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13 August 2020



Dear _________________,

Thank you for selecting me to provide consultation and process the sale of property.

I. Scope & Nature of Services

As retained counsel, I will perform the following legal services:

1) Provide consultation and advice on legal matters affecting the client; and
2) transfer of title of the purchased property in the name of the client.

II. Professional Fee

1) For the foregoing services, I will charge one time Professional Fee of FIFTY
THOUSAND (PHP 50,000.00) PESOS, payable within three (3) days upon the
signing of this Agreement.

2) Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the letter of engagement with the client
commences on the date of the signing of this Agreement.

III. Other Services

All other services which may be required of me other than those stated above, such as,
but not limited to annotation of lost title and applying for a new one will be charged for
separately under such terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon.
IV. Expenses

All expenses to be incurred by me in connection with or as a result of the services to be

rendered under this letter of engagement such as, but not limited to, costs of mailing,
notarization, filing fee, and other related costs of court/Register of Deeds action,
transportation, toll, parking, photocopying, and other miscellaneous or out-of-pocket
expenses shall be for the exclusive account of the client. I reserve the right to ask from
the client to advance such reasonable amounts to cover anticipated expenses and for
which the firm has an obligation to fully account for.

V. Reports

I shall submit periodic written reports on the development of all work handled and
performed by the firm under this agreement.

VI. Review & Termination

1) This agreement is subject to periodic review and adjustment upon such terms and
conditions to be mutually agreed upon.

2) I reserve the right to immediately withdraw from any case or matter if and when
found that the client deliberately withheld a material information that is critical to
the handling of the same, or refuses to extend the necessary cooperation and
support for the successful handling of this undertaking or in case of serious
dispute between the client and the lawyer.

3) If this contract is terminated in accordance with the above provisions, it is

understood that the lawyer shall be paid a proportionate fee vis-à-vis the services
already rendered taking into account the extent of work already done, and it shall
also be entitled to reimbursement of all expenses which the firm may have
advanced in your behalf.

Very truly yours,





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