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Accounting and Finance

Proposed Course Break Down

Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Critical Thinking 2 3
Economics 3 5
Global trend 2 3
Communicative English I 3 5
Geography of Ethiopia and the horn 3 5
Mathematics for Social Sciences 3 5
General Psychology 3 5
Physical |Fitness P/F (2 Cr Hr)
Total 19 31
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Introduction to emerging technologies 3 5
Anthropology 3 5
Entrepreneurship 3 5
History of Ethiopia and the Horn 3 5
Communicative English II 3 5
Moral and Ethical Education 2 3
Inclusiveness 2 3
Total 19 31
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Fundamentals of Accounting I 4 6 AcFn
Introduction to Management 3 5 Mgmt
Mathematics for Finance 4 6 AcFn
Macroeconomics 4 6 Econ
Basic Statistics 3 5 Stat
Fundamentals of Information system 2 3 Comp
Total 20 31
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Fundamentals of Accounting II 4 6 AcFn
Statistics for Finance 3 5 AcFn
Principles of Marketing 3 5 Mgmt
Risk management and Insurance 3 5 Acfn
Business Law 3 5 Law
Operations Research 3 5 Mgmt
19 31
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Intermediate Financial Accounting I 4 6 AcFn
Cost and Management Accounting I 3 5 AcFn
Financial Management I 3 5 AcFn
Financial Institutions and Markets 3 5 AcFn
Accounting for public sector and civil society 4 6 AcFn
Total 17 27
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Intermediate Financial Accounting II 4 6 AcFn
Cost and Management Accounting II 3 5 AcFn
Financial Management II 3 5 AcFn
Banking Principles and Practices 2 3 AcFn
Operations Management 3 5 Mgmt
Research Methods in Accounting & Finance 3 5 AcFn
Total 18 29
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Advanced Financial Accounting I 4 6 AcFn
Auditing Principles and Practices 3 5 AcFn
Accounting Information Systems 3 5 AcFn
Professional Practices in AcFn 2 3 AcFn
Public Finance & Ethiopian Taxation 3 5 AcFn
Senior Research Project I 1 2 AcFn
Econometrics for Finance 3 5 AcFn
Total 19 31
Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Course Code
Advanced Financial Accounting II 4 6 AcFn
Applied Auditing 3 5 AcFn
Project Analysis & Evaluation 3 5 AcFn
Strategic Management 3 5 Mgmt
Accounting Software Application 2 3 AcFn
Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 2 3 AcFn
Senior Research Project II 2 3 AcFn
19 30
Total 150 Cr Hrs 241 EtCTS
1. Detailed Justifications for the Proposed Changes

1.1. Proposed course Naming Changes

S.No Previous Course Name Newly proposed name Justifications

These two courses mainly aimed at introducing the

basics of accounting in general and reporting of

financial activities of business organizations as per

1. Principles of Accounting I Fundamentals of Accounting I International Financial Reporting Standards not just

simply be limited to principles. Generally, they

provide foundation for intermediate financial

Accounting and Advanced Financial accounting

2. Principles of Accounting II Fundamentals of Accounting II courses. However, the term principles of

Accounting I and II does not really reflect the

concepts to be addressed in the courses, thus it is

necessary to change the name Principles of

Accounting I and II to Fundamentals of Accounting

I and II.

These two courses presupposes that students are

Financial Accounting I Intermediate Financial Accounting I equipped with knowledge of basics of accounting
3. in the fundamentals of Accounting I and II courses

and it deals with the application of financial

4. Financial Accounting II Intermediate Financial Accounting II accounting theory for business organizations. As

they are in between, Fundamentals of Accounting

and Advanced financial Accounting, it will be

explanatory if we call them Intermediate Financial

Accounting I and Intermediate Financial

Accounting II. In addition, majority of the sources

(references) for the course are intermediate financial


5. Auditing principles and Applied auditing The need to modification is due to the following

practice II reasons:

 The part of auditing principles and practice deals

about more of principles and theoretical aspects of

auditing and this part emphasizes practical

auditing in the external audit financial statements.

 This part also cover problems that encounters on

the time of independent examination of different

financial statement auditing like cash, receivable,

inventory etc.

 Emphasizes the application of principles to audit

different account and transactions

 Deal about audit panning process and importance

of internal control considerations in the auditing


 Helps the students to understand practical

application of auditing principles form audit

planning to preparation of audit report.

6. Public finance and Public finance and Ethiopian Public finance deals with Public revenue, public

taxation taxation expenditure, public debt, financial administration

and control and economic stability and growth. The

need of changing the name is to give detail emphasis

about present Ethiopian tax system in the contexts of

revised tax proclamation, administration and

regulations. It also aware business community in the

country about the types of tax existing in Ethiopia.

7. Government and Non- Public Sector and Civil Society Since the term Civil society refers to the collective
profit Accounting Accounting
body of organizations that belong neither to
Ethiopian government government (the public sector) or the market (the
private sector), it is much more representative for the

organizations which engaged in providing service to

the public at large for free or at lower price. In

addition, all charities by definition are nonprofits, but

not all nonprofits are charities because the law

actually excludes certain categories of non-profit

including political parties. The International Public

Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) is used to the

published financial statements of public sector

entities except for government business entities

which are to follow International Financial Reporting

Standards (IFRSs). As stated in IPSAS , the term

public sector is referred for national, regional and

local governments and related government entities

such as agencies, boards and commissions that

finance their expenditure from government budgets.

So, Public entities and civil society would be a good

proxy for organizations which mainly function

through government budget and that operate under

the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia agency for

civil society organizations respectively.

International Public Sector Accounting Standards

[IPSAS] was one of the major topic to be addressed

for Accounting and Finance graduates, thus, it is

supposed to be given 4 credit hours. Furthermore,

Ethiopian Government Accounting course has to be

removed since Ethiopia, as a country will not have its

own accounting standards as we already adopt IFRS,

but the practice of Ministry of Finance and Economic

Development (MOFED) will be included as a

separate chapter under this course.

1.2. Proposed Credit Hour changes
S.No Course Justifications

Financial institutions and markets channel trillions of dollars through the global

economy, affecting business and consumer decisions and the economic wellbeing of

foreign countries. The purpose of this course is to guide students in developing critical

1. Financial Institution and thinking skills as applied to financial markets and institutions. Topics include the

Markets financial system in perspective; financial assets, money and financial transactions;

financial institutions in the financial system; interest rates in the financial system,

financial markets in the financial system, the regulation of financial markets and

institutions, and overview of Ethiopian financial system. Ethiopian financial system by

itself is too broad, so that it is difficult to cover all the chapters with 2 credit hours. Thus,

it is vital to increase the credit hours from 2 to 3 (ECTS of 3 to 5).

2. Principles of Marketing Marketing plays a major role in the modern day economy. Marketing Management is

the business function that identifies current unfilled needs and wants, defines and

measures their magnitude, determines which target markets the organization can best

serve, and decides on appropriate products, services, and programs to serve these

markets. Marketing serves as the link between a society's needs and its pattern of
industrial response. Nevertheless, it is difficult to address the entire portion with 2 credit

hours. Thus, it is vital to increase the credit hours from 2 to 3 (ECTS of 3 to 5).

1.3. Proposed Courses to be added/adjusted

S.No Proposed courses to be added Justifications

In recent years, an understanding of statistical methods, techniques, and the skills to

make use of them had widely been recognized more than before. It is essential for

anyone making business decisions based on data to possess a clear understanding of

1. Basic Statistics statistics. Among other, the highly changing technological, financial and economic

setting has necessitated an organized use and extensive application of statistical tools to

business decision making. The course generally describes the group characteristics of the

particular data. Besides, it includes Introduction to statistics, data collection and

presentation; measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion; Probability and

probability distributions. The course will serve as a base for the statistics for finance,

which will be given by the next subsequent semester.

This professional practice course is intended to enable students observe the practice and

application of Accounting ideas and related concepts they learnt in classrooms. The

rationale in offering the Professional Practice or practical attachment in Accounting and

Professional Practices in Finance as part of the academic program is that students benefit from these Professional
2. Accounting and Finance Practice experiences and exposure. This course examines underlying assumptions,

values, experiences, and skills that impact on and inform students' professional practice

approach. Using case studies as a beginning, students explore some of the key issues of

existing in the workplaces. Furthermore, it provides to create a smooth transition from

the academic world to the working environment, and supports in gaining experiences

and obtaining career-related direction to networking.

This course introduces the various working options available in a business context so

that students can make appropriate choices in the future. Students will gain confidence

in their ability to communicate by practicing and receiving feedback related to

Accounting and Finance skills. Through this critical enquiry process, it is expected that

students will further develop their understandings of their own practices and develop

aspects of these practices. In addition, students will try to correlate what they learn in

the classroom with that of the work place.

3. Advanced Financial The primary objective of adding the course is to help students gain an in-depth

Accounting II understanding of the theory and current practice of advanced and complex financial

accounting issues for business firms. Especially more advanced concepts of International

Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) will be addressed in this course.

Operations Research as one of the quantitative aid to decision making offers the

4. decision-maker a method of evaluating every possible alternative (act or course of

Operations Research action) by using various techniques to know the potential outcomes. It includes Models

and modeling, linear programming, transportation models, assignment models, decision

models, project management techniques, and queuing models. The course enables

students to have an understanding on the significances of operations research in

managerial decision making, understand the different models of operations research and

the application of operations model in solving different quantitative problem in finance.

5. Econometrics for Finance The application of econometrics methods in finance is very relevant. Since financial

markets in Ethiopia is expected to expand at an unbelievable pace, financial products

will increase in number and will also be complex in nature financial econometrics would

be more relevant for students to understand the financial industry and to undertake

finance related researches. Moreover, accounting and finance students will easily

capture the econometrics concept if the course is designed in finance flavor. Therefore,

adding the course econometrics for finance is more relevant and timely.

General comment
 Content revision is required (mandatory) to the existing course syllabus (outline) of each courses.
Compiled by
S.No Full name University Tell Email

1. Wondmagegn Biru Mamo Haramaya University 0913926796 [email protected]

2. Dr. Alem Hagos Addis Ababa 0936948232 [email protected]


3. Anwar Adem Shikur Dire Dawa University 0912881038 [email protected]

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