Reported Speech 70A Choose The Correct Answer

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Reported Speech

70A Choose the correct answer.

Yesterday evening, I went to Tim's house because he wanted to talk to me. He told (me / to me) that he
(is planning / was planning) to go on a business trip to Italy (next week / the following week). He said that he
(was going / will going) to stay in Milan for ten days and that he (needed / will need) my help with his house
and garden. He explained (me / to me) that somebody (had / must) to feed his fish and water his plants. He
also said that he (won't trust / didn't trust) anybody else but me, and he (would appreciate / will appreciate) it
if I (accepted / accept).
B Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.
1 “I can't talk now because I'm busy,” Hugh said.
Hugh said _________________________________________________________________
2 “We enjoyed the documentary we saw last night,” the children told their mother.
The children told their mother __________________________________________________
3 “I must get up early tomorrow morning,” Ben said.
Ben said ___________________________________________________________________
4 “I have already complained about the noise twice today.” Martha told him.
Martha told him _____________________________________________________________
5 “The mechanic will fix my car tomorrow,” Mr Burton said.
Mr Burton said ______________________________________________________________
C Choose the correct answer.
1 Peter said that he (had bought / buys) a new pair of jeans.
2 Emily told me that she (had found / finds) that recipe for the cheesecake on the internet.
3 He said that we had to deliver these parcels (previous day / the following day).
4 They told Benny that they (ought / might) travel to Egypt.
5 Flora complained that her brother (kept / was keeping) reading her diary.
6 He said that he had sold his car a year (before / previous).
D Change the following sentences into Reported Speech. Use one of the reporting verbs in the box.
offer accuse advise suggest deny

1 “Helen, you lied to me,” Cynthia said.

Cynthia ______________________________________________________________
2 “Let's have dinner at my house tonight,” Peter said.
Peter ________________________________________________________________
3 “I'll drive you to the airport,” Calvin told Mark.
Calvin _______________________________________________________________
4 “I didn't break the window,” Jack said.
Jack _________________________________________________________________
5 “You should see a dentist before your toothache gets worse,” John told his sister.
John _________________________________________________________________
71A Complete the dialogue with the correct derivative.
1) belief 2) exhibit 3) burgle 4) play 5) complete 6) luck 7) exhaust

A: Hi Emma. What's up?

B: Hi Joanne. You won't (1) ____________________ what happened to me yesterday. When I returned
home from the book (2) ____________________, I found the window of my bedroom broken and
the whole house in a complete mess. It was obvious that a (3) __________________ had broken
into my house.
A: Really? Did he steal anything?
B: Yes. He stole the TV set and the DVD (4) _____________________, as well as some money. I also
found the drawer where I keep my jewellery (5) ____________________ empty! Imagine all my
jewellery gone! (6) ___________________, he didn't have time to steal anything else, as far as I
could see. The I called the police and tried to tidy up the house. I was really (7) ________________
when I finished.
A: I guess it wasn't your lucky day, Emma.

B Complete the sentences using the correct phrasal verb.

1 The firemen had to _____ wall to put out the fire in the factory.
a) break through b) break in c) break out
2 The burglar _____ their house through the bathroom window.
a) broke out b) broke into c) broke down
3 As Barbara was talking, Fay suddenly _____, saying, “You're to blame.”
a) broke in b) broke down c) broke out
4 As I was driving back home, my car _____.
a) broke out b) broke through c) broke down
5 I think that World War I _____ in 1914.
a) broke down b) broke in c) broke out

73A Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1 “Do you need help with the cleaning?” I asked Fiona.
I asked Fiona _____________________________________________________________
2 “Bring me some more coffee, please,” Jeremy asked the waiter.
Jeremy asked the waiter ____________________________________________________
3 “What did you do yesterday, Alan?” Nelson wondered.
Nelson wondered _________________________________________________________
4 “Don't stay out late tonight,” mother told Chris.
Mother told Chris _________________________________________________________
5 “Are we going to a restaurant tonight?” Ben wanted to know.
Ben wanted to know _______________________________________________________
6 “Get out of the car immediately,” the police officer ordered the driver.
The police officer ordered the driver ___________________________________________

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