DBP E15 Appendix A

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40th Anniversary Edition

Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation
15th Edition

David M. Kroenke | David J. Auer | Scott L. Vandenberg | Robert C. Yoder

Online Appendix A
Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016
Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Appendix A – 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-480274-8 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-480274-9

330 Hudson Street | New York, NY 10013

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Chapter Objectives
• To create databases in Microsoft Access 2016
• To create tables in Microsoft Access 2016
• To understand Microsoft Access 2016 data types
• To insert data into tables in Microsoft Access 2016
• To create relationships between tables in Microsoft Access 2016
• To create Query-by-Example (QBE) queries in Microsoft Access 2016
• To create SQL views in Microsoft Access 2016
• To understand the use of the Form Wizard in Microsoft Access 2016
• To understand the use of the Report Wizard in Microsoft Access 2016

What Is the Purpose of This Appendix?

Microsoft Access 2016 is a component of Microsoft Office 2016, and is widely used as a personal data-
base as defined in Chapter 1.1 In this appendix, we are primarily interested in Microsoft Access’s ability
to create databases that we can use to test various database processing concepts.

Why Should I Learn to Use Microsoft Access 2016?

For the purposes of this book, the most important reason to learn to use Microsoft Access 2016 is that it
provides a convenient method of creating databases on computers that do not have an enterprise-class
DBMS such as Microsoft SQL Server 2017, Oracle Database, or MySQL 5.7 installed on them. These data-
base systems will prove particularly valuable for use with Chapters 1 and 2 of this book.

Students registered in CS or MIS classes should check to see if your school is part of the Microsoft Imagine pro-
gram (formerly the Microsoft Developers Network Academic Alliance [MSDNAA] program and then the
Dreamspark program) (https://imagine.microsoft.com/en-us). If so, you may be able to obtain Microsoft Access
2016 through that program.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

What Will This Appendix Teach Me?

As discussed in Chapter 1, Microsoft Access is a personal database that combines a DBMS with an appli-
cation generator. The DBMS performs the standard DBMS functions of database creation, processing,
and administration, whereas the application generator adds the abilities to create and store forms,
reports, queries, and other application-related functions. In this appendix, we will learn to use Microsoft
Access 2016 to create a new database, to create tables and relationships, to insert data into tables, and
to create queries (in QBE only-SQL queries are covered in Chapter 2), forms, and reports.
We will begin by creating a Microsoft Access database to store the database tables and the application
forms, reports, and queries. We will build the example Student_Class_Grade database we used in
Chapter 1 to illustrate basic relational database concepts. The tables and relationship links are shown in
Figure A-1.
We can write the table structure of that database in database schema format as:
STUDENT (StudentNumber, LastName, FirstName, EmailAddress)
CLASS (ClassNumber, ClassName, Term, Section)
GRADE (StudentNumber, ClassNumber, Grade)

Figure A-1 — The Student_Class_Grade Database

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

In the schema, table names are written in all uppercase letters (for example, STUDENT). Column names
are written with the initial letter of each name capitalized (for example, Grade). If the column name is a
compound name, then the initial letter of each word in the name is capitalized (for example, Student-

What Is a Table Key?

Each table has a key, which is one or more columns that uniquely identify a row. You will learn the
importance of keys, their properties, and their uses throughout this text. For now, just understand that
the values of a primary key column(s) identify a unique row in the table. In the schema, primary key
columns in a table are underlined. Thus, the primary key of STUDENT is StudentNumber. This means that
a particular value of StudentNumber, say 1, identifies one and only one row in STUDENT. Similarly, the
primary key of CLASS is ClassNumber.
No single column can be a primary key for the GRADE table. A student may have several grades
recorded, so StudentNumber, by itself, is not a primary key. Similarly, a class will have many students, so
ClassNumber, by itself, cannot be the primary key either. However, if we assume that a student takes a
class just once, then the combination (StudentNumber, ClassNumber) is a primary key.

What Are Relationships?

As described in Chapter 1, one of the characteristics of a relational database is that the rows in tables
can relate to one another. For the example in Figure A-1, rows in the STUDENT table are related to rows
in the GRADE table by the column StudentNumber. As shown in that figure, the student with Student-
Number 1 has earned all of the grades in the GRADE table that have a matching value of 1 in the
StudentNumber column. The StudentNumber column in the GRADE table, which creates the relationship
link to the STUDENT table, is called a foreign key. Similarly, rows in the CLASS table are related to rows
in the GRADE table by the column ClassNumber, and the ClassNumber column in GRADE is also a foreign
key. In the database schema, foreign key columns in a table are shown in italics.

How Do I Create a New Microsoft Access 2016 Database?

We will name our Microsoft Access database Student_Grade_Class. Our first step is to create a new
Microsoft Access 2016 database file. Note the Microsoft Access database file format we will be using
ends with the file extension *.accdb (for Access Database). This file format was first introduced in
Microsoft Access 2007, was maintained in Microsoft Access 2010, and remains the file format used for
Microsoft Access 2016 database files.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Creating the Microsoft Access Database Student_Class_Grade

1. Click the Windows 10 Start Menu button to display the Start Menu. Click the the Access 2016
icon app tile, as shown in Figure A-2.

▪ NOTE: Alternatively, click the Access 2016 icon on the Task Bar. This icon may have been
created during the Microsoft Access 2016 installation process (normally part of the
Microsoft Office 2016 installation). If needed, it is easily added to the Task Bar.

▪ NOTE: We are using the Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Feature update to
Windows 10, version 1607), and the instructions for staring Microsoft Access 2016 are
based on that version or later. In earlier versions of Windows 10, there is an All apps
button that you must click in order to see the All apps menu shown in Figure A-2.
2. The Microsoft Access 2016 window appears, as shown in Figure A-3. Note that the Microsoft
Access 2016 window opens with the Access Backstage start screen displayed, which shows
(1) a list of recently opened database files, (2) the Open Other Files button (used to browse for
other database files), and (3) a set of Microsoft Access database templates available to the user.
The Custom web app template is selected by default, but we want to create a blank desktop

The Access 2016

icon on the
Windows 10 Start

The Access 2016

icon on the
Windows 10 Task

Figure A-2 — Starting Microsoft Access 2016

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Access 2016 Back-

stage start screen

The Recent file list—there

are currently no files listed
because this is the first
time Access has been
The Open Other Files
button—use this to open
an existing file

Select the Blank desktop

database template

The New pane showing

available templates for a
new database

Figure A-3 — The Microsoft Access 2016 Recent File List and New Database Templates

The Blank desktop data-

base template is selected

The Blank desktop data- Type the database name

base dialog box Student_Class_Grade.accdb

The Browse button

The Create button

Figure A-4 — The Blank Desktop Database Dialog Box

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

▪ NOTE: The menu commands, icon location, and file locations used here are those found
when using the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. If you are using the Microsoft
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 operating system, the exact terminology will vary
somewhat, but these variations will not change the required actions.

▪ NOTE: Microsoft Access 2016 (with the Light Grey Office Theme) is used in this book,
and the wording of the steps and appearance of the screenshots reflect its use. If you
have a different version of Microsoft Access, there will be some differences in the step-
by-step details and in what you see on screen. However, the basic functionality is the
same, and you can complete these steps using any version of Microsoft Access.
3. Click the Blank desktop database template in the New pane. The Blank desktop database dialog
box is displayed, as shown in Figure A-4.
4. Type the database name Student_Class_Grade.accdb into the File Name text box and then click
the Create button.

▪ NOTE: By default, in Windows 10 the database file will be created in your Documents
folder. If you want to create the database file in a different location, use the Browse
button shown in Figure A-4.

▪ NOTE: If you use the Browse button to browse to a different file location, you will use
the File New Database dialog box to create the new database file. Once you have
browsed to the correct folder, type the database name in the File Name text box of the
File New Database dialog box, and then click the OK button in the file browser then the
Create button in the Blank desktop database dialog box to create the new database.
5. The new database appears, as shown in Figure A-5. The Microsoft Access window itself is now
named Student_Grade_Class: Database (followed by the fully qualified database file name
C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\Student_Grade_Class.accdb and the file format Access 2007 -
2016 file format, only parts of which are visible in the screen shot in Figure A-5).

▪ NOTE: The reference to the Microsoft Access 2007-2016 file format in the window name
indicates that the database is stored as an *.accdb file, which is the Microsoft Access
database file format introduced with Microsoft Access 2007, and used in Microsoft
Access 2010 , Microsoft Access 2013, and now in Microsoft Access 2016. Prior versions
of Microsoft Access used the *.mdb file format (which can be opened and manipulated
in Access 2016). Thus, Microsoft Access 2016 does not introduce a new file format, but
continues to use the Microsoft Access 2007 *.accdb file format.
6. Note that because this is a new database, Microsoft Access 2016 has assumed that you will want
to immediately create a new table. Therefore, a new table named Table1 is displayed in
Datasheet view in the document window. We do not want this table open at this time, so click
the Close document button shown in Figure A-5.
7. The Microsoft Access 2016 window with the new database appears, as shown in Figure A-6. You
can see most of the features of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface in this window.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The database name

Student_Class_Grade :

The Document Window

using the tabbed docu-
ments interface

The Close button

Figure A-5 — The New Microsoft Access Database

What Is the Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface?

Microsoft Access 2016 uses the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface found in most (but not all) of the
Microsoft Office 2016 applications. The major features of the interface can be seen in Figure A-6. Also
note that the complete Microsoft Access 2016 database name of Student_Grade_Class : Database -
C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\Student_Grade_Class.accdb (Access 2007 - 2016 file format) is
visible at the top of Figure A-6.

The Ribbon and Command Tabs

The tabbed Ribbon, or just Ribbon, shown in Figure A-6 is the main Microsoft Access 2016 command in-
terface. The interface provides a set of command tabs that you use to access tools that are grouped into
sets of related commands. Each Office 2016 application has a Home tab and a set of additional tabs
specific to each application.
The default Microsoft Access command tabs are the Home, Create, External Data, and Database Tools
tabs (the File command tab is common to all Microsoft Office products, and opens the Backstage screen
for each product—note that the Backstage start screen shown in Figure A-3 is not available via the File
command tab, only when you initially start Microsoft Access 2016). In each command tab, the currently
available commands are shown in color, and the unavailable commands are shown in gray. You will
learn about the various commands as they are needed, so for now you can just become familiar with
each command tab and its command groups.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Quick Access


The File
command tab

The Home
command tab The Help button

The Ribbon with The Close [Exit]

command tabs button
The object Naviga-
tion Pane The status bar

The Document

Figure A-6 — The Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface

Contextual Command Tabs

In addition to the basic command tabs, some Office 2016 applications, including Microsoft Access, have
additional contextual command tabs with associated command groups. These are displayed as needed,
depending on the task. You can see an example in Figure A-5, where the Table Tools contextual group-
ing of tabs adds the Fields and Table contextual command tabs into the set of command tabs available
on the Ribbon. You will learn about the other contextual tabs as you encounter them.

Microsoft documentation varies about just what constitutes the Ribbon. The Quick
Access Toolbar documentation is split and often includes the toolbar in the Ribbon. In this book, we will
define the Ribbon to only include the command tabs and contextual command tabs.

Modifying the Quick Access Toolbar

We’ll illustrate the use of the Quick Access Toolbar shown in Figure A-6 by modifying it to include a
Quick Print button and a Print Preview button.

Modifying the Access Quick Access Toolbar

1. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down button shown in Figure A-7. The
Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down list appears as shown in Figure A-7.
2. Click Quick Print. The Quick Print button is added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Quick Access Toolbar

The Customize Quick

Access Toolbar drop-
down list button

The Customize Quick Ac-

cess Toolbar drop-down
list—click an item to add it
to the toolbar

Figure A-7 — The Quick Access Toolbar

3. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down button. The Customize Quick Access
Toolbar drop-down list appears.
4. Click Print Preview. The Print Preview button is added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
5. The added buttons are visible in the figures shown later in this appendix and in the book
chapters, such as Figure A-8.

Database Objects and the Navigation Pane

Microsoft uses the term object as a general name for the various parts of a Microsoft Access database.
Thus, a table is an object, a report is an object, a form is an object, and so on. Microsoft Access objects
are displayed in the Microsoft Access Navigation Pane, as shown in Figure A-6. However, because you
have not created any objects in the Student_Class_Grade database, the Navigation Pane is currently

The Navigation Pane is currently labeled as All Access Objects, which is what we want to see displayed.
We can, however, select exactly which objects will be displayed by using the Navigation Pane drop-
down list. As shown in Figure A-8, the Navigation Pane drop-down list is controlled by the Navigation
Pane drop-down list button. Figure A-9 shows the empty Navigation Pane, and the Shutter Bar
Open/Close button. We can hide the Navigation Pane if we want to by clicking the Shutter Bar
Open/Close button, which is displayed as a left-facing double chevron button on the upper-right corner
of the Navigation Pane in Figure A-9. If we click the button, the Navigation Pane shrinks to a small band
labeled Navigation Pane on the right side of the Microsoft Access 2016 window. The band will then dis-
play the Shutter Bar Open/Close button as a right-facing double chevron button that you can click to re-
store the Navigation Pane when you want to use it again.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

How Do I Close a Database and Exit Microsoft Access 2016?

The Close button shown in Figure A-6 is actually a close and exit button. You can click it to close the ac-
tive database and then exit the Microsoft Access program. Note that Microsoft Access actively saves
most changes to a database, and it prompts you with Save command requests when they are needed.
For example, when you close a table with modified column widths, Microsoft Access asks if you want to
save the changes in the table layout. Therefore, you do not need to save Microsoft Access databases the

The Quick Print


The Print Preview


The Navigation
Pane drop-down
list button

The All Access

Objects drop-down

Figure A-8 — The Navigation Pane Drop-Down List

Use the Shutter

Bar Open/Close
button to hide or
display the Naviga-
tion Pane

The Navigation
Pane is empty be-
cause we have not
created any objects
for this database

Figure A-9 — The Empty Navigation Pane

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

way you save Microsoft Word documents and Microsoft Excel workbooks. You can simply close a data-
base, knowing that Microsoft Access has already saved all critical changes since you opened it.

Closing a Database and Exiting Microsoft Access

1. Click the Close button. The database closes, and you exit the Microsoft Access program.

Instead of clicking the Close button, you can close just the database while
leaving Microsoft Access open by selecting File | Close.

How Do I Open an Existing Microsoft Access 2016 Database?

When we open an existing database, Microsoft Access 2016 gives us the option of using Microsoft
Access security options to shut down certain Microsoft Access 2016 features in a database to protect
ourselves against harm not only from viruses, but also from other possible problems. Unfortunately, the
Microsoft Access 2016 security options also shut down significant and needed operational features of
Microsoft Access. Therefore, we should normally enable the features that the Microsoft Access 2016
security warning warns us about when we open an existing database.

Opening a Recently Opened Microsoft Access Database

1. On the Windows 10 Start Menu, click the Access 2016 icon, as shown in Figure A-2.
2. The Microsoft Access 2016 window appears, as shown in Figure A-10. Note that the Microsoft
Access 2016 window opens with the Access start screen displayed, which shows (1) a list of
recently opened database files, (2) the Open Other Files button (used to browse for other
database files, and (3) a set of Microsoft Access database templates available to the user.
3. Note that the database file Student_Class_Grade.accdb is listed in the Recent list.
4. Note that if the database has been used very recently, it will always be available in the Recent
list. Otherwise, we will need to click the File | Open command to see it in the Recent page of
that window. At this point, however, we can open the database by clicking on either entry.
Because the Access start screen is open, click the Student_Class_Grade.accdb filename in the
Recent list to open the database.
5. A Security Warning bar appears with the database, as shown in Figure A-11.
6. At this point, we have the option of clicking the Security Warning bar’s Click for more details
link, which will display a detailed version of the warning together with security options.
However, for our purposes in this text, we simply need to enable the active content, so click the
Enable Content button.

▪ NOTE: At some point, you should select the Click for more details link, and explore the
security settings available.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Recent file list with the

database file

Figure A-10 — The Microsoft Access Start Screen and Recent List

The Security
Warning Bar

The Click for more

details link
Click the Enable
Content button

Figure A-11 — The Security Warning Bar

▪ NOTE: In Microsoft Access 2007, the Security Warning bar appeared every time the
database was re-opened (although only from a non-trusted location — see the
discussion of trusted locations in the Microsoft Access 2016 documentation). In
Microsoft Access 2016, the Security Warning bar is only displayed the first time you re-
open a database, and your choice of options is remembered from that point on.
▪ NOTE: You can also open an existing Microsoft Access 2016 by double-clicking on the file
name in Microsoft Windows Explorer.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

How Do I Create Microsoft Access 2016 Database Tables?

Now we need to create the tables in the Student_Class_Grade database—STUDENT, CLASS, and GRADE.
However, because foreign key columns need their values to already exist in the primary keys of the
tables being linked to, we should create our tables (and add data to our tables) in a specific order: we
must create and populate (fill with data) STUDENT and CLASS first, and then create and populate GRADE
(which has the foreign keys linking to STUDENT and CLASS). We will create the STUDENT table first.
The STUDENT table will contain the columns and characteristics shown in the table in Figure A-12. The
column characteristics are type, key, required, and remarks.
Type refers to the kind of data the column will store. Some possible Microsoft Access 2016 data types
are shown in Figure A-13. For STUDENT, most data are being stored as short text data (also commonly
called character data), which means we can enter strings of letters, numbers, and symbols (a space is
considered a symbol).
The number after the word Text in Figure A-12 indicates how many characters can be stored in the col-
umn. For example, student last names may be up to 25 characters long. The only number, or
numeric, data column in the STUDENT table is StudentNumber, which is listed as AutoNumber. This
indicates that Microsoft Access will automatically provide a sequential number for this column for each
new student that is added to the table.
Key refers to table identification functions assigned to a column. These are described in detail in Chapter
3. At this point, you simply need to know that a primary key is a column value used to identify each row,
and, therefore, the values in this column must be unique. This is the reason for using the AutoNumber
data type, which automatically assigns a unique number to each row in the table as the row is created.
Required refers to whether the column must have a data value. If it must, a value must be present in the
column. If not, the column may be blank. Note that because StudentNumber is a primary key used to
identify each row, it must have a value.
Remarks contains comments about the column or how it is used. For STUDENT, the only comment is
that StudentNumber is a surrogate key. Surrogate keys are discussed in Chapter 3. At this point, you

Figure A-12 — Column Characteristics for the STUDENT Table

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Data Type Name Type of Data Size

Short Text Characters and numbers (Formerly “Text”) Maximum 255 characters

Long Text Characters and numbers (Formerly “Memo”) Maximum 65,535 characters

Number Numeric Data Varies with number type

Date/Time Dates and time from the year 100 to the year 9999 Stored as 8-byte double-precision integers

Currency Numbers with decimal places One to four decimal places

AutoNumber A unique sequential number Incremented by one each time

Yes/No Fields that can only contain two values Yes/No, On/Off, True/False

OLE Object An object embedded in or linked to an Access table Maximum 1 GB

Maximum 2,048 characters in each of the

Hyperlink A hyperlink address three parts of the hyperlink address

Attachment Any supported file type can be attached to a record Independent of Access

Calculated Calculates a value from data in one or more other fields Dependent upon data used in calculation

Creates a multivalued field based on an Access table or

Lookup Wizard query Dependent upon data used in lookup

Figure A-13 — Microsoft Access 2016 Data Types

simply need to know that a surrogate key is usually a set of computer-generated unique numbers used
to identify rows in a table (that is, a primary key). This is done by using the Microsoft Access
AutoNumber data type.
Creating the STUDENT Table
1. Click the Create command tab to display the Create command groups.
2. Click the Table Design button, as shown in Figure A-14. The Table1 tabbed document window is
displayed in Design view, as shown in Figure A-15. Note that along with the Table1 window a
contextual tab grouping named Table Tools is displayed and that this tab grouping adds a new
command tab named Design to the set of command tabs displayed.
▪ NOTE: It seems like now would be a good time to name the new table STUDENT. With
Microsoft Access, however, you don’t name a table until you save it the first time, and
you can’t save a table until you have at least one column defined. So, we will define the
columns, and then we will save and name the table. If you want, save the table after
you’ve defined just one column.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Create command tab

The Table Design button

The tool tip for the button

shows that a new table object
will be created

Figure A-14 — The Table Design Button

The Table Tools contextual

command tab is displayed
along with the set of command
tabs that comprise Table Tools

The Design command tab and

its command groups are dis-

The Table1 tabbed document

window in Design view

Figure A-15 — The Table1 Tabbed Document Window

3. In the Field Name column text box of the first line, type the column name StudentNumber and
then press the Tab key to move to the Data Type column. (You can also click the Data Type
column to select it.)

▪ NOTE: The terms column and field are considered synonyms in database work. The term
attribute is also considered to be equivalent to these two words.
4. Select the AutoNumber data type for StudentNumber from the Data Type drop-down list, as
shown in Figure A-16.
5. If you like, an optional comment may be stored in the Description column. To do so, move to the

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Description column by pressing the Tab key or clicking in the Description text box. Type the text
Surrogate key for STUDENT and then press the Tab key to move to the next row. The Table1
tabbed document window now looks as shown in Figure A-17.

▪ NOTE: The Remarks column in the set of database column characteristics shown in
Figure A-12 is not the same as the table Description column shown in Figure A-17. Be
careful not to confuse them. The Remarks column is used to record technical data, such
as facts about table keys and data default values that are necessary for building the
table structure. The Description column is used to describe to the user the data stored
in that field so that the user understands the intended use of the field.

6. The other columns of the STUDENT table are created using the sequence described in steps 3
through 5.

▪ NOTE: See Figure A-20 for the full set of Description column entries for this table.
7. To set the number of characters in text columns, edit the Short Text data type Field Size text box
as shown in Figure A-18. The default value for Field Size is 255, and the maximum value is 255.
8. To make a column required, click anywhere in the column Data Type Required property text box
to display the Required property drop-down list arrow button and then click the button to
display the Required property drop-down list, as shown in Figure A-19.

The Data Type drop-down list


The Data Type drop-down


Select AutoNumber

Figure A-16 — Selecting the Data Type

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The completed
StudentNumber column

Figure A-17 — The Completed StudentNumber Column Definition

Edit this number to set the

number of characters

Figure A-18 — Editing the Text Field Size

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Click anywhere in the Required

text box to display the
Required property drop-down
list arrow

Select Yes from the Required

property drop-down list

Figure A-19 — Setting the Column Required Property Value

9. Select Yes from the Required property drop-down list. The default is No (not required), and Yes
must be selected to make the column required.2
Now we need to set a primary key for the STUDENT table. According to Figure A-12, we need to use the
StudentNumber column as the primary key for this table.

Setting the STUDENT Table Primary Key

1. Move the mouse pointer to the row selector column of the row containing the StudentNumber
properties, as shown in Figure A-20, and click to select the row.
2. Click the Primary Key button in the Tools group of the Design tab, as shown in Figure A-21.
StudentNumber is selected as the primary key for the STUDENT table.
We have finished building the STUDENT table. Now we need to name the table, save it, and close it.

Naming, Saving, and Closing the STUDENT Table

1. To name and save the STUDENT table, click the Save button in the Quick Access Toolbar. The
Save As dialog box appears, as shown in Figure A-22.
2. Type the table name STUDENT into the Save As dialog box’s Table Name text box and then click
the OK button. The saved table name STUDENT now appears on the document tab, and the
STUDENT table object is displayed in the Navigation Pane, as shown in Figure A-23.

2 Microsoft Access has an additional Data Type property named Allow Zero Length. This property confounds the

settings necessary to truly match the SQL constraint NOT NULL discussed in Chapter 7. However, the discussion of
Allow Zero Length is beyond the scope of this book. See the Microsoft Access Help system for more information.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The row selector column—

move the mouse pointer into
this column to select a specific

Move the mouse pointer here

and click to select the
StudentNumber row

Figure A-20 — Selecting the StudentNumber Row

Click the Primary Key button

in the Tools group of the
Design tab to set
StudentNumber as the primary

The key symbol here indicates

that StudentNumber is the
primary key of the table

Figure A-21 — Setting the Primary Key

Click the Save The OK button

button in the Quick
Access Toolbar to
display the Save
As dialog box

Type the table

name STUDENT in
the Table Name
text box

Figure A-22 — Naming and Saving the STUDENT Table

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The table is now named

STUDENT, and the table
name now appears on the
document tab

The table object STUDENT is

displayed in the Navigation

Click the Close button to close

the STUDENT table

Figure A-23 — The Saved and Opened STUDENT Table

The table object STUDENT is

displayed in the Navigation

Figure A-24 — The STUDENT Table Object in the Navigation Pane

3. To close the STUDENT table, click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the tabbed
documents window. After the table is closed, the STUDENT table object remains displayed in the
Navigation Pane, as shown in Figure A-24.
At this point, we need to build the CLASS and GRADE tables. The CLASS table will have the column
characteristics shown in Figure A-25, and the GRADE table will have the column characteristics shown in
Figure A-26. Using steps similar to those you used for the STUDENT table, create the CLASS and GRADE
tables. Note that GRADE has a composite primary key, and in order to designate this key you must
select the row representing StudentNumber, as discussed earlier, and then CTRL-Click (hold down the
CTRL key and then click) on the row representing ClassNumber so that both are highlighted when you
click the Primary Key button.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Figure A-25 — Column Characteristics for the CLASS Table

Figure A-26 — Column Characteristics for the GRADE Table

How Do I Insert Data into Tables Using the Datasheet View?

There are three commonly used methods for adding data to a table. First, we can use a table as a
datasheet, which is visually similar to and works like an Excel worksheet. When we do this, the table is in
Datasheet view, and we enter the data cell by cell. Second, we can build a data entry form for the table
and then use the form to add data. Third, we can use SQL to insert data. This section covers entering
data into a datasheet. We will discuss forms later in this appendix, and we will use SQL to insert data in
Chapters 4 and 7.
In Microsoft Access 2016, we can also use Datasheet view to create and modify table characteristics:
When we open a table in Datasheet view, the Table Tools contextual tab includes a Datasheet command
tab and ribbon with tools to do this. We do not recommend this and prefer to use Design view, as
previously discussed in this section, for creating and modifying table structures.
Of course, before we can use either method for creating and modifying table structures, we need to put
some data into the table. Figure A-27 shows some STUDENT data.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

StudentNumber LastName FirstName EmailAddress

1 Cooke Sam [email protected]

2 Lau Marcia [email protected]

3 Harris Lou [email protected]

4 Greene Grace [email protected]

Figure A-27 — Sample STUDENT Data

Adding Data to the STUDENT Table in Datasheet View

1. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the STUDENT table object. The STUDENT table window
appears in a tabbed document window in Datasheet view, as shown in Figure A-28. Note that if
some columns on the right side of the datasheet do not appear in the window, you can access
them by scrolling or minimizing the Navigation Pane using the Shutter Bar Close button.

▪ NOTE: As in a worksheet, the intersection of a row and column is called a cell in a


The Table Tools tab

If you need to switch between

Datasheet view and Design
view use the Design View

The STUDENT tabbed docu-

ment window with the table in
Datasheet view

The Shutter Bar Open/Close


Figure A-28 — The STUDENT table in Datasheet View

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

This row has been auto-num-

bered as StudentNumber 1

A new, blank row is added to

the datasheet

Figure A-29 — Entering Data Values for Sam Cooke

Column widths can be ad-

justed by using the mouse to
drag the column border to the
desired width

Figure A-30 — The Completed Row of Data Values

2. Click the STUDENT document tab to select the STUDENT table in Datasheet view.
3. Click the cell in the StudentNumber column with the phrase (New) in it to select that cell in the
new row of the STUDENT datasheet.
4. Press the Tab key to move to the LastName cell in the new row of the STUDENT datasheet. For
student Sam Cooke, type Cooke in the LastName cell. Note that as soon as you do this, the
AutoNumber function puts the number 1 in the StudentNumber cell, and a new row is added to
the datasheet, as shown in Figure A-29.
5. Using the Tab key to move from one column to another in the STUDENT datasheet, enter the
rest of the data values for Sam Cooke.
6. The final result is shown in Figure A-30. Note that the width of the Email column was expanded
using the mouse to move the border of the column—just as you do in an Excel worksheet.
▪ NOTE: If you make a mistake and need to return to a cell, click the cell to select it, and
you go into Edit mode. Alternatively, you can use Shift-Tab to move to the right in the
datasheet and then press F2 to edit the contents of the cell.
▪ NOTE: Remember that LastName and FirstName require a data value. You will not be
able to move to another row or close the table window until you have some value in
each of these cells.
▪ NOTE: Figure A-30 shows a column labeled Click to Add to the right of the Email column.
This is a table tool in Datasheet view that you can use to create or modify table
structures. We do not recommend using these tools; we prefer to use Design view
▪ NOTE: Altering the width of a column in Datasheet view does not change the amount of

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

data stored in the database — it only changes the way the data is presented in
Datasheet view.
7. Use the Tab key to move to the next row of the STUDENT datasheet and enter the data for
Marcia Lau.
8. Enter the data for Lou Harris.
9. Enter the data for Grace Greene.
10. If necessary, adjust the datasheet column widths so that you can see the contents of the
datasheet in one screen. The final result is shown in Figure A-31.
11. Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the document window to close the STUDENT
datasheet. If a dialog box appears asking if you want to save the changes you made to the layout
(column widths), click the Yes button.
At this point, we need to enter data into the CLASS table, but not into the GRADE table. The data in the
GRADE table will be entered only after we have created the relationships between the tables. The data
for the CLASS table are shown in Figure A-32. Enter this data using the CLASS table in Datasheet view.

Modifying and Deleting Data in Tables in the Datasheet View

After data is entered into a table, you can modify or change it by editing the data values in the
Datasheet view. You can also delete rows of data in the Datasheet view. For information on how to do
this, see the Microsoft Access 2016 documentation in the Help system.

Click the Close button to

close the STUDENT

Figure A-31 — The Completed STUDENT Datasheet

ClassNumber ClassName Term Section

10 CHEM 101 2017-Fall 1

20 CHEM 101 2017-Fall 2

30 CHEM 101 2018-Spring 1

40 ACCT 101 2017-Fall 1

50 ACCT 101 2018-Spring 1

Figure A-32 — Sample CLASS Data

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

How Do I Create Relationships Between Tables?

In Microsoft Access, you build relationships between tables by using the Relationships window, which
you access by using the Tools | Relationships command.

Creating the Relationship Between the STUDENT and GRADE Tables

1. Click the Database Tools tab to display the Database Tools command groups, as shown in Figure
2. Click the Relationships button in the Relationships group. As shown in Figure A-34, the
Relationships tabbed document window appears, together with the Show Table dialog box. Note
that along with the Relationships window, a contextual tab named Relationship Tools is
displayed and that this tab adds a new command tab named Design to the set of command tabs
3. In the Show Table dialog box, click the STUDENT table to select it. Click the Add button to add
STUDENT to the Relationships window.
4. In the Show Table dialog box, click the GRADE table to select it. Click the Add button to add
GRADE to the Relationships window.
5. In the Show Table dialog box, click the Close button to close the dialog box.
6. Rearrange and resize the table objects in the Relationships window using standard Windows
drag-and-drop techniques. Rearrange the STUDENT and GRADE table objects until they appear
as shown in Figure A-35. Now we are ready to create the relationship between the tables.

▪ NOTE: A formal description of how to create a relationship between two tables is “In the
Relationships window, drag a primary key column and drop it on top of the
corresponding foreign key column.” It is easier to understand this after you have
actually done it.

The Database Tools

command tab

The Relationships button

The Relationships command


The Relationships tooltip

Figure A-33 — The Database Tools Command Tab

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Relationship Tools tab

The Design command tab

The Show Table dialog box

The Relationships tabbed

document window

Select a table name and click

the Add button to add the
table to the Relationships

Figure A-34 — The Relationships Window

The table objects have been

rearranged into the arrange-
ment shown here

Click, drag, and drop the

STUDENT StudentNumber
field onto the GRADE
StudentNumber field

Figure A-35 — The Table Objects in the Relationships Window

7. Click and hold the column name StudentNumber in the STUDENT table and then drag it over
the column name StudentNumber in the GRADE table. The Edit Relationships dialog box
appears, as shown in Figure A-36.

▪ NOTE: In STUDENT, StudentNumber is the primary key, and in GRADE, StudentNumber

is a foreign key.
8. Click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Edit Relationships

dialog box

The Create button

Click the Enforce Referential

Integrity check box and then
click the Create button to
create the relationship

Figure A-36 — The Edit Relationships Dialog Box

The new relationship now ap-

pears in the Relationships
window diagram—note that
the line connects the related

Figure A-37 — The Completed Relationship

9. Click the Create button to create the relationship between STUDENT and GRADE. The
relationship between the tables now appears in the Relationships window, as shown in Figure A-
10. To close the Relationships window, click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the
document window. A Microsoft Access dialog box appears, asking whether you want to save
changes to the layout of relationships. Click the Yes button to save the changes and close the

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The key symbols show the The second relationship now

primary key in each table appears in the Relationships
window diagram—note that
the line connects the related

Figure A-38 — The Completed Relationships for the Student_Class_Grade Database

Now we need to repeat essentially the same steps and create the relationship between CLASS and
GRADE. When we are done, the relationships appear as shown in Figure A-38.
At this point, referential integrity has been established between the foreign keys in GRADE and the
corresponding primary keys in STUDENT and CLASS. This means that we cannot add a data value to
StudentNumber or ClassNumber in GRADE unless the same value already exists in StudentNumber in
STUDENT or ClassNumber in CLASS. This prevents us from inserting erroneous data into GRADE.
Now we can enter the GRADE data shown in Figure A-39 into the GRADE table. After this is done, we
have completed creating and populating the Student_Class_Grade database.

StudentNumber ClassNumber Grade

1 10 3.7

1 40 3.5

2 20 3.7

3 30 3.1

4 40 3.0

4 50 3.5

Figure A-39 — Sample GRADE Data

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

How Do I Create and Run Microsoft Access 2016 Queries?

Once we have data in a database, we can use that data to extract information about the data. Basically,
this means that we want to ask a question and get an answer based on the data. For example, using the
Student_Class_Grade database, we could ask “Who has taken ACCT 101?” Given the data we are using,
the answer is “Sam Cooke and Grace Greene(who took it twice).”
In Microsoft Access 2016, we ask the database a question by creating and running a Microsoft Access
query. There are two query methods that we use in Microsoft Access. The first method is Structured
Query Language (SQL), which is mentioned in Chapter 1 and discussed in Chapter 2. SQL is text based,
and, as the name implies, is designed (in large part, but not entirely as you will learn in Chapter 7) for
querying databases. The second method is the Microsoft Access version of Query by Example (QBE),
which uses the Microsoft Access GUI to build queries. QBE is the Microsoft Access default, and we will
discuss it here. We will examine how to use SQL in Microsoft Access in Chapter 2. It is important to note
that Microsoft Access, unlike enterprise-class DBMS products, will allow you to save queries as part of
the database structure. This is a function of the application development component of Microsoft
Access, just as are forms and reports (which we will discuss later in this appendix).
Queries are based on one or more tables (and in Microsoft Access can also be based on other existing,
saved queries). To understand how Microsoft Access QBE works, we will use QBE to create a multi-table
query. The query will provide student enrollment and final grade information for each class and is the
same query that was used as the basis for the Class Grade Report in Figure 1-13.

Creating and Running a Microsoft Access QBE Query

1. Click the Create command tab to display the Create command groups, as shown in Figure A-40.
2. Click the Query Design button in the Queries command group on the CREATE command tab.
3. The Query1 tabbed document window is displayed in Design view, along with the Show Table
dialog box, as shown in Figure A-41.

The Create command tab

The Query Design button

The Query Design tooltip

Figure A-40 — The Create Command Tab

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Query 1 tabbed

document window

The Show Table dialog box

Click a table name to select it

and then click the Add button
to add the table to the query

The Close button

Figure A-41 — The Show Table Dialog Box

4. In the Show Table dialog box, click CLASS to select the CLASS table. Click the Add button to add
the CLASS table to the query.
5. In the Show Table dialog box, click GRADE to select the GRADE table. Click the Add button to
add the GRADE table to the query.
6. In the Show Table dialog box, click STUDENT to select the STUDENT table. Click the Add button
to add the STUDENT table to the query.
7. Click the Close button to close the Show Table dialog box.
8. Rearrange and resize the query window objects in the Query1 query document window, using
standard Windows drag-and-drop techniques, until they appear as shown in Figure A-42.
9. Note the elements of the Query1 window shown in Figure A-42: Tables and their associated set
of columns—called a field list—that are included in the query are shown in the upper pane, and
the columns (fields) actually required by the query are shown in the lower pane. For each
included column (field), you can set whether this column’s data appear in the results, how the
data are sorted, and the criteria for selecting which rows of data will be shown. Note that the
first entry in the table’s field list is the asterisk (*), which has its standard SQL meaning of “all
columns in the table.”
10. We include columns in the query by dragging them from the table’s field list to a field column in
the lower pane. Click and drag ClassNumber in CLASS to the first field column, as shown in
Figure A-43. Note that the column is entered as ClassNumber from the table CLASS.
11. Click the Shutter Bar Open/Close button to collapse the Navigation Pane—we will need the
extra space to build the query.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Tables in the query ap-

pear in the top pane,
together with a list of
their columns (the field
The Shutter Bar list) and an asterisk (*),
Open/Close button meaning “all columns”

Columns in the query

are called fields and
appear in the bottom
pane, together with
related property values

Figure A-42 — The QBE Query1 Query Window

To add a column to the

query, click the column
name and drag it to a
cell in the Field: row in
the lower pane

The ClassNumber field

name is dropped here
to add the
ClassNumber field to
the query

The table name is auto-

matically added to the
query to specify the
source of the column–
this is important if there
is more than one table
in the query with the
same column name

Figure A-43 — Adding Columns to the QBE Query

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

12. Add the following columns to the query:

a. CLASS.ClassName
b. CLASS.Term
c. CLASS.Section
d. STUDENT.LastName
e. STUDENT.FirstName
f. GRADE.Grade
13. In the Sort: row of the Field properties, set the sort order for ClassNumber, Section, LastName,
and FirstName to Ascending.
14. The complete query now appears as shown in Figure A-44.
15. Click the Shutter Bar Open/Close button to expand the Navigation Pane.
16. To save the query, click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the Save As
dialog box. Type in the query name QBE-Query-A-01, and then click the OK button. The query is
saved, and the window is renamed with the new query name.
17. Click the Run button in the Results command group of the Design command tab. The query
results appear, as shown in Figure A-45.

The Run button

From CLASS, the

ClassName, Term, and
Section columns are in
the query

From STUDENT, the

LastName and
FirstName columns are
in the query

From GRADE, the

Grade column is in the

The results will be

sorted by ClassNumber,
Section, LastName, and
Firstname in ascending

Figure A-44 — The Completed Three-Table QBE Query

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Save button

The results show the

course grade for each
student in each section
of each class

The results are sorted

by ClassNumber,
Section, LastName, and
FirstName in ascending

Figure A-45 — The Three-Table QBE Query Results

18. The query document window is now named QBE-Query-A-01, and a newly created QBE-Query-
A-01 query object appears in a Queries section of the Navigation Pane.
19. Close the QBE-Query-A-01 query.
20. If Microsoft Access displays a dialog box asking whether you want to save changes to the design
of the query QBE-Query-A-01, click the Yes button.
21. The Student_Class_Database now appears as shown in Figure A-46.

The Tables section of

the Navigation Pane


and STUDENT table ob-

The Queries section of

the Navigation Pane

The QBE-Query-A-01
query object

Figure A-46 — The Database with the QBE-Query-A-01 Query Object

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

This is a fairly complex query, but it certainly illustrates how to use QBE for more complicated queries.
And if you can run this query, you will be able to run queries using just one or two tables.

How Do I Create and Run SQL Views in Microsoft Access 2016?

An SQL view is simply a saved SQL query. SQL views and their uses are discussed in Chapter 7. Most
DBMS systems, including SQL Server 2017, Oracle Database, and MySQL 5.7, do not usually save SQL
queries within a database, and expect the queries to be saved as SQL scripts in an external file if they
need to be saved. SQL views are an exception to this, with the query that constitutes the SQL view being
saved as part of the database.
Microsoft Access 2016 is an exception to this method, with, as we have just discussed, queries (either
SQL or QBE based) being stored within the *.accdb database file. Because of this fact, it is easy to create
and store SQL views in Microsoft Access 2016: we simply create and store a Microsoft Access 2016
query. And, in fact, it doesn’t matter whether we create this query using SQL or QBE—the result is the
same! To distinguish queries that are intended to be used as SQL views with Microsoft Access 2016, we
will simply add the word view to the query name.
At this point, we could create an SQL view based on a new SQL or QBE query. However, because, as we
noted earlier, the QBE-Query-A-01 query we have just created is the basis for the Class Grade Report in
Figure 1-13, this query is a great example of the type of query that would be used as an SQL view. So, we
will now create and save an SQL view based on this query.

Creating and Running a Microsoft Access SQL View

1. Right-click the QBE-Query-A-01 object to display the shortcut menu, and then click the Design
View command. The QBE-Query-A-01 query is displayed in Design view.
2. Click the File command to display the Backstage view.
3. Click the Save As command. The Backstage Save As page is displayed as shown in Figure A-47.
4. Click the Save Object As button to display the Save the current database object page as shown
in Figure A-48. Note that the Save Object As option in Database File Types is selected.
5. Click the Save As button
6. The Save As dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure A-49.
7. Type in the new object name viewClassGradeReport as shown in Figure A-50, and then click the
OK button.
8. The viewClassGradeReport object is created and displayed as shown in Figure A-51.
9. Click the viewClassGradeReport tabbed document window Close button to close the window.

How Do I Create Microsoft Access 2016 Forms and Reports?

Microsoft Access 2016 has the ability to create and store forms and reports as part of its application
development tools. We will not discuss these features in detail, but we will note that Microsoft Access
has both a Form Wizard and a Report Wizard that will step you through the creation of basic forms and
reports. These provide a good starting place for exploring forms and reports in Microsoft Access 2016.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Save As page

The Save As button

The Save Object As


Figure A-47 — The Save As Command on the Backstage View

The Save the current

database object page

The Save Object As

option is selected

The Save As button

Figure A-48 — The Save The Current Database Object Page

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Save As dialog box

Type the new object

name here

Figure A-49 — The Save As Dialog Box

The new object name

The OK button

Figure A-50 — The Completed Save As Dialog Box

The viewClassGradeReport
document window tab

The viewClassGradeReport

Figure A-51 — The Completed viewClassGradeReport View

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

The Form Wizard button is located in the Forms command group on the CREATE ribbon, as shown in
Figure A-52. Once started, the Form Wizard takes us through a step-by-step process to create the
desired form.
The Report Wizard button is located in the Reports group on the Create ribbon, as shown in Figure A-53.
Once started, the Report Wizard takes us through a step-by-step process similar to the one used by the
Form Wizard, but this time to create the desired report.

How Do I Close a Newly-Created Database and Exit Microsoft Access 2016?

We have finished all the work we need to do in this appendix on getting started with Microsoft Access
2016. We have demonstrated how to create a database, build database tables, populate a table with
data by using Datasheet view, create relationships between tables, and query a database using
Microsoft Access QBE. We have briefly introduced forms and reports.

The Create command


The Form Wizard


The Forms command


The Form Wizard


Figure A-52 — The Form Wizard

The Create command


The Report Wizard


The Reports command


The Report Wizard


Figure A-53 — The Report Wizard

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

At this point, you know enough to create and use basic Microsoft Access databases. In particular, you
know enough to create the Cape Codd database that will be used in Chapter 2 in our discussion of SQL
queries. In fact, creating that database is part of the exercises in this appendix.
Having achieved our goal of getting you started using Microsoft Access 2016, we finish by closing the
Student_Class_Grade database and Microsoft Access 2016.

Closing the Student-Class-Grade Database and Exiting Microsoft Access 2016

1. To close the Student_Class_Grade database and exit Microsoft Access 2016, click the Close
button in the upper-right corner of the Microsoft Access 2016 window.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

AutoNumber cell

character command tab

composite primary key contextual command tabs

data entry form datasheet

Datasheet view Enforce Referential Integrity check box

foreign key form

Form Wizard key

Microsoft Access 2016 Microsoft Office Fluent user interface

Navigation Pane number

numeric object

primary key query

Query by Example (QBE) Relationships window

remarks report

Report Wizard required

Ribbon schema

SQL view Structured Query Language (SQL)

surrogate key text

Tools | Relationships command type

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

A.1 Microsoft Access 2016 includes an application generator. What capabilities does this feature
add to Microsoft Access 2016 that are not usually found in enterprise-class DBMS products such
as SQL Server 2017, Oracle Database, and MySQL 5.7?

A.2 What is a primary key? What is a foreign key? How are foreign keys used to create relationships
between tables?

A.3 What file extension is used to identify Microsoft Access 2016 database files?

A.4 What is the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface? Describe the components of the Fluent user
interface as used in Microsoft Access 2016.

A.5 What is the Microsoft Access 2016 Quick Access Toolbar, and what is it used for?

A.6 What is the Microsoft Access 2016 Navigation Pane?

A.7 How does Microsoft Access 2016 create surrogate keys in tables?

A.8 How do you create relationships in Microsoft Access 2016?

A.9 What is referential integrity, and why is it important?

A.10 What is an SQL view, and how are views created in Microsoft Access 2016?

A.11 Using the Student_Class_Grade database that you created in this appendix:
A. Create and run a Microsoft Access QBE query to duplicate the results in Figure 1-12.
Save the query as QBE-Query-A-02, then save a copy as viewStudentNumberGT2.
B. Use the Form Wizard to create a data input form for the STUDENT table. Name the form
Student Data Input Form. Using the student data shown in Figure A-54, add the new
students to the STUDENT table.
C. Use the Form Wizard to create a data input form for the CLASS table. Name the form
Class Data Input Form. Using the class data shown in Figure A-55, add the new classes to
the CLASS table.
D. Use the Form Wizard to create a data input form for the GRADE table. Name the form
Grade Data Input Form. Using the grade data shown in Figure A-56, add the new grades
to the GRADE table.
E. Use the Form Wizard to duplicate the CLASS form in Figure 1-11. Note that this form
uses more than one table.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

StudentNumber LastName FirstName EmailAddress

5 Davis Bruce [email protected]

6 Kelly Mary [email protected]

7 Taylor Larry [email protected]

Figure A-54 — Additional STUDENT Data

ClassNumber ClassName Term Section

60 MATH 105 2017-Fall 1

70 MATH 105 2017-Fall 2

80 MATH 105 2017-Fall 3

90 MATH 110 2018-Spring 1

Figure A-55 — Additional CLASS Data

StudentNumber ClassNumber Grade

1 60 3.3

2 60 3.5

5 70 3.7

6 70 2.7

7 80 3.0

7 90 3.3

Figure A-56 — Additional GRADE Data

F. Use the Report Wizard to create a report of the data in the STUDENT table. Name the
report Student Data Report.
G. Use the Report Wizard and the CLASS, STUDENT, and GRADE tables to replicate the
Class Grade Report shown in Figure 1-13. Note that your version of this report will
display additional data because of the data you added to the database in steps B, C, and
D above.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

A.12 In this exercise, you will build a portion of the Cape Codd database used for the SQL
examples in Chapter 2. The Microsoft Access 2016 tables and relationships are shown in
Figure 2-4.
A. Create a new Microsoft Access 2016 database named Cape_Codd.accdb.
B. The column characteristics for the BUYER table are shown in Figure A-57. Using this
data, create the BUYER table.
C. The column characteristics for the RETAIL_ORDER table are shown in Figure A-58. Using
this data, create the RETAIL_ORDER table.
D. The column characteristics for the SKU_DATA table are shown in Figure A-59. Using this
data, create the SKU_DATA table.
E. The column characteristics for the ORDER_ITEM table are shown in Figure A-60. Using
this data, create the ORDER_ITEM table.
F. The data for the BUYER table are shown in Figure 2-6(a). Populate the BUYER table.
G. The data for the RETAIL_ORDER table are shown in Figure 2-6(a). Populate the
H. The data for the SKU_DATA table are shown in Figure 2-6(a). Populate the SKU_DATA
I. Create the relationship between the BUYER and SKU_DATA tables. Enforce referential
J. Note that there is a recursive relationship between the BUYER.Supervior and
BUYER.BuyerName. Create this relationship (see Microsoft Access 2016 documentation
online if needed). Enforce referential integrity.
K. Create the relationship between the RETAIL_ORDER and ORDER_ITEM tables. Enforce
referential integrity.
L. Create the relationship between the SKU_DATA and ORDER_ITEM tables. Enforce
referential integrity.
M. The data for the ORDER_ITEM table are shown in Figure 2-6(a). Populate the
N. Why did you enter the ORDER_ITEM data only after creating the relationships between
the tables?
O. Create a QBE query to display Department and Buyer from the SKU_DATA table. Save
the query as QBE-Query-A-RQ-01.

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

P. Create an SQL View to display the same Department and Buyer data from the
SKU_DATA table as shown in QBE-Query-A-RQ-01. Save the SQL view as
Q. The column characteristics for the CATALOG_SKU_20## tables are shown in Figure A-61.
Using this data, create the CATALOG_SKU_2017 and CATALOG_SKU_2018 tables.
R. The data for the CATALOG_SKU_2017 table are shown in Figure 2-6(b). Populate the
CATALOG_SKU_2017 table.


Figure A-57 — Column Characteristics for the Cape Codd BUYER Table


Figure A-58 — Column Characteristics for the Cape Codd RETAIL_ORDER Table

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016


Figure A-59 — Column Characteristics for the Cape Codd SKU_DATA Table

Figure A-60 — Column Characteristics for the Cape Codd ORDER_ITEM Table


Figure A-61 — Column Characteristics for the Cape Codd CATALOG_SKU_20## Table

Database Processing (15th Edition) Appendix A Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

S. The data for the CATALOG_SKU_2018 table are shown in Figure 2-6(b). Populate the
CATALOG_SKU_2018 table.
T. Create a QBE query to display CatalogID, SKU, SKU_Description, and Department from
the CATALOG_SKU_2017 table. Save the query as QBE-Query-A-RQ-02.
U. Create a QBE query to display CatalogID, SKU, SKU_Description, and Department from
the CATALOG_SKU_2018 table. Save the query as QBE-Query-A-RQ-03.


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