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Jose Yulo

Don Jose Yulo and Dona Cecilia Araneta Yulo’s Family

The man behind Canlubang’s legacy is Don Jose Yulo. Jose Yulo was born on September  24, 1894. Jose
Yulo is an intelligent man. He took up law in the University of the Philippines. He came in 3rd place in the
bar exam. He is also the youngest graduate at the age of 19  in the UP Class Law 1914.  Before handling
the Sugar Cane Estate, Don Jose Yulo was part of the government. Don Jose Yulo was a Chief  Justice in
the year  1942-1945.  Jose Yulo is said to be the youngest Chief Justice at the age of 49. He was also
running for President in the year 1957. Don Jose Yulo is married to Cecila Araneta. They have 6 children,
Maria Elena, Jose Yulo Jr., Ramon, Luis, Jesus Miguel(the youngest child) and Cecil. His 2 daughters
became Maria Elena Y. Quiros and Cecil Y. Locsin after getting married.
Vicente Madrigal who is known as a successful businessman in the Philippines sold Canlubang to Don
Jose Yulo, together with the Sugar Estate on September 16, 1948. Don Jose Yulo’s family and Vicente
Madrigal’s family are good friends. At first, Don Jose Yulo was unsure of accepting Vicente Madrigal’s
offer. He was unsure because they were just recovering from the war (Japanese era) but later on, Don
Jose Yulo together with his wife, Dona Cecila Yulo decided to take Vicente Madrigal’s offer.

Don Jose Yulo has a background in running a business. They owned a farm back then and he also has
information on how to run the Sugar Estate. Don Jose Yulo is a very good businessman. Once the Sugar
Cane Estate became his, his employees were given privileges. Each workers and their family were given
a house in Canlubang. As the Sugar Estate developed and succeeded, Don Jose Yulo built schools,
cinemas, a baseball field and bowling alleys for the people in Canlubang. Education for your family in
Canlubang was also free if you work for Don Jose Yulo.

Canlubang was a very beautiful place. You would usually hear it from the people who lived in Canlubang.
Don Jose Yulo and Dona Cecilia Araneta Yulo were very generous people.

September 24 is declared as a holiday in Canlubang because of Don Jose Yulo.

Who is Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr.?

Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. was born on November 27, 1932. His father, Benigno S. Aquino, Sr. was a
prominent member of the World War II Japanese collaborationist government of José P. Laurel, as Vice-
President. His mother was Doña Aurora Aquino-Aquino who was also his father’s third cousin. His
brothers and sisters include: Mila Aquino Albert, Linda Aquino Martinez, Maur Aquino Lichauco, Ditas
Aquino Valdez, Lupita Aquino Kashiwahara, Agapito (Butz) Aquino, Paul Aquino, Tessie Aquino Oreta. He
married Corazon Cojuanco on October 11, 1954

Education. Aquino was educated in private schools — St. Joseph’s College, Ateneo de Manila, National
University, and De La Salle College. He finished high school at San Beda College. Aquino took his tertiary
education at the Ateneo de Manila to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree, but he interrupted his studies.
According to one of his biographies, he considered himself to be an average student; his grade was not
in the line of 90’s nor did it fall into the 70’s.

Ninoy took up law at the University of the Philippines, where he became a member of the Upsilon Sigma
Phi, the same fraternity of Ferdinand Marcos. He interrupted his studies again however to pursue a
career in journalism.

According to Máximo V. Soliven, Aquino “later ‘explained’ that he had decided to go to as many schools
as possible, so that he could make as many new friends as possible.” In early 1954, he was appointed by
President Ramon Magsaysay, his wedding sponsor to his 1953 wedding at the Our Lady of Sorrows
church in Pasay with Corazon Cojuangco, to act as personal emissary to Luis Taruc, leader of the
Hukbalahap rebel group. After four months of negotiations, he was credited for Taruc’s unconditional

Political Career. Beningo Aquino was no stranger to Philippine politics. He came from a family that had
been involved with some of the country’s political heavyweights. His grandfather served under President
Aguinaldo, while his father held office under Presidents Quezon and Laurel.
1954. Special Assistant to President Ramon Magsaysay.  He negotiated the surrender of HUK Supremo
Luis Taruc (May 16, 1954).

1955. Elected as youngest mayor of his hometown, Concepcion, Tarlac at the age of 22.

1956. Press Officer, Philippine-American Military Bases Agreement negotiations.

1957. Special Assistant to President Carlos P. Garcia.

1959. Elected as the youngest Vice-Governor of Tarlac Province at 26 years old.  He was elected
Secretary General of the League of Provincial Governors and City Mayors.

1961. Became Governor in 1961 after the Governor’s resignation.

1963. Elected Governor of Tarlac Province at age 31.  He won in all 17 towns of the province, posting the
highest majority ever garnered by a gubernatorial candidate in the province. 

1964. Philippine Delegate, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference
held in Korea.

1965. Special Assistant to President Diosdado Macapagal.  He accompanied President Macapagal in

State visits to Cambodia and Indonesia.  Spokesperson of Philippine Delegation – Afro-Asian conference
in Algiers, Africa.

1966. Project Director of Tarlac “Project Spread”.  A joint understanding of the National Economic
Council (Philippine Government) and the U.S.A.I.D., which was designed to increase rural income.

1967. Elected as the youngest Senator of the Philippines at 35 years old as the lone opposition (Liberal
Party) candidate to survive the election sweep made by President Marcos Nacionalista Party.  He was
also elected as Secretary-General of the Liberal Party.

1968. Author of several speeches, and many articles while serving as a public servant.  These are
contained in the book “A Garrison State in the Make and other Speeches” by Senator Benigno “Ninoy” S.
Aquino, Jr. (BSAF Publication).  Senator Aquilino also authored / co-authored several bills filed in
approved congress to benefit the masses.  He also authored several privilege speeches printed in the
“Ninoy Aquino – Speech Series,” 1968 – 1970s.

1970. Resource person for the Philippines in the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London.

1971. Member of the Philippine Delegation of the Asian Conference on the Cambodian Question,
Jakarta, Indonesia.

1972. Philippine Delegate to the International Conference on Japan and the Evolving world, sponsored
by the International Institute for Strategic Studies of London, at Mount Fuji, Japan.  He was also the July
4th guest speaker of Filipino communities in Honolulu, Los Angeles and San Francisco U.S.A.

Early Journalism Years. Journalism remained his particular vocation in spite of his entry into politics and
from time to time he wrote “perspective articles” for such publications as “Foreign Affairs Quarterly”
and the “Pacific Community.”

1950. Manila Times Newspaper reported at age 17; Manila Times War correspondent  in Korea.

1952. Manila Times Foreign Correspondent in Southeast Asia (assigned to Indo-China, covered the last
moment of French colonialism in Asia, at Dien Bien Phu.  He was later posted to Malaya to cover the
British counter-insurgency efforts under General Templar.

1952. He agreed (while already a Senator and in the name of Journalism) to conduct a weekly television
news analysis, entitled “Insight” for Channel 5, upon the urging of his former publisher of the Manila
Times, Mr. Chino Roces.  He kept this up until his arrest in 1972 by the people responsible for the
Martial Law regime.

Major Awards. His achievements at such a young age earned him the moniker “Wonder Boy of
Philippine politics.” Other awards of Ninoy Aquino are the following:

1950. Philippine Legion of Honor, Officer Degree, awarded by President Elpidio Quirino for “Meritorious
Service” to the Philippines for his coverage of the Philippine Expeditionary Force to the Korean War.

1954. Philippine Legion of Honor, Commander degree, awarded by President Ramon Magsaysay for
“exemplary meritorious service” to the Filipino people negotiating the coverage of HUK Supremo Luis

1957. First Bronze Anahaw Leaf, Philippine Legion of Honor, conferred by President Ramon Magsaysay,
for services in the peace and order campaign.

1960. Voted one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM) in the field of public

1968-1971. Outstanding Senator, voted yearly by the Philippine Free Press, the Philippine leading
political weekly magazine.

1971. Man of the Year, voted by the Philippine Free Press, citing him for the leadership he showed when
his party’s leadership was bombed in Plaza Miranda, the Philippines’ equivalent to Hyde Park.  He led his
party’s campaign “with courage, with distinction” despite threats to arrest him, made by then President
Marcos.  He led the Liberal Party to a 6-2 victory in the Philippine Senate elections, which catapulted him
to become the No. 1 presidential contender in the 1973 elections.

Martial Law Years. The declaration of martial law on September 21, 1972 ushered in the defining phase
in Ninoy’s evolution as a leader. Before then, it was generally assumed that he would ascend to the
nation’s highest office as the Liberal Party’s standard bearer in the 1973 presidential elections. Instead,
he wound up the most high-profile political prisoner as Ferdinand Marcos suspended the Constitution,
abolished Congress, silenced the opposition and the media, and ruled by decree on the pretext that he
needed emergency powers to quell a communist insurgency and a Muslim secessionist rebellion.

September 22, 1972. Ninoy was arrested, detained and imprisoned at Fort Bonifacio and in Laur, Nueva
Ecija for 7 years and 7 months, mostly in solitary confinement.

April 4, 1975 – May 13, 1975. He went on a protest hunger strike while in prison.

May 8, 1980. Released from Fort Bonifacio to undergo a triple heart bypass at Baylor Medical Center,
Dallas, Texas, USA.

May 13, 1980. Operated and successfully given a triple bypass in Dallas, Texas.

1980-1982. Fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Affairs.

1982-1983. Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for International Studies.

August 21, 1983. Assassinated at the airport seconds after disembarking in China Airlines jet from Taipei.

August 31, 1983. Ninoy’s funeral march from Sto. Domingo Church, Quezon City to ManilaMemorial
Park, Paranaque, was the “longest funeral march in world’s history.” Around two million people joined
the funeral.

What Ninoy Has Done?

Although Ninoy Aquino was recognized as the most prominent and most dynamic opposition leader of
his generation, in the years prior to martial law he was regarded by many as being a representative of
the entrenched familial elite which to this day dominates Philippine politics. While atypically telegenic
and uncommonly articulate, he had his share of detractors and was not known to be immune to
ambitions and excesses of the ruling political class. However, during his seven years and seven months
imprisoned as a political prisoner of Marcos, Aquino read the book Born Again by convicted Watergate
conspirator Charles Colson and it inspired him to a religious awakening.

Ninoy: A Hero of Filipino People or Not?

Was it his sheer audacity to come back to the Philippines after more than three years of exile – knowing
the dangers that awaited him – that makes him a hero? No. This audacity had been there long before
the exile. How he fought for freedom and justice didn’t happen just like that.

His life in politics started early. Very, very early. He was the youngest mayor at 22, the country’s
youngest vice-governor at 27, then governor of Tarlac 2 years later. He became the youngest senator in
Philippine history at 34.  His popularity was greatly due to his daring criticism of the Marcos regime.
Ninoy frequently challenged the dictatorship. Ninoy once referred to the Cultural Center of the
Philippines, an extravagant P50-million project of the Former First Lady, as “a monument to shame” in
his speech, A Pantheon for Imelda. Consequently, he was called a “congenital liar” by an outraged
President Marcos, while the Philippine Free Press hailed him as one of the country’s most outstanding

As a result, the remainder of his personal and political life had a distinct spiritual sheen. He emerged as a
contemporary counterpart of the great José Rizal, who was among the world’s earliest proponents of
the use of non-violence to combat a repressive regime. Some remained skeptical of Aquino’s redirected
spiritual focus, but it ultimately had an effect on his wife’s political career.

While some may question the prominence given Aquino in Philippine history, it was his assassination
that was pivotal to the downfall of a despotic ruler and the eventual restoration of democracy in the

Ninoy Aquino: In My Personal View

I remember when I was younger, when my teacher asks me to enumerate a name of a hero, I always
mention the name Ninoy Aquino, after Jose Rizal. Though, I admit I am not that knowledgeable then
about him, I always look up to this man whom I believe is the icon of a genuine democracy and a
peaceful revolution.

There is no argument about what he did; how he stood up against the Marcos dictatorship, how he
fearlessly campaigned for the return of democratic values and ideals to the Filipino people, and how he
bravely went home to the Philippines on that fatal August day in 1983 despite repeated warnings that
his life was in danger.

We only have to echo Ninoy Aquino’s hauntingly patriotic statement to remember his heroism and love
of country: “I have weighed all the virtues and faults of the Filipinos, and I have come to the conclusion
that the Filipino is worth dying for.”

I am deeply amazed by the achievements of Ninoy as a young leader and as a young journalist.
Sometimes, I tend to compare myself to him and I ended up making him as my inspiration to move
forward and continue serving my fellows. I have heard almost all his speeches, and every word he utters
really mean a lot to me.
I remember one passage from his speech which really inculcated in my mind, “What can one man do if
the Filipino people love their slavery, if the Filipino people have lost their voice and would not say no to
a tyrant, what can one man do. I have not army, I have no following, I have no money, I only have my
indomitable spirit.” It only bespeaks the significance of oneness and unity, the harmony that should
prevail among us Filipinos in order to resolve various societal upheavals that we are experiencing now.
Crisis after crisis tend to beset our nation and we ended up blaming the government for these without
even asking ourselves, what our contributions to resolve these problems are. Like what Ninoy has said, if
we remain callous or indifferent, nothing will happen. Let us cultivate our burning desire for change and
our indomitable spirit for progress in order to achieve a transformational society.

Moreover, when I was in Tarlac I have read one quote of Ninoy Aquino painted in a wall and he put it
this way, “the meaning of our struggle is to be able to return the freedom. First we must return the
freedom so that all segments of our community whether from the left or from the right will have the
right to speak and then in that open debate in that clash of debate in the marketplace we will produce
the clash between the thesis and the anti-thesis and then we will have the synthesis for the Filipino

Truly, Ninoy is a freedom lover and I am grateful that through his peaceful advocacies, freedom in the
Philippines was restored resulting to a unified nation with one vision and one spirit. This freedom paved
the way to identify the thesis and anti-thesis of the Filipino people which resulted to the resolution or
the synthesis towards a better nation. And I hope what Ninoy has done will be embodied to every
Filipino for us to be able to embrace the truest meaning of freedom, solidarity and progress for our
beloved country.

Perhaps if Ninoy would have been elected as president of the Philippines, we will be able to have an
ideal society where no poor shall live, equality, rule of law and democracy prevails, no graft and
corruption and crime occurrences can be counted by the fingers. But then, I believe that there is still
hope and every Filipino can be a living Ninoy by our own little way.

While I am writing this piece, I am also preparing for another quest of leadership journey inspired by the
ideals of Ninoy and Cory Aquino. This is the Ninoy and Cory Aquino Leadership Journey, a program that
invites the youth leaders all over the country to undergo a three-day transformative experience and be
living witnesses of leadership. The objectives of the program are to reintroduce models of leadership
based from the lives of Ninoy and Cory Aquino; to realize that spirituality, faith and love are values that
anchor one’s life; to build communal experiences in spirituality with other youth leaders; to respond to a
life of love through the call for action and to appreciate a life of sacrifice that is deeply rooted in one’s
faith. I just hope that my application to this will be accepted so that I would be able to know Ninoy and
Cory and their ideologies even better.

To end I would like to reiterate what Ninoy Aquino once said and I quote, “we should not depend on one
man, we should depend on all of us. All of us is expandable in the cause for freedom and therefore I say
stand up now and be a leader, and when all of us are leaders, we will expedite the cause of freedom.”
Jose Zulueta (politician)

Jose C. Zulueta ( Iloilo City , February 7 1889 - December 6 1972 [1] ) was a

Filipino politician . He has been a deputy governor of Iloilo and senator. In 1953 Zulueta
was a half years President of the Philippine Senate .

[Biography edit ]  Edit

Jose Zulueta was born on February 7, 1889 in Molo, Iloilo City , the son of Evaristo
Zulueta and Atilana Casten. Zulueta studied at the Ateneo de Manila . In 1911 he was
appointed as a stenographer at Court of First Instance. He studied law and graduated in
1916 for the entrance examination for the Philippine bar (bar exam) and started a law
practice. [2]

Zueleta in 1928 was elected to the House of Representatives of the Philippines on

behalf of the 1st constituency of Iloilo. He was re-elected several times, and he would sit
in the House until 1946. After the Second World War, the Philippines became
independent. The new president Manuel Roxas Zulueta put them on June 4, 1946 as
Minister of the Interior as the successor to Rafael Alunan. His term to 1948 was marked
by tensions with the Hukbalahap . The communist movement fought in the war against
the Japanese and then put the battle against the new Philippine government, which
have too much listened to the United Statesand did too little for the people. Zulueta
introduced travel restrictions for residents of central Luzon, who wanted to travel outside
their own sites. He took a hard line against the Huks. He declared in 1947 that they had
only two choices: surrender or destruction. He gave the Philippine Constubalary free
reign in operations against the Huks and he was in charge of various attempts a leading
Huk leaders, such as Luis Lava , Luis Taruc , Juan Feleo and Jose de Leon to persuade
the struggle to give up.

After his term as minister he stood in April 1949 successfully apply for a new term in the
House of Representatives. Before the end of his term, he is more than two years later at
the 1951 election elected to thePhilippine Senate . In his time as a senator, which lasted
until 1957, he was on April 30, 1953 until November 30, 1953 President of the
Senate. Zulueta in 1959 was elected governor of his native province of Iloilo.Later, he
was from 1969 to 1972 again delegate on behalf of the first constituency of Iloilo.

Zulueta died in 1972 at age 83. He was married to Soledad B. Ramos.

Eugenio Pérez
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eugenio Padlan Pérez (November 13, 1896 – August 4, 1957) was a Filipino politician who served
as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines from 1946 to 1953. He was a
member of the Liberal Party, whose president he served as during his term as Speaker.


 1Early life
 2Political career
 3Family
 4Notes
 5References

Early life[edit]
Pérez was born in San Carlos, Pangasinan. He earned his Bachelor of Arts at the University of the
Philippines and his law degree from that institution’s College of Law. While in law school, he worked
as a clerk in the Bureau of Agriculture and the Executive Bureau.[1]

Political career[edit]
Pérez first entered politics in 1926 when he was elected to the municipal council of his hometown,
San Carlos. In 1928, he was elected to the Philippine Legislature as aRepresentative of the Second
District of Pangasinan. Pérez would be for eight consecutive terms.
In 1946, Pérez joined the newly established Liberal Party, which obtained a congressional majority in
the House of Representatives in the 1946 general elections. He was elected Speaker of the House
of Representatives when the 1st Congress of the Philippines convened later that year, and would
serve as House Speaker throughout the 1st and 2nd Congresses.
Pérez was a leading congressional ally of Presidents Manuel Roxas and Elpidio Quirino, both of
whom were Liberals. He helped secure the passage of the Bell Trade Actand the Parity Rights
Amendment to the Constitution, allowing American citizens and corporations equal access to
Philippine minerals, forests and other natural resources.[2] He defended the exercise of President
Quirino of emergency powers granted to the President after the end of World War II. When Quirino
grew increasingly unpopular, Pérez rejected pleas from fellow Members of Congress to challenge
the incumbent President for the Liberal Party nomination in the 1953 presidential elections.[3] Perez
managed the unsuccessful re-election campaign of Quirino in 1953.
The Liberal Party lost its congressional majority in the House of Representatives in the 1953 general
elections. Pérez assumed the role of Minority Floor Leader, while he was succeeded as House
Speaker by José Laurel, Jr. of the Nacionalista Party. Pérez died in office in August 1957.

Eugenio Padlan Pérez bust-memorial (“Manong Eniong”),San Carlos, Pangasinan Plaza[1].

Speaker Perez Memorial Building

Pérez was married to a soprano, Consuelo Salazar, they had three children. His child, Victoria, was
the first wife of Jose de Venecia,[4] who would become House Speaker thirty-five years after Pérez's
death. Pérez is the grandfather of Joey de Venecia, a central figure in the 2007-2008 NBN
Pérez also fathered a fourth child from his first wife; José Pérez born December 3, 1929. During
World War II while Japanese troops continued their ruthless occupation of Philippine territories, José
hid in the jungle to avoid capture and abuse. In the weeks leading up to the Bataan Death March
(1942); José led his aunt and a childhood friend into the jungle to live until it was safe to return
home. José in his own words "when I was twelve, I had to hide my aunt from the Japanese or else
they would rape her, me and my friend took rifles from dead Japanese soldiers then took her to the
jungle to hide until it was safe to come out again". Inspired by his World War II experiences, José
joined the United States Navy in 1944 at the age of fifteen, he became a U.S. citizen.
José Laurel Jr.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Laurel and the
second or maternal family name is Hidalgo.
José Bayani "Pepito" Laurel Jr. y Hidalgo[1] (August 27, 1912 – March 11, 1998), also known
as José B. Laurel Jr., was a Filipino politician who was elected twice asSpeaker of the House of
Representatives of the Philippines. A stalwart of the Nacionalista Party, he was the party's candidate
for Vice President of the Philippines in the1957 elections.


 1Early life
 2Political career
 3Death and family
 4Notes
 5References
 6External links

Early life[edit]
He was born on August 27, 1912 in Tanauan, Batangas, the eldest son of José P. Laurel, who would
serve as President of the Philippines from 1943 to 1945. His brother,Salvador, would become Vice-
President of the Philippines in 1986, Sotero would be elected Senator in 1987. Another brother, Jose
S. Laurel III served as Ambassador to Japan. His youngest brother, Arsenio was the first two-time
winner of the Macau Grand Prix
Laurel finished his intermediate and secondary education in Manila, and enrolled at the University of
the Philippines. In 1936, he received his law degree from the U.P. College of Law and passed
the bar exams the following year.

Political career[edit]
In 1941, Laurel won his first election, as a Member of the House of Representatives from Batangas.
However, his term was interrupted by the Japanese invasion in late 1941.[2] For the duration of the
war, Laurel assisted his father, who was designated as President of the Philippines under the 2nd
Philippine Republic.
When the Philippine Congress was restored upon independence in 1946, Laurel again sought
election to the House of Representatives representing the Third District of Batangas. He was
successful in his bid, and would be re-elected to the Second and Third Congresses. In 1954, he was
elected to his first term as Speaker of the House. He gave up his Speakership, as well as his seat in
the House in 1957 when he was drafted instead to run as Vice-President under the Nacionalista
ticket spearheaded byCarlos P. Garcia. He was defeated by Diosdado Macapagal of the Liberal
Party even as Garcia went on to victory.
In 1961, Laurel regained his seat in the House of Representatives, and would serve in that capacity
until martial law was declared in 1972. He was again elected Speaker in February 1967 and
remained in that position until 1971, when Cornelio Villareal of the Liberal Party regained the
Speakership.[3] Laurel retired from politics after Congress was closed in 1972. He reemerged in the
public eye as a member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission that drafted the present Philippine
During his congressional career, Laurel focused on economic issues. He was an advocate of
a planned economy and protectionism.[3] Laurel was among those who, in 1965, recruited Senate
President Ferdinand Marcos to join the Nacionalista Party as its presidential candidate against
Diosdado Macapagal.

Death and family[edit]

Laurel died of pneumonia at the age of 85 in March 11, 1998.
Two of his children, Jose Macario IV and Lally also became Members of the House of
Representatives, representing the same seat their father had held.[4] The actor Noel Trinidad was his
Daniel Z. Romualdez
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family
name is Zialcita and the surname or paternal family name is Romualdez.
Daniel Zialcita Romualdez (September 11, 1907 – March 22, 1965) was a Filipino politician who
served as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippinesfrom 1957 to 1962.
He was named after his paternal grandfather, Daniel Romualdez, of Pandacan, Manila and former
owner of the Malacañang Gardens, the huge expanse of land dedicated to entertaining guests of the
Philippine presidents. Another namesake is a first cousin once removed, Daniel Gomez Romualdez,
the New York architect and son of former ambassador and governor Benjamin Trinidad Romualdez
(brother of Imelda Marcos) and that of the son of Froilan Romualdez and Josefina Cerbo named
Daniel Cerbo Romualdez.[1]


 1Early life
 2Family
 3Political career
 4Notes
 5References

Early life[edit]
Daniel "Danieling" Romualdez was born in Tolosa, Leyte. His father, Miguel, once served as an
assemblyman for Leyte and mayor of the city of Manila.[2] His great-grandfather was involved in the
Sumoroy Revolt but narrowly escaped Spanish execution when he was allowed by David Dula to
visit his ailing mother. Dula and his seven trusted men were later executed in Palapag, Northern
Samar and were buried in unmarked graves without Roman Catholic rites. Superstitions existed that
a Romualdez was to die that day in Palapag. More than fifty years later, Philippine Supreme
Court Associate Justice Norberto Romuáldez, Danieling's famous uncle and the man who made their
surname distinguished in society, would suddenly die of a heart attack in Palapag, hometown of his
second wife Beatriz, daughter of the parish priest Fray Salustiano Buz, who insisted on campaigning
at the grassroots level for the Philippine Senate elections when he was almost guaranteed to win on
account of his nationwide reputation.
Romualdez enrolled at the University of Santo Tomas in Sampaloc, Manila. He obtained his law
degree in 1931.

His father was Don Miguel Lopez Romualdez, the Mayor of Manila during World War 2 who was
known to ride his chauffeur-driven American car in the streets honking at the Japanese soldiers and
Korean stevedores who would immediately part away like Moses splitting the Red Sea. Don Miguel
was the most prosperous Romualdez during his lifetime. So eager for wealth was he that he
amassed Japanese currency notes in the staggering millions thinking it would increase in value.
After the Liberation of Manila and Japan's defeat, Don Miguel's money became worthless. He
suffered a heart attack.
Danieling's father was the second of the three sons of Trinidad "Tidad" Lopez, eldest daughter of
Spanish friar, Don Francisco Lopez of Granada, Spain (later of Burauen,Leyte), and Daniel
Romualdez of Pandacan, Manila, a tuberculosis survivor and Cabeza de Barangay.
Danieling's mother was Brigida Zialcita of Manila.
Danieling, a Spanish mestizo, like his uncle Dean Vicente Orestes Romualdez y Lopez (father
of Imelda Marcos) and current Tacloban Mayor Alfred Romualdez, inherited their Spanish friar
ancestor's Castillian skin.
His siblings include Attorney Estela Zialcita Romualdez Sulit married to Mariano Sulit, Miguel Zialcita
Romualdez Jr. married to Cecilia Planas (distantly related to Rosario Planas), Alberto Zialcita
Romualdez married to the Spanish mestiza Covadonga del Gallego of Paco, Manila (their son is
former Department of Health Secretary Alberto G. Romualdez), Amelia Zialcita Romualdez Janairo
married to Maximiano Janairo, Froilan Zialcita Romualdez married to Josefina Cervo and Philippine
Central Bank Governor Eduardo Romualdez married to Concepcion Veloso, popularly nicknamed
Conchita, who also hailed from a powerful Leyte political family.
Danieling was married to Paz or "Pacing" Gueco of Magalang, Pampanga, member of the Kahirup,
supporter of fashion designer Ramon Valera, an aunt of Benigno Aquino Jr. from
nearby Concepcion, Tarlac, and heiress to vast tracts of ricelands from her industrious Chinese-
Filipino Gueco clan. He has four daughters.
Seeing the potential of his cousin Imelda, who was by then the undisputed Rose of Tacloban title
holder and was renowned throughout the provinces for her singing voice, Danieling and other cousin
Loreto Romualdez Ramos brought Imelda to Manila who in ten years would be First Lady of the
Philippines, Imelda Marcos. Before that, Pacing Gueco would ask her nephew Benigno Aquino
Jr. (Ninoy) to escort her husband's first cousin Imelda in the taxicab on her way home from her job at
the Escolta and at the Central Bank of the Philippines. (Ninoy and Imelda first met during a Gueco
family picnic on the Parua river which straddles Magalang to the south and Concepcion to the north).
His old home along Dapitan Street Extension, Quezon City was a regular meeting place of
the Nacionalista Party of which the Romualdezes were original members.

Political career[edit]
Romualdez first entered politics in 1949 when he was elected to represent the Fourth District of
Leyte in the House of Representatives. A member of the Nacionalista Party, Romualdez was re-
elected in 1953 and 1957. In 1961, Romualdez was elected Representative of the First District of
During the 3rd Congress of the Philippines, Romualdez served as Speaker Pro-Tempore. After
House Speaker Jose Laurel, Jr. vacated his congressional seat in 1957 following an unsuccessful
bid for the Vice-Presidency, Romualdez replaced him as Speaker upon the opening of the 4th
Congress in 1957. Romualdez served as Speaker until March 1962, when his Nacionalista Party
ceded its congressional majority to theLiberal Party. Cornelio Villareal succeeded him as Speaker.
Romualdez assumed the post of Minority Floor Leader, in which capacity he was serving upon his
death in office from a heart attack in 1965. Within months, his beloved first cousin Imelda
Marcos would become First Lady of the country beginning a 21-year rule with husband
President Ferdinand Marcos.[3]
Cornelio Villareal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cornelio T. Villareal (September 11, 1904 – December 22, 1992) was a Filipino politician who
served as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines from 1962 to 1967, and again
from 1971 to 1972. Popularly known as Kune, his congressional career representing the Second
District of Capiz spanned six decades.


 1Early life
 2Political career
 3References
 4Notes

Early life[edit]
Villareal was born in Mambusao, Capiz. He finished his intermediate and secondary education
in Capiz, and enrolled at the Silliman University for his pre-law course.[3] In 1929, he received his law
degree from the Philippine Law School and passed the bar exams later that year.

Political career[edit]
Villareal's political career began in 1934, when he was elected as a delegate to the 1935
Constitutional Convention. In 1941, Villareal won his first election as a Member of the House of
Representatives, representing the Second District of Capiz. His term was interrupted by the
Japanese invasion in late 1941, but he reassumed his seat in 1945[4] He was re-elected in 1946
under the banner of the Liberal Party, and served continuously until 1972. In 1951, Villareal
unsuccessfully sought election to thePhilippine Senate, for the seat vacated by Fernando
Lopez upon the latter's election as Vice-President.
Villareal was first elected Speaker of the House of Representatives during the 5th Congress, in
March 1962. During the 6th Congress, he was unseated as speaker in 1967 by Jose Laurel, Jr. of
the Nacionalista Party. Villareal regained the Speakership from Laurel, Jr. during the 7th Congress in
1971, and served in that capacity until Congress was abolished upon the declaration of martial law
by President Ferdinand Marcos in September 1972.[4]
Villareal withdrew from politics until Congress was restored following the ouster of Marcos. At age
83, he was again elected to his congressional seat in the Second District of Capiz in 1987. He was
the oldest member of the 8th Congress, while his colleague from Capiz, Gerardo "Dinggoy" Roxas,
Jr., was the youngest member of Congress. Ironically, Roxas would outlive Villareal only by a few
Villareal did not seek re-election following the expiration of his term in June 1992. He died six
months later, aged 88.[5]
During his congressional career, Villareal advocated liberal economic and trade policies such as
decontrol and decentralization.[6]

Querube Makalintal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Querube C. Makalintal
14th Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines

Speaker of the Interim Batasang Pambansa

In office

June 12, 1978 – June 30, 1984

President Ferdinand Marcos

Preceded by Cornelio Villareal

Succeeded by Nicanor Yñiguez

11th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

In office

October 21, 1973 – December 22, 1975

Nominated by Ferdinand Marcos

Preceded by Roberto Concepcion

Succeeded by Fred Ruiz Castro

74th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

In office

May 23, 1962 – October 21, 1973

Nominated by Diosdado Macapagal

Solicitor General of the Philippines

In office


President Ramon Magsaysay

Preceded by Juan Liwag

Succeeded by Ambrosio Padilla

Personal details

Born December 22, 1910

Manila, Philippine Islands

Died November 8, 2002 (aged 91)

Manila, Philippines

Political party Kilusang Bagong Lipunan

Querube C. Makalintal (December 22, 1910 – November 8, 2002) was the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the Philippines from Oct. 31, 1973 until December 22, 1975 and Speaker of
the Interim Batasang Pambansa from June 12, 1978 to June 30, 1984.

Makalintal served as Solicitor General, before being appointed as Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court by President Diosdado Macapagal in 1962.
After reaching the compulsory retirement age of 65 under the 1973 Constitution, he served as
Speaker of the Interim Batasang Pambansa from 1978 to 1984.

The Martial Law Years[edit]

Makalintal, together with Justice Fred Ruiz Castro, was the ‘swing vote’ in the Ratification
Cases which upheld the 1973 Constitution, which paved the way of extending Marcos’ regime. When
the question of whether the petitioners are entitled to relief, the two justices answered ‘No’, thus
upholding the 1973 Constitution and made legitimate the rule of Marcos and his power.
In the cases denying Benigno Aquino, Jr. of his privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the decision of
the High Court was not a traditional sense of consensus on both the conclusions and the reasons for
the conclusions. Makalintal, as Chief Justice, delivered the summary of votes, and explained the
reason why there was no collegial opinion by the Court. He said, among others, that the justices of
the Supreme Court are conscious of "the future verdict of history" upon their stand.
Benigno Aquino, Jr. warned of such verdict of history, as he aptly said, "Today, you are my judges.
Tomorrow, history will judge you."

Nicanor Yñiguez
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This biography needs additional citations for verification. Please
help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced
material may be challenged and removed. (August 2007) (Learn how and when to
remove this template message)

Nicanor Espina Yñiguez

15th Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives

Speaker of the Regular Batasang Pambansa

In office

July 23, 1984 – March 25, 1986

President Ferdinand Marcos (1984-1986)

Corazon Aquino (1986)

Preceded by Querube Makalintal

Succeeded by Ramon Mitra, Jr.

Mambabatas Pambansa (Assemblyman)from Southern Leyte

In office

June 30, 1984 – March 25, 1986

Member of the Philippine House of Representatives from Southern

Leyte'sLone District

In office

December 30, 1961 – September 23, 1972[1]

Preceded by Post created

Succeeded by Roger G. Mercado

Member of the Philippine House of

Representatives from Leyte's Third District

In office

December 30, 1957 – December 30, 1961

Preceded by Francisco M. Pajao

Succeeded by Marcelino R. Veloso

Personal details

Born Nicanor Espina Yñiguez

November 6, 1915

Maasin, Leyte, Philippine Islands
Died April 13, 2007 (aged 91)

Maasin, Southern Leyte,Philippines

Political party Kilusang Bagong Lipunan

Spouse(s) Salvacion Oppus Yñiguez

Profession Politician

Nicanor Espina Yñiguez (November 6, 1915 – April 13, 2007) was

a Filipino politician and Speaker of the Regular Batasang Pambansa from 1984 to 1986. Considered
the "Father of Southern Leyte", he authored the law that created the province of Southern Leyte.
He died on April 13, 2007. He was married for 66 years to Salvacion Oppus Yñiguez, who died in
September 2005. Their eldest child, Gabriel, died young. They are survived by their children Rosette
and Alfredo, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

1. Jump up^ Congress was dissolved when President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law

on September 23, 1972.
Ramon Mitra, Jr.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family

name is Villarosa and the surname or paternal family name is Mitra.

Ramon Villarosa Mitra, Jr. (February 4, 1928 – March 20, 2000) was a Filipino statesman,
diplomat, and pro-democracy activist.


 1Early life and career

 2Political life
o 2.1Representative (1965-1971)
o 2.2Senator of the Philippines (1971-1972)
o 2.3Assemblyman (1984-1986)
o 2.4Speaker of the House (1987-1992)
o 2.51992 presidential campaign
o 2.6Later career
 3Personal life
 4References
 5External links

Early life and career[edit]

Mitra was born inside the Iwahig Penal Colony in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, to Ramon P. Mitra
y Mariño and Purification Villarosa. He attended public school for elementary education and took his
secondary education in San Beda College, Manila. He finished his degree in liberal arts in Baguio
City and obtained his Bachelor of Laws in San Beda College.
Mitra was appointed as a Philippine Foreign Service Officer in Washington, D.C. and at the United
Nations from 1954 to 1961.In 1961, he was appointed as special assistant to the Office of President
Quirino. He then became a senior technical assistant to the Office of the Mayor Villegas of Manila,
from 1962 to 1965.

Political life[edit]
Representative (1965-1971)[edit]
Mitra was elected congressman representing Palawan for two terms from 1965 and was the minority
leader within five years.
Senator of the Philippines (1971-1972)[edit]
He resigned, during his second term, to run for the senate and was elected senator in 1971. During
the campaign, he was nearly killed in Plaza Miranda by hand grenades at the anti-Marcos political
rally of the Liberal Party. In September 1972, his term was cut short by Martial Law. Mitra was one of
the first arrested and jailed when Marcos declared martial law. "I am a martial law victim," he would
Assemblyman (1984-1986)[edit]
In 1978, Monching ran for the Interim Batasang Pambansa together with Sen. Ninoy Aquino. In
1984, he was elected as an Assemblyman to the Regular Batasang Pambansa. After the People
Power Revolution in 1986, Mitra joined the Aquino administration and was appointed as Agriculture
Speaker of the House (1987-1992)[edit]
After the restoration of the House of Representatives, he ran for the second district of Palawan. He
was eventually elected as Speaker of the House at its inaugural session. During his sterling
leadership of the House, major bills were passed into laws of the country and instituted policies,
aimed at enhancing the functions of the House as a legislative institution.
1992 presidential campaign[edit]
In 1991, Mitra, who was also the party president of the LDP Party, was selected in a party
convention as the candidate for President of the Philippines, ahead of Defense secretary Fidel
Ramos. Ramos bolted the party and formed his own party, the Lakas ng Tao Party. Mitra's bid was
difficult because he was branded a "traditional politician" and suffered many controversies, including
the alleged use of the congressional printing press for his election materials. Mitra lost the 1992
presidential electionto Fidel Ramos.
Later career[edit]
In 1995, he agreed to create a coalition with Ramos and formed the Lakas-Laban Coalition. In
the Philippine general election, 1995, he ran for senator but lost. In thePhilippine general election,
1998, he returned to the political spotlight as a key supporter of Joseph Estrada's successful
presidential campaign. Estrada rewarded Mitra by naming him president of the state-owned
Philippine National Oil Corporation.

Personal life[edit]
"Monching," as he is popularly known, married Cecilia Aldeguer Blanco in April 1959; they had six
sons, who are politically active. The third son, Ramon "Mon-Mon" Mitra, who graduated from the
Philippine Military Academy in 1988, served in the Philippine Marine Corps, ran for a senatorial slate
for May 2010 elections of the Nacionalista Party but lost. The fourth son, Bernardo Mitra, has been
working for government in various capacities since 1989. The youngest son Abraham Kahlil Mitra,
was the governor of Palawan from 2010 to 2013.
During a night rally of farmers and fishermen in the midst of the 1992 presidential elections, he told
his story about his poor life:

All candidates say they're going to do something about poverty, I don't doubt the sincerity of
“ their words. But do they really know how it is to be poor? Do they really know how it is to be
hungry, really hungry? I do. Do they know how to throw a fishing net, how to fish from a boat
through the long night? I do. The farmer who follows the carabao, what he thinks and what he
feels, is something I know very well.[2] ”
With that, Mitra, Jr. confessed he was a "love child" born out of wedlock, reared barefoot and
hungry, who caught crocodiles as a youth and was shunned by his affluent father. From those
humble roots, Monching rose to be a lawyer, diplomat, senator and martial law prisoner, millionaire
rancher and eventually, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ramon V. Mitra was one of the
nation's most powerful politicians.[3]
He had a lifelong involvement with cattle. He was Chairman of the Farm Management Enterprises
Corporation which owned and operated farm cattle ranches and was a breeder of gamecocks,
thoroughbred horses, and cattle. When Monching conceded defeat in the 1992 presidential race, he
found solace within the fences of his ranch and after which, continued to live his life as a farmer.
Mitra, at the age of 72, died at the Makati Medical Center from liver cancer. One of his last requests
was to be buried beside a lighthouse in Palawan, with simple funeral rites unlike his predecessors in
the House. In one of his last interviews, he said "the lighthouse overlooks the ocean where all boats
entering and leaving Puerto Princesa Bay pass by. By making that my final resting place, I can
continuously guide and protect my people."
A building was named after him serving as the West Wing in the Batasan Complex in Quezon City.

Jose de Venecia Jr.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  (Redirected from Jose de Venecia, Jr.)

This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family
name is Claveria and the surname or paternal family name is de Venecia.

Jose Claveria de Venecia Jr. also known as JDV or Joe De V (born December 26, 1936) is a
former Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, serving from 1992 to 1998 and
from 2001 to 2008. As Speaker, he was the fourth highest-ranking official of the Philippines. He was
the former president of the Philippines'dominant party, LAKAS-CMD. He ran for president in
the 1998 election but lost to Vice President Joseph Estrada, finishing second among 11 candidates.
Beginning in 1987, de Venecia has been elected to six terms as a Representative of the 4th
District of Pangasinan. He served as Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives throughout
the Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses of the Philippines. He had served for more than
a year as the House Speaker of theFourteenth Congress when on February 5, 2008, 174
representatives, or a considerable majority of members of the House, voted to remove de Venecia
as Speaker. He is the first Filipino who has held the Speakership five times in separate terms.


 1Early life and career

 2Speaker of the House (1992-1998)
o 2.1Peace envoy
o 2.21998 presidential election
 3Reentry to the politics
 4Speaker of the House (2001-2008)
o 4.1NBN-ZTE scandal
o 4.2Re-election as Speaker
o 4.3Ousted as Speaker
 5Post-speakership
 6Performance rating
 7Personal life
o 7.1House fire
 8References
 9External links
 10Notes

Early life and career[edit]

De Venecia was born in Dagupan to Judge Jose R. de Venecia, Sr., and Casimira Villamil Clavería.
In 1947, he finished his elementary studies at the Dagupan Elementary School where he was
accelerated by one year. Then in 1951, he completed his secondary education at the De La Salle
College High School.
As an entrepreneur, de Venecia pioneered overseas contract work for Filipinos where he was one of
the first Philippine prime contractors in the Middle East and North Africa in the mid-1970s. He hired
51,000 Filipinos for his companies and engaged in port operations in Saudi Arabia, agriculture in
Africa, and mass housing and oil exploration in the United Arab Emirates. His Middle East initiative
was followed and later led to the employment of millions of Filipinos. In the 1970s, he was initiated
an oil and gas exploration program that led to the first oil and gas strikes in offshore Palawan. He
was elected president of the Petroleum Association of the Philippines.
De Venecia was a diplomat as Minister-Economic Counselor from 1966 to 1969. He conceived and
implemented the historic dollar-remittance program for overseas Filipino workers worldwide. He was
one of the Ten Outstanding Congressmen before martial law in the Philippines.
De Venecia came from an influential political family. His grandfather, Guillermo de Venecia was the
municipal president (now known as mayor) from 1916 to 1918 and from 1925 to 1926. He ran and
won as congressman of the second district of Pangasinan from 1969 to 1972. After the restoration of
the House of Representatives in 1987, he ran and won as congressman of the fourth district of

Speaker of the House (1992-1998)[edit]

He was reelected in 1992 and joined a newly created party Lakas Tao of President of the
Philippines Fidel Ramos. He initiated the move to unite the National Union of Christian Democrats, a
cluster of the Progressive Party of the Philippines and the Union of Muslim Democrats to Lakas
Tao to make it a dominant party. At the same year, he was elected Speaker of the House of
Representatives. Since Ramos got a low plurality in the elections, De Venecia created a Rainbow
Coalition, converging political parties that include the LDP, NPC, Lakas NUCD, and other minor
parties to make a solid majority in the House. He was reelected as congressman and Speaker in
Peace envoy[edit]
As Ramos’ peace envoy, Speaker de Venecia reached out to insurgent groups Moro National
Liberation Front (MNLF) secessionists in Mindanao, the RAM-SFP-YOU military rebels, and
the Communist Party of the Philippines which operates the New People's Army (NPA). He crossed
Africa's Sahara Desert twice to meet the Libyanleader Muammar al-
Gaddafi and MNLF Chairman Nur Misuari and assisted in forging a peace agreement at Tripoli in
1976. His persuasion to Misuari to accept autonomy led to the signing of the peace pact on
September 2, 1996.
In 1992, de Venecia began secret talks with leaders of the military rebels, led by Commodore
Calajate, Gen. Abenina, and Col. Honasan, which led to a ceasefire in December of that year and a
final peace agreement in 1995. In April 1997, De Venecia journeyed to the Netherlands to meet with
self-exiled leaders of the National Democratic Front and New People's Army led by Jose Maria
Sison and Luis Jalandoni. He was the first Christian leader to enter Mindanao's Camp Abubakar
mountains in November 1997 and open breakthrough peace negotiations with Hashim Salamat,
Chairman of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and military Commander Murad.
1998 presidential election[edit]
See also: Philippine general election, 1998

In 1998, the dominant party Lakas-NUCD-UMDP held a convention to select Ramos' successor as

titular president and candidate for the May 11 election. A long list of candidates was trimmed and led
to a choice between de Venecia and then National Defense Secretary Renato de Villa. Though De
Villa was seem as the frontrunner, De Venecia won the convention vote and De Villa bolted the party
to form a new one calledPartido Reporma.
De Venecia garnered the 2nd highest number of votes in a field of 11 candidates, though he was far
behind the winner, Joseph Estrada. After he lost his bid, he departed from media attention and
political limelight. In one of his interviews, De Venecia said that he was depressed and took several
months to recover.

Reentry to the politics[edit]

De Venecia reemerged on New Year's Day of 2001 calling for a smooth transition of power to
the Vice President. Estrada belittled de Venecia's statements, however, the former was ousted
January 20 of that year.

Speaker of the House (2001-2008)[edit]

In the 2001 election, he won without opposition as congressman of the 4th district of Pangasinan. He
was reelected overwhelmingly by the house including some of the critical left-wing partylist
representatives. In 2003, he received an unexpected high commendation from the public when he
accepted the Supreme Court ruling that junked the petition for the impeachment of the Chief
Justice. [1] In the 2004 election, he became instrumental for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's victory
as president. He also won by a landslide as congressman and he was reelected as Speaker for the
fourth time.
NBN-ZTE scandal[edit]
On July 10, 2007, De Venecia's supporters opposed secret balloting by the majority coalition to
select the speaker of the House of Representatives in the Fourteenth Congress. Rep. Eduardo
Zialcita of Parañaque, said the House is not a "secret society." [2] Meanwhile, Sorsogon Rep. Jose
Solis accused De Venecia's son, Jose de Venecia III, for questioning a $330 million broadband
connection deal between the Philippine government and Chinese firm ZTE. Solis hit De Venecia III
for desiring to have his Amsterdam Holdings, Inc. (AHI) get the deal (which will connect national
government agencies to local government units through the Internet and save government up to P3
billion in telephone expenses every year). Solis further claimed that AHI is a "veritable mom's-and-
pop's enterprise with a reported paid-up capital of only P650,000. How can AHI possibly undertake
this project when it may not even have enough funds to run a mini grocery?" [3]
Re-election as Speaker[edit]
On July 23, 2007, 159 lawmakers picked De Venecia House Speaker for 5th time—after the House
commenced at 2:17 pm a roll-call vote for the position. De Venecia was the lone nominee, while his
opponent, Cebu Rep. Pablo Garcia, was not nominated. Iloilo Rep. Arthur Defensor was elected
Majority Leader while San Juan Rep. Ronaldo Zamora was elected minority leader. The 14th
Congress of the House of Representatives is composed of 240 lawmakers, 21 of whom are party-list
representatives. [4] [5]
Ousted as Speaker[edit]
On January 31, 2008, Kabalikat ng Malayang Pilipino (KAMPI) announced that 134 congressmen
signed a manifesto of "loss of confidence" versus Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. Camarines Sur 2nd
District Rep. Luis Villafuerte, KAMPI president, said the successor should be Davao City 1st
District representative Prospero Nograles.[2]
During the regular session on February 4, 2008, Palawan Representative Abraham Kahlil Mitra
moved that the position of House Speaker be declared vacant.[3] Before the motion was submitted to
a vote, De Venecia delivered a speech before the House where he criticized President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo and alleged that her government was behind the move to oust him from the
Speakership.[4] He recounted the times he had stood to defend President Arroyo, and said, "It pains
me grievously to hurt the President and to hurt the First Family because I have invested so much
more than any of you in this chamber to help the President become Vice President, become
President…." Shortly after his remarks, de Venecia acknowledged to reporters: "I will join the
opposition to denounce corruption in this administration. I will join the battle against corruption." [5]
During his speech at the House plenary, de Venecia said that three military generals visited his
house. They were accompanied by Raul Lambino.
General Santos, commanding general of the Philippine Army, commander of the United Nations
“ Forces in East Timor, came to my house accompanied by Attorney Raul Lambino, who is his
friend, and who is also my friend, and he said, 'Mr. Speaker you and your son [should] keep quiet
because they want to kill you and I know they can kill you and I know they have killed other
people. ”
De Venecia's son reported the incident to the Makati City police. The Speaker, meanwhile, wrote a
letter to President Arroyo to ask her to do something about the threat on their lives.

My son reported this to the Makati Police and in the same day following, General Santos, such a
“ respected general of the Armed Forces, changed his tune and said he never said such a thing.
How could he say that he never said such a thing when he came to my house to ask me to listen
to his story, accompanied by Raul Lambino in the presence of my son Joey, in the presence of my
wifeGina. ”
The Speaker said he asked Mrs. Arroyo in a letter to "please do something."

So I wrote a letter to President  Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Dear Madam President, I write to you
“ because General Santos came to see me and said to me, and confessed to me that they wanted
to kill myself and my son and that they have killed other people. I asked you because these three
generals belonged to your government, please do something. That was late October of last year.
Do you think up to know Malacanang has lifted a finger to arrest or to investigate these
attempts on my life and of my son? ”
"It's simple arrogance. Just plain arrogance that Malacañang and the people of the Palace are
above the law. Someday this can happen to you," he said. The speech was delivered hours after
Palawan 2nd District Rep. Abraham Kahlil Mitra, an ally of Davao City Rep. Prospero Nograles,
moved the speaker's position be declared vacant.

Shortly after midnight, February 5, 2008, 174 members of the House voted in favor of the motion to
declare the position of House Speaker as vacant, removing de Venecia from his position. 35
members voted against the motion while 16 members abstained.[6] Nograles was elected as the new
House Speaker.
On March 10, 2008 Mr. De Venecia resigned his post as president of Lakas-CMD. Since then he has
remained active. In 2010 he travelled to the United States to speak to Filipino people who were living
and working there. He mentioned that overseas workers sent over $18 billion home every year and
said about this: "This is your contribution. You must be aware of it, you should be proud of it. This is
why we call you the heroes and heroines of the Filipino people." [7]

Performance rating[edit]
On January 7, 2008, the Social Weather Stations (November 30 to December 3, 2007) survey stated
that Speaker Jose de Venecia's performance rating has 37% satisfied and 37% dissatisfied, or net
+1, having been in single digit since December 2004.[8]

Personal life[edit]
De Venecia married Victoria Perez, the daughter of Eugenio Pérez, who served as Speaker of the
House of Representatives from 1946 to 1953.[9] Together, they had 4 children: Alexandra (Sandra),
Leslie, Vivian, and Jose III (Joey). Their marriage, ended in a divorce,[citation needed] and Perez now lives
in Albany, New York.
De Venecia then married Georgina Vera-Perez, daughter of Filipino film producer Jose Vera Perez.
They have two children: Christopher and Kristina Casimira (KC). Georgina, also known as Manay
Gina, was previously married to construction manager Felipe Cruz with whom she had 2 children.
[citation needed]
 The former host of a television drama series, she is currently a social worker and a radio
House fire[edit]
On December 17, 2004, a fire originating from Christmas tree lights gutted de Venecia's house
in Dasmariñas Village, Makati City. His 16-year-old daughter KC died of suffocation after being
trapped inside the house.[10] KC's remains were cremated and her ashes were buried at
the Sanctuario de San Antonio chapel.

Manny Villar
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This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family
name is Bamba and the surname or paternal family name is Villar.

Manuel "Manny" Bamba Villar Jr. (born December 13, 1949) is a Filipino billionaire businessman.

He has been a Philippine Senator and the president of theNacionalista Party.
Villar was born to a poor family in Tondo, an impoverished and densely populated district of Manila.[1]
 After graduating from the University of the Philippines, he worked as an accountant and
financial analyst, then launched a highly successful business in real estate. Villar's companies have
built over 200,000 homes, and his business career made him one of the country's wealthiest
Villar entered politics in 1992 when he was elected Congressman representing the district of Las
Piñas-Muntinlupa, and later became Speaker of the House of Representatives. As Speaker, he
presided over the impeachment of President Joseph Estrada by the House of Representatives in
2000. In 2001 he was elected Senator, and served as Senate President from 2006 to 2008. He was
the candidate of the Nacionalista Party in the 2010 presidential election, which was won by Benigno
Aquino III.


 1Early life and education

 2Business career
 3Political career
o 3.1House of Representatives
o 3.2Senate
 42010 presidential campaign
 5Offshore leaks
 6Personal life
 7References
 8External links

Early life and education[edit]

Manuel Bamba Villar Jr. was born on December 13, 1949 in Tondo, an impoverished and densely
populated district of Manila.[6] He was the second-born of the nine children of his parents in a poor
family.[1][2][3][4][5][7] His father, Manuel "Maning" Montalban Villar, Sr., was a government employee
from Cabatuan, Iloilo who worked as an inspector for the Bureau of Fisheries.[2][6] His mother, Curita
"Curing" Bamba, was a seafood vendor from a poor family in Orani, Bataan.[2] The family lived in a
small rented apartment in a run down slum area.[4] Villar's father was eventually granted a year-long
scholarship for higher education in the United States, which led to a job promotion to a director
position in the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources upon his return.[1] Due to cramped
conditions in Tondo, Villar's father obtained a P16,000 loan from the Government Service Insurance
System, payable in 20 to 25 years, to build a home in San Rafael Village, Navotas.[5][8]
As a child, Villar initially attended Isabelo delos Reyes Elementary School, a nearby public school in
Tondo.[9] He also assisted his mother in selling shrimp and fish at the Divisoria Public Market, as
early as age six, in order to help earn the money to support his siblings and himself to school.[2]
 However, accompanying his mother interfered with his education and he was forced to drop out
from school during Grade 1.[9] He was then enrolled at Tondo Parochial School (later renamed Holy
Child Catholic School), a private school in Tondo run by priests, to complete his elementary
Villar finished his high school education at the Mapúa Institute of Technology in Intramuros.[10] He
attended the University of the Philippines - Diliman and earned hisbachelor's degree in business
administration in 1970.[10] He returned to the same school to earn his master's degree in business
administration in 1973.[10] He later characterized himself as being impatient with formal schooling,
and eager to start working and go into business.[4]

Business career[edit]
After obtaining his bachelor's degree, Villar began his professional career working as an accountant
for Sycip, Gorres, Velayo & Co. (SGV & Co), the country's largest accounting firm.[10] He resigned
from SGV & Co. to start his first business, delivering seafood in Makati.[7] However, when his largest
customer was unable to pay him, he negotiated a debt restructuring of sorts, selling discounted meal
tickets to office workers in exchange for receivables.[3] He then worked briefly as a financial analyst
for the Private Development Corporation of the Philippines, where his job was to sell World
Bank loans.[2][6] Wanting to start a business of his own again, he quit his job and availed of one of the
loans, which offered attractive rates.[2]
In 1975, with an initial capital of ₱10,000, Villar purchased two reconditioned trucks and started a
business delivering sand and gravel for construction companies in Las Piñas.[4][7] This eventually
segued into building houses, as Villar took out a seven-year loan from a rural bank offering low
interest rates.[3] From the loan, he kick-started building and selling homes at his first project, Camella
Homes Phase 1 and 2 in Las Piñas,[11] initially with 160 units and would have resulted to be the
country's largest home building company, with an emphasis on low-priced mass housing.[6] A notable
innovation of Villar's companies was to sell house and lot packages, when the common practice at
the time was to sell lots for future homeowners to build upon.[7] He initiated mass housing projects
through economies of scale, utilizing the cost advantages of developing a large-scale project in order
to bring down housing prices.[7] The number of homes built by Villar's companies totaled to over
200,000 units.[3]
In 1984, he founded Golden Haven Memorial Park, a chain of cemeteries in the Philippines, started
with its first branch in Las Pinas and expanded in Cebu, Cagayan De Oro, Zamboanga, Bulacan,
and Iloilo. It will also expanded into the businesses of memorial chapel, crematorium and
In July 1995, Villar's flagship property, C&P Homes, was listed on the Philippine Stock
Exchange and grew by more than a third in one day, ballooning Villar's 80% stake in the company to
$1.5 billion. Villar had concentrated on low-cost housings which were bought by the home buyers
themselves, giving opportunities for the low and middle-income Filipino families to acquire homes.
He also wanted to set an example to Filipino entrepreneurs that what they set their mind on can be
Vista Land and Lifescapes, Inc., a family-owned business of Villar, is also listed in the privately
owned Philippine Stock Exchange. Their shares of stocks were bought primarily by foreign funds
which had given the government, as well as the PSE, good revenues.[14]
Villar has received several awards for his achievements during his professional and business career,
including being one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men in 1986, the Agora Award for Marketing
Management in 1989, Most Outstanding CPA by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in
1990, and Most Outstanding UP Alumnus in 1991.[6] In 2004, he was named the Most Distinguished
Alumnus, the highest recognition given by the University of the Philippines Alumni Association.[6]
As of 2014, Forbes magazine ranks him as the 14th-wealthiest person in the Philippines, with his net
worth of US$1.460 billion or ₱ 63.758 billion (43.67 exchange rate).[15] However, his statements of
assets and liabilities (SALN) filed for the year 2012 states his net worth at P1.453 billion.[16]
In 2015, the Villar Group formed another company, Vitacare Healthgroup, Inc., a group that will build
chain of hospitals nationwide. Its first project Vitacare Unimed Hospital & Medical Center (in
partnership with Unimed) will be located in Vista City, Las Pinas will be fully operated in 2018.[17]

Political career[edit]
House of Representatives[edit]
Villar entered politics in 1992 when he was elected to the House of Representatives, representing
the district of Las Piñas-Muntinlupa.[6] Due to congressional redistricting, he later represented
the district of Las Piñas City.[6] He served for three consecutive three-year terms, consistently posting
landslide election victories.[6]
Villar was chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1998, during his third term in
congress.[6] As speaker, he presided over the impeachment of President Joseph Estrada over
corruption allegations in November 2000.[18] Along with a large group of lawmakers which include the
Senate President, Villar defected from Estrada's Laban ng Makabayang Masang Pilipino (LAMMP)
coalition in order to hasten the process of impeachment.[19] Seconds after the opening prayer, and
skipping the traditional roll call, he immediately read a resolution sending the impeachment case to
the Senate for trial, bypassing a full vote and ignoring attempts by Estrada allies to delay the
Hours after the impeachment proceedings, congressmen allied with the president led a move to oust
Villar from his post as speaker, replacing him with Camarines Sur representative Arnulfo
Fuentebella, an ally of President Estrada.[18]
In 2001, barred by constitutional term limits from seeking re-election to a fourth term in the House of
Representatives, Villar was succeeded by his wife, Cynthia Villar.
Villar ran for Senator in the 2001 election. Having recently resigned from Estrada's LAMMP coalition,
he ran for Senator as an independent politician, but campaigned as a member of the People Power
Coalition, the administration coalition party which was supportive of the recent 2001 EDSA
Revolution. He was elected to the Senate with more than 11 million votes, ranking seventh out of 37
candidates.[20] He later won re-election in 2007, running as a member of the Genuine
Opposition coalition, ranking fourth out of 37 candidates.[6]
In July 2006, Villar was chosen Senate President, making him the first post-World War II public
official to head both the House of Representatives and the Senate.[6] He had previously held the
position of Senate President pro tempore, as well as the chairmanship of the Committees on
Finance, Foreign Relations, Public Order, and Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries.[6]
In November 2008, Villar lost the support of the Senate majority, due to alleged fabricated
accusations thrown on him by political enemies on the C5 project. He then resigned as President of
the Senate and was succeeded by Juan Ponce Enrile[21] who later on investigated Villar for C5 scam.

2010 presidential campaign[edit]

Main article: Philippine presidential election, 2010

Villar was a candidate for President of the Philippines in the May 2010 presidential election, as the
standard bearer of the Nacionalista Party. He filed his certificate of candidacy for president on
November 30, 2009, along with his running mate, Senator Loren Legarda.[23] His popular campaign
line was "Sipag at Tyaga" (Hardwork and Patience). Villar's campaign platform includes combating
poverty and corruption, two major problems between which he believes there is a strong link.[24]
According to a January 2010 survey by polling firm Pulse Asia and the February 2010 survey
from Social Weather Stations, Villar was statistically tied in the lead with his main rival in the
election, Senator Benigno Aquino III.[25] In a March survey rival Aquino had regained a significant
nine-point lead.[26] Other significant rivals in the presidential race included former President Joseph
Estrada and former Defense SecretaryGilbert Teodoro.
During the presidential campaign, opinion columnist William Esposo claimed that Villar has lied in his
TV ads and could not have been poor because his younger brother Danny was admitted to FEU
Hospital, which he claims was a top hospital at the time and in 1962, there was no bone marrow
transplantation and chemotherapy yet and everyone whether rich or poor died from
contracting leukemia.[8] Villar clarified that his brother was admitted as a charity patient, because the
family was unable to afford treatment. Any family member, who is on the verge of death, will
definitely be brought to the nearest possible hospital to try and save him, regardless of their status in
Villar placed third in the election, behind Senator Noynoy Aquino and former President Joseph
Estrada. On May 11, 2010, a day after the election, Villar was among the first to concede to Aquino.

Offshore leaks[edit]
During the ICIJ's (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)expose of Offshore leaks in
April 2013,his name appeared on the list of wealthy people involved in offshore financial secrecy. It
was revealed that he is hiding parts his wealth in tax havens at British Virgin Islands.[27]

Personal life[edit]
In his third year of college at the University of the Philippines, Villar became friends with Cynthia
Aguilar, his classmate in the UP College of Business Administration.[3] Her father was then mayor
of Las Piñas City. They married at the age of 25.[3] They have three children: Paolo (born c. 1977),
eldest child and first of two sons; Mark (born 1978); second of two sons; and Camille Linda (born c.
1985), youngest child and only daughter.[13][28] Villar's two sons studied at the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania for their college education, while Camille attended Ateneo de Manila
University.[3] All three children graduated with degrees in finance or business management.[28] Mark is
a former Representative of Las Piñas City and the current DPWH secretary, while Camille was
formerly host Wil Time Bigtime then Wowowillie.
Villar lives in a two-bedroom house with his family in Las Piñas City.[3] In early 2010, a political smear
was disseminated on the Internet, claiming falsely that Villar owned an extravagant mansion in
the United States, which was debunked by[29]
Arnulfo Fuentebella
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This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family

name is Palma and the surname or paternal family name is Fuentebella.

Arnulfo P. Fuentebella (born October 29, 1945) was the Speaker of the Philippine House of
Representatives from 2000 to 2001. He is a former representative of the Third (now Fourth) District
of Camarines Sur, more popularly known as the Partido District.


 1Early life and education

 2Career
o 2.1Speakership
o 2.2Post-speakership
 3External links
 4References

Early life and education[edit]

Arnulfo "Noli" Fuentebella was born in October 29, 1945 in Camarines Sur to former Representative
and Governor Felix A. Fuentebella and Rita Palma. He was educated in his home province and
spent most of his life in scouting until he reached Life Scout. At the age of 15, Fuentebella was a
Philippine delegate to the 50th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America in 1960. He is also a
member of Alpha Phi Omega, a fraternity with deep roots in scouting. He studied law at
the University of the Philippines in 1970 and graduated being the 7th in his class and passed the Bar
Exams in 1971.

After he passed the Bar Exams, Fuentebella pursued a career in law and banking. But after
President Ferdinand E. Marcos imposed martial rule and called for elections to the Interim Batasang
Pambansa (IBP), Fuentebella was chosen by the President to run in Congress to represent Partido.
He subsequently won the elections and served as an assemblyman in the IBP from 1978 to 1984.
However, he lost his bid for a seat in the 1984 Regular Batasang Pambansa and used the hiatus to
practice law in New York, where he was admitted to the State Bar. Then the EDSA
Revolution happened and President Marcos fled into exile. As the Fuentebellas had been identified
with the Marcoses, hropted to sit out the Cory Aquino years.
In 1992, political allies asked Fuentebella to run again in Congress. He won three consecutive terms
as Congressman (1992-2001).
After then Speaker Manuel Villar, Jr. passed President Joseph Estrada's Articles of Impeachment to
the Senate, Fuentebella was elected Speaker after Estrada's allies in the House of
Representatives motioned to make all positions in the House vacant; Fuentebella won the
On January 20, 2001, during the EDSA Revolution of 2001, Estrada left the Malacañan Palace and
Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was sworn to the presidency at the EDSA Shrine by Chief
Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. Accompanying Davide were the chairs of the two houses of
Congress, Aquilino Pimentel and Fuentebella. Four days later, on January 24, the Arroyo allies
mustered enough votes to unseat Fuentebella, replacing him with Quezon
City representative Feliciano Belmonte.
When Fuentebella had served the maximum three consecutive terms as a congressman, his
son Felix William/Wimpy took over for one term (2001-2004). In the interim, Fuentebella took up
post-graduate courses at the Kennedy School of Governance of Harvard University. He ran again for
Congress and won three more consecutive terms (2004-2013). He was instrumental for the
proposed creation of a new province to be called as Nueva Camarines, which will be composed of
the Fourth and Fifth Legislative Districts of Camarines Sur.
In the 14th Congress of the Philippines, Fuentebella was elected Deputy Speaker of the House of
Representatives of the Philippines for Luzon.
In 2015, a complaint for misappropriation of public funds was lodged against Fuentebella and his
wife before the Ombudsman.[1][2]
In May 2016, Fuentebella won the elected as Camarines Sur fourth district representatives by just
740 votes. His opponent, singer Imelda Papin filed an electoral protest asking for a recount.[3][4]
Feliciano Belmonte Jr.
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  (Redirected from Feliciano Belmonte, Jr.)

This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family

name is Racimo and the surname or paternal family name is Belmonte.

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Fernando Feliciano "Sonny" Racimo Belmonte Jr. (born October 2, 1936)[1] is a member of

the Philippine House of Representatives representing the Fourth District of Quezon City. He is also
the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines from 2010 to 2016. He served as
the Mayor of Quezon City from 2001 to 2010.


 1Early life and career

 2House of Representatives (1992–2001)
o 2.1Speaker of the House (2001)
 3Mayor of Quezon City (2001–2010)
 4House of Representatives and Speaker of the House (2010–present)
 5Personal life
 6References

Early life and career[edit]

Belmonte was born at 1:35 PM on October 2, 1936 at Emmanuel Community Hospital in Tondo,
Manila to judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. and Luz Racimo.[1] He attended grade school in Baguio
City and earned his high-school diploma at the San Beda College in Manila. He finished Law at
the Lyceum of the Philippines University; while in law school, he worked as a reporter at the Manila
Chronicle, covering the police beat and events at the Philippine Commission on Elections.
Belmonte began his government service as the presidential staff assistant of President Diosdado
Macapagal. He also worked as a special assistant for the Commissioner of Customs, and as an
executive assistant at the Central Bank of the Philippines. In 1986, President Corazon
Aquino assigned him to head various financially struggling government-owned corporations. He
became President and General Manager of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) and
the Manila Hotel and chairman of the National Reinsurance Corporation of the Philippines. He also
represented the government as member of the board of directors of the San Miguel Corporation and
the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT). More importantly, he assumed the
position of President and Chief Executive Officer of Philippine Airlines, which was then wholly owned
by the Philippine government.

House of Representatives (1992–2001)[edit]

Belmonte was first elected as member of the House of Representatives from Quezon City's fourth
congressional district. He held his House seat for three consecutive terms, from 1992 to 2001.
Belmonte was Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2001, and also served as House Minority
Leader. In his first two terms, he was the Vice Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations.
During his term as Congressman, he authored and co-authored several major bills, among them:

 The General Appropriations Act,

 The Act Providing for a Dual System of Education,
 The Act Creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, and
 The Salary Standardization Law.
Although largely concerned with budget and financial matters, Belmonte also did work for the low-
salaried employees, and was instrumental in the passage of the Second Salary Standardization Law
(SSL 2), which corrected the gross inequities of SSL 1. He also pushed for the continued
implementation of the Personal Economic Relief Alliance (PERA) for low-salaried government
Speaker of the House (2001)[edit]
Belmonte gained national prominence as the lead prosecutor in the impeachment trial of
President Joseph Estrada. On January 20, 2001, during the EDSA Revolution of 2001, Estrada left
the Malacañan Palace and Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was sworn to the presidency at
the EDSA Shrine by Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr.Accompanying Davide were the chairs of the two
houses of Congress, Aquilino Pimentel and Fuentebella. Four days later, on January 24, the Arroyo
allies mustered enough votes to unseat Fuentebella, replacing him with Belmonte.

Mayor of Quezon City (2001–2010)[edit]

In 2001, he won the election for the position of Mayor of Quezon City, and was re-elected in 2004
and in 2007. As Mayor of Quezon City, his nine years of prudent fiscal management, aggressive tax
management strategies, as well as increasing efficiency and growing discipline in the management,
and use of City resources has made Quezon City the most competitive city of Metro Manila, and
second in the Philippines today. These are rankings made by businessmen in the Philippines in
studies of the Asian Institute of Management, in cooperation with international agencies. Quezon
City was cited for the dynamism of its local economy, the quality of life of its residents, and the
responsiveness of the local government in addressing business and other needs.
In 2007, Quezon City was ranked No. 7 Asian City of the Future, based on a survey commissioned
by the London Financial Times, through a consultancy based in Singapore.
In a 2008 Tholons special report on global services, Quezon City ranked as the number 21 emerging
global outsourcing city, the highest among all nine new entrants.

Then-Quezon City Mayor Sonny Belmonte during a meeting de avance. Belmonte successfully ran for a fourth
term in the House of Representatives.

Belmonte was a long-standing member of the administration Lakas-Kampi-CMD party from his first

term in Congress in 1992 until November 2009, where he last held the position of senior vice
president for externals. On November 19, 2009, he and his vice mayor, Herbert Bautista, were
sworn in as members of the opposition Liberal Party.[2]

House of Representatives and Speaker of the House (2010–

After serving as Mayor of Quezon City, Belmonte made a successful bid for a fourth term in the
House of Representatives. At the opening of the 15th Congress, Belmontewas again elected as
Speaker of the House, defeating Edcel Lagman of the former ruling party Lakas Kampi CMD, with a
vote of 227–29. He succeeded Prospero Nograles, whose term had ended almost a month earlier.

Personal life[edit]
Belmonte was a member of the Manila Jaycees, the Rotary Club of Manila and the Knights of Rizal.
He was also Junior Chamber International World President in 1976.[3]
He was married to Betty Go-Belmonte (1934–1994), founder of The Philippine Star. They have
raised four children: Isaac, Kevin, Miguel and Joy. Their three sons have also held editorial and
managerial positions at the Philippine Star and its sister publications like Pilipino Star
Ngayon and Pang-Masa tabloids published in the Filipino vernacular, as well as theCebu-based
newspaper The Freeman. His daughter serves as the Vice Mayor of Quezon City.
Prospero Nograles
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family
name is Castillo and the surname or paternal family name is Nograles.
Prospero Castillo Nograles (born October 30, 1947) is a former Speaker of the House of
Representatives of the Philippines. He was elected as the Speaker of the House on February 5,
2008, the first ever elected Speaker from Mindanao in a hundred years in Philippine legislative
history.[1] Beginning in 1989, Nograles has been elected to five terms as a member of the House of
Representatives, representing the 1st District of Davao City.


 1Early life
 2Political career
 3House Speaker
 4External links
 5Notes

Early life[edit]
Nograles was born in Davao City, and finished his primary and secondary education at the Ateneo
de Davao University. He then studied at the Ateneo de Manila University, obtaining his Bachelor of
Arts Degree major in Political Science in 1967, and his Bachelor of Laws degree from the Ateneo
Law School in 1971.[2] He placed second in the 1971 bar examinations with an average of 90.95%.[3]

Political career[edit]
Nograles was active in the political opposition against President Ferdinand Marcos. He was involved
in the litigation of human rights cases during that period, and was an active campaigner for Corazon
Aquino during the 1986 snap presidential elections.[4] After Aquino assumed the presidency,
Nograles sought a seat in the House of Representatives, representing the 1st district of Davao City.
Although his opponent Jesus Dureza was initially proclaimed as winner, Nograles was seated in the
House in 1989 following a favorable decision of the House Electoral Tribunal.[4] He gave up his
House seat in 1992 to make an unsuccessful challenge to the re-election of Davao City
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, but regained the seat in the 1995 election. In 1998, Nograles again gave up
his House seat to make another unsuccessful bid for election as Davao City mayor against Duterte-
backed Benjamin de Guzman and lost in his bid. He again won election to the House in 2001. In the
2004 and 2007 elections, Nograles ran unopposed for two consecutive terms.[4]
In his stay in Congress, Nograles was able to author 17 House bills and co-authored 85. He chaired
the Special Committee on Law Enforcement and its subcommittee on Gambling, Committee on
Housing and Urban Development, and the Committee on Rules. He was the Majority Floor
Leader during the 13th Congress of the Philippines. Before his election as Speaker, he was the head
of the House contingent to the Commission on Appointments.
He ran again for the mayorship of Davao City in 2010. It's now against Vice-Mayor Sara Duterte,
daughter of then-mayor and now President Rodrigo Duterte who ran for vice-mayor. However, he
was once again unsuccessful. He filed an election protest against Duterte on the counts of fraud.

House Speaker[edit]
In early 2008, several members of Congress dissatisfied with the leadership of House Speaker Jose
de Venecia expressed support for Nograles as the new Speaker.[3] Shortly after midnight, February 5,
2008, the House of Representatives approved a motion to declare the position of House Speaker as
vacant.[5] Several minutes later, de Venecia nominated Nograles to be his replacement. Nograles
was immediately elected as Speaker after no other representative was nominated to the post and no
objection was posed to his election.[1]
Pantaleon Alvarez
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This name uses Philippine naming customs. The middle name or maternal family name is Diaz and
the surname or paternal family name is Alvarez.
Pantaleon "Bebot" Diaz Alvarez (born January 10, 1958)[1] is the current Speaker of the House of
Representatives of the Philippines and represents the 1st District ofDavao del Norte, the Philippines.

From 2001 to 2002, he was acting Secretary of Transportation and Communications.[3]


 1Early life and education

 2Career
 3Issues
 4References

Early life and education[edit]

Alvarez was born on January 10, 1958. In 1978, he obtained a bachelor of arts degree from Far
Eastern University, majoring in political science. He graduated from theAteneo de Manila Law
School in 1983.[1][3]

Alvarez was in private law practice from 1984 to 1986. From 1987 to 1992, he was a member of the
staff of Philippine Senator Wigberto Tañada. He then became an action officer at the Manila
International Airport Authority (MIAA). From action officer, he rose through the ranks, becoming
senior assistant manager and chief operating officer of MIAA in March 1995, a position he held until
September 1997.[1][3][4]
In 1998, he was elected congressman from Davao del Norte's First District. He served as vice-
chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Communication and was a member of nine
other congressional committees.
In January 2001, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo appointed him acting Secretary of
Transportation and Communications, where he served until July 2002.[1][3][4]Among Alvarez's
achievements were the adoption of the light railway expansion program, improvement of
the Philippine National Railway, and computerization of the department and attached agencies.[5] He
also spearheaded the slogan "OKS na OKS sa DOTC" which means "Organisado, Kalinisan at
In 2005, Alvarez along with four other former DOTC officials where charged with graft before
the Sandiganbayan in connection with the construction of NAIA Terminal 3. In 2010, the charges
were dismissed by the Sandiganbayan Special Second Division due to lack of evidence.[1][7][4][8]

Alvarez was an advocate for the secession of all of Mindanao from the Philippines.[9][10][11][12]
Incoming Speaker bares
legislative agenda
THE 17TH Congress will spend its maiden year pushing three ambitious items on the
incoming Duterte administration’s agenda: the switch to a federal government,
restoration of the death penalty and lowering of the age of criminal liability, according
to the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez.
At the Meet Inquirer Multimedia forum on Tuesday,  the returning Davao del Norte
representative spoke of the priority measures that would occupy the legislature in the
next three years.
The first item—shift to federalism—will necessitate not only constitutional
amendments but a “revision” of the 1987 Constitution, with President-elect Rodrigo
Duterte expressing a preference for a constitutional convention that will amend it, said
Alvarez, a close friend handpicked by Duterte to lead the House.
“A constitutional convention (Con-con) would be very expensive and very long. A
constituent assembly (Con-ass) would be easier and less expensive. But I guess the
President wants a constitutional convention so people don’t say it’s self-serving,” he
A Con-con would require an election of the convention delegates, while a Con-ass
would only involve the bicameral Congress convening itself and proposing
amendments to the Charter.
The third method—a people’s initiative—will only apply to amendments to individual
provisions, Alvarez said.
“But still, we need to look at the consensus in Congress, on what mode they will
prefer,” he said.
The plan is to hold the election of delegates simultaneously with the barangay
elections in October.
“Maybe we can slightly delay the barangay election so we can include the election of
the delegates to save money for the government,” Alvarez said.
For almost two hours, he fielded questions on his legislative agenda, his leadership
style, his friendship with Duterte, his hopes for Congress.
Speaking in a relaxed mix of English and Filipino,  Alvarez showed a penchant for
pithy one-liners and was prepared with anecdotes.
“Those of us in the majority, we believe in the programs of the present administration.
Whatever those programs are, we will support them. Let’s give the President the
chance to succeed. He wants to change the nation. That’s not easy to do. He needs the
support of Congress, of the people,” he said.
A federal system, he said, would open a lot of economic opportunities for local
“We have been through [a unitary form of government] since we started, until now,
we’re still in dire straits. Maybe it’s now time to consider another form of
government,” he said.
All up for revision
“Under a federal setup, there will be a lot of opportunities in provinces and regions.
They will be empowered to control their own economy and natural resources. They
will have the chance to chart their own destinies,” he added.

ALVAREZ BRIEFING Incoming House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez gives

the Inquirer a preview of the legislative priorities of the incoming
administration under President Duterte. RICHARD A. REYES
Alvarez also talked about the possibility of extending Duterte’s term of office through
constitutional amendments, noting that a Con-con would “open up” all provisions of
the Constitution to revision.
“When we call for a Con-con, we open everything for revision, including all articles
of the present Constitution,” he said. “You can’t avoid discussion about that (term
limits). It would all depend on the results of the convention.”
The Philippine president has a nonextensible six-year term.
Alvarez said that in the first two years of the Duterte administration, he planned to
reinstate capital punishment for heinous crimes. During the campaign, Duterte had
promised to reinstate the death penalty.
As mayor for over two decades in Davao City, Duterte is known for his iron-fist
stance on crime, and is known to have links to “death squads” notorious for killing
criminals  in the city.
Addressing arguments that the death penalty was not known to be a deterrent to crime,
Alvarez argued that: “There’s been no death penalty for many years but crime is still
The death penalty was abolished under the 1987 Constitution with the caveat that it
may be reimposed, with Congress approval, for heinous crimes. It was reimposed
during the administration of Fidel V. Ramos and Joseph Estrada, and stopped during
the term of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Criminal responsibility
Alvarez said the third legislative priority was to lower the age of criminal
responsibility under the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, or Republic Act
No. 9344, which exempts children 15 years and below from criminal liability but
subjects them to an intervention program.
On the other hand, children older than 15 but younger than 18 shall also be exempt
from criminal liability and be subjected to an intervention program unless they “acted
with discernment.”
That law was actually amended in 2013 through RA 10630 or the Act Strengthening
the Juvenile Justice System in the Philippines. But it retained the age of criminal
MEET AND GREET Incoming House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez receives
“The INQUIRER Story: 30 Years of Shaping History’’ from PDI chair
Marixi Rufino-Prieto during the Meet INQUIRER Multimedia forum on
Tuesday. Behind are (from left) Alvarez’s daughter Paola Alvarez,
executive editor Jose Ma. Nolasco and INQUIRER president/CEO Sandy
Prieto-Romualdez. RICHARD A. REYES
“This has posed a lot of problems,” Alvarez said.
“We received a lot of complaints from law enforcement authorities about minors who
couldn’t be charged. It was originally 9, then they raised it to 15. I’m not questioning
the intent of the law. The problem is implementation. Fifteen-year-olds are being used
for committing crimes,” he said.
Other proposed bills
Alvarez said the passage of the freedom of information bill should be an easy task.
“That’s practically done. We only need to refile. I think that will be approved
quickly,” he said.
On proposals to raise the value-added tax from 10 to 15 percent, he said: “If it needs
an amendment from the present law, we will talk about that. I think that will be a
priority because that’s revenue of the country. That’s important.”
“Congress will always be on the side of people… There will be public hearings; we
will listen to them,” he said.
On the P2,000 increase for Social Security System pensioners, Alvarez said he
personally favored it: “I am for that. Let us see how the new Congress receives it, and
what the majority will agree on.”
On the lifting of the bank secrecy law, he said there was a need to study it. “That issue
is not easy. We need to hear the side of everyone involved, bankers, depositors,

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Gloria Arroyo is now a House Deputy

By Joyce Ilas and AC Nicholls, CNN Philippines
Updated 18:21 PM PHT Wed, August 10, 2016

(File photo) Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) — Despite her illness and pending

cases, former President and now Pampanga Representative Gloria
Arroyo will play a bigger role in the 17th Congress.

During a visit to the Veterans Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) on

Wednesday, Arroyo said she had been appointed as a House Deputy

Deputy Speakers are the second highest-ranking officials at the House

of Representatives.

"A deputy speaker is automatically a member of every committee. We

are members of Committee on Rules which determines, among other
things, the agenda for the plenary session," Arroyo said.
When asked about what she thought of con-ass, Ferdinand Marcos' burial,
and thedeath penalty, Arroyo said she would support President Rody
Duterte's legislative agenda.

"It’s a strategic policy direction to support the legislative agenda of the

administration," Arroyo said.

With her husband Mike, she visited the VMMC — where she was detained
for four years— to donate two dialysis machines, two beds, and an air
conditioning unit.

CGMA arrives in VMMC. She's in a good mood. She smiled and greeted the
media upon arrival. | @Joyceilas

— CNN Philippines (@cnnphilippines) August 10, 2016

Arroyo looked physically stronger, but according to her, she still has to
undergo treatment for cervical spondylosis twice a week.

She also plans to get stem cell treatment in Germany, that's why she is
asking permission from the Sandiganbayan to let her travel abroad —
just three weeks after being released from detention.

In the motion for leave she filed before the anti-graft court, Arroyo said
she also wanted to visit France and Hong Kong.

Pampanga Rep. Gloria Arroyo is asking the Sandiganbayan to allow her to travel
abroad |@AC_Nicholls

— CNN Philippines (@cnnphilippines) August 10, 2016

Arroyo plans to consult with medical experts in Germany from

September 20-29. After that, she will head to Paris, where she will spend
time with her family until October 3.

She also plans to visit the Filipino community in France.

From October 29 to November 4, Arroyo hopes to spend a vacation in
Hong Kong and attend a family reunion there.

The Supreme Court had dismissed Arroyo's plunder case for the alleged
misuse of Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office funds when she was

But she is still facing a graft case before the Sandiganbayan, in

connection with the NBN-ZTE deal.

Her husband Mike, who is facing the same graft charges, is also asking
the court for permission to travel abroad so he could accompany his

House grants immunity to witnesses in

NBP drug trade probe; De Lima a no-
By Fiona Nicolas, CNN Philippines
Updated 01:48 AM PHT Wed, September 21, 2016
The House of Representatives started its probe on the proliferation of illegal drugs in the national
penitentiary. The House Speaker granted immunity to six witnesses. Former Justice Secretary and
now Senator Leila De Lima did not show up despite the invitation.

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) — The House of Representatives on

Tuesday started the ball rolling on its probe on the proliferation of illegal
drugs and the drug trade in National Bilibid Prisons (NBP).

Oriental Mindoro Rep. Reynaldo Umali, Chairman of the House

Committee on Justice, said the investigation aims to address two priority
measures endorsed by President Duterte in his first State of the Nation
Address – the restoration of death penalty for heinous crimes, and a
proposal to lower the age of criminal responsibility.

Knowing what transpired in the Senate hearings on extrajudicial killings,

Umali urged the members to engage each other and the resource
persons "in an orderly manner" and "with proper decorum."
During discussion, Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre appealed to the
Committee, to grant immunity to the witnesses brought by the
Department of Justice (DOJ).

The six witnesses include NBP inmates Jaime Patcho, Rodolfo Magleo,
Noel Martinez, and convicted drug dealer Herbert Colanggo; former NBI
agent Jovencio Ablen, and former Bureau of Corrections official Rafael
Ragos – who, according to Aguirre, are both in the custody of National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

READ: De Lima: PNP Special Action Force 'possibly torturing' prisoners

to give false evidence

House Majority Leader Rodolfo Fariñas explained that it will be Speaker

Pantaleon Alvarez who will finally approve the granting of immunity for
the witnesses, as recommended by the Justice Committee.

"It has to be approved by the Speaker. We saw what happened in the

Senate in the hearing there. They presented a witness and after the
hearing, the chairman or the former chairman of the committee asked
the Senate President for the acceptance or inclusion into the witness
protection program of the government but the Senate President denied
the request," Fariñas said.

This caused apprehension on the part of some of the committee

members at first.

Deputy Speaker Fredenil Castro of Capiz said the committee might be

putting the lives of the witnesses in danger, since the granting of
immunity by the committee is just recommendatory in nature.

"As we understood from the explanation of the majority leader… It is the

signature of the Speaker that will be the operative act… Now, if we
approve it now, are we not endangering these witnesses?" De Castro

This put the hearing in a deadlock, since DOJ's witnesses were not
allowed to testify early on.
Aguirre pointed out, these witnesses may shed light on how the drug
trade in the Bilibid is carried out. He said DOJ did not promise anything
to the witnesses, neither did the witnesses ask anything from the DOJ.

Aguirre said it was the witnesses' lawyers who asked testimonial

immunity for their clients.

READ: Drug lords, high-profile inmates to testify vs De Lima

"I agree that it's very reasonable. They agree that the drug trade in the
Bilibid should stop.  And so I believe, that whatever they tell here, I
believe that they should be given immunity," Aguirre said.

"Whatever they will testify, we led them to believe, that whatever they
testify here, that could not be used against them."

Fariñas himself attended to Aguirre's request, and sought for the

approval of House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez.

Alvarez approved the request, admitting the witnesses into the witness
protection program, and granting them immunity from all and any
criminal prosecutions for the offense or offenses in which their
testimonies will be used – provided, according to Fariñas, that the
witnesses "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

The need to investigate

Umali said, the committee has to get to the bottom of the proliferation of
drug syndicates and illegal drugs in the NBP, by creating legislation, or a
directive to the appropriate agency to issue the necessary administrative
regulation, as part of their oversight function in congress.

He added, the committee, in aid of legislation, must also be able to

determine "who among the responsible government officials before and
even today are culpable through direct participation for gross
inexcusable negligence in allowing these syndicates to proliferate while
inside the supposed maximum security compound."

"These convicted persons are supposed to serve their sentence as

punishment imposed on them by the judiciary," Umali said.
"This is supposed to be the closure for the victims and their families.
Unfortunately, the fact these convicted felons are still able to continue
with their illegal activities while incarcerated makes a complete mockery
of our criminal justice system."

Several committee members also enumerated reasons why the

investigation has to be conducted.

Correctional Reforms sub-committee Vice Chairman Henry Oaminal,

refreshed the memories of the committee members of the NBP raid in
December 2014 – where luxury items like asauna, Jacuzzi, high-end
watches, flat screen television sets, and laptops aside from illegal drugs
were seized.

"In the villa of Peter Co, authorities have also seized documents
containing a list of names with corresponding cash amounts and dates
involving drug transactions.  Meanwhile, in another kubol occupied by
robbery gang leader Herbert Colangco, Police found a music studio,
where he was reportedly able to produce a music video that went viral
on youtube," he added.

Oaminal said despite these raids, illegal drug trade in NBP not only
continued, "but actually thrives."

Minority Leader Danilo Suarez, who authored the House resolution 105,
or the "Resolution calling for an investigation in aid of legislation on the
proliferation of drug syndicates at the National Bilibid Prison," said there
is a direct correlation between the rise in drug cases and criminality.

"These drug lords have the audacity to operate a nationwide drug

syndicate while serving sentences of their crimes," Suarez said.

"This could not have happened without the approval of several

government high officials."

De Lima, a no show
Former Justice Secretary, now Sen. Leila De Lima, was true to her word
that she would not show up or would even send an observer or
representative in the House probe.
Umali said the House Justice Committee's investigation is not a
"kangaroo probe," nor is conducted to persecute her publicly – as what
the Senator earlier claimed.

READ: Gordon: De Lima ousted as Justice chair to maintain objectivity

Batangas Rep. Raneo Abu, meanwhile, affirmed to the committee that

De Lima received their invitation.

"The office of [Senator] De Lima received the invitation coming from this
committee by Ms. Laika Marcelo," Abu said. He stressed that invite
specifically stated that the probe aims "to shed light on the matter and to
assist the committee on its inquiry."

Abu added, the invitation by the House of Representatives is in itself, an

act of showing fairness to the Senator.

"Pinakikita ng committee yung fairness. She invokes yung inter-

parliamentary courtesy.And personally, Mr. Chairman, a manifestation
that ang tamang kurtesiya na maibibigay natin sa kasamahan natin sa
isang co-equal chamber ay magkaroon sya ng lugar kung saan
mapapasubalian nya kung anuman ang mga bagay na madidiscuss
dito," Abu said.

[Translation: The committee showed its fairness… Personally Mr.

Chairman, I have to make a manifestation that the right courtesy is to
give our colleague in a co-equal chamber the venue where she can deny
or confirm whatever is being discussed in this investigation.]

The House probe will resume hearing on Wednesday, September 21.

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