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Learning Activity 1.

What is the most important contribution of mathematics in humankind?

Mathematics is an important tool in our daily activities. It helps us to make our life
easier especially to normal people and to those professional in work. We use
mathematics even we don't know that mathematics is involved in our activities that
had done. It has a big help in our society's advancement, to the development of the
technologies and to the things that we need.

For me the most important contribution of mathematics in humankind is that it

makes our life orderly and it prevents chaos in our daily living. Mathematics helps us
to solve different problem in life. Even we can't see mathematics, it is all around us. It
also helps us to shop wisely, read maps, use the computer, and remodel a home with
constrained budget with utmost economy. It also helps the scientist's experiment to be
successful and to develop medicines, etc. that we used in our daily living. Not only the
scientist, it also helps more professional people especially the teachers in computing
grades. It was also use to build a home, to forecast a weather, to know the things in
outer space and many more uses of mathematics around the world.

Mathematics has a great help in humankind without mathematics everything was

in chaos. It has an important role in our lives, like someone want to understand the
mathematical pattern of a storm to avoid or prevent catastrophes. We want to know
the mathematical concept behind the contagion of the virus to control its spread. We
want to understand the unpredictability of cancer cells to combat it before it even
exists. That's what the important contribution of mathematics in our lives; it can help to
predict, to solve, and to know something that can't be without it.
Learning Activity 1.3

I. Identify what type of sequence is the one below and supply the sequence with the
next two terms:

1. 1, 4, 7, 10, 13_, 16_? Type of Sequence: Arithmetic sequence _

2. 80, 40, 20, 10_, 5_? Type of Sequence: Geometric sequence _

3. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13_, 21_? Type of Sequence: Fibonacci sequence _

4. 56, 46, 36, 26, 16_, 6_? Type of Sequence: Arithmetic sequence _

5. 2, 20, 200, 2000, 20000_, 200000_? Type of Sequence: Geometric sequence

II. Compute for the following Fibonacci numbers and perform the given operation:

1. What if Fib (13)?

Fib (13)
13 13
an =
1+ √ 5
√5 2 [( ) ( ) ] −
1−√ 5
= [ ( 521 )− (−1.9 ) ]
¿ ( 522.9 )
¿ 233

2. What is Fib (20)?

Fib (20)
20 20
an =
√5 2 [( ) ( ) ]
1+ √ 5

1−√ 5
= [ ( 1 5 127.99993 )−( .0006 ) ]
¿ ( 15120.39 )

3. What is Fib (8) + Fib (9) ? ( Fib (8)=21 ) + ( Fib (9)=34 )= 55

4. What is Fib (1) * Fib (7) + Fib (12) – Fib (6) ?

[{(Fib (1)=1) * ( Fib (7)=13 )} + {(Fib (12)=144 ) – (Fib (6)=8 )}]=149

5. What is the sum of Fib (1) up to Fib (10) ?

Sum of Fib (1) up to Fib (10)= 1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21+34+55 = 143

n n
an =
√5 2[( ) ( ) ]
1+ √5

1− √5


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