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[Academic Session : 2020 - 21]


Test Test Type Test Date Mental
No. Physics Chemistry Biology Maths English SST
Linear Equation in Two Variables :
Chemical reactions and equations - Life processes : Nutrition- Simultaneous linear equation in two Resources & Development - Types of Resources, Development of Resources,
Electricity : Static electricity & its source, Electric Physical and chemical changes Introduction,Nutrition , Autotrophic variable, Investigating graphs of a Resource Planning,Conservation of Resources, Land Resource - land
charge, Properties of electric charge, Units of electric ,chemical reaction and its nutrition,Photosynthesis 1.Sunlight,2. system of equations, Solving system of utilisation, land use pattern, Land degradation & conservation, Soil Resources -
charge, Coulomb's law, Electric potential, Potential characteristics, Photosynthetic pigment, 3.Carbon equations by graph, Algebraic Formation, Classification & distribution , Soil Conservation
difference, Conductors & Insulators , Current chemical equations(word equation dioxide,Stomata 4.Water Site of conditions for consistency/ Verbal Series,
Age of Industrialisation - Before the industrial revolution (the coming of
electricity, Flow of charge through a conductor, and symbol equation), photosynthesis,Mechanism of Inconsistency of the system, Algebraic Non-Verbal
A Letter to God, factory, pace of industrial change, Hand Labour & Steam Power, Life of the
Measuring potential difference and current, Electric rules for writing the chemical photosynthesis,Difference between method of solving pair of linear Series, Dot
Minor test 1 Dust of Snow, Workers Industrialisation in the Colonies, Age of Indian Textiles, What
1 17/06/2020 circuit elements, Electric resistance, Ohm's law, equation,balancing of light reaction and Dark reaction equations, Substitution method, Situation
(Objective) Int. Gr. Ex. (Gap happened to the poor
Resistors, Dependence of resistance on length, area equation,making chemical equation ,Importance of Elimination method, Algebraic solution ,Logical
photosynthesis,Heterotrophic by cross-multiplication method, Filling) Manchester comes to India, Factories come up, The Early Entrepreneurs,
of cross-section, and nature of material, Resistivity, more informative,Types of chemical Sequence of
nutrition,Nutrition in animals,Digestive Equation of the form ax + by = c & bx + Where did the workers came from, The peculiarities of Industrial growth, small
Effect of stretching a wire & doubling a wire on itself reactions -Combination , words
system of humans ay = d, Equation reducible to linear scale industries predominate , Market for Goods,
on its resistance, Condition for wires of equal length decomposition, (thermal
1. Mouth,2. Buccal cavity 3. equation in two variables, Problems Power Sharing - Belgium & Sri Lanka (Majoritianism in Sri Lanka,
but of two different materials to have the same decomposition, photo
Pharynx,4. Oesophagus,5. Stomach,6. based on articles & their cost, Problems Accommodation in Belgium)
resistance Resistors in series and parallel decomposition,electro
intestine,7. Anus, based on numbers, Problem based on Why Power Sharing is desirable, Forms of Power Sharing
fraction, Problem based on ages

Linear Equation in Two Variables :

Respiration: Introduction,
Electricity : Heating effect of electric current, Electric Problem based on time distance & Development : (Different People, Different Goals, What can be development
Respiration, Types of respiration (i)
power & energy , Joule's law of heating & its speed, Problem based on Geometry Fire and Ice, for one can be a disaster for another), Income & other goals, National
Aerobic respiration, (ii) Anaerobic
applications - electric bulb, electric fuse Nelson Mandela : Development, How to compare different countries, , Income & other criteria,
respiration, Difference between Coding-
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current : Magnetism, Chemical reactions and equations - Polynomial : Polynomials, Types of Long Walk to Public Facilities, HDI, Sustainable Development
aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Decoding,Compl
Minor test 2 Magnetic poles, Properties of a bar magnet, Natural Displacement reaction, double polynomials, Value of polynomial, Freedom,
2 01/07/2020 Gaseous exchange in Plants, Gaeous etion of
(Objective) & artificial magnets, Magnetic field, Magnetic field displacement,oxidation and reduction Zero of Polynomial, Geometrical A Triumph of Forest & Wildlife Resources - Flora & Fauna in India, Classification of species
exchange in aquatic animals, Incomplete
lines with their properties, Uniform & non-uniform reactions,corrosion,rancidity, meaning of the zeros of a Polynomial, Surgery, by IUCN, Factors that cause depletion, Conservation of Forest & Wildlife in
Gaseous exchange in terrestrial Pattern
magnetic fields, Making permanent magnet, Relationship between the zeros & Int. Gr. Ex (Error India, Types & Distribution of Forest & Wildlife Resources, Community &
animals , Gaseous exchange in
Ferromagnetic materials, Demagnetizing a magnet, coefficients of a Polynomials, Spotting) Conservation
human beings,Breathing,
Uses of magnets Symmetric functions of the zeros Age Of Industrialisation- Revision
Mechanism of Breathing

Acids ,bases salts - Properties and

classification of acids and bases,
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current : Current as a Federalism - What is Federalism, Key features of Federalism
Indicators(litmus solution, Verbal Analogy
source of magnetism, Right hand thumb rule, Transportation: Polynomial : Division algorithm for A Tiger in the Zoo, What makes India a Federal Country, How is Federalism Practised
phenolphthalein, methyl & Non-Verbal
Magnetic field due to a current-carrying straight Introduction,Transportation in polynomials The Thief's Story, Decentralisation in India,
Minor test 3 orange,turmeric powder),reaction of Analogy ,Verbal
3 15/07/2020 conductor/ circular loop Magnetic field due to a human, Blood circulatory system, Real Numbers Int. Gr. Ex Water Resources - Definition & Causes of Water Scarcity
(Objective) acids and bases with metals,reaction Classification &
solenoid, Electromagnets, Fleming's left hand rule, Blood,Blood vessels, Heart,Working (Complete) (Omission & Gap Multi Purpose River Project,
of acid with metal carbonates and Non Verbal
Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor/ of Heart, Double circulation, Filling) Rainwater Harvesting
hydrogen carbonates, reaction of acid Classification
moving charge
and bases with each other
[Academic Session : 2020 - 21]


Test Test Type Test Date Mental
No. Physics Chemistry Biology Maths English SST

Sectors of Indian Economy - Sectors of Economic Activities, Comparing the

three sectors, Historical changes in the sectors, Rising Importance of the
Tertiary sector, Where are most of the people employed
Acids ,bases salts- Reaction of a non- Rising Importance of the Tertiary sector, Where are most of the people
metallic oxide with bases,reaction of Transportation : Blood pressure, employed , How to create more employment, Organised and Unorganised
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current : Electric motor - Two Stories about
a metallic oxide with acids, What do Lymphatic system, Transportation in Sector
principle, construction, working, uses , Flying (part-1 and
all acids and all bases have in plants, (1) Transportation of water Similar Triangles Public and Private Sector , Number ,
Minor test 4 Electromagnetic induction, Fleming's right hand rule, Part-2),
4 29/07/2020 common ?, pH scale, importance of and minerals, Transpiration,(2) (Complete) Print Culture - The first printed books, Print in Japan, Print comes to Europe - Ranking & Time
(Objective) Electric generator - principle, construction, working, Int. Gr. Ex. (Gap
pH in every day life ,Salts (formation Transportation of food and other Gutenberg and the Printing Press, Print Revolution - A new Reading Public, Sequence Test
AC & DC - advantages, disadvantages, Domestic Filling, Editing,
of salts ,families of salts , pH of salts ,- substances Religious debates and the fear of Print, Print & Dissent, The Reading Mania -
electric circuits, Overloading, Short-circuiting Omission, )
chemicals from common salts - Tremble, Therefore tyrants of the World, Print culture and the French
sodium hydroxide , Bleaching powder Revolution, The 19th Century - Children, Women & Worker, Further
Innovations, India & the World of Print - Manuscripts before the age of Print,
Print comes to India, Religious Reforms and Public Debate, New Forms of
Publication, Print and Censorship

Sources of Energy : Energy conversion,

Characteristics of a good source of energy,
Democracy & Diversity - Story from Mexico Olympics, Differences, Similarities
Renewable & non-renewable sources of energy,
and Divisions, Politics of Social Division , Three Determinants of outcomes of
Advantages of such classfication of sources of energy, Acids ,bases salts- Baking soda Introduction to Trigonometry : How to Tell Wild
Politics of Social Division -
Conventional & non-conventional sources of energy, ,washing soda,Are the crystals of salts Excretion: Introduction,Excretory Tangent of an angle, Trigonometric Animals,
Gender, Religion & Caste - Gender & Politics, Public/Private Division, Women's
Fossil fuels - types, advantages, disadvantages, dry? organs in animals,Excretory system ratios, Reciprocal relation between T - The Ball Poem,
Minor test 5 Political representation, Sitting
5 12/08/2020 turbine, Thermal power plant, Working of coal based Metals and Non- metals -Physical in humans, Nephron, Physiology of Ratios, Power of T- ratios, The Midnight
(Objective) Religion, Communalism and Politics, Various forms of Communalism, Secular Arrangement
thermal power plant, Hydro power plant - working, properties of metals-lusture of Excretion,Artificial kidney, Excretion Trigonometrical ratio of standard Visitor,
advantages, disadvantages Bio-mass, Smokeless metals,hardness,malleability,ductility, in plants angles, T- ratios of complementry Int. Gr. Ex. (Gap
Caste and Politics - Caste in Politics and Politics in Caste
chulhas, Animal/cattle dung as a fuel, Bio-gas plant - conductivity,sonority angles Filling)
construction, working, advantages, disadvantages,
Wind energy - windmill, wind energy farms,
advantages, disadvantages/limitations ,

Agriculture - Types of Farming, Cropping Pattern, Major Crops - Food crops other than
grains, Non-food crops, Technological & Institutional reforms, Contribution of
Agriculture to the National Economy , Money and Credit : Barter system, Money as a
Control and coordination:
From the Diary of medium of exchange, -a. Money as medium of exchange, b. Advantages of Money, c.
Introduction, Coordination in Measure of Value, d. Modern forms of Money, e. Money is used a medium of
Sources of Energy : Solar energy - solar constant, Box Anne Frank,
animals,Nervous system,Three types exchange because, Deposits with Bank,- a. Demand deposits, b. Advantages of
type & spherical mirror type solar Metals and Non- metals -Chemical Introduction to Trigonometry : Amanda,
of nerves, Electrochemical depositing money in the bank, c. Cheque, d. Advantages, Loan activities of Bank,
cookers,advantages and disadvantages of harnessing properties of metals-reaction of Trigonometrical identities, A Question of Inserting The
Minor test 6 mechanism of transfer of nerve Importance of Credit, Two different credit situations, Terms of Credit, Loan from
6 26/08/2020 solar energy, Solar cells, solar cell panel, advantages, metal with oxygen,Reaction of metals Trust, Missing
(Objective) impulse,Neuromuscular junction, Cooperatives, Formal Lender Sources, Unequal distribution of formal sector loans, RBI-
disadvantages, Tidal energy Sea-waves energy, with water,reaction of metals with Probability Int. Gr. Ex (Editing Lender of the last resort,The role of formal sector loans in the country's development, Character
Reflex arc and reflex
Ocean thermal energy, Geothermal energy, Nuclear acids (Complete) & Omission, Formal Lender Sources,Unequal distribution of formal sector loans, RBI-Lender of the
action,(1)Central nervous system,
fission & fusion, Environmental consequences Jumbled up last resort, The role of formal sector loans in the country's development, Self Help
(i)Brain-fore brain,mid brain,hind
Sentences) Groups(SHG) for the poor-a. Major features of SHGs, b. Importance of SHGs, c.
Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
Gender Religion and Caste - Revision
[Academic Session : 2020 - 21]


Test Test Type Test Date Mental
No. Physics Chemistry Biology Maths English SST

Mineral and Energy Resources : What is a mineral-a. Importance of minerals,

b. Classification of minerals, An Ore, Mode of occurrence of minerals,
Optics : Reflection of Light (Light - sources, nature,
Metals and Non- metals - Reaction of The Hundred Minerals are very unevenly distributed, Points that make a mineral
properties, Production of electromagnetic (EM)
metal with solutions of other metal Dresses-I, economically viable, Rat Hole mining, Ferrous minerals-a. Iron Ore, b.
waves, EM & visible light spectrum, Objects -
salts, Reaction of metals with non Control and coordination: Spinal The Hundred Manganese, Non Ferrous Minerals- a. Copper, b. Bauxite,Non Metallic
luminous, non- luminous, opaque, transparent, Mathematical
metals, general properties of ionic cord,Peripheral nervous system, Statistics Dresses-II, Minerals, Rock Minerals, Mining- A killer industry, Conservation of Minerals ,
Minor test 7 translucent, point, extended, Types of images, Shapes Operation,
7 09/09/2020 compound,Occurrence of metals - Endocrine system,Table of glands of (Complete) Footprints without Energy Resources-a. Conventional energy resources, b. Non Conventional
(Objective) of beam of light, Reflection of light - phenomenon, Arithematical
native state and combined endocrine system,Feedback Feet, resources, Coal-a. Anthracite Coal, b. Bituminous Coal, c. Lignite, d. Peat,
basic terms, laws, types, Reflection from plane mirror - Reasoning
state,minerals and ores,Extraction of mechanism, Int. Gr. Ex Petroleum, Natural Gas, Electricity-a. electricity is generated in mainly two
image properties, Spherical mirrors - types, basic
metals :metallurgy ( crushing and (Reported Speech ways, b. Hydro power, c. Thermal Power, d. Nuclear or Atomic Energy, Non
terms, Concave & convex mirrors - rules to obtain
grinding of ore , enrichment of ore , Gap Filling) Conventional Energy Sources- a. Solar Energy, b. Wind Power, c. Biogas, d.
images, image formation by concave mirrors)
Tidal Energy, e. Geothermal Energy, Conservation of Energy Resources,
Money and Credit - Revision

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe: The theme of Fredric Sorreiu's painting,The

French Revolution and the idea of a Nation- a. Steps taken by French
revolutionaries to develop the ideas of nation state, b. French revolutionaries
towards the rest of Europe, c. Role of Napoleon-Civil Code of 1804, d. Drawbacks Logical Venn
of Napoleonic Code, The making of Nationalism in Europe- a. The aristocracy and Diagram,Analyti
the new middle class, b. Liberal Nationalism, c. A New Conservatism after 1815- cal Reasoning ,
Major proposals of the Vienna Congress, d. The Revolutionaries, Guiseppe
Mazzini, Age of Revolution 1830-1848 - i. Upheaval in France, ii. Uprisings in
Metals and Non- metals - Extraction Brussels, iii. Uprisings in Greece, The Romantic imagination and National Feeling,
of metal from the enriched ore - Animals, Hunger, hardship and popular revolt,1848: The Revolution of the Liberals,
Control and coordination : Frankfurt Parliament-Obstacles, Outcomes, The making of Germany and Italy-
extraction of metals low in the The Making of a
Coordination in plants, Tropic Unifications, a. Germany, b. Unification of Italy, Stages of Unification, Giuseppe
reactivity series,extraction of metals Scientist,
Optics : Reflection of Light movements,Nastic Garibaldi, The Strange Case of Britain, Visualising the Nation,Nationalism and
Minor test 8 middle in the reactivity series, Height and Distance Int. Gr. Ex (News
8 23/09/2020 ( image formation by convex mirrors, uses, Sign movements,Difference between imperialism-Balkan States
(Objective) refining of impure metals ,Corrosion- (Complete) Headlines,
convention for reflection by spherical mirrors, Mirror tropic and nastic Political Parties: Political parties,Functions and need for Political Parties,Need for
factors which promote corrosion , Reported Speech Political Parties, Party System, -a. One Party system, b. Bi-Party system, c. Multi
formula, Magnification) movements,Chemical coordination
examples of corrosion,prevention of Gap Filling, Error party system, An Alliance,Political parties in India-a. National Parties, b. State
in plants,
corrosion, alloys (characteristics and Spotting) Parties, c. Difference between a National Party and a Regional Party, Introduction
examples of alloy), magnetic oxide to major political parties-a. Indian National Congress(INC), b. Bhartiya Janta Party,
c. Bahujan Samaj Party, d. Communist Party of India-Marxist, e. Communist Party
of India, Nationalist Congress Party(NCP), State Parties, Challenges faced by
Political Parties, How caN parties be reformed ?
Globalisation : Production across countries, MNC, Foreign trade and integration
of markets, Availability of modern techniques and management,Result of foreign
trade,Disadvantages of Multinational Corporations, Globalisation, Liberalisation,
WTO,Positive Impact of Globalisation in India,Negative Impacts of Globalisation in
India, The struggle for fair globalisation

How do organisms reproduce - Nationalism in India: Effect of First World War on the Indian National Struggle,
Gandhian Philosophy, -a. Champaran Satyagraha, b. Satyagraha at Kheda District, c.
Introduction, Significance of
Ahmedabad Mill Workers Strike, The Rowlatt Act,Rowlatt Satyagraha to Non
Carbon and its compounds - Covalent Reproduction, Types of Cooperation Movement, Non Cooperation Movement, Meaning of Swaraj for different
bonding , necessary conditions for reproduction, social groups,he Swaraj Party,The radicals, British reaction after the non cooperation
Optics : Refraction of Light Glimpses of India
covalent bond , classification of Asexual reproduction (i) Fission (ii) movement, The Simon Commission, Lahore Session - December 1929, Why was salt Paper Folding &
(Fermat's principle of least time, Refraction of light - (Part-I,II &III),
Minor test 9 covalent bond , formation of covalent Budding, (iii) Regeneration (iv) Quadratic Equations used as an effective symbol to resist Colonialism, The Salt March and the CDM, How Paper
9 07/10/2020 phenomenon, basic terms, Snell's law & other laws, The Necklace,
(Objective) compounds , characteristics of Fragmentation (v) Spore formation (Complete) participants saw the movement-a. Rich peasants, b. Poor peasants, c. Business Class, d. Cutting,Mirror &
Absolute & relative refractive index, Refraction Int. Gr Ex (Gap Industrial Workers, e. Participation of women, What were the limitations of the CDM-a. Water Images
covalent compounds , allotropes of (vi) Vegetative propagation (A)
through glass slab, Apparent depth) Filling) Untouchables or Dalits, b. Muslim Political Organisations, How did the feeling of
carbon - diamond , graphite , Natural vegetative propagation(B)
nationalism or a collective belonging develop among different communities, Positive
fullerene Artificial vegetative
and negative aspects of the national struggle
propagation,advantages of asexual Political Parties - Revision
[Academic Session : 2020 - 21]


Test Test Type Test Date Mental
No. Physics Chemistry Biology Maths English SST
Manufacturing Industries : Manufacturing, Importance of manufacturing, Contribution
of agriculture to industry, Contribution of industry to agriculture, Contribution of
How do organisms reproduce - industry to the National Economy, Factors which influence the location of industries,
Agglomeration of Economies, Industrial Location, Classification of the industry-a. On
Sexual reproduction,Difference
the basis of capital investment, b. On the basis of weight of raw materials and finished
Carbon and its compounds - Versatile between asexual and sexual goods, c. On the basis of ownership, d. On the basis of source of raw material, e.
nature of carbon, vital force theory, reproduction,Sexual reproduction in According to their main role, Agro Based industries- a. Textile industry, b. Cotton
The Trees,
Optics : Refraction of Light Saturated and unsaturated flowering textiles, Factors responsible for the high concentration of cotton mills in Maharashtra
The Hack Driver, Alphabet Test ,
Minor test 10 (Lens - types, basic terms, rules to obtain images in compounds , lewis dot structure of of plants,Pollination,Fertilization in Cordinate Geometry and Gujarat, Problems of Indian Cotton Textile Industry, Jute Industry, Sugar Industry,
10 21/10/2020 Int. Gr. Ex Alpha-Numeric
(Objective) spherical lenses, image formation by convex lens, organic compounds , general formula plants,Post fertilization changes in (Complete) Mineral based industries-a. Iron and Steel Industry, b. Aluminium Smelting, c. Chemicals
(Reported Speech industry, d. Fertiliser Industry, e. Cement Industry, f. Automobile Industry, IT and Sequence Puzzle
image formation by concave lens, uses) of alkane, alkene & alkyne, flower,Human reproductive
Gap Filling) Electronic Industry, Industrial pollution and environmental degradation, NTPC
Chains,branches, rings , homologous system(Secondary sexual characters
Life lines of National Economy: Importance of means of transport and communication,
series, functional groups in male and female) , Male
Means of transport,Roadways, Classification of roads according to their capacity,
reproductive system,Female Classification of roads on the basis of type of material,Railways,Pipelines, Waterways,
reproductive system,Reproductive Major Sea Ports of India, Airways, Communication, Indian Postal System,
health Telecommunication, International Trade, Tourism,

Outcomes of Democracy: How do we assess democracy's outcomes ? A.

Democratic countries differ from each other, b. Accountable, responsive and
legitimate government, Economic growth and development, Economic
Heredity and Evolution-
Optics : Refraction of Light outcome of democracy,Reduction of inequality and poverty, Accommodation
Introduction, Gregor Johann Mijbil the Ottter,
(Sign conventions for lens, Lens formula, Carbon and its compounds - Arithmetic Progression of social diversity, Dignity and freedom of citizens,
Mendel,Mendelian experiment, Fog,
Minor test 11 magnification, power of lens) Homologous series, functional (Complete) Challenges to Democracy: Thinking about challenges, Major challenges, Direction Sense
11 04/11/2020 Advantages of pisum sativum, Pair of Int. Gr. Ex (
(Objective) Human Eye & The Colourful World (Human eye - groups, Nomenclature of organic Construction Thinking about Political Reforms, Redefining Democracy Test
allelic characters found in garden Omission, Jumbled
components, structure, working, roles of various compounds - Trivial + IUPAC (Complete) Consumer Rights: Consumer, Major factors responsible for the exploitation of
pea plant, Monohybrid cross, Sentences)
parts of eye) the consumer, Need for rules and regulations to save the consumer, Consumer
Dihybrid cross, Laws of inheritance,
Movements, Rights of the Consumer, COPRA,Standardisation,Duties of a well
informed consumer

Heredity and evolution- Sex

determination, Evolution ,Carolus
Carbon and its compounds -Chemical
Darwinism,Origin of life on Earth ,
Human Eye & The Colourful World : (Power of properties of organic compounds - Madam Rides the
Variation , Genetic drift, Species and
Minor test 12 accommodation, Near & far point, Importance of two combustion , oxidation ,addition , Circles Bus,
12 18/11/2020 Speciation,Evolution and Nationalism in India : - Revision Blood Relation
(Objective) eyes, How we see colours, Colour blindness, Cataract, substitution Ethanol - properties and (Complete) Int. Gr. Ex. (News
classification,Tracing evolutionary
Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia, Dispersion of uses, Ethanoic acid-properties and Headlines, Editing)
white light by a prism/glass slab) uses, soaps and detergents
1. Homologous organ,2. Analogous
organ, Fossil, Evolution by stages,
Human evolution

Our Environment:
Introduction,Ecosystem, Food chain The Tale of Custard
,Food web , How do our activities the Dragon,
Human Eye & The Colourful World : (Newton's setup
Periodic classification of Elements - affect the environment,Solid waste The Sermon at Spotting Out the
of two prisms to get back white light, Rainbow Area related to circle
Minor test 13 Introduction , Dobereiner's Triads , and their disposal,Biodegradable Benares, Embedded
13 02/12/2020 formation , Atmospheric refraction & related (Complete) Nationalism in Europe - Revision
(Objective) Newland's Law of Octaves, and non biodegradable Bholi, Figure ,Dice &
phenomena, Scattering of light & related phenomena
Mendeleev's Periodic Table waste,Modes of waste Int. Gr. Ex (Gap Cubes
disposal(Landfills,Recycling of Filling, Jumbled up
wastes,Preparation of Sentences)
compost),Depletion of ozone layer,
[Academic Session : 2020 - 21]


Test Test Type Test Date Mental
No. Physics Chemistry Biology Maths English SST

Management of Natural Resources:

Introduction , Conservation , 3R
Formula for conservation, Why do For Anne Gregory, Figure Matrix,
Periodic classification of elements - we need to manage our resources, The Proposal, Figure
Modern Periodic Law,Modern Forest and wild life , Stake holders, The Book That Formation,Const
Minor test 14 Electricity, Magnetic effect of electric current Political Parties, Consumer Rights,
14 16/12/2020 Periodic Table,Trends in Sustainable management and Surface areas and Volumes Saved the Earth, ruction of
(Objective) (Complete) Manufacturing Industries - Revision
valency,atomic size,metallic and non- development, Chipko and appiko (Complete) Int. Gr. Ex.(Gap squares &
metallic character,nature of oxides movement ,Water for all, Filling, Reported Grouping of
Dams,Water harvesting,Khadin Speech Gap Filling) Identical Figures
water harvesting system, Coal and

Minor test 15
15 30/12/2020 Full Syllabus Full Syllabus Full Syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full Syllabus
[Academic Session : 2020 - 21]

Major Test
Test Type Test Date Subject Syllabus (CLASS - 10)

Major Test - 1 SUBJECTIVE MATHS Full Syllabus

Major Test - 2 SUBJECTIVE SCIENCE Full Syllabus

Major Test - 3 SUBJECTIVE ENGLISH Full Syllabus

Major Test - 4 SUBJECTIVE SST Full Syllabus

Major Test - 5 SUBJECTIVE MATHS Full Syllabus

Major Test - 6 SUBJECTIVE SCIENCE Full Syllabus

Major Test - 7 SUBJECTIVE ENGLISH Full Syllabus

Major Test - 8 SUBJECTIVE SST Full Syllabus

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