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Introduction: This document contains instruction of (A) how to obtain customer machine’s

system identifier in order for Aware to generate License Key for specific system(s). (B) How to
deploy license key on system at customer site.

Section A

Retrieve System Identifier - Windows platform:

1. Download and extract to local system (eg. C:\LicenseTool folder).
Tool can then be copied to other machine(s) if needed.
2. From File/Windows explore, double click on AwareLicenseTool.exe that is extracted
from step 1.

3. Aware License Tool should be launched and display the System Identifier (as shown below
as example):

4. Copy the System Identifier text string to a text file. (In the case of multiple machines will
be deployed with Aware licensed product, ensure only 1 system identifier per line, a single
file can contain multiple system identifier info).

5. Save and send this text file to Aware, Inc. in order to obtain license key (per system

Retrieve System hard disk Identifier – Linux platform
1. Download and extract aw_serial tool file on local Linux system. This tool can be copied
to other system(s) if needed.
2. Execute this file with param that specific to your Linux system hard disc,
a. Example: > ./aw_serial /dev/sda
Note: user can execute command ‘df –lk’ to view the list of available configured
file system

3. It should return a string of the hard disk identifier (as shown in screenshot – 4586FF5A )
4. Copy this text string to a text file. (In the case of multiple machines will be deployed with
Aware product, ensure only 1 identifier per line. This single text file can contain multiple
system identifier info).

5. Save and send this text file to Aware, Inc. in order to obtain license key (per system

Section B

Installing Aware License – Windows platform:

1. Download and extract the Aware License Key file to local windows system. (Eg.
2. Launch the Aware License Tool (as described in Section A - Retrieve System Identifier
windows platform section step 2).
3. Click on “Install License” button, the Choose License File dialog box should appear, for

4. Select the license key file that extracted from step 1, and click ‘Open’
5. The tool will be closed and Aware License is installed successfully at
C:\ProgramData\Aware\Licenses directory.
6. Install Aware licensed product and it is ready for use.

Installing Aware License – Linux platform:

1. Download and extract the Aware License Key file to local Linux system. (Eg.
2. Set the environment variable AWARE_LICENSE_LOCATION:
a. For example: export AWARE_LICENSE_LOCATION=/usr/ex/licenses
3. Aware License Key is installed.
4. Install Aware licensed product and it is ready for use.

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