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Play in a band Play cards

= play a musical instrument or sing in = play a card-game with other people
a group (players)

“He plays in a heavy metal band.” “I like playing cards but I can't play

Play chess Play pool / darts

= chess is a game where you move = both pool and darts are games you
“pieces” on a board can play in a pub

“Can you play chess?” “Do you fancy playing pool?”

Watch a film / movie / TV Take part in an activity

= you watch something on a screen = do an activity with other people

“They like watching films at the “Do you ever take part in sporting
weekend.” activities?”

Do something for fun Be keen on

= do something just for pleasure = enjoy doing something

“He's keen on playing tennis.”

“They go hill-walking for fun.”
Be a fan of Hang out (with)
= like doing something a lot = spend time with someone

“At the weekend I like to hang out

“She's a great fan of outdoors sports.” with my friends.”

Chill out Get together

= relax = meet

“This weekend I'm just going to chill “A group of us are going to get
out.” together for drinks.”

Come round Get up to

= come to someone's house = do

“What did you get up to at the

“Why don't you come round later?” weekend?”

Catch up with Kick (a football) around

= get the latest news = play an informal game of football

“The kids often go to the park to kick

“It was so nice to catch up with her.” a football around.”
Take in a play / exhibition Set up a club
= go to a play / exhibition = start a club

“When they go to London they often “My friends want to set up a book
take in a couple of plays.” club.”

Be into Take up a new hobby

= be interested in something = start a new hobby

“She's really into stamp-collecting.” “He's only recently taken up


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