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Republika ng Pilipinas


Lungsod ng Puerto Princesa



Hon. MIGUEL T. CUADERNO IV City Councilor, Temporary Presiding Officer
Hon. HENRY A. GADIANO City Councilor, Majority Floor Leader
Hon. MODESTO V. RODRIGUEZ II City Councilor, Asst. Majority Floor Leader
Hon. VICKY T. DE GUZMAN City Councilor
Hon. GREGORIO Q. AUSTRIA City Councilor
Hon. MARK DAVID M. HAGEDORN City Councilor
Hon. LUIS M. MARCAIDA III City Councilor, Majority Floor Leader

Hon. PATRICK ALEX M. HAGEDORN Ex-Officio Member, Pres., Liga ng mga

Hon. FERNNIE MAY C. ASUNCION Pres., SK Federation, Ex-Officio Member


Hon. LUCILO R. BAYRON City Vice Mayor, Presiding Officer, Acting
City Mayor
Hon. JIMMY L. CARBONELL City Councilor, on Sick Leave
xxx xxx xxx




Sponsored by: Committee on Tourism

WHEREAS, the Local Government Code of 1991 provides that local government
units apply their resources and assets for productive, developmental or welfare purposes
and ensure its development into self-reliant communities;

WHEREAS, the national government has devolved to local government units

tourism development and promotion functions, including the development of tourism
facilities and tourism attractions, and the regulation and supervision of business

WHEREAS, the Tourism Act of 2009 provides that local government units adopt
the principle of sustainable tourism development in the formulation of their tourism
development plans to give due regard to the conservation of natural endowments and
preservation of cultural heritage while according opportunity for local communities to
achieve a better quality of life.

NOW THEREFORE, with the foregoing premises considered, the Sangguniang

Panlungsod of the City of Puerto Princesa, in a regular session assembled, hereby ordains


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Section 1.Title – This Ordinance shall be known as the “Community Based

Sustainable Tourism (CBST) Ordinance of Puerto Princesa City.”

Section 2. Declaration of Policy- The City of Puerto Princesa declares sustainable

development as a policy to protect the environment and conserve its natural resources,
and to promote ecologically sustainable tourism for the general welfare of its people.The
City shall seek to engage the local communities to participate in ecotourism development
thru its Community-Based Sustainable Tourism (CBST) program, substantiating further
the vision for sustainable development in the City of Puerto Princesa.

Section 3. Objectives-Pursuant to the above declarations, the City shall adopt the
following objectives for Community-Based Sustainable Tourism development:

(a.) Ensure that the development of CBST promotes the general well-being of the
people in the community and empowers them thru equitable access to resources and
participation in the development of tourism activities in their locality.

(b.) Build the capacity of the community for the management and operations of
CBST, and for skills and knowhow necessary for employment and livelihood in CBST
recognizing that the community is a rich resource of manpower, talents and products that
can be harnessed to provide services, activities and goods to visitors.

(c.)Advocate and support the conservation and protection of natural resources and
environment of the City thru CBST and eco-tourism development that will sustain for the
benefit of future generations.

(d.)Contribute to the preservation and conservation of cultural resources, and

ensure that respect for traditions and culture of local and indigenous communities is
observed, and to open opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and cultures between
tourists and the communities.

(e.)Create and develop economically viable community-based tourism products and

enterprises to provide opportunities for livelihood, employment and job creation that will
contribute to the reduction of poverty and improvement of the socio-economic conditions
of local communities in the City of Puerto Princesa.

(f.)Establish a suitable and sustainable funding mechanism, including income

generation and benefit sharing arrangements for community members and CBST
development to sustain its operations, maintenance and enhancement, and collection of
funds for environmental conservation and resource use, capacity-building, cross-cultural
understanding and community development.

(g.)Devise systematic procedures and rules for developing tour packages for CBST
that shall take into account reasonable pricing schemes and fair marketing practices for
all stakeholders, and shall protect the interest of the community and the tourism industry
in general.

(h.)Diversify and develop tourism attractions thru sustainable forms of community-

based tourism such as ecotourism, agri-tourism, cultural tourism, rural tourism, and
adventure tourism with religious collaboration and partnership with local communities
and stakeholders, and in accordance with CBST guidelines and regulations.

(i.) Formulate guidelines for CBST on tourism industry standards consistent with
other relevant applicable national laws and City ordinances and the provisions of City
Ordinance No. 495 (Tourism Ordinance of Puerto Princesa) and Republic Act 9593
(Tourism Act of 2009.)

Section 4. Definition of Terms

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(a.) BARANGAY TOURISM COUNCIL – refers to a tourism-support body comprised of

tourism stakeholders at the barangay/community level with membership from
both the private and public sectors that will provide policy recommendations in
support of tourism development in their locality;
(b.) CBST DEVELOPMENT - is an integrated approach and collaborative tool for the
socio-economic empowerment of communities through the assessment,
development and marketing of natural and cultural community resources for
tourism, which seeks to add value to the experiences of local and foreign visitors
and simultaneously improve the quality of life of communities;
(c.) CBST ORGANIZATION – is an organization that is duly registered with either the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for associations or the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA) for cooperatives that have organized themselves and
empowered to adhere to the ideals and practice of Community-Based Sustainable
(d.) CITY – refers to the City of Puerto Princesa or the City Government of Puerto
(e.) CITY TOURISM OFFICE (CTO) – refers to the City Tourism Department of the City
Government of Puerto Princesa with the official mandate for the overall
development, standards setting, regulation, promotion, marketing and
management of the City as a tourist destination. In this Ordinance it refers to as
the Office or Department;
(f.) COMMUNITY-BASED SUSTAINABLE TOURISM (CBST) – is a type of sustainable
tourism that aims to involve local residents in the operation and management of
community tourism projects as a means of alleviating poverty and providing
sustainable income and livelihood for community members;
(g.) COMMUNITY ECO-TOURISM GUIDE – refers to a tour guide from the local
community or CBST site that is trained in providing information to tourists about
the natural environment and local culture of the area. He/she shall have sufficient
knowledge about the flora and fauna in the area and the ability to interpret the
ecological processes in the environment for greater appreciation and
understanding of the tourists;
(h.) COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDER – refers to an individual or group of individuals
that are directly or indirectly involved on matters and issues concerning the
community as a whole, who willingly offers himself voluntarily to contribute his
knowledge, skills and resources. In CBST it pertains to all community members,
the barangay and the City Government all of which have common interest and
stake for the protection, conservation and utilization of the natural resources in
the locality;
(i.) DOT – shall mean Department of Tourism;
(j.) ECO-TOURISM DEVELOPMENT – is a form of sustainable tourism within a
natural and cultural heritage area where protection and management of natural
resources, environmental education and ethics, culture and indigenous knowledge
and practices, community participation, as well as economic benefits are fostered
and pursued for the enrichment of host communities and the satisfaction of
(k.) NATIONAL LAWS – refers to Republic Act 9593 (The Tourism Act of 2009) and
other related laws;
(l.) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – refers to development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs. It is a harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy,
responsive governance, social cohesion and ecological integrity to ensure that
development is a life enhancing process;
(m.)SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT – shall mean the management of all
resources that meets the needs of tourists and host regions while protecting the
opportunities for the future, in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic
needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological
processes, biological diversity and life support systems;
(n.) VOLUNTEERISM – refers to the act of providing voluntary services to the
community or CBST to help in community development for tourism without
expectation of any remuneration.
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Section 5. City Tourism Office (CTO) - shall be the department of the City
Government that will ensure and certify that the tourism policies and programs for CBST
development are implemented properly. The City Tourism Office shall:

a. Coordinate and consult with the various community stakeholders pertaining to

CBST development plans and programs, and integrate the same to the overall
tourism development plans/programs of the City Government;
b. Conduct evaluation of existing and potential CBST sites, and with the support of
the community and barangay, recommend for the protection, conservation and
development of the site for sustainable forms of tourism. All tourism developments
and activities in barangays and local communities in the City shall have prior
assessment and endorsement of the City Tourism Office to the Sangguniang
Panlungsod before final approval of the City Mayor;
c. Assist in the formation and organizing of community groups that shall engage in
CBST, instill upon them the principles and practice of sustainable tourism
development, and the important role of the community in the development process;
d. Conduct trainings and capability-building program on tourism awareness and
frontline operations to provide community members the necessary skills in tour
guiding and tour operations in preparation for receiving visitors, and facilitate
trainings on business management and operation, recording, accounting and
e. Facilitate and assist in business enterprise development, creation of livelihood
opportunities from the operation of the tourism site, and continuous product
f. Recommend and request for budgetary requirements as deemed necessary to
support tourism-related infrastructure and visitor facilities for CBST sites;
g. Institute a program for data collection, research and reporting on CBST operations
such as, but not limited to, monthly tourist arrival report, income generated and
tourism activities in the community;
h. Assist in the promotions of the community tourism site and attractions, and
establish marketing linkages with the private sector and tour operators;
i. Build partnerships with CBST Associations or People’s Organizations, Barangay
LGU and Barangay Tourism Council, City Tourism Council, Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs), Foundations, other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and
concerned government agencies for organized support assistance, on
infrastructure, technical and capacity-building endeavor, organization financial
and grant assistance;
j. Set and enforce tourism standards and regulations for the registration, licensing
and accreditation of the business operation of CBST enterprises in accordance with
existing laws; and
k. Coordinate with other local and national agencies with regard to national and local

Section 6. Registration and Licensing of CBST. As part of the regulatory functions

of the City Tourism Office over CBST, the following registration and licensing procedures
consistent with the provisions set forth in City Ordinance No. 495 shall apply to CBST, as

a. The City Tourism Office shall process and recommend to the City Mayor for
approval the application of any person, partnership, corporation, cooperative and
any other entity to maintain, operate, or engage in the business of, or related to,
community-based sustainable tourism within the territorial jurisdiction of Puerto
b. All CBST engaged in tourism operations shall be issued a certificate of registration
and a Mayor’s Permit to operate as such by the City Mayor. Such application for
registration and Mayor’s Permit shall be processed in accordance with the
procedures provided in this Ordinance and City Ordinance No. 495 as applicable.
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In this connection, all tourism activities in Puerto Princesa or any entity violating
this provision shall be subjected to the penalties provided in the Ordinance;
c. All CBST association, person, partnership, corporation and cooperative desiring to
keep, manage or operate any tourism activity in the community for the purpose of
engaging in a tourism-related business, shall accomplish in quadruplicate and
executed under oath, and filed with the City Tourism Office an application form for
registration prescribed for the purpose;
d. Supporting documents to be submitted with the application - Unless otherwise
indicated in the form, the application shall be accompanied by two (2) copies of the
following documents:
1. In case of a CBST association and/or corporation, a certified true copy of the
CBST Article of Incorporation and By-laws, Securities and Exchange
Commission Certificate of Registration or in the case of CBST cooperatives,
Certificate of Registration from the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
embodying the CBST principles of organization and operation;
2. Resolution of the Board of Directors of the corporation, association or
cooperative filing the application and designating its representative authorized
to act for and on its behalf;
3. In case of association and/or corporation or cooperative, list of Board of
Trustees/ Board of Directors and other principal officers and their respective
residence certificates, with date and place of issue and nationalities. If a
Director or officer is a naturalized Filipino citizen, such fact should be stated,
accompanied by a copy of his Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of
4. Audited financial statements of the applicant, viz. profit and loss statement and
balance sheets for the two preceding years, if applicant has been in operation
for such period, otherwise only such financial statement during its period of
5. Applicant’s income tax returns for the last three (3) preceding years of its
operation, if the applicant has been operating for more than three (3) years;
otherwise, only such financial statements during the period it has been
6. Sworn Certificate of List containing the names of the manager, assistant
manager and other members of the staff, and their respective designations,
nationalities, home addresses, and accompanied by a passport size photo of
each of them;
7. Joint ventures and/or technical assistance agreements, if any, existing or
proposed and about to be entered into with foreign nationals, foundations or
non-government organizations;
8. Such other papers or documents as may be required by pertinent laws, rules
and regulations, and circulars.
e. Ocular Inspection. Upon receipt of the application, the Office shall create an
inspection team to conduct an ocular inspection of the CBST site, its immediate
premises and operations for the purpose of determining its compliance to the
provisions of this Ordinance and related laws.
f. Checklist to be Accomplished During Ocular Inspection. - The inspection team
shall provide itself with a set of the checklist. All the deficiencies found and the
requirements complied with and observations or any adverse findings of the team
shall be noted and entered in the checklist.
g. Recommendation by the Office/Department - Having satisfactorily complied
with the requirements prescribed for the business for which registration and
Mayor’s Permit are applied for, the Office shall recommend to the City Mayor the
issuance of the certificate of registration and Mayor’s Permit to operate as a
business engaged in CBST upon payment of the registration fees prescribed in this
h. Mayor’s Permit Subject To Condition - The Mayor’s Permit shall contain
conditions it may impose on the applicant, i.e., requirements apart from what is
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prescribed under this Ordinance as to other requirements required by law on

Business Permits and Licenses.
i. Validity of Certificate of Registration - The Certificate of Registration shall be
applied with the Office once, at the start of operation of the business. It should be
reapplied for if the business has ceased operations for at least six (6) months or if
the Mayor’s Permit has been revoked for some reason. The business establishment
shall only pay the registration fee once, unless it has filed for reapplication for
reasons cited above.
j. Mandatory Registration Fee - The CBST applicant who has complied with the
requirements shall pay a mandatory one-time registration fee of One Thousand
Pesos (Php1,000.00.)
k. Annual Regulatory Fee – All registered CBST operations shall pay an annual
regulatory fee of Five hundred pesos (Php500.00) upon renewal of license and
Mayor’s Permit.
l. Display of DOT Accreditation Sticker, Certificate of Registration and Mayor’s
Permit - The Certificate of Registration, Mayor’s Permit and business plate, City
Tourism Office licensing sticker and DOT Accreditation Sticker of the business
establishment in the CBST site shall be displayed in a conspicuous place visible
enough for the public to see.
m. Signboard and Safety Signages- All CBST sites shall keep a signboard and safety
signages with the nature of the tourism activity or operations displayed in a
conspicuous place outside within public view.
n. Guest Registration - No person shall be permitted to enter CBST site or engage in
CBST activities unless the personal circumstances and other particulars of the
guest have been entered in the registry book or card. Entry particulars shall
include the gender, residency, nationality, name of the guest(s) and date of entry or
o. Periodic Inspection - When necessary and upon valid reason, the Office shall
make an inspection of CBST site and their immediate premises for the purpose of
finding out whether they are being kept and or managed in a manner compatible
with the standards set forth under this Ordinance.
p. Access of Inspection Team to Records and Premises - The Inspection Team
shall have access to the CBST premises, its registry book, the building and all
parts thereof, the facilities for cooking, and the right to interview any employee of
the property and investigate any fact, conditions or matter which may be necessary
to determine any violation or aid in arriving at a just and correct conclusion.
q. Maintenance and Management - Maintenance of all sections of the CBST site
shall be of acceptable standard ensuring well-kept, clean and pollution-free
premises and shall be on a continuing basis.
1. Wash Areas - There shall be designated wash areas within the facility with
ample amenities such as continuous flow of clean water, soap, hand towels,
and tissue paper.
2. Restrooms - There shall be separate, clean and well-maintained rest rooms for
male and female. Bathrooms shall also be provided, if applicable.
3. Garbage Cans - There shall be garbage cans in all activity areas and a r egular
and hygienic garbage disposal system shall be maintained utilizing sustainable
methods and techniques geared towards environmental protection. 
4. Sanitation measures shall be adopted in accordance with the standards
prescribed on sanitation, vermin control and other regulations of the City
Health Department.
r. Safety and Medical Services – All CBST sites shall adopt safety measures and
employ adequate first-aid personnel who have completed a course in first-aid duly
certified by the Philippine National Red Cross or any recognized organization
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training or promoting safety objectives,and for water-based ecotourism activities

the appropriate water safety and rescue measures.
s. Fire Fighting Facilities - Fire-fighting facilities shall be provided in accordance
with the Fire Code of the Philippines.
t. Power to Hear and Resolve Complaints – Any complaint filed to the Office
involving CBST operations by guests/clients for violation of any of the provisions of
this Ordinance or circulars issued by the Office shall be endorsed to the City Legal
Office for legal action and proper disposition and resolution of the case, in
accordance with its rules and procedures governing complaints.
u. Submission of Reports and Other Documents - Every CBST site shall
mandatorily submit within the time specified the following reports and documents:
1. Any amendment thereof in the Articles of Incorporation/Cooperation as the case
may be, within five (5) days from the date of the original registration and/or
amendment with the appropriate government agency;
2. Replacements of any Director/Trustee or other principal officers of the
corporation, partnership or association, with the indication of nationality of
each new officer, and accompanied by a copy of his Certificate of Citizenship, if
a naturalized Filipino, within five (5) days after replacement;
3. Replacements/resignations/separation of the managers, the assistant manager,
or any other member of the staff within three (3) days after the change;
4. Any change in the personnel complement/addition in the roll of membership
and stating the respective designation, salaries (including other compensation),
nationalities, home addresses, within five (5) days from such changes.
5. Any change in the office address, extensions and/or transfer of address;
6. Monthly reports of actual number of visitor arrivals and profile, guests/clients
serviced, monthly income and other data as may be required by the Office shall
be submitted on or before every fifth (5th) day of the month.

v. Community Eco-Tourism Guide

1. Requirements for application:

1.1Must pass the Basic Tourist Reception & Guiding Techniques Training
Program conducted by the Office and/or DOT
1.2Red Cross or City Health Office Certificate on Basic Life Support/CPR
Training and Water Safety (if applicable)
1.3Certificate of good moral character and membership in good standing issued
by the President of the Community Based Tourism Association
1.4Barangay Clearance
1.5Community Tax Certificate
1.6At least 18 to 60 years old
1.7Certification from the Office
1.8Such other requirements under City Ordinance No. 495.
2. For renewal:
2.1Must pass the Refresher Course set by the Office and/or DOT
2.2Must be certified by the Community Based Tourism Association President
2.3Barangay Clearance
2.4Community Tax Certificate
3. Validity of Trainings and Seminars. Training and seminars for CBST is valid
only for a period of two (2) years. Refresher Courses shall be made available
through the Office or through the Department of Tourism.
4. Validity and Effectivity of Community Tour Guide License. Tour guiding
license shall be for a period of two (2) years from the date of issuance of permit.
5. Tour Guiding Card. A Community Tour Guiding Card shall be provided by the
CBST noted by the Barangay and the Office upon presentation of his/her
permit/license. Said card shall be in full use for a period of four (4) years where
upon expiration of the 2 year validity, the Office shall imprint a new date of
validity in a special sticker tape duly authenticated. After good and full use of
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the License Card for another period of two (2) years, a new card shall be
provided for by the Office.
6. Wearing of Identification Card - A community tour guide shall wear ID at all
times while in the performance of his/her duties.
7. Uniform. A community tour guide must be properly and decently dressed in
the conduct of his/her official function in tour guiding, preferably that which
represents the organization where he/she belongs or connected. Or as the case
maybe, the uniform set as standard in tour guiding by the organization which
he/she is a member.

w. Code of Ethics – CBST organizations shall formulate a Code of Ethics within thirty
(30) days from the date of approval of this Ordinance which shall govern the
conduct of their respective members in dealing with one another and the conduct
to be observed by their staff or employees toward each other and their clients. A
copy thereof shall be submitted to the Office within thirty (30) days from the
adoption of such Code of Ethics.
x. Enlistment of Aid, Assistance and Support of Other Government Agencies - In
the implementation of the provisions of this Ordinance and circulars and
enforcement of orders and decisions, the Office may enlist the aid, assistance and
support of any and all government agencies, whether civil or military.

Section 7. The Barangay. The Barangays where the community tourism

attractions are developed shall play a key role to support the CBST program in their
respective communities in terms of:

a. Local policy formulation and barangay ordinances

b. Planning and development process for CBST
c. Barangay support services to ensure safety of visitors in the Barangay
d. Advisory role to CBST groups or associations
e. Coordination with the City Tourism Office
The Barangay shall create the Barangay Tourism Council and strengthen the
Barangay Tourism Committee (Resolution No. 602-2003).

Section 8. The CBST Organizations. The creation of CBST organizations shall be

strengthened as the primary entity that will manage environmentally sustainable
community tourism attractions and operate economically viable tourism enterprises. The
CBST organizations shall:

a. Be a duly-registered organization with the appropriate agency such as the

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for associations, foundations or non-
government organizations, and the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) for
b. Abide by the principle of community-wide stakeholder participation and
empowerment in the membership of the organization promoting the spirit of
volunteerism and cooperation, noting that the entire community have a stake and
shall have equitable access to the natural resources in their locality;
c. Signify intention to develop its potential natural and cultural resources for tourism
purposes thru consultative and participatory processes with the community
stakeholders, the Barangay and the City Tourism Office, for endorsement to the
Sanggunniang Panlungsod and approval of the Local Chief Executive/City Mayor;
d. Comply with the planning, zoning and environmental laws in the physical
development of the site and in accordance with the guidelines stipulated herein;
e. Develop and operate only within the barangay jurisdiction where the natural
resource or tourism attraction are located and/or where tourism activities are
conducted or otherwise link/connect with other CBST sites for promotion and
marketing purposes;
f. Establish a set of rules and regulations to be followed by tourists/visitors while on
tour of the community tourism attraction, including do’s and dont’s on
environmental behavior and respect for local culture;
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g. Undergo trainings and capacity-building activities for its members and officers for
the sustainable management of the CBST site, on business planning and
management of ancillary tourism enterprises or livelihood activities, as well as on
tourism frontline services such as tour guiding and tour operations, and in
marketing and promotion in line with the CBST objective of job creation,
employment, livelihood, income generation and poverty reduction;
h. Submit to the City Tourism Office a monthly report of visitor arrivals in the CBST
site, a quarterly report of CBST activities and tour operations for puposes of
monitoring and evaluation, an audited financial statement at the end of the year
and to secure a business license or Mayor’s Permit for its business operations at
the beginning of each fiscal year;
i. Distribute appropriately the benefits derived from CBST operations to the CBST
Organization, the Barangay and the City Government, apportioning just and
equitable percentage shares for specific purposes which are defined under section
32 of this Ordinance.

Section 9. Barangay Tourism Council. A Barangay Tourism Council (BTC) shall

be created in areas where a CBST site is located and developed. It shall comprise of
representatives from the private sector of the tourism industry operating in the barangay,
and the government sector, academe, civic, youth groups and other community
stakeholders. The BTC shall have the following functions:

a. Boost the promotion and marketing of the CBST tourism attractions and activities
in the barangay;
b. Support the Barangay and CBST organizations in the sustainable development of
the tourism potentials and natural resources of the community;
c. Formulate and recommend policies for tourism that will contribute to the
alleviation of the socio-economic conditions in the barangay;
d. Coordinate and organize cultural activities, festivals and events in the community
that will further strengthen and invigorate the tourism industry of the City.
e. The composition of the Barangay Tourism Council shall include representatives
from the private sector comprised of the accommodation sector (hotel and resorts),
restaurant, tourist transport sector including driver and boatmen group, tour
guide, civic organizations, civil society groups, non-government organizations,
religious group, CBST officials and other interest groups from which the chairman
will be elected. From the public sector representatives comprising the academe or
school, barangay committee on environment, infrastructure, agriculture, health
and tourism committees.
f. The City Tourism Office shall have advisory and coordinative role in support to the
formation and strengthening of Barangay Tourism Councils and shall be
represented in BTC meetings on an observer status.

Section 10. Offices of the City Government of Puerto Princesa. Together with
the City Tourism Office, the following Offices of the City Government play key roles and
support in the planning, implementation and monitoring of CBST developments in the

a. City Planning and Development Office (CPDO). The CPDO shall coordinate the
preparation and approval of tourism plans and projects, support infrastructure and
services for CBST development in the barangays, as well as monitoring of CBST
b. City Environment and Natural Resources Office (City ENRO). – The City ENRO
shall be responsible in the implementation and monitoring of environmental laws
and regulations to ensure the ecological integrity of the CBST site, including
compliance with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Envrironmental
Clearance Certificate (ECC) requirements when necessary, waste segregation,
proper solid and wastewater disposal and management, use of eco-friendly
materials and technology, and other applicable environmental protection and
conservation measures;
c. City Engineering Department (CED) – The City Engineering Department shall
assist and be responsible in drawing out plans and programs of work of the
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physical infrastructure requirements of the CBST project sites whenever necessary

and ensure that the necessary physical infrastructure is in place;
d. City Legal Office – The City Legal Office shall act on complaints and cases arising
from CBST developments and operations and violations in this Ordinance;
e. ECAN Board – The ECAN Board shall certify that the proposed CBST site is not
within sanctuaries and protected areas; and
f. Other City Government Offices that shall play supportive roles to the development
of CBST.

Section 11. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Foundations, Civic

Organizations or Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

a. The City Government of Puerto Princesa recognizes the active participation of Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Foundations, Civic Organizations or Civil
Society Organizations (CSOs) in local governance and extend support in pursuit of
local autonomy, citizen or people’s participation and social accountability under
the framework of constructive engagement;
b. All proposed tourism related development activities, technological assistance,
capacity-building for CBST of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs),
Foundations, Civic Organizations or Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) shall be
coordinated and pass through the City Tourism Office for assessment and
evaluation and for proper endorsement to the Sangguniang Panlungsod/City Mayor
upon compliance with the requirements and guidelines set forth in this Ordinance;
c. Reporting to the City Government of fund utilization and development activities
shall be done on a periodic basis for any tourism project or activity in the City
under any binding agreement between the NGO/Foundation/CSO and the City
d. Availment of City Government funds for tourism and CBST purposes shall be
entered into a form of a tripartiate agreement which shall be subject to review by
the City Tourism Office and the City Legal Office to be duly approved by the
Sangguniang Panlungsod and subject further to standard government auditing
rules and regulations.
e. Partnerships. In order to protect the interest of the communities which the City
Government desires to make sustainable, responsible and productive members of
the society, it shall be provided in this Ordinance that Travel Agencies, Hotels and
Accommodations and Tour Guides, Tour Operators must incorporate in their travel
itinerary/tour packages at least two (2) identified community destinations under a
Memorandum of Agreement or legal contract executed between the concerned

This provision shall inculcate the social and moral responsibility of all tourism
private enterprises and help its local government to ensure the sustainability of all
community based tourism projects in Puerto Princesa

Section 12. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Foundations, Civic

Organizations or Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) may arrange, negotiate for, accept
donations, grants, gifts, loans and other funding from domestic and foreign sources to
carry out the activities and purposes of the CBST. However the acceptance shall be
subject to the tripartite agreement between the City Government of Puerto Princesa, CBST
and the donor/grantor.

Section 13. The PPCTPB (Puerto Princesa City Tourism Promotions Board)
and Sectoral Associations of the Tourism Industry.
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a. Recommend policies and regulations to the City Tourism Office and Sangguniang
Panlungsod pertaining to the tourism industry and in relation to community-based
sustainable tourism development;
b. Play a supportive role to CBST as a City Government program that shall open up
new tourism destinations in the communities and help uplift the economic
conditions of the poor and marginalized sector of City’s population at the
community level;
c. Recognize and take into the umbrella organization of the PPCTPB the legitimate
CBST organizations as economic drivers of development in the community;
d. Promote CBST tour packages and establish marketing linkages that shall allow for
new CBST sites to benefit and earn income from the tourism industry and in
support to the CBST program of the City of Puerto Princesa.


To attract more foreign and domestic tourists to visit the City of Puerto Princesa it
shall project a desirable image as an ecotourism destination that is community friendly,
environmentally responsible, and providing quality service with a value for money tourism
experience. There shall be a set of guidelines that shall ensure the attainment of the
objective of this provision:

Section 14. The marketing and advertising of Puerto Princesa City as a tourist
destination by tourism enterprises shall be based on truthful and factual information of
the activities to be enjoyed by visitors or tourists in the City’s tourist attractions including
CBST sites;

Section 15. There shall be standard system for packaging and pricing of tour
services on the basis of the distance of the destination, length of tour and type of vehicle,
package inclusions and quality of service, with guest satisfaction as the primary

Section 16. The standard tour packages for the City’s destinations and CBST
sites shall be priced reasonably, and acceptable to all tourism stakeholders to be duly
approved by the City Tourism Office and registered with the Department of Trade and
Industry, and not prejudicial to the interest of the public and visitors of the City;

Section 17. Any deviation from the agreed and approved standard tour packages
shall be considered as promotional offers that shall be subject for review and
endorsement by the City Tourism Office and duly approved by the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) for a specific period of time;

Section 18. There shall be no cut-throat competition using predatory pricing

among tourism industry players, which shall be considered as abusive and illegal under
this Ordinance and shall be penalized accordingly. This provision shall be economically
beneficial and sustainable for the entire tourism industry of the City of Puerto Princesa
and significantly contribute in making it a highly desirable world class tourism

Section 19. The policy and practice of extending sales commissions on business
transactions in the tourism industry shall only be allowed as a marketing incentive to
tourism players on acceptable levels that could range from 2% to 10% depending on the
type of the product or service, and shall be covered by agreements or contracts between
the parties involved subject to the scrutiny and approval of the City Tourism Office. CBST
sites shall extend marketing incentive from 2% to 5% but not to exceed than 8% with
consideration of the economic conditions and operational status of a particular CBST site.

Section 20. The incentive or commission system in the tourism industry shall be
regulated in such a way that it will not compromise the price and quality of tour packages
offered by the City, and shall not in any way lead to detrimental effects that could harm
the development and competitiveness of the City as a tourist destination in the domestic
and international tourism market.
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Section 21. The Community-Based Sustainable Tourism program of the City of

Puerto Princesa shall be an economic engine for growth and development for local
communities as part of the overall strategy for the City’s tourism economic sector, offering
opportunities for employment, additional income, business and livelihood to local

Section 22. The CBST organizations shall be equipped with the necessary
business management skills and tour operations in the locality that has been developed
for tourist visitation and other business-related activities as part of its capability-building

Section 23. In the best interest of the tourism industry of the City of Puerto
Princesa, and to protect the marginalized groups in the local communities and CBST
organizations, entrance and user fees and tour pricing schemes of all CBST sites shall
undergo evaluation and approval of the City Government through the City Tourism Office.

Section 24. There shall be just and equitable sharing of benefits and income
derived from CBST among the members of the CBST organization (82%), the Barangay
(10%) and for the City Government of Puerto Princesa thru the City Tourism Office for
tourism development special account (8%). This shall be based from the net proceeds
(gross sales less wages, social security, health care benefits, incentives, operating,
maintenance and marketing expenses, and after tax) to sustain the maintenance and
improvement of tourism facilities, services capacity-building and livelihood programs.

Section 25. The income for the CBST Organization shall be devoted for salaries
and wages (40%), educational, housing incentives, health care and other member benefits
(20%) Operating and Maintenance Expenses to include travelling expenses and
representation of its officers and members, capacity-building (10%); and capital outlay for
improvements, site maintenance and operations (10%) and savings and emergency fund
(10%), Reciprocity refund for use by the Barangay (5%) and the City Government (5%)
from total gross income.



Section 26. The guidelines for CBST development embody four (4) sets of global
sustainable tourism criteria that shall be the CBST guiding principles, as follows:

1. Environmental Sustainability
2. Preservation of Local Culture
3. Economically Beneficial and Reduction of Poverty
4. Social Justice, Community Empowerment and Capacity Building

The above guiding principles on community-based sustainable tourism shall be

conformed with by all CBST sites and organizations, and shall serve as requirements and
indicators for registration, monitoring and evaluation of CBST development, operations
and management.

Section 27. CBST Development Plans - All CBST’s must submit a five (5) year
development plan. The development plan shall be a pre-requisite for the establishment of
the CBST.

barangay must complement the existing or prior CBST. All CBST must avoid
completion and should complement each other in order to facilitate the development
thrust of the City Government towards sustainable and environmentally sound tourism.

Section 29. The Barangay CBST and the City Government shall be directly
benefited by all and any tourism related business activity arising out of the original CBST
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duly approved by the Sangguniang Panlungsod and the City Legal Office through the
financial sharing stated in the Tripartite Agreement which created the CBST.


Section 30. CBST sites shall comply with environmental laws and policies in
its development such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental
Clearance Certificate (ECC), FLAgT, Water Code, land use and zoning requirements, local
ordinances, and other relevant and applicable environmental laws;

1. CBST shall protect and conserve biodiversity through the following


a. CBST shall contribute to the support for biodiversity conservation by having no

captive wildlife, except for properly regulated activities. There shall be no
wildlife gathering, no bioprospecting, and interactions with wildlife shall have
no adverse effects on the viability of populations in the wild;
b. CBST sites shall use native species for landscaping and restoration, and take
measures to avoid the introduction of invasive alien species; and
c. Any disturbance of natural ecosystems shall be minimized, rehabilitated, and
there has to be compensatory contribution to conservation management.

2. CBST sites and operations shall adopt measures that reduce environmental
pollution and prevent environmental degradation.

a. CBST enterprise and operations shall implement practices to reduce pollution

from noise, light, runoff, erosion, ozone-depleting compounds, and air and soil
b. A solid waste management plan shall be implemented by CBST management, to
minimize waste that is not reused or recycled. (Trash bins, materials recovery
facility (MRF)/waste segregation, recycling, composting, non-use of styrofoam,
waste disposal, etc);
c. Wastewater, including gray water, shall be treated effectively and reused where
possible or otherwise disposed properly and with appropriate sewage and
sewerage system;
d. The use of harmful substances, including pesticides, paints, swimming pool
disinfectants, and cleaning materials, shall be minimized, substituted, when
available, by innocuous products, and all chemical use is properly managed;
e. Greenhouse gas emissions from all sources shall be controlled and measured by
the CBST business and procedures are implemented to reduce and offset them
as a way to achieve climate neutrality.

3. CBST enterprises shall observe and implement policies and practices that
conserve scarce resources, such as power and water supply, and use
environmentally-friendly products.

a. Energy consumption shall be measured and sources indicated, and measures to

decrease overall consumption shall be adopted, while encouraging the use of
renewable energy.
b. Water consumption shall be measured and sources indicated, and measures to
decrease overall consumption should be adopted.
c. Purchasing policy shall favor environmentally friendly products for building
materials, capital goods, food and consumables.
d. CBST business enterprises shall actively seeks ways to reduce the use of
disposable and consumable goods.

4. CBST shall provide Environmentally Responsible Products to Visitors

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a. Tour guiding and interpretation in CBST shall have a fine balance between local
color and storytelling, and scientific knowledge and accuracy;
b. Local produce and handicrafts shall avoid the depletion of cultural artifacts and
other resources, and minimize if not eliminate use of harmful chemicals;
c. Quality products shall be made and sold which reflect an area’s traditions and
d. A code of conduct or behavior shall be given on a briefing orientation to visitors,
and posted in conspicuous locations in the site; and
e. CBST shall offer a mix of natural and cultural experience.


Section 31. CBST shall maximize benefits to cultural heritage and minimize
negative impacts indicated in the following manner:

a. The CBST management shall follow guidelines or a code of behavior for visits
to culturally or historically sensitive sites, in order to minimize visitor impact
and maximize enjoyment;
b. Historical and archeological artifacts shall not be sold, traded, or displayed,
except as permitted by law;
c. The CBST enterprise shall contribute to the protection of local historical,
archeological, culturally, and spiritually important properties and sites, and
does not impede access to them by local residents;
d. The CBST enterprise shall use elements of local art, architecture, or
cultural heritage in its operations, design, decoration, food, or shops; while
respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities;
e. A code of conduct for activities in indigenous and local communities shall be
developed with the consent of and in collaboration with the community;
f. Information about local culture, and cultural heritage shall be provided to
customers/guests, as well as explaining appropriate behavior while visiting
natural areas, living cultures, and cultural heritage sites;
g. Respect for the natural or cultural heritage surroundings shall be observed
in siting, design, impact assessment, and in land rights and acquisition;
h. CBST shall open opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and cultures
between tourists and communities;
i. Cultural sensitivity shall be observed in dealing with indigenous
communities and when visiting their ancestral domains ; and
j. Products developed shall be based on the community’s traditional
knowledge, values and skills; and the community shall decide which aspects
of their cultural traditions they wish to share with visitors.


Section 32. Business Enterprise Sustainability

a. Enterprise performance. This shall measure the strength of entrepreneurship

and the vitality of the CBST enterprise thru: the number of tourism enterprise
start-ups; the longevity of tourism businesses (rate of turnover); the employee
turnover rate; growth in revenues and profitability of community-based tourism
business; and amount spent on investment and improvements;
b. Competitiveness. Cost/price ratio of accommodations, attractions, tours or
packages shall be comparable to industry norms or ratios for similar products
at other destinations; unique features of the destination; value/price rating by
visitors; and visitor profile and length of stay;
c. Visitor satisfaction. Satisfied customers shall stay longer and spend more,
and when they go home they recommend the destination to their friends;
d. Marketing. This shall be important to CBST business enterprise sustainability
as it is primarily responsible for establishing the image of the destination and
attracting visitors to the CBST site or destination. Brochures, flyers, posters,
banners, website shall be developed as well as building linkages with tour
operators and tourism industry partners;
Page15/Ord No. 546

e. Product development. This shall be a continuous process of development and

enhancement of the facilities, services and attractions of CBST sites to improve
the quality of experience of visitors and diversify tourism activities that shall
mean longer stay of tourists and increased tourist receipts; and
f. Compliance with business regulations. Registration, pemits and tourism
accreditation shall meet the standards and minimum requirements in terms of
facilities and services;

Setion 33. Maximize economic benefits of the local community. This aspect of
economic viability and sustainability shall be measured in term of the following

a. Number of direct and indirect jobs created from the CBST activity shall have
b. Provide supplementary income for individual members of the community and
collectively to the whole community and barangay;
c. Provide a more sustainable form of livelihood and tourism enterprises for local
communities, including number and type of small businesses operating in the
community; and
d. The quality of life of the community members shall have improved and
incidence of poverty reduced.

Section 34. Social Justice and Community Empowerment shall be defined and
determined by the following indicators and parameters:

1. Equitable Access to Resources and CBST Participation

a. There shall be equitable access of the community stakeholders over their
land/ terrestrial resources, aquatic /marine resources and other natural
b. There shall be community-wide equal opportunity in CBST involvement,
participation and membership, and to whatever benefits derived or
emanating from the conservation of their resources;
c. Equal access to membership and entry to CBST shall be evaluated in
terms of physical and mental capacity of community members to
contribute positively in CBST development and operations, and to work
collectively in support of the attainment of CBST ideals and aspirations
embodied in this Ordinance;
d. Participation or membership in CBST shall be open to residents of the
barangay and not exclusive to any particular group, nor be subject to
political affiliation or pressure, and not to be influenced/controlled by
family relations and other interest groups or organizations;
e. CBST management and development shall be governed by the provisions
of this Ordinance and by its by-laws that has been thoroughly discussed
among all members and officers, and agreed upon by majority vote of its
members and be duly approved and registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) for associations, and the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA) for cooperatives.

2. Social Inclusion/Gender Equity

a. There shall be equal employment opportunities in CBST for low income

men and women, disadvantaged groups such as indigenous and ethnic
minority people, and unskilled youth;
b. There shall be equal access to credit and loans for community-based
tourism ventures and livelihood for both men and women, and in relative
rewards structure, benefits and decision-making;
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c. Respective traditional roles of women and men in the communities

providing tourism services in CBST shall be observed and gender

3. Community Empowerment and Community Participation

a. CBST shall empower local people throughout the development process

through consultative and participatory mechanisms;
b. The community shall be the major stakeholder, encourage extensive local
participation in community-based tourism, and increase the number and
diversity of community members attending CBST planning and meetings;
c. Tourism activities shall be planned and organized from the community
level, managed and operated by a community group such as an
organized and duly-registered CBST association or a cooperative;
d. CBST shall bring the community together to talk, discuss issues and to
join together in solving community problems.

4. Poverty Reduction through Pro-poor Tourism Strategies. There shall be a

reduction in the proportion of people in the community and CBST members that
live below the poverty line. This provision adopts the UNWTO’s (United Nations
World Tourism Organization) seven recommendations for pro-poor tourism through
the following strategies:

a. Supply of goods and services to tourism enterprises by the poor;

b. Employment of the poor in tourism enterprises;
c. Direct sales of goods and services to visitors by the poor (informal
d. Establishment and running of tourism enterprises by the poor e.g. micro,
small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), or community based
enterprises (formal economy);
e. Tax or levy on tourism income or profits with proceeds benefiting the
f. Investment in infrastructure stimulated by tourism also benefiting the
poor in the locality, directly or through support to other sector; and
g. Voluntary giving/support by tourism enterprises and tourists

5. Capacity-Building for CBST

1. There shall be a capacity-building program for developing the capabilities of

the communities to run and manage their tourism sites and activities:

a. Tourism awareness shall be the first step in the raising of local capacity
to participate in CBST thru tourism awareness seminars, taking into
consideration the communities’ perceptions and misconceptions on
tourism and tourists;
b. Training on CBST development, principles and best practices.
c. Tourism frontline services training for community tour guiding, tourist
reception and information;
d. Tourism business and livelihood training and enterprise development
and management;
e. Environmental protection, conservation and management training; and
f. Training on tourism industry standards, safety and regulations.

2. Improved local capacity in CBST shall be reflected in its participation in

community governance at the barangay level, local decision making ability and
processes wherein:
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a. There shall be a diversity of stakeholders in tourism decision-making

bodies in the barangay or community;
b. There shall be local input of CBST into the tourism planning process and
in the crafting of a tourism plan for the local community/barangay;
c. Community and CBST members shall be satisfied with their local tourism
representatives in the barangay;
d. Community members and CBST shall have an effective voice in local
governance; and
e. There shall be local control of tourism operations in CBST, in terms of
proportion of local to outside entrepreneurs; amount of investment
provided by local compared to outside sources; proportion of businesses
run by local residents; and proportion of tourism employees from the
local area.

6. Effective Sustainable Management. CBST sites shall be able to demonstrate

and manage their tourism activities and enterprises effectively and sustainably
thru the following indicators:

a. Customer/guest satisfaction in CBST activities and services shall be

measured through feedback mechanisms and corrective action taken
where appropriate;
b. Promotional materials about the CBST site shall be accurate and
complete and do not promise more than can be delivered by the
c. Information about and interpretation of the natural surroundings, local
culture, and cultural heritage shall be provided to visitors/guests, as
well as explaining appropriate behavior while visiting natural areas,
living cultures, and cultural heritage sites;
d. There shall be an implementation of a long-term sustainability
management plan and system that shall be suitable to its reality and
scale of CBST operations, considering environmental, socio-cultural,
quality, health, and safety issues, and where all personnel receive
periodic training regarding their role in the management of
environmental, socio-cultural, health, and safety practices; and
e. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of CBST implementation shall be
the responsibility of the composite inspection team.

7. Provide Socially-Responsible Products and Services.

a. The CBST management shall implement a policy against commercial

exploitation, particularly of children and adolescents, including sexual
exploitation and prostitution;
b. CBST shall offer the means for local small entrepreneurs to develop and
sell sustainable products that are based on the area’s natural resources,
history, and culture (including food and drink, crafts, performance arts,
agricultural products, etc.);
c. The activities of CBST shall not jeopardize the provision of basic services,
such as water, energy, or sanitation, to neighboring communities; and
d. CBST shall actively support initiatives for social infrastructure
community development including, among others, education, health,
and sanitation.


To ensure that the standards and rules set forth in this guidelines are followed and
to check whether targets and goals are met, a monitoring system shall be set up. In line
with good governance principles, the monitoring system shall be participatory and multi-
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stakeholder involving civil society organizations, communities and citizens, following the
framework of constructive engagement between citizens and government.

Section 35. Social Accountability as an approach to enhancing public

accountability that involves civil society organizations, communities and citizens through
the conduct of participatory monitoring within the framework of constructive engagement
between citizens and government shall be adopted as a monitoring system for community-
based sustainable tourism development.

Section 36. Participatory monitoring shall be the systematic way of checking

compliance to standards, which would come in the form of process, targets, plans,
expected outputs, etc., involving the active and informed involvement of civil society
organizations, communities and citizens aided by easy-to-use and simple monitoring tools
and multi-stakeholder processes.
The participatory monitoring system to be set up shall have the following major

a. A coordination-communication structure

This shall outline the flow of information from the responsible office in the
lgu to the monitors, as well as, the responsibilities of each of the actors involved in
the monitoring. As a social accountability mechanism, it shall be led by a multi-
stakeholder core group involving representatives from the civil society and lgu, as
well as, the communities, which will be responsible for:
(1) facilitating the operations of the monitoring system;
(2) organizing monitoring teams;
(3) supervising and coordinating the conduct of monitoring, the processing of
monitoring results and the reporting; and
(4) building the capacity of all those involved from the core group members
to the monitors.

b. Monitoring tool

The monitoring system shall utilize an easy-to-use and simple tool to be

used by the monitors in checking compliance to standards. The monitors shall use
the tool in checking whether the monitoring points, i.e., observable indicators
referring to standards and guidelines set forth in this Ordinance, enumerated in
the tool are complied with in the conduct of service delivery/implementation of
program through observation of actual service-delivery or program
implementation and/or through review of official documents.

c. Reporting system

The reporting system shall outline the kind of reports required, the flow of
reports and the use of the reports. The reporting process shall involve processing
of results from the accomplished monitoring tools, convening of stakeholders to
share experience and analyze monitoring results and problem-solving session
with decision-makers to address monitoring results. It shall also contain a quick-
feedback mechanism to allow quick reporting of critical observations noted while
the monitoring is on-going that should facilitate quick response.


Section 37. Composite Inspection Team - There is hereby created a composite

inspection team which shall be composed of the following:

(a.) The City Tourism Officer

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(b.)The Chairman of the Committee on Tourism of the Sangguniang

(c.) The City Treasurer
(d.)The City Environment and Natural Resources Officer
(e.) The City Legal Officer

Section 38. Powers and Functions of the Composite Inspection Team – The
primary function of the Composite Inspection Team is to insure compliance with the
development plans of the CBST, as such they are hereby vested the following powers and

(a.) To implement the intent and provisions of the Ordinance, taking into
consideration the holistic development of the City and in safeguarding the
economic, social and environmental well-being of its communities and people;
(b.) Evaluate every two (2) years the development plans of the CBST’s.

Section 39. - PENALTY - In case of violation of any provision of this Ordinance, the following
penalties shall be imposed:

a) First Offense – Suspension of operation for one (1) month and a fine of Three Thousand
(Php3,000.00) Pesos;
b) Second Offense – Suspension of operation for six (6) months and a fine of Four
Thousand (Php4,000.00) Pesos; and
c) Third Offense – Cancellation of Mayor’s Permit and a fine of Five Thousand
(Php5,000.00) Pesos plus perpetual disqualification to engage in any tourism-related

Aside from cancellation of Mayor’s Permit and perpetual disqualification to engage in any
tourism-related businesses, the business owner/proprietor, operator or manager, as the case may
be, shall likewise be penalized to pay a fine in the amount of five thousand pesos (Php 5,000.00).

The penalties provided herein are without prejudice to other penalties imposable for
violations of other laws.


Section 40. Automatic Exit – After the lapse of five (5) years or the completion of the
development plan, the CBST partners must turn over the management of the entire CBST to the


Section 41. Transitory Provisions - Whenever provisions of this Ordinance are inadequate
to a given situation, the applicable provisions of the National Laws and Administrative guidelines
shall apply.

Section 42. - Separability Clause - The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared
separable, and in the event that any one or more of such provisions are declared invalid, the
validity of all other provisions shall not be affected thereby.

Section 43. - Repealing Clause - Any ordinance, rules or regulations, or any part thereof
inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, amended or deemed modified.

Section 44. - Effectivity - This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its full
publication in a local newspaper of general circulation.

xxx xxx xxx
Page20/Ord No. 546

I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of Ordinance No. 546 adopted by the 13 th

Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Puerto Princesa during its 131st Regular Session held on
January 7, 2013 at the Session Hall of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

City Secretary



City Councilor, Chairman Protempore
Temporary Presiding Officer

APPROVED: Ordinance No. 546 on _______________________________________

City Mayor



City Administrator

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