ideal hoist for
frequently changing places of use.
3 t hoist with
– Quick, simple, versatile: 500 m rope winder
– Assembly on construction site.
– Repair and maintenance work
in finished buildings.
– Drive for internal transport systems.

Saves space, weight

and costs
compared to a crane
or drum winch of the
same carrying capacity and range! Details on request

Access solutions from the TRACTEL Group

Suspended platforms, working cage & seat

Aluminum platforms These new, mobile platforms and seats
+ strong TIRAK® with unlimited travel height for assembly,
inspection and repairs offer you
= high capacity the comfort of a lift combined with a
working platform.
Whether you have to work at height
as façade designer or window cleaner, as
insulation specialist, as chimney,
boiler and tank setter or as painter and
corrosion protection personnel:
Make use of this sensible replacement for
Platforms up to standing scaffolding! Travel to height,
18 m in length and indeed to precisely that height
can be made up using which gets you to the most productive
2 and 3 m long sections. working position. Because that helps to
save time and money!
Increase your competitiveness by
reducing operating costs.
That improves the bottom line!

Details on request

Whether purchased or rented – the economic alternative to scaffolding!

Building maintenance and inspection installations

Modern, daring building constructions demand creative solutions.
The earlier you involve our team in your planning
the easier and cheaper the installation will be!

For inspecting building constructions

Move to any position of the facade outside and inside –
“at the push of a button“ – with platforms which move
with platform and roof car, on rail systems.
the standard solution.

Moveable stairs and

work gantries

For cleaning, inspecting and repairing

windows, facades and glass roofs, inside and outside.

Details on request Let your buildings always shine!

The TRACTEL Group safety package

TRAVSAFE® – horizontal travelling lifeline system

2 TRAVSAFE® is a patented horizontal running

4 protection system for working at heights
1 in which there is a risk of falling.
Areas of use: buildings and roofs, aircraft hangars,
shopping centres, bridges and viaducts,
industrial installations, overhead cranes, oil and
gas containers, telecommunication towers ...
The TRAVSAFE® system consists of two wire ropes
along which a traveller (1) slides. These lifelines
are held by brackets (2) anchored to the building.
The user anchors the connection devices (3) of his
3 personal protective equipment (4) to the holding
ring of the traveller.
The TRAVSAFE® travelling lifeline enables free and
unhindered movement and work.
TRAVSAFE® systems require thorough planning
and professional installation –
Gives a sure hold,
challenge us to provide extensive advice. just where you need it!

© GREIFZUG GmbH 2000

Fall arrest equipment for personal protection

For all work in which there is a risk of falling

“Safety first” is the overriding objective.
The appropriate equipment must be put together
depending on the location and work to be performed. 5
The product range of our safety program
offers the following, amongst other things:
– Harnesses and working belts,
also as a practical combination (1) 3
– retractable lifelines (2)
– rope grabs (3)
– climbing protection devices
– retaining ropes
– lanyards (4) 4
1 – shock absorber (5)
– various connectors
For common applications we offer
2 a series of complete sets
in a practical carrying case (6). 6
All components are approved under the
strict European Standards.
G 374-GB-05/00

Challenge us to provide extensive advice – Your life could be

we shall assist you in putting together your equipment. hanging on this!


Scheidtbachstr. 19-21 B. P. 11 13 29, rue du Progrès Old Lane, Halfway
51469 Bergisch Gladbach - Germany L-1011 Luxembourg F-93108 Montreuil Sheffield S20 3GA
Tel.: +49 / 22 02 10 04-0 Tel.: +352 / 43042042-1 Tel.: +33 / 1 48 58 91 32 Tel.: +44 / 114 248 22 66
Fax: +49 / 22 02 10 04-70 Fax: +352 / 43042042-200 Fax: +33 / 1 48 58 91 32 Fax: +44 / 114 247 33 50


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