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June 24, 1941 6th Armor Division’s Operational Log: “Yesterday, we ran into a roadblock on our advance into Raseiniai. A lone KV2 tank with
light support has held up our entire advance along the only road into the city. We have scored over 20 hits, but cannot penetrate its armor. We
have sustained mounting casualties. Today we have requested heavy artillery support.” - General Erhard Raus
General Situation: Elements of the 6th Schützen Brigade (XLI Motorized Corps, 4th Pz Group) and its supply train are being held up by a
Commanders: 2 Initiative: Germans on Round 1. CAPs per Round: German 7 CAPs Soviet 12 CAPs
thereafter. :HDSRQ&DUG The Tellermine card may be used once by the Pioneers in an attempt to destroy the KV2.
Map Setup: 0DSVDQG3ODFH6RYLHWControl MarkersRQKH[HV$DQG.3ODFHRoadblocksRQKH[HV'%'DQG


3 5LÀHµ 01
1 2 LMG34 09 1 2 Pioneers 16 1 2 Pz II F 45 1 3 Pz 38(t) E 48 1 3 Pz IV E 53 1 6 KV-2 56 1 3 MMG 18 2 3 60*5LÀHV 13 1 3 45 ATG 28 4 3 Truck 35 1 4 5LÀHµ 01 1

2 11 4 10 4 12 4 12 3 13 5 14 7 16 3 10 4 11 3 10 -2 11 3 11
0 5 12 0 9 12 3 3 12 4 8 15 5 7 16 3 8 16 10 8 18 0 9 12 0 3 12 6 7 13 -2 0 11 0 5 12
[5LÀH [/0* [3LRQHHU [3],,I [3]W [3],9H [.9D [00* [60* [PP [7UXFN [5LÀH
$ $ C16 $7*XQ Hidden Hidden
Anti-Tank Weapon
3 Opel Blitz 37 1 3 88 Flak18 33
7 8
Special Rules: The German 2 Special Rules: 7KH6RYLHWVPD\QRW¿UHVPRNH
_ 8 15
Cost: 2 AP/CAP

-2 11 6 10
A fresh or spent squad may
use a Tellermine as an action. Orders: Keep the Germans out of the city!
-1 0 11 12 19 12 smoke. No long range. Close combat
not apply.
[7UXFN [)OD. Orders: Destroy the KV2
AYG 1011

tank. Period! [7HOOHUPLQH Victory Points:
Victory Points: may be used
93 - Immediately score each German unit eliminated by all foot units.
93 - Immediately score each Soviet unit eliminated. once during the
93 - Immediately score each German unit eliminated by the KV2a tank.
3VP - Immediately score for destroying the KV2a tank. ¿UH¿JKWE\WKH
WKHHQGRIWKH¿UH¿JKW 5RXQG 5RXQG Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
Initiative Control 5$
Control 5$ Control 5$ Control 5$ 9393
Control 5$ 9393 9393 9393
9393 &RQWURO.





German Entry

Control Control






3 60*5LÀHV


Player Command: German AI: Soviet
Player Command: German Round 1 Ini- Mission Track
tiative: German German CAP Allocation 1 Start Mission 2 3 Sniper 4 When the Mission
per Round: 7 Beginning Victory Points: A fresh German Unit As AI Action: Roll 1D6. Track Marker lands on
1 Soviet Action Cards: All Action and Bo- closest to an AI is The Player loses the this space, execute the
nus cards under 30. The German receives marked as spent. rolled number of CAPs. current Order Card as if
CAP losses are for cur- it is a Command Order
2 cards in Round 1 and 1 card each Round
rent Round only. Card.
thereafter. Order Cards: 1-43
5 6 CAP Surplus 7 When the Mission 8 Seek Cover
While the Mission Track Marker lands on As AI Action:
All: Score Victory Hex Marker is on this space, this space, execute the Lowest DV AI closest
Counteractions 5-A10 the AI adds +1 to all of current Order Card as if to a Unit
its die rolls. it is a Command Order 4Place a Hasty De-
AI closest to a Unit that is flanking
Card. fense Marker on AI
4Fire (+2 CAP)
9 10 Autorally 11 When the Mission 12
Highest FP AI closest to a Unit As AI Action: Track Marker lands on A fresh German Unit
4Fire (+2 CAP) All: Score Victory Hex Hit AI closest to a Unit this space, execute the closest to an AI is
5-A10 4Autorally current Order Card as if marked as spent.
If no AI can Autorally, it is a Command Order
AI Mission Objectives execute the Order Card. Card.
German Control Marker
13 14 BF Confusion 15 When the Mission 16
As AI Action: Track Marker lands on A fresh German Unit
All: Score Victory Hex Fresh Unit closest to a this space, execute the closest to an AI is
Mission Orders 5-A10 Mission Objective current Order Card as if marked as spent.
Highest FP AI closest to a Soviet Control 4Mark as spent it is a Command Order
Marker If not, exec. Order Card. Card.
4Fire at the Unit closest to the Control
17 18 Command Exp 19 When the Mission 20 End of Mission
Marker (+2 CAP)
Shuffle 2 random Track Marker lands on
All: Score Victory Hex Command Order Cards this space, execute the All: Score Victory
AI closest to a German Control Marker removed, due to killed current Order Card as if
5-A10 Hexes 5-A10, 5-K10
4Move towards AI, back into the Order it is a Command Order
Card Deck. Card.

Player Command: Soviet AI: German

Player Command: Soviet Round 1 Initia- Mission Track
tive: German Soviet CAP Allocation per 1 Start Mission 2 3 Advance 4
Round: 12 Beginning Victory Points: As AI Action: Unhit A fresh Soviet Unit clos-
1 German Action Cards: All Action and fresh AI closest to a Unit est to an AI is marked
Bonus cards under 30. The Soviet receives 4Move 2 hexes (Don’t as spent.
make a spent check)
2 cards in Round 1 and 1 card each Round
If not, exec. Order Card.
thereafter. Order Cards: 13-54
5 6 CAP Surplus 7 8 BF Confusion
Counteractions While the Mission A fresh Soviet Unit clos- As AI Action:
PzIVe or Pioneer closest to a highest FP, un- All: Score Victory Hex Marker is on this space, est to an AI is marked Fresh, Highest FP Unit
spent Unit with a LOS to an AI 5-A10 the AI adds +1 to all of as spent. closest to an AI
4Fire smoke on a LOS hex of highest FP, un- its die rolls. 4Mark as spent
spent Unit to break LOS to the most AIs If not, exec. Order Card.

Highest FP AI closest to the KV2 9 10 Swift Action 11 12

4Fire (+2 CAP) The AI performs 2 Order A fresh Soviet Unit clos-
All: Score Victory Hex Card Actions in a row, est to an AI is marked
If an AI is in the Draw Cup: 5-A10 drawing a new Order as spent.
Draw an AI from the Draw Cup Card for the second ac-
4Move onto the map hex closest to a Mission tion. Then Player’s turn.
Objective or Unit
13 14 Careful Aim 15 16
As AI Action: A fresh Soviet Unit clos-
AI Mission Objectives Highest FP AI closest est to an AI is marked
KV2 All: Score Victory Hex
5-A10 to a Unit as spent.
Soviet Control Marker 4Fire (+4 CAPS)
If not, exec. Order Card.
Mission Orders
17 18 Command Exp 19 20 End of Mission
AI closest to a Soviet Control Marker
Shuffle 2 random A fresh Soviet Unit clos-
4Move towards Command Order Cards est to an AI is marked
All: Score Victory Hex All: Score Victory
5-A10 removed, due to killed as spent. Hexes 5-A10, 5-K10
Unhit AI closest to a Unit AI, back into the Order
4Move towards and then Fire (+2 CAP) Card Deck.

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