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To study height gauge and inspection of part manufactured in Lab#2


 To know about the height gauge, its types, and parts etc.
 To know about the use of height gauge for inspection.


Height gauge: Height gauge is a measuring device used for measurement of length of a part
upto 0.02mm.


A height gauge is a measuring device used either for determining the height of objects, or for
marking of items to be worked on.

Figurre 5.1 Figurre 5.2

Parts of height gauge: Following are the main parts of height gauge:
1) Main scale: It consists of Cm and Inches and smallest division on it is 1mm.
2) Vernier Scale: It consists of 100 divisions every division is 0.02mm.
3) Base: It is the base of the whole height gauge, All parts are above it.
4) Frame: It is used for connecting the all parts of the height gauge.
5) Scriber: It gives movement to the upper jaw as well as the movement of vernier scale.
Least count: Least count is the minimum length that a height gauge can measure accurately.
 For centimeters system the least count is 0.02mm.
 For Inches system Least count is 0.001 inch

Zero Error:
If the zero of the vernier scale is not coincides the zero of main scale then we call it as zero error
in the height gauge.

 If the zero is above then it is called +ve error and if zero of vernier scale is below than the
zero of main scale then it is called as –ve error.

 To check height of parts.
 Used for quality control.
 Used for repetitious making.

Procedure Steps:
1) 1st chek zero error if there is +ve error subtract it from the final measurement, If –ve error
then add it to final measurement.
2) Now open the jaw and tight the jaw on the part.
3) Note main scale reading and vernier scale reading.
4) Use the below formula for measuring the final reading

Final reading = M.S.R + (divisions of vernier scale)(L.C)

Dimensions of the Part:

e b

Observation and Calculation:

Reading: 5.1(Calculated values of dimensions through height gauge)

S.No: Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4 Reading5

1.a 158.2 158.1 158.4 158.6 158.3
2.b 116.4 116.7 116.5 116.5 116.5
3.c 146.2 146.1 146.2 146.3 146.2
4.d 124.9 124.8 124.7 124.9 124.8
5.e 125.1 125.1 125.2 125.2 125.2

Discussion and Results:

From the above table we can see that there is a small difference between the readings taken by
different students. So this difference is due to the personal error of the students. Such personal
error may be due to fitting of job in the jaws of height gauge etc.

After attending this lab students are able to know about the height gauge and using height gauge
for inspection of the parts.

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