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1. What business and social problems does data center power
consumption cause?

The business of data center cause is such as video on demand, maintaining web
sites, analyzing large pools of transactions or social media data that require
more and more power-hungry machines businesses. Besides that, the social
problem that the data center power consumption cause is high corporate
operating costs.

2.What solutions are available for these problems? Are they  people,
organizational, or technology solutions? Explain your answer.

People, for example Acorda.

•  A $210 million-per-year maker of drugs to treat nervous disorders
such as multiple sclerosis.
•  Installed motion sensors and invested in intelligent cooling system to
boost energy efficiency at the new facility.
•  Preparing to test virtualized desktops.

Organizational, for example Facebook

• Publicly posted the specifications for the design of its data centers.
• Facebook’s engineers modified the programming in the servers.

Technology, for example cloud computing system

• Optimized for virtualization and for supporting as many different
subscribing companies as possible.
• Produce major savings when doing the computing for large numbers of

3. What are the business benefits and costs of these solutions?

Reduce the human resources in data centre

- Virtualization in data centre helps to reduce the number of servers and
storage resources in a firm's IT infrastructure.
-Make firm more energy- efficient
- Installed motion sensors will shut off light after five minutes if no
movement is detected. This enable firm greatly reduce the power
required to run workstation.
- Reduce corporate operating costs

- Intelligent cooling system will automatically changes setting of

computer as the conditions change. intelligent cooling system helps
the firm to save the electric supply and thus, reduce the operating

4. Should all firms move toward green computing? Why or

Why not?

-It is very efficient to reduce their power requirements
-Reduce costs
-Reducing impacts on environmental and human health
-Helps to minimize the energy consumption by educating consumers on
efficient ways to keep power   usage low.
Case study 2CASE STUDY: Is It Time for Cloud Computing
5.13 What business benefits do cloud computing services
provide? What problem that they solve?
Based on what we learned, cloud computing is defined as a
type of computing that depends on sharing computing
resources rather than having local servers or personal devices
to handle the applications.
There is several benefits of cloud computing:
       It helps company to build a large database as
company have many information and data keeping.
     It can store a large amount of data and information
and this can reduce data redundancy.
          It able for us to find the information in an efficient
and effective ways.

The cloud computing had solve several problems which is:

     It helps company with flexible computing power and
data storage as well data management, messaging, payment,
and other services can be used together or individually as the
businesses requires.
     It helps customers to determine the right amount of
computing resources for an example, Amazon had added an
automated service called Cloud Formation.
    It improve response time for customers as
Intercontinental move it core room reservation transaction
system onto a private cloud within its own data center.

5.14 What is the disadvantages of cloud computing?

There is several disadvantages of by using a cloud computing
which is:
     The service fee is more expensive  compared to having
our own IT department to run the cloud computing so by
manage their own center there will be more cheaper.
        There will be unexpected costs if suddenly the
system down so there will be an extra charge to solve that
     Without an internet connection it will having a
possible downtime as the cloud computing is depend on
internet connection. If the internet in your company not
strong enough we did not prefer you to use cloud computing.
       Cloud computing services do not have a good
customer service system as it is very difficult to reached the
on telephone or an email and they just rely on FAQ pages.

     5-15 How do the concepts of capacity planning,

scalability, and TCO apply to this case? Apply these
concepts both to Amazon and to subscribers of its
     Capacity planning is scalability, which is defined as the ability of
a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a large
number of users without breaking down. Scalability is a ability of
a system, network or process to handle a growing amount of work
in capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate
that growth. Scalability relates to both Amazon and AWS
subscribers. Amazon must be able to provide its customers with
services that are scalable, as it claims to do on its website:
“Take advantage of our massive compute capacity and storage to
build whatever kinds of applications your business demands, no
matter how fast it grows or how big it gets”.
    Total Cost Ownership (TCO) is a financial estimate intended to
help buyer and owners determine the direct and indirect cost of
a product or system. Amazon must provide hardware capacity
planning and scalability. With the development of information
technology, Amazon will have more and more customers. Not just
Amazon, but Amazon's customer requires a large database to
store a variety of data and information. This will help the
company grow. Amazon must bear the total TCO of its services,
while Amazon is also needed to maintain the profitability of the
company. However, the services' subscribers benefit from not
having to worry about these issues.
   As information technology and social development, there have
been more and more companies need cloud services. First, the
information Internet companies need to use cloud services, such
as Facebook, Google, Instagram, Blogspot, Ebay, etc. Because
the cloud computing can store large information, and share the
information. Second, large multinational corporations, one of the
advantages about the cloud computing is that people from
around the world can get a faster connection

      5-16 What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from

using cloud computing? Why?

      Businesses that are most likely to benefit from using cloud computing are
large enterprises such as car dealers, warehouse sellers, online businesses
such as Lazada, Zalora and many more business oriented companies that has
large customer demands.
      The reasons are
(i)                 Data Loss Prevention
      The loss of data could be prevented as they have stored it and it
could be          useful for coming future. This is especially true if
data about customers and        business partners is lost, which can
bring the daily grind of commerce to a halt.  Since backing up
data using cloud computer is incredibly easy, and requires  fewer
upfront costs, it will be the better choice for many companies and
it  would save the companies reputation too.
(ii)               Tracking Employees Performance
       The cloud computing is not only used for business purposes but it
can also be      used to store employees information and it is a fast
tracking system to see the    employees performance for time to
time. It saves time and cost.

(iii)             Online Business
      It shouldn't be surprising to say that online businesses will use
cloud computing.  The primary benefit is web server space. The
costs of purchasing a sever and  getting a website up and running
are high, especially if a significant level of  traffic is expected.
Using cloud computer for hosting is the ideal solution,  especially
for smaller businesses.

    The use of cloud computing utility has increased significantly in recent years
and it appears to be a natural evolution of the data centre to execute
computing and storage in a more scalable way. With such a significant
increase, the market is growing quickly and more companies are providing
new services with better features, including isolated services. With greater
flexibility, lower infrastructure cost, and lower operations overhead, there’s
a lot to love about a move to a cloud architecture and with private and
hybrid cloud options offering all the control and transparency an
organization could want, there’s no reason to fear cloud computing
anymore. We predict cloud computing will grow, so developers should take
it into account.
CASE STUDY : The pleasure and Pitfalls of BYOD
二月 22, 2018

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing

employees to use their personal smartphones for work?

The advantage of allowing employees to use their personal

smartphone for work allows  for employers to spend less money on
equipment. The disadvantages of allowing  employees to their
personal smart phone for work are there are many mobile
platforms  available, a significantly large amount of IT resources
would have to be dedicated to  managing and maintaining a large
number of devices in an organization, and the absence  of an
effective way to keep track of all the devices employees are using.

2. What management, organization, and technology factors

should be addressed  when deciding whether to allow
employees to use their personal smartphones for  work?

Factors that should be addressed include how the devices will be

used to perform  operational duties. Time management and
productivity has to be addressed. The  organization has to decide
if the use of the employee’s personal device would be  beneficial to
the company in regards to productivity and overhead cost. From a
technical  standpoint, a sound IT system has to be created in order
to maintain as well as provide  support to the employees for their
specific mobile device.

3.Compare the BYOD experiences of IBM and Intel. Why did

BYOD at Intel work so well?

BYOD experiences of IBM BYOD experiences of Intel

There is only creating new Intel approached BYOD in a
challenges for the IT department positive manner, trying to find
and didn’t save any money for ways to make it work rather
IBM because employees’ than to defeat it.
devices are full with the
IBM equips the mobile devices Intel hammered out a BYOD
of the latter category of strategy and created an end-user
employees with additional service-level agreement that
software such as programmes clarified that end users were
that encrypt information as it voluntarily using BYOD
travels to and from corporate rather than being mandated by
networks. Intel.
BYOD improve employees’ job Intel program offers 40
satisfaction and productivity but proprietary applications,
cause some problems if including travel tools to
managed improperly. help schedule a flight and
conference room finders.

4.Allowing employees use their own smartphones for work

will save the company money. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Allowing employees to use their own smartphones for work will

save money with  upfront cost but over the course of time, it may
cost more to maintain a sound system  with the many platforms
that are currently available. The creation of applications that  work
on multiple mobile platforms may be beneficial but only if the
system is  restructured.

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