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JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, September 2013, hlm. 191-196 Vol. 11, No.

ISSN 1693-1831

Development of Papaya Latex, Papaya Extract (Carica

papaya L.) and Yam Bean Tuber Extract (Pachyrrhizus erosus
(L.) Urb.) for Skin Lightening Lotion Based on Tyrosinase
Inhibition and Antioxidant Activities

(Pengembangan Getah Pepaya, Ekstrak Pepaya (Carica

papaya L.) dan Ekstrak Umbi Bengkuang (Pachyrrhizus erosus
(L.) Urb.) untuk Lotion Pencerah Kulit Berdasar Aktivitas
Antioksidan dan Inhibisi Tirosinase)



Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, PUSPIPTEK,


Serpong 15314, Indonesia.

Graduate Program in Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa,
Jakarta, 12640, Indonesia.

Diterima 7 Mei 2013, Disetujui 13 Agustus 2013

Abstract: Whitening or skin lightening products are well known as cosmetic. In this development, papaya
latex (Carica papaya L.), papaya fruit extract and yam bean tuber extracts (Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.)
were combined for skin lightening body lotion formula. Antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities
were evaluated in the starting materials and the products. Antioxidant activity evaluation was conducted
using DPPH free radical scavenging activity method. Tyrosinase inhibitory evaluation was performed
based on tyrosinase enzymatic inhibitory reaction to tyrosine as substrate. Papaya latex showed the
highest antioxidant activity (32.01%), followed by yam bean tuber extract (27.04%) and papaya extract
(26.09%). The tyrosinase inhibitory activities of papaya latex, papaya fruit extract and yam bean tuber
extracts were 68.42 %, 36.80% and 52.63 % respectively, as compared to that of arbutin (100%). Based
on product appearance, color, odor, pH and viscosity, the product were stable for 128 weeks. The expired
date calculation on its antioxidant activity, however, the product was stable for 77 weeks. It is recommended
that the product should be stored in non transparent bottle at low temperature or at about 25-28oC.

Keywords: Carica papaya, Pachyrrhizus erosus, antioxidant, tyrosinase inhibitor, skin lightening.

Abstrak: Produk pemutih dan pencerah kulit sangat dikenal sebagai kosmetik. Pada penelitian ini,
kombinasi getah pepaya (Carica papaya (L.) Urb.), ekstrak buah papaya, dan ekstrak umbi bengkuang
(Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.) digunakan dalam pengembangan formula body lotion pencerah kulit.
Bahan baku dan produk body lotion dievaluasi aktivitas antioksidan dan inhibisinya pada enzim tirosinase.
Aktivitas antioksidan diuji berdasarkan penangkapan radikal bebas DPPH. Evaluasi inhibisi enzim tirosinase
dilakukan pada tirosin sebagai substrat. Ekstrak getah pepaya menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi
(32,01%), kemudian ekstrak umbi bengkuang (27,04%) dan ekstrak buah papaya (26,09%). Aktivitas
inhibisi tirosinase dari getah papaya, ekstrak buah papaya dan ekstrak umbi bengkuang secara berturut-turut
masing-masing adalah 68,42%, 36,80% and 52,63% , dibandingkan terhadap arbutin (100%). Dianjurkan
bahwa produk disimpan dalam botol tidak transparan pada temperatur rendah atau pada sekitar 25-28oC.

Kata kunci: Carica papaya, Pachyrrhizus erosus, antioksidan, inhibitor tirosinase, pencerah kulit.

* Corresponding author, Ph. +62-21-7560929

e-mail: [email protected]
192 KARDONO ET AL. Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia

INTRODUCTION from papaya plant, leaves and fruit. The highest papain
content is from young fruit. In market the papain is
CURRENTLY, the application of natural products sold in the form of crude papain, or papain crystal.
for cosmetics grows rapidly. Development of natural The crude papain is powdered dried papaya latex and
cosmetics is being popular. Yam bean (Pachirrhyzus papain crystal is purified form of crude papain. Papain
erosus (L.) Urb.) is one of natural products being is used for medicine, food (tendering meat), and
used for skin lightening. Many Indonesian cosmetic cosmetics. The papain enzymatic effect is maximum
products use Indonesian yam bean, bengkuang at pH 4.5 to 6.0, and the highest activity is at pH 6.0(8).
tuber, and papaya (Carica papaya L.) latex extracts. Heat, light, and air are the cause of decreasing quality
However, very few researches were reported for of papaya latex, and the enzymatic activity decreases.
natural product cosmetics. In modern era, cosmetics Papain accelerates skin replacement process by
become primary need, especially for women who are removing the dead epidermis (stratum corneum),
eager to have good appearance. and helps other lightening active substances safely
Bengkuang tuber (Pachyrrhizus erosus L.) is penetrate into the subsurface (endodermis) of the skin.
an Indonesian medicinal plants applied as antacid. This paper reports the combination effect of
Furthermore, this tuber starch showed some functional papaya latex and yam bean tuber extracts in its skin
characteristics of gelatinization that is useful in food lightening effect and to report the stability of the
systems as stabilizing, additives, moisture retainers, prepared body lotion formula of these combined
and thickener(1). Yam bean tuber extract has been used extracts.
for various cosmetic purposes. The main application
is for skin masker mixed with talc. Flesh of the tuber MATERIALS AND METHODS
is pounded and applied on skin with rashes(2). The
papaya latex extracts are also widely used in cosmetic. Materials. Papaya latex was obtained from 2 months
Application as soap ingredient, skin cleanser, body old papaya fruit. Papaya extract (thick liquid) and
lotion are available in Indonesian market(3). Papaya yam bean tuber extract Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urb.
latex extract application in body lotion has been (powder) were obtained from available commercial
claimed as a safe natural whitening agent and, is source. 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazil (DPPH),
expected to produce skin lightening synergistic effect tyrosinase, DL-tyrosine, phosphate buffer pH 6.8,
with yam tuber extract. DMSO, methanol, vitamin C, magnesium ascorbyl
In Indonesia there are many papaya plant varieties. phosphate and arbutin were purchase from Aldrich.
Some of them are pepaya semangka, pepaya jinggo, Other chemicals for body lotion formulation are
pepaya cibinong, pepaya mas, pepaya item, pepaya analytical or pharmaceutical grades.
thailand, pepaya meksiko, and pepaya solo. Papaya Methods. Antioxidant activity assay. The
transgenic has been developed, however, it is likely antioxidant activity of papaya latex, papaya extract,
that this transgenic plant has not been cultivated and and yam bean tuber extract were measured as free
applied in Indonesia(4). Papaya leaves and latex are also radicals scavenging activities using 1,1-diphenyl-2-
popular in Indonesia, the leaves are used as vegetable, picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) according to Yen and Chen(9).
and together with latex used for meat softening and Each sample solution in methanol with concentration
meat tendering(4,5). The popular papaya is Thailand series of 10, 50, 100, and 200 µg/mL was mixed
variety due to its large size, thickness and has pink thoroughly with a one mM methanolic solution of
color appearance(4). According to patient feelings and DPPH radicals and left to stand for 30 min in the
blood reports, it showed that Carica papaya leaves dark. The absorbance was then measured at l 517
aqueous extract exhibited potential activity against nm. The following equation was used to calculate the
dengue fever. Furthermore, different parts of papaya free radical scavenging activity of a sample: Sample
leaves can be further used as a strong natural candidate scavenging activity (%) = [(A0-A1)/A0]×100, where
against viral diseases(6). Papaya latex has been studied A0 was the absorbance of the control (one mM DPPH
for its anthelmintic activity against Heligmosoraoides solution without sample) and A1 was the absorbance of
polygyrus in experimentally infected mice. The DPPH solution in the presence of a sample. Vitamin
results suggested a potential role of papaya latex as C, a known antioxidant was used as a reference
an anthelmintic against patent intestinal nematodes of compound.
mammalian hosts(7). Tyrosinase Inhibition Assay. The tyrosinase
Papaya latex contains 50% of non water soluble inhibition assay was conducted according to Shimizu,
matter which do not show any enzymatic properties. et al(10). Similar series concentration of papaya latex,
Papain is the major proteolitic constituent of the latex papaya extract, and yam bean tuber extract were
Vol 11, 2013 Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 193

prepared in DMSO. Sample was mixed with 0.3 mg/ equation Y= bX+a; k = -b × 2.303, where a= intercept;
mL DL-tyrosine and 1 mL of phosphate buffer pH 6.8. b=slope; Y=log antioxidant activity; X= time (week).
After pre-incubation at 37oC for 20 minutes, 1 mg/ Expiration date (t90) and half life (t50) of the body
mL tyrosinase was added. Absorbance was measured lotion were calculated based on equation of the line
at l 475 nm, before incubation and after incubation of correlation between log k and 1/T (oKelvin), Y=
at 37oC for 20 minutes. The following equation was bX + a, and then by using the equation of log reaction
used to calculate tyrosinase inhibition activity: [(B- rate at 25oC was calculated and k value (25oC) was
A)/(D-C)]×100%, where A was the absorbance of determined.
sample before incubation, B was the absorbance of
sample after incubation, D was the absorbance of log(100/90) x 2.303
control (DMSO) before incubation and C was the t90 = -------------------------------
absorbance of control (DMSO) after incubation. k(25oC)
Arbutin, a known tyrosinase inhibitor was used as a
reference compound. log(100/50) x 2.303
Protein content. Protein content in papaya latex, t50 = -------------------------------
papaya extract, and yam bean tuber extract was k(25oC)
determined according to the method in Indonesian
National Standard, SNI 01-2891-1992. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Proteolitic enzyme content. Proteolitic enzyme
content in the sample was determined according to Antioxidant activity. The results of antioxidant
Kunitz method(11). activity of papaya latex, papaya extract and yam
Preparation of body lotion. Dipropylene glycol, bean tuber extract is shown in Table 1. Papaya latex
PEG 1500, and trietanolamin were added into the showed the highest free radical scavenging activity
purified water and heat to 70°C (water phase). Solution as compared to papaya extract and yam bean tuber
of the oil components was prepared (stearic acid, extract at concentration of 500 ppm. However,
cetyl alcohol, petrolatum, squalane), then add the activity of those three samples were much lower than
surfactant (sorbitan mono-oleate), propylparaben, the vitamin C that has IC50 of < 10 ppm. Vitamin C
methylparaben, and perfume and heat to 70°C (oil is not stable in a solution form, and therefore it is
phase). The oil phase was added into the water phase rarely used as skin lightening agent. Most common
and the preliminary emulsification was carried out. used vitamin C derivate is ascorbyl phosphate, but
After the particle size uniform using a homogenizer, the compound is not soluble in water, methanol nor
then the emulsion was de-aerated, strained and cooled. ethanol, therefore could not be used for comparison.
Body lotion product and stability evaluation. On the other hand, yam bean tuber extract is already
The body lotion products were placed in 6 packaging known as whitening agent(13), therefore it could be
container and kept in climatic chambers of 25oC, used for comparison to papaya latex and papaya
40oC, 45oC and 50oC. The lotion visual appearance, extract.
color, and odor were observed, and antioxidant Protein content and proteolitic activity of
activities, pH, and viscosities were measured every papaya extract. Analysis showed that papaya latex
week. The effect of temperature on reaction rate of has 10.15% protein content and 47.97 unit/mL
the antioxidants were calculated using the Arrhenius proteolytic activity. The proteolytic activity indicated
equation(12). that papaya latex could be suggested as an effective
agent for skin whitening process. With the proteolitic
k = A.e-Ea/RT activity, papaya latex will have exfoliating effect to
the epidermal skin that makes skin appears more
k = reaction rate constant fresh and white. It is expected that the combination
A= constant frequency factor of papaya latex as exfoliating and bengkuang yam
Ea = activation energy
R = gas constant (1,987 x 10-3 kcal/deg mol) Table 1. Antioxidant activity of papaya latex, papaya extract
T = temperature (oK) and yam bean tuber extract at concentration of 500 ppm.
e = exponential Sample Inhibition (%)
Papaya latex 32.01
Antioxidant reaction rate constant (k) was
Papaya extract 26.09
determined from the graph of logaritmic correlation
between antioxidant activity with time, to obtain Yam bean tuber extract 27.04
194 KARDONO ET AL. Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia

extract as a tyrosinase inhibitor will give a sinergistic on the Arrhenius accelerated stability test data in our
improvement to the skin whitening effect. experiment.
Tyrosinase inhibitor activity. Table 2 shows Figure 1 showed the relationship between the
the tyrosinase inhibitor activity of the papaya latex, antioxidant activity of one of the formulas (Formula
papaya extract and yam bean tuber extracts as L3), and length of storage in various temperatures.
compared to arbutin as the positive control. These Antioxidant activity in all formulas slowly decreased
results suggest that all samples have potential to to 8th weeks at 25oC. Formulas L1 to L6 showed
be used as natural source for skin whitening with antioxidant activities of 6.61%, 8.15%, 13.05%,
papaya latex showed the highest activity as tyrosinase 7.87%, 14.30% and 0%, respectively. Figure 1 shows
inhibitor. the correlation curve of formula L3 antioxidant
Formulation. Table 3 shows the formula base of activity (log % inhibition) and length of storage
the L6 lotion in our experiment(14). To this formula time in climatic chambers. Analysis of antioxidant
base, then the active ingredients, combination of yam activities in formula L1-L6 were evaluated. Based on
bean tuber and papaya extracts were added (Table 4). Arrhenius equation formula L3 will be stable at room
All together, 6 formulas (Formula L1 to L6) were temperature for 18 months. The highest antioxidant
evaluated for lotion characteristics, as showed in activity was on formula L5 (14.3%) which contains
Table 5. 1% of yam bean tuber extract and 1% of papaya
In general, an acceptable body lotion is the body latex, however, this formula has shorter antioxidant
lotion which has viscosity of 100-200 poise, and stability ( 9.4 weeks). Formula L3 which contain 1%
pH 5.5-6.0(15). The range of specific gravity of the of yam bean tuber extract and 2% of papaya extract,
formulas were from 0.9985 to 1.0015. Evaluation was the second best in antioxidant activity (13.1%)
results showed that all formulas (L1-L6) showed good but has the longest antioxidant stability (77 weeks),
appearance. There were no separation, no coagulation, therefore this formula is promising for further study
and no significant viscosity decrease. The pHs were and development.
also stable. Evaluation on appearance, viscosity, odor, C. papaya is traditionally used to treat skin
and color, indicated that all formulas were stable and disorders. Wound healing properties of the latex have
estimated up to 128 weeks. This estimation was based been studied. Papaya latex formulated in Carbopol

Table 2. Tyrosinase inhibitor of papaya latex, papaya extract Table 4. Active ingredients added into Formula base in
and yam bean tuber extract calculated relative to arbutin. Table 3.
Sample Inhibition (%) Formula* Active ingredient
Arbutin 100 L1 1% yam bean tuber extract
Papaya latex 68.42 L2 2% papaya extract
Papaya extract 36.80 L3 1% yam bean extract+2% papaya extract
Yam bean tuber extract 52.63 L4 1% papaya latex
L5 1% yam bean extract+1% papaya latex
L6 None
Table 3. Formula base of body lotion (L6). *
Ingredients of all formula base are the same as in L6 (Table 3),
Ingredients % except for the demineralized water for total volume adjustment,
which was calculated depend on the amount of active ingredient
Stearic acid 2.0 added.
Cetyl alcohol 1.5
Petrolatum 4.0
Table 5. Evaluation result of body lotion formulas.
Squalane 5.0
Triethylhexanoin 2.0 Formula Specific gravity Viscosity pH
Sorbitan mono-oleate 2.0 L1 1.002 177.9 5.78
Dipropylene glycol 5.0 L2 0.999 176.9 5.79
PEG 1500 3.0 L3 0.999 177.8 5.80
Trietanolamine 1.0 L4 0.999 177.7 5.84
preservative 0.2 L5 1.002 178.1 5.82
Perfume 0.2 L6 0.999 177.9 5.81
Water 73.1
Vol 11, 2013 Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 195

Figure 1. Relationship curve of Formula L3 log antioxidant activity (log I) and length of storage time in various temperatures.

gel was effective in the treatment of skin burns, The body lotion density was 0.9985 to 1.002 with a
supporting its traditional use(16). In vitro experiment viscosity of 177.7 to 178.1 pois; pH was 5.78 to 5.84
using various extracts obtained by various solvents and antioxidant activity of 6.1 to 14.3%. Based on
showed an anti Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus product appearance, color, odor, pH and viscosity,
aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Micrococcus luteus and the L1 to L5 body lotions were stable for 96 weeks.
anti Gram–negative bacteria Escherichia coli and The expired date calculation based on its antioxidant
Klebsiella pneumoniae. These extracts were also activity, however, the products were stable for 9.4
active against several fungi, such as, Aspergillus to 77 weeks. Formula 3 is suggested as the formula
niger, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans, Candida for further study and development because of its
tropicalis, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Candida antioxidant activity and has longest antioxidant
kefyr. These data showed that C. papaya extract gave stability.
further advantage for cosmetic product formulation(17).
In addition to the content of proteolytic enzyme, the CONCLUSION
papaya latex also has high content of lipase. The
lipolytic activity of C. papaya lipase showed its Papaya latex, papaya fruit extract, and yam bean tuber
maximum stability at pH 6(8). The presence of bile extract show the potency as natural skin lightening
acid slightly reduced the C. papaya lipase activity agent. This potency was evaluated based on their
in the 4–6 pH range, shifting the optimum lipase tyrosinase inhibitory and antioxidant activities. Body
activity to pH 7, where the presence of bile had no lotion formulas were prepared as example in cosmetic
effect. Lipolysis levels decreased with the pH, but application.
C. papaya lipase (CPL) was still more active than
porcine pancreatic extract at pH 5 on a relative ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
basis. It is suggested that CPL might be a promising
candidate for use as a therapeutic tool on patients with We would like to express our gratitude to P.T. Mandom
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency(18). The C. papaya Indonesia for permission to use the climatic chambers
latex powder also showed a molluscicidal activity on in performing the stability evaluation and other facility
Lymnaea acuminata (LC50 = 8.38 mg/L at 96 hour). for lotion preparation.
The toxicity of this latex has been shown to be time
and dose dependent(19).
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