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Fake Pandemic Re-Run: 

Similarities Between 1976 

Swine Flu and 2020 COVID 
Published 3
​ weeks ago​ on ​August 11, 2020 
By M
​ akia Freeman 

● THE STORY:​It is always worth studying history closely for clues 

and patterns to help decipher current events. The 1976 swine flu 
pandemic follows a very similar pattern to the 2020 COVID 
● THE IMPLICATIONS:​If authorities like the USG and its CDC pulled 
off a similar scam before, why would we trust them now? What can 
the 1976 swine flu scam teach us about the engineered 
coronavirus crisis? 

Fake Pandemic Re-Run: there are marked similarities between the 1976 
swine flu and the 2020 COVID scamdemics. 

The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic 

is interesting to look back upon now in the light of Operation Coronavirus. 

There has been a series of pandemics in recent history (take the last 100 
years) with very similar blueprints, patterns and agendas to the 
manufactured COVID crisis. With the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, for instance, 
there is credible evidence that it was not caused by a “Spanish” strain of 
the flu, but rather by ​vaccinated American soldiers​ coming from a military 
base in Kansas, and/or increases in the Earth’s electrification as laid out by 
Arthur Firstenberg. As briefly touched upon in ​previous articles​, German 
virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka exposed the 2005 H5N1 bird flu “pandemic” 
which resulted in under 300 deaths worldwide, despite “​ David Nabarro, the 
newly appointed Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and 
Human Influenza, [warning] the world that an outbreak of avian influenza 
could kill 5 to 150 million people”​ according to ​Wikipedia​. Let’s take a closer 
look at the 1976 swine flu pandemic and the staggering parallels between it 
and the current coronavirus scamdemic. 

1976 Swine Flu Scared People into Getting a Vaccine for No Good Reason 

Bill Gates has publicly signaled the endgame of the scamdemic – a ​COVID 
vaccine​. We know it’s coming. Gates even recently admitted in a M
​ SM 
interview​ (around the 12:00 minute mark) that ​“we don’t know if these 
vaccines will work.”​ Has there ever been a good reason to take a vaccine? 
This 6
​ 0 Minutes clip​ exposes the horrific fallout from the ​1976 swine flu 
vaccine​. Interestingly, at around the 4:00 minute mark, the report talks of 
how the mysterious swine flu first emerged at a military base in Fort Dix, 
New Jersey … leading me to wonder: were US soldiers the victim of some 
kind of experimentation, just as they were in 1918 and probably countless 
other times? Were they chosen as the means by which to bring this new 
“pandemic” into the world, to meet the agendas of Big Pharma profits, 
governmental control and depopulation? The 60 Minutes report further 
reveals how the CDC rolled out the swine flu vaccine on the American 
people at a time where there were o
​ nly reported but no confirmed cases 
(worldwide) and how they used deception on the consent form (stating 
they had tested the vaccine but refusing to reveal they tested a different 
vaccine than the one being administered). The CDC also didn’t disclose the 
true possible effects of the vaccine – neurological disorders like 
Guillain-Barré syndrome​ (similar to paralysis), which afflicted the woman 
featured at the start of the clip. 

This article ​The Great 1976 Swine-Flu Caper​ by Pastor Sheldon Emry is 
incredibly revealing given what has been happening with COVID (the linked 
article is a little hard to read however if you can find the original print as I 
have, you will see it contains newspaper clippings to back up what Emry 
states. The newspaper excerpts show how the mass media was actively 
and shamelessly collaborating to hype the fear and sell the vaccine): 

“Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, a noted Australian physician with extensive 

experience with flu vaccines in Australia, told an audience of doctors in Los 
Angeles in September of 1976 that the U.S. Government’s swine flu 
immunization program was ​“A plan for mass murder.” D
​ r. Kalokerinos had 
written a book on his findings in Australia that flu vaccine was killing half the 
babies in his district! … Dr. J. Anthony Morris, the government’s most 
experienced flu researcher has said, “​ The swine flu is not contagious and is 
not a killer.” ​He warned that the vaccine could induce greater diseases and, 
“We can predict that more and more tragedies related to the vaccine will 
come to light.” ​He called the inoculation program a “​ potential virological 
nightmare.”​ When Dr. Morris released a public warning to the Washington, 
D.C. newspapers in July, 1976, government agents entered his laboratory, 
killed all animals he used in vaccine research, destroyed the vaccine 
research records of him and his staff and fired him! The government then 
went ahead with the mass inoculation program, lying to the American people 
and saying there was ​“No evidence the vaccine was dangerous.” 

The evidence that the “swine flu epidemic” was a total hoax, and that the 
vaccine itself not only is useless but actually infects people with other 
disease, is so overwhelming at this point that we can arrive at no other 
AND LIVES OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS … Dr. J. Anthony Morris, 25 years 
of experience testing long-range effects of vaccines for the U.S. Bureau of 
Biologics: ​“The people who initiated the program used a man-made virus to 
produce the vaccine. We don’t know ANYTHING about it – yet they 
indiscriminately began pumping this POTENTIAL VIROLOGICAL 
NIGHTMARE already into the arms of 40 million innocent Americans. We’re 
already seeing examples of what tragic things can happen as a result.”​ … 
Dr. Ernest C. Herrman, Jr., professor of microbiology at the University of 
Illinois: “​ We have a vaccine which NO ONE CAN BACK UP AS SAFE.” ​Dr. 
Herrman, speaking of U.S. officials in H.E.W.: ​“They’ve lied from the 
beginning because they said it’s effective and they have no evidence of 
that. None of the people (in the tests) were ever infected by influenza virus 
– so they never proved its effectiveness.”​ Dr. Hubert Ratner, a Chicago area 
health official for 25 years: ​“The vaccine isn’t any good … The CDC knows it, 
and we know it.” 
Dr. Cyril Wecht, chief medical examiner, Allegheny County, Pa., who 
performed autopsies on 3 victims: “​The government is doing everything 
possible to make sure there are some cases labeled swine flu to justify 
their massive immunization program and the catastrophe associated with 
it.”​ … Dr. Archie Kalokernios, Australian physician who wrote a book on how 
mass immunization programs in Australia killed one-half of the Aborigine 
babies: “​Immunization can cause sudden death. They say the serum [the 
swine vaccine] has been tested. I say that is bunk and my beliefs are 
backed by companies making the drug who refuse to sell it unless the 
government insulates them against death and damage claims.” ​Dr. 
Kalokerinos further stated that every undernourished or ill person would be 
especially susceptible to injury or death from the vaccine, and said 
inoculating individuals without a prior physical examination made the 
program ​“a plan for mass murder.”​ (As readers know, it was exactly the old 
and the ill who were urged to get the shots by government and news media!) 
Congressman Larry McDonald (D.-Ga.), who is a doctor: ​’’Certain elements 
are trying to make this thing look like we’re in imminent danger, when the 
truth is that no proof of swine flu being passed from person to person 
exists”​ (i.e., it is NOT contagious!).” 

Key Similarities Between the 1976 Swine Flu and the 2020 COVID 

The 1976 swine flu “pandemic” had many of the elements of the COVID 
“pandemic”, including: 

– reports that a new strange virus has emerged which crossed species 
from animal to human (despite doctors such as Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. 
Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Andrew Cowan stating there is no evidence that a 
virus can cross species like this); 

– cases dubiously labeled as swine flu without much evidence; 

– mass media amplification and fearmongering regarding the severity of 

the “problem”; 

– the CDC (basically a giant vaccine company as Robert Kennedy Jr. put it) 
behind the rollout and promotion of the vaccine; 

– reports of a shortage of vaccines as a slick marketing technique to 

project an image of artificial scarcity in the hopes of raising economic 
demand (‘you better get it while stocks last’). 

All in all, around 46 million Americans took the vaccine (in a population 
then of around 218 million), which was about 21% of the entire nation. 
According to the aforementioned 60 Minutes report, there were at least 
4,000 injuries reported which were awarded $3.5 billion of damages (​$16.2 
billion in US dollars in 2020​). Of these 4,000 injuries, 2/3 were severe 
neurological damage or death. 

Yale Study Analyzes How to Persuade, Shame and Trick Americans into 
Taking COVID Vaccine 

The Yale study ​COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging, Part 1​ started last month in 
July took the task of discovering which messaging would be most effective 
in convincing tricking people into taking the upcoming COVID vaccine. 4000 
participants were divided into 15 groups, with 2/15 receiving the control 
group message (random info about bird feeding), 3/15 receiving a baseline 
vaccine message (the propaganda line that vaccines are ‘safe and 
effective’) and the other 10/15 (which is 2/3) receiving 10 different 
pro-vaccine messages, each one using a different method of persuasion to 
motivate people. 


In other words, they are testing 10 different manipulation methods, ranging 

from guilt to embarrassment to trust in science, to see what effectively 
motivates people the most to capitulate to the Gates-Rockefeller led 
vaccine agenda. The results have not yet been published. Look at the chart 
above. Ask yourself: are you susceptible to any of these lines of 
persuasion? Are you insecure about your knowledge of the vaccine issue or 
your courage? Rest assured, you and everyone you know will be 
psychologically targeted to take the COVID vaccine, so if you have any 
mental weak points, now is the time to look within and be aware of them, 
so this propaganda won’t work on you. 

Final Thoughts 

The stunning parallels between the 1976 swine flu pandemic and the 2020 
COVID pandemic show not only that history repeats itself, but also that the 
NWO (New World Order) controllers have had a long long time to perfect 
the art of launching a manufactured crisis to bring about a desired result. In 
the age of supercomputers, the NWO conspirators can easily use previous 
“pandemics” to gather data, see what worked, plug all that data into their 
supercomputers and run simulations to prepare for their next grand 
exercise – exactly what we have been living through since the start of the 
year. Ever since the NCVIA (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) in 1986 
in the US, Big Pharma vaccine makers have legal immunity for their 
vaccines, and thus no incentive to make a safe product. However, that is 
assuming there even is such a thing as a “safe vaccine.” Many vaccine 
experts such as Dr. Judy Mikovits have said there is no such thing since 
even if you removed the ​carcinogenic and toxic adjuvants​, you would still 
be injecting foreign immortalized cells and weakened viruses straight into 
your bloodstream, which bypasses the protection of your digestive 
microbiome and shocks the body. Russian President Putin just announced 
the world’s first COVID vaccine. As we come towards the end of 2020 and 
the start of 2021, we must be prepared for the endgame of this sinister 
agenda and be prepared to stand in our unalienable natural rights to ​bodily 
autonomy​ and m
​ edical sovereignty​, because it won’t be long until we will 
need to stand up to defend them. 

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