Test 1 Review and Practice Questions

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CS3510 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Section B

Test 1 Review and Practice Questions

Instructor: Richard Peng Test 1 in class, Friday, Sep 8, 2016

• Main Topics

– Asymptotic complexity: O, Ω, and Θ.

– Designing divide-and-conquer algorithms.
– Setting up runtime recurrences.
– Solving recurrences using Master theorem (other methods are optional).
– Applications of fast multiplication.

• NOT included:

– Definition and algorithm of inversion counting.

– Details of how to multiply numbers faster than n2 .
– Guess and check / recursion tree: master theorem works for everything on test.

• Proving big-O bounds (Homework 1, Problem 1. Ex 0.1 in Textbook):

– If f1 = O(g1 (n)), f2 = O(g2 (n)), then

∗ f1 f2 = O(g1 g2 ).
∗ f1 + f2 = O(max{g1 , g2 }).
– For any constants a, b, and c, O(loga (n)) ≤ O(nb ) ≤ O(cn ),
– ln(n) = Θ(log n) = Θ(log2 n) = Θ(logc n).

• Divide-and-conquer and setting up running time recurrences (Homework 1, Problems 2 and 3.

Ex 2.12, 2.16, 2.17, 2.23 in textbook)

– General structure of a recursive algorithm:

∗ Split the problem up.
∗ Make a recursive calls to problems of size n/b
∗ Combine the results.
– T (n): running time when given input of size n.

– If total cost of split/combine is O(nd ), runtime recurrence is:

T (n) = aT (n/b) + O(nd ).

• Master Theorem:

The recurrence:
T (n) = a T + c · nd , T (1) = e
where a > 0, b > 1, c > 0, d ≥ 0 and e ≥ 0 are constants, has the solution given below:

Case 1: If d = logb a then T (n) = O(nd logn).

Case 2: If d > logb a then T (n) = O(nd ).
Case 3: If d < logb a then T (n) = O( nlogb a ).

• Example of using Master theorem to analyze recursion (Homework 1 Problems 2ac, 3. Ex 2.4,
2.5abcde in textbook):

– Multiplies 2 n-digit numbers using 3 multiplies of n/2-digit numbers, and addition/subtrac-

tion. Recurrence: T (n) = 3T (n/2) + O(n).
– Master theorem: this is a = 3, b = 2, d = 1, so d < log2 3, and the overall runtime is
O(nlog2 3 ) = O(n1.59 ).

• Applications of fast (polynomial) multiplication:

– Computing sumsets by multiplying indicator polynomials (include xi if i is in the set). Set

of sums given by non-zeros in product without carry.
– Counting mismatches in strings (Homework 1, Problem 4)

1. Let A and B be two matrices to be multiplied. We saw an algorithm for this problem that
takes time O(nlog2 7 ). Suppose someone discovers a way to obtain the product of two order n × n
matrices by doing 24 multiplications of two matrices of order n/5 and combining the results
in O(n2 ) time. Write the recurrence for the running time of this new algorithm. What is the
solution to this recurrence? Is this running time better than the running time for Strassen’s
Solution: T (n) = 24T (n/5) + cn2 whose solution is O(n2 ). This is certainly better than
Strassen’s algorithm whose complexity is O(nlog2 7 ).

2. (From Fall 2015 Test 1) Let x be an n-bit number. The following recursive algorithm computes
xk for some integer k. (Assume k is a power of 2.) It uses a bit-multiplication algorithm
MULTIPLY(y,z) that takes two numbers y and z and returns their product. The numbers y, z
and their product are all in bits.
POWER(x, k)
IF k = 1 then Return (x)
If k > 1 Then
Let y = POWER (x, k/2)
Return (MULTIPLY (y, y))
Assuming that the number of bit operations for multiplying two n bit numbers is n2 , set up a
recurrence for the number of bit operations used by this algorithm to compute xn and solve the
Since xk has kn bits, multiplying xk/2 with itself takes time O(k 2 n2 ).
Let T (k) be the runtime of calling P OW ER(x, k). We get the recurrence:

T (k) = T (k/2) + O(k 2 n2 ), T (1) = 0

Since n does not depend on k, we can first solve the modified runtime recurrence;

T 0 (k) = T 0 (k/2) + O(k 2 ),

which by master’s theorem with a = 1, b = 2, and d = 2 solves to T 0 (k) = O(k 2 ). Multiplying

the n2 back in then gives T (k) = O(k 2 n2 ), which when k = n gives O(n4 ).

3. (From Fall 2015 Test 1, also on Homework 1, Problem 3) Assume that you are given an O(n)-time
algorithm M EDIAN that takes as input an array A of n distinct positive integers and returns
the median element in A.
Using the algorithm M EDIAN design an O(n) algorithm that, given an array A of n distinct
positive integers and an index 1 ≤ k ≤ n, determines the k-th smallest element in A.
(The median element in A is the dn/2e-th smallest element of A.)
Solution: Here is an O(n) algorithm for the task at hand:

• Use M EDIAN algorithm to find the median m of the array A in O(n) time.
• If k = dn/2e then return m.

• Partition A using m into two arrays AL and AR such that AL has all elements of A that
are ≤ m and AR has all elements of A that are > m. This takes O(n) time.
• If k ≤ m, search AL for the k-th element recursively.
• If k > m, search AR for (k − m)-th element recursively.

The running time of this algorithm is given by the recurrence:

T (n) = T + c n, T (1) = e

whose solution is O(n).

4. Given as input an array A of n integers, describe an O(n log n) time algorithm to decide if the
entries of A are distinct. Why does your algorithm run in time O(n log n)?
Algorithm idea: Sort the array A. Compare consecutive elements to to see any element is
repeated. If so, the elements are not distinct.

(a) Sort the array A.

(b) i = 1. distinctsof ar = T rue.
(c) WHILE i < n and distinctsof ar = T rue do:
i. If A[i] 6= A[i + 1] Then i = i + 1 ELSE distinctsof ar = F alse
(d) Output the array B.

This algorithm takes time O(n log n)) time: Step 1 takes O(n log n) time. The WHILE loop is
executed at most n − 1 times and each time through the loop the time takes is O(1). All other
steps take time O(1).

5. Given a sorted array of n distinct integers A[1] · · · A[n], describe an O(log n) divide-and-conquer
algorithm to find out whether there is an index i such that A[i] = i. Why does your algorithm
run in the claimed time bound?
Solution 1: consider the array B with

B[i] = A[i] − i.

Since A[i] < A[i + 1], we get

B[i] = A[i] − i ≤ A[i + 1] − 1 − i = B[i + 1],

so the array B is non-decreasing and sorted.
An index where A[i] = i corresponds to one where B[i] = 0, so it suffices to binary search for 0
in B, which takes O(log n) time.
Solution 2 : Use binary search as follows, assume n = 2k . Search(A,1,n) gives the required

mid := (ub + lb)/2
if((lb==ub)&&(a[mid] != mid)) return NO
if (A[mid] == mid) output YES
if (A[mid] > mid) Search(A,lb,mid)
if (A[mid] < mid) Search(A,mid,ub)

Since we are using binary search, for each call to Search the difference between ub and lb is
halved. Hence, the running time is O(log n).

6. You are given an infinite array A in which the first n cells contain integers in sorted order and
the rest of the cells are filled with ∞. You are not given the value of n. Describe an O(log n)
algorithm that takes an integer x as input and finds a position in the array containing x, if such
a position exists.
Solution: Find an upper bound for n in log2 n rounds by checking in the i-th round if A[2i ] is
(This upper bound cannot be more than twice the actual value of n. Why?)
With this upper bound do a binary search to find if x is in the array.

7. Describe an O(n log2 n) time algorithm that, given a set S of n real numbers and another real
number x, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x.
(Hint: Doing a binary search in a sorted list can be done in O(log n) time.)
1. Use mergesort to sort the set S in ascending order. This takes Ø(n log2 n) time.
2. For each element a ∈ S perform a binary search of the sorted array S to find x − a, if it is
present. Each search takes Ø(log2 n) time and at most n searches are performed, so this entire
step will take at most O(n log2 n) time.

Combining steps 1 and 2 causes the algorithm to take O(n log2 n) time.

8. Let A1 , A2 , · · · , Ak be k sorted arrays, each with n elements. Give an O(nk log k) algorithm to
combine them into a single sorted array of kn elements. (Assume k is a power of 2.)
Solution: Merge them pairwise: Ai with Ai+1 for i = 1, 3, · · · , k − 1. Assuming that merging
two arrays of size n takes c.n comparisons for some constant c, the k/2 merges take cn(k/2)
comparisons. In the next stage, merge pairwise the resulting k/2 arrays each with 2n elements.
This takes c(2n)(k/4) = cn(k/2) comparisons. Repeat this process until there is only one array
of kn elements. There are log2 k stages and each stage takes cn(k/2) comparisons.

9. Let A be an array of n positive integers. Let n be a multiple of 5. Describe an O(n) algorithm

to find if there is an element in A that occurs at least n/5 times in A. (Hint: Use the linear time
algorithm SELECT ION for computing the k-th smallest element discussed in class.)
Solution: An element that occurs at least n/5 times must be one of the following four elements:
n/5-th smallest, 2n/5-th smallest, 3n/5-th smallest, and 4n/5-th smallest element. Why? Sup-
pose there is an element x that occurs at least n/5 times in A. Let AS be the array that results
when A is sorted. Let i be the least index where x appears in AS. Then, AS[i] to AS[i + n/5 − 1]
are all equal to x.
The algorithm: Use the linear time algorithm SELECT ION for computing the k-th smallest
element (discussed in class) to compute the n/5-th smallest, 2n/5-th smallest, 3n/5-th smallest,
and 4n/5-th smallest elements. For each one go through the array A to see if it occurs n/5 times.
If none of these elements occur n/5 times then there is no such element. The algorithm takes
O(n) time.

10. Describe an O(n1.6 ) time algorithm for computing the number of Pythagorean triples modulo n.
Specifically the number of triples (a, b, c) with 0 ≤ a, b, c < n such that

a2 + b2 ≡ c2 mod n.

Here x mod n denotes the remainder of x when divided by n. You may assume that it can also
be computed in O(1) time.
Solution: First compute for each i the number of ways to get

a2 ≡ i mod n

with some 0 ≤ a < n. This takes O(n) time because we can just loop through all values of a.
Let these values be pi . Note that since we have the same choices of b and c, they will produce
the same vector.
Then form the polynomial
p i xi ,
P (x) =

and compute using fast multiplication

R(x) = P (x)2

in O(n1.6 ) time.
The coefficients of xk in R is the number of pairs of 0 ≤ a < n and 0 ≤ b < n such that
a2 mod n + b2 mod n = k,

For each of these coefficients, we have equality when

c2 ≡ k mod n.

This value is precisely

pk mod n ,

so looping through all O(n) coefficients of R gives the answer.

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