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4, DECEMBER 2015

Virtual Synchronous Control for Grid-Connected

DFIG-Based Wind Turbines
Shuo Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Jiabing Hu, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Xiaoming Yuan, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents a virtual synchronous Rs , Rr Stator and rotor resistances.
control (VSynC) for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)- Ls , Lr Stator and rotor self-inductances.
based wind turbines (WTs) to provide inertia contribution
in particular when integrated into weak ac grid with low
Lm Mutual inductance.
short-circuit ratio (SCR). Different from the traditional vector ωbase Angular frequency base value.
control (VC) based on the widely used phase-locked loop ω, ω1 , ω0 Inner potential, grid voltage, and rated
synchronizing technique, VSynC is capable of synchronizing angular frequencies in per unit.
DFIG with grid directly through the active power control. Ur , θr Magnitude and phase angle of rotor excitation
Damping control and current limitation are also designed to
improve the stability and dynamic response of DFIG-based WT.
Eigenvalue analysis shows that the VSynC-based DFIG displays
pronounced superiority in stability to the typical VC based I. I NTRODUCTION
when connected to low-SCR ac grid. In such case, the power
transfer capability of VSynC-based DFIG is not limited, which
means the maximum theoretical power viz., 1 pu, can be
achieved even when SCR is decreased to 1. By contrast, the
W IND power will become an important power supply in
China in the near future. By the example of the Jiuquan
Wind Power Base in Gansu province, the installed wind
maximum transmittable power of VC-based DFIG is highly
restricted. Moreover, VSynC makes DFIG naturally provide the capacity passed 10 GW by the end of 2014, which is expected
desired inertial response, and as a result enhances the grid to reach 30 GW by 2020. However, most of the wind farms are
frequency stability. Comparative study between the VSynC and located ∼1000-km away from the strong grid (Gansu power
the typical inertia control based on VC is also performed, grid), which leads to the weak-grid integration of large-scale
and simulated results demonstrate the superior inertial response
of VSynC-based DFIG attached to weak ac grid. wind turbines (WTs). Such high penetration of wind power
integrated into weak grid has presented multiple challenges to
Index Terms— Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), inertial
response, phase-locked loop (PLL), short-circuit ratio (SCR), the secure and a stable operation of power grid [1], [2]. One
stability, synchronization, virtual synchronous control (VSynC), of the prominent concerns regarding to the continuously rapid
weak grid, wind turbine (WT). growth in penetration of wind power is its potential threat to
N OMENCLATURE future grid frequency stability, due to the irresponsibility of
the installed WTs for disturbances on electromechanical time
ESG , Es Inner potential vectors of synchronous
scale, i.e., large load fluctuations or generating unit losses,
generator and doubly fed induction
occurring frequently in power grid [2].
generator (DFIG).
The effect of high penetration of renewable generation
δsg , δdfig Power angles of SG and DFIG.
on system security, especially the frequency stability, is
Tm , Te Mechanical and electromagnetic torques.
not unique in China. In 2009, EirGrid and SONI initi-
Ut , Us Vectors of terminal and infinite-bus voltages.
ated a suite of studies entitled the facilitation of renew-
Is , Ir Stator and rotor current vectors.
ables, which is designed to examine the technical chal-
Ψ s, Ψ r Stator and rotor flux linkage vectors.
lenges with integrating significant volumes of wind farms
Manuscript received November 30, 2014; revised February 3, 2015; into the power system of Ireland and Northern Ireland. A
accepted March 9, 2015. Date of publication April 8, 2015; date of current significant finding of the studies indicates that the integrity
version October 29, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National
Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China under Grant 2012CB215100, of the system following a frequency event is potentially
in part by the National Natural Science of China for Excellent Young compromised at instantaneously high penetrations of wind.
Scholars under Grant 51322704, in part by the Major Program of National The studies determine that the Transmission System Oper-
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51190104, and in part by
the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University through the ators can securely manage the system provided that the
Ministry of Education, China, under Grant NCET-12-0221. Recommended system nonsynchronous penetration level in real-time oper-
for publication by Associate Editor Riming Shao. ations remains <50%, due to the potentially falling of the
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic
Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, average level of system inertia with increasing wind pene-
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China tration [3]. The prediction for the 2030 GB generation mix
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). shows that renewable generation, particularly the wind, has the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at most significant increase reaching 70.9 GW, driven by the U.K.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2418200 government targets for renewable generation and greenhouse
2168-6777 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

gas emissions. A decrease in system inertia caused by large- The other category of methods can be uniformly
scale integration of nonsynchronous generation would lead to summarized as the virtual synchronization. The concept of
increasing dynamic frequency response requirements to ensure virtual synchronous generator (VSG) to add virtual rotational
system security [4], [5]. In addition, the results of studies that inertia to the nonsynchronous generators, i.e., wind power,
were specially designed to investigate the frequency responses photovoltaic, and so on, is proposed and put into practice in the
of Western and Eastern Interconnections in the U.S. due European project VSYNC. The virtual inertia can be attained
to large-loss-generation events, under possible future system for any nonsynchronous generator by directly adding a
conditions with high levels of wind generation are reported short-term energy storage to it, combined with a suitable
in [6] and [7]. The results show the responsiveness of wind control mechanism for its power electronic interface to the
generation can improve the frequency response of grid. grid. In this way, the generator can operate like a VSG,
In short, the capability of dynamic frequency support exhibiting some of the desired properties of SGs for
of wind power is urgently required in the near future to short-time intervals and contributing to the stabilization of
ensure that the system frequency stability is not compromised. the grid frequency [23]–[26]. In addition, to overcome the
In addition, the contributed inertia from wind power can difficulties associated with the PLL synchronizing technique
further enhance the wind power permeability into grid. for VSCs connected to weak ac grid, there is considerable
As far as we know, there are two major categories of tendency toward developing new control techniques to mimic
methods in the literature to implement the dynamic frequency the dynamic behavior of SGs due to the favorable performance
support of wind power. One category can be considered as of SGs in weak grid, which eliminates the need of PLL.
some modifications based on the typical vector control (VC) In [17], a control method without utilizing PLL is proposed
with the widely used phase-locked loop (PLL) synchronizing for HVdc system to maintain the stability when connected
technique. For instance, in [8]–[13], some techniques, which to weak ac grid, and also realize the black start for the
are uniformly abbreviated as df / dt control here, are proposed restoration of power supply. Yuan et al. [18] propose a
to let WTs emulate inertia by providing an additional signal voltage-source control method making full-capacity
associated with the detected grid frequency differential signal WT generator synchronize with grid relying on its
to the torque or power reference to be tracked. However, PLL, inner frequency produced by power imbalance, instead
which has since long been believed to be the precondition of the conventional current source control based on PLL.
for any grid-connected voltage-source converter (VSC), might Zhang et al. [27] propose the so-called power synchronization
have negative impacts on system stability. From [14], it can control, which also makes a VSC terminal achieve an
be concluded that the increased PLL gains deteriorate the inherent synchronization with grid. Zhong and Weiss [28]
system stability. Hernefors et al. [15] suggests the bandwidth develop the idea of operating an inverter as an SG called static
(BW) of PLLbe not larger than necessary. Furthermore, PLL synchronous generator by establishing a model of SG to cover
technique makes the stable operation of the installed WTs all dynamics without any assumptions on the signals. The
rely on strong grid to some extent. When large-scale WTs studies listed above are all aimed at the grid-connected VSCs.
are located in weak grid, power fluctuations may lead to an However, there are no available reports about DFIG-based
increase in magnitude and frequency variations in the grid WTs controlled with the concept of virtual synchronization to
voltage, which may adversely affect the performance of PLL mimic the behavior of SG, and thus to provide the dynamic
and the control system thereof [16]–[18]. According to [19], frequency support capability. This paper will present a virtual
the developed model behavior demonstrates that as short- synchronous control (VSynC) method for DFIG-based WTs
circuit ratio (SCR) of the attached ac system is reduced, the with reference to the well-known synchronization mechanism
resonances and nonlinearity due to the PLL and the ac filter featured in SGs. The proposed VSynC makes DFIG-based
behavior become more prominent, and potentially make the WTs realize an inherent synchronization with grid, and more
VSC more difficult to control. As a result, the maximum importantly, provide the desired inertial response naturally,
transmittable active power reduces with the decreasing SCR, which is the other contribution of this paper.
down to 0.4 pu under the condition of SCR = 1. Meanwhile, The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
the so-called frequency positive feedback in the converter In Section II, the principle and the implementation of VSynC
system using the PLL technique under weak grid or islanding for DFIG-based WT are illustrated. Section III presents
conditions is reported in [20]–[22]. Nevertheless, to the best of the controller design and stability analysis with comparative
our knowledge, few, if any available, reports exist on reflecting studies between the proposed VSynC and the typical VC.
the problems about the stability of DFIG-based WT with In Section IV, the superior stability and dynamic frequency
the typical PLL-based VC and its limited power transfer support capability of VSynC-based DFIG when connected to
capability when connected to very weak ac system, which, as weak ac system are verified by simulation studies. Finally, the
a matter of fact, would be largely influenced by the dynamic conclusions are drawn in Section V.
behavior of PLL. Furthermore, there are also no open reports
about the corresponding response performance of VC-based II. V IRTUAL S YNCHRONOUS C ONTROL FOR DFIG
DFIG with the typical inertia control aforementioned,
i.e., df / dt control, when accessing a very weak ac system. A. Principle
These above-mentioned problems will constitute one of the To provide a better understanding of the proposed VSynC
main contributions in this paper. for DFIG-based WTs, this section first briefly summarizes the

Fig. 2. Comparative responses of DFIG’s stator inner potential between

proposed (b) VSynC and (a) PLL-based synchronization methods.

by means of a virtual swing equation as

Fig. 1. Vector diagram of DFIG in the stator stationary reference frame Peref − Pemeas = T j (2)
under supersynchronous condition. dt
where Peref is the reference value of active power produced by
synchronization mechanism featured in SGs. In an SG, the the outer speed controller and Pemeas represents the total output
inner potential vector is tightly connected to the rotor position. active power from both DFIG’s stator and rotor. In addition,
Furthermore, the rotor dynamics are mainly determined T j represents the inherent inertia constant, and the role is
by the interactions between mechanical and electromagnetic similar to the inertia constant of SG, represented by H in
torques, which can be described by the well-known swing general. The typical inertia constants for SGs of the large
equation in generator mode as conventional power plants are in the range of 2–9 s, and
J dω the physical inertia constant of the modern large WT is
Tm − Te = (1) more or less equal to the average of the conventional power
p dt
plants [29]. In this paper, the inertia constant T j is taken as 10,
where p represents the pole pairs, ω is the electrical angular which means to mimic the inertial response behavior of
velocity, and also the angular frequency of the inner potential, SG with H = 5 s.
Tm and Te are the mechanical input and electromagnetic According to the idea aforementioned, the slip
output torques, respectively. As a result, once SG is out of frequency ωslip can be obtained by the difference between
sync with grid during a transient, e.g., large load variations ω and ωr , and the phase angle of the rotor excitation voltage,
or generating unit losses occurring in grid, the resulting represented by θr , is further generated by the integral of the
unbalanced torque applied on SG will automatically regulate slip frequency as
the inner frequency ω until synchronization is achieved again.  
The kinetic energy released due to the speed regulation will θr = (ω − ωr )dt = ωslip dt (3)
undoubtedly provide temporary power support during the
synchronization process. where ωr is the electrical angular velocity of DFIG’s rotor.
On the other hand, with regard to the WT driven DFIG, To provide comparisons between the proposed VSynC and
Fig. 1 shows the vector diagram in the stator stationary the typical PLL-based VC, the dynamic characteristics on
reference frame under supersynchronous condition. The electromechanical time scale of the inner potential contained
generator convention is adopted in the stator, while motor in WTs under the two methods are illustrated briefly through
convention in the rotor. In Fig. 1, Es , which is defined as the vector diagrams, as shown in Fig. 2.
Es = j (L m /L r )Ψ r , represents the inner potential of DFIG’s As shown in Fig. 2(a), the dpll represents the rotating d-axis
stator and the magnitude of Es depends on that of the rotor determined by the phase angle output from the PLL, which
flux Ψ r . The d-axis of the defined synchronous rotating overlaps with the rotating space vector of grid voltage, Ut , at
reference frame is chosen to be aligned with the stator terminal steady state. The power angle, δdfig , is only determined by the
voltage vector Ut , and δdfig is defined as power angle, which control system. As a consequence, the position of WT’s inner
is the electrical angle separating the two vectors Es and Ut . potential, Es , is synthetically determined by both the active
Because the inner potential Es is always orthogonal to Ψ r , power control loop and the PLL. The other variables with
the angular frequency of Es , represented by ω to distinguish the superscript apostrophe are used to represent those after
from the grid frequency ω1 , equals to that of Ψ r . While the disturbance. When disturbance, e.g., sudden load increase,
angular velocity of rotor flux Ψ r can be manipulated by the occurs in power grid, PLL will capture the change of phase
adjustment of the rotor excitation voltage, Ur , determined by angle and quickly trace the grid voltage vector. The inner
the rotor-side converter (RSC) control. potential also changes rapidly to E s based on the phase
As a result, the rotational angular velocity of the rotor reference provided by PLL. As a result, the power angle
excitation voltage Ur can be regulated automatically when almost has no change viz., δ  dfig ≈ δdfig . In short, the fast
unbalanced power applied on DFIG occurs, which can mean- and precise response of PLL almost keeps the inner potential
while achieve the goal for regulating the inner frequency ω of of WTs, Es , in sync with power grid all the time, which makes
Es as mentioned above. Therefore, ω can be directly produced WTs almost immune to disturbances, and consequently behave

Fig. 3. Diagram of active power control.

Fig. 4. Diagram of alternating-voltage control.

Fig. 5. Schematic of the proposed VSynC for DFIG-based WTs.

as a constant-power source with voltage amplitude variation

is required, the amplitude of rotor excitation voltage can also
be produced directly by the reactive power controller. As a
By contrast, the inner potential based on the proposed
result, the required three-phase rotor excitation voltage can
VSynC independently synchronizes with the power grid via
be directly synthesized from the generated phase angle and
the active power control on the basis of the power imbalance.
amplitude. The rotor excitation voltage vector Urabc in rotor
As shown in Fig. 2(b), once disturbance occurs in power grid,
rotating reference frame can be given by
which immediately causes an increase of power angle viz.,
δ  dfig > δdfig , due to the independent frequency of inner 2 
Ura + e j 3 π Urb + e j 3 π Urc
2 4
Urabc = (4)
potential Es , DFIG accordingly increases its output power to 3
support the power shortage. Meanwhile, the power imbalance where
gradually causes the regulation of the angular frequency of
the rotor excitation voltage by the active power control shown Ura = Ur cos(θr )
in (2) and (3), and further influences the inner potential Urb = Ur cos(θr − 2π/3)
to synchronize DFIG with the power grid until reaching Urc = Ur cos(θr − 4π/3). (5)
equilibrium again. In this synchronization process, the rotor
speed is also regulated due to the resulting unbalanced torques 2) Supplementary Damping Control: It is clearly known
applied on DFIG, and the consequent release of the stored that oscillations will occur in the rotor speed of SG following
kinetic energy in the rotor results in an appreciable increase the disturbances on electromechanical time scale in power
in output power over the first few seconds, which makes a grid. These rotor oscillations give rise to the induced current
positive contribution to the short-term frequency stability of in field and damper windings, which produces the damping
power grid. torque in phase with the rotor speed especially in the damper
windings. The same principle also applies to DFIG when
adopting VSynC due to the resulting strong electromechanical
B. Implementation coupling characteristic of the inner potential, which makes
This section describes the basic control structure of DFIG-based WT actively respond to disturbances in power
VSynC for DFIG-based WT, including active power control, grid. However, there is no damper winding in DFIG and
alternating-voltage/reactive power control, supplementary resistances involved in both stator and rotor windings are
damping control, and current limitation control. very low. Therefore, supplementary damping control is
1) Active Power and Alternating-Voltage/Reactive Power necessitated to provide damping contribution to stabilize the
Controls: Active power control, as shown in Fig. 3, is the DFIG-based WT. The damping power is produced by
core control to ensure DFIG-based WT synchronize with the PD = D(ω − ω1 ) (6)
power grid without relying on PLL technique, which embodies
the main idea described by (2) and (3). The power imbalance where D is the damping coefficient, and ω1 is the measured
between the active power reference value and its actual output grid frequency. ω1 can also be the rated grid frequency,
causes the regulation of ω via a virtual inertia unit until represented by ω0 to distinguish it from grid frequency.
reaching a new equilibrium. The slip frequency ωslip is ω0 is used in this paper. PD represents the damping power.
obtained by the difference between ω and ωr . The phase angle 3) Current Limitation Control: In addition, a virtual resis-
of the rotor excitation voltage is then obtained from the direct tance is suggested to effectively suppress the current transients
integral of the produced slip frequency. due to the absence of inner current regulator. The control law
The amplitude of DFIG’s rotor excitation voltage can is given by
be directly produced by the alternating-voltage controller, ref
Urabc = Urabc − Rv Irabc (7)
as shown in Fig. 4, by referring to the excitation system
of SG. In particular, in the case of weak grid, it is of vital where Rv is the virtual resistance, Urabc is the generated
importance for WTs to operate in the alternating-voltage rotor excitation voltage by (4), and Urabc is the actual
control mode, which can provide the weak grid a certain excitation voltage fed by RSC in rotor rotating reference
degree of voltage support. While, if reactive power control frame. As a result, the entire control structure composed of

According to the main circuit shown in Fig. 6, there exist the

following relationships:
1 1
Isd = (E sq − Usq ), Isq = − (E sd − Usd ) (11)
Fig. 6. Main circuit diagram of DFIG connected to an infinite-bus ac system. X X
active power control, alternating-voltage control, supplemen-
tary damping control, and current limitation control is shown X  = x d + x g . (12)
in Fig. 5. Grid-side converter (GSC) control is still adopting
Thus, a small-signal representation of (11) can be written as
the standard PLL-based method with typically cascaded con-
trol loops [30], which will be briefly explained in Sections III E sq E sd
Isd = , Isq = − . (13)
and IV. X X
The d–q components of rotor excitation voltage vector,
A. Controller Design
Urd = Ur cos θr , Urq = Ur sin θr . (14)
Modeling of DFIG with VSynC connected to an
infinite-bus ac system, as shown in Fig. 6, is built to study If the operating points are denoted with subscript 0, the
the influences of controller parameters and grid conditions on cosine and sine functions can be linearized as

system performance, and to further design the system Urd = Ur cos θr0 − Ur0 sin θr0 θr
controllers theoretically. A weak ac system is typically char- Urq = Ur sin θr0 + Ur0 cos θr0 θr .
acterized by the high impedance or low inertia. This section
focuses only on the high impedance, which is described by the Based on (13) and (15), the relationships of inner potential
SCR according to [31]. Note that the speed and pitch angle E sd and E sq versus the change of phase angle and
controls with relatively slow dynamics are not considered a magnitude of the rotor excitation voltage is obtained by
temporarily in this section. A reduced-order DFIG model is linearizing (9) as
first developed by considering the following conditions and
E sd = G Esd θr (s)θr + G Esd Ur (s)Ur
assumptions [32]. (16)
E sq = G Esq θr (s)θr + G Esq Ur (s)Ur
1) The generator convention is adopted in the stator, while
motor convention in the rotor. where
2) The rate of change of stator flux linkage, Ψ s is ωslip0 sin θr0 − (a − s) cos θr0
neglected. G Esd θr (s) = bUr0
(ωslip0 )2 + (a − s)2
3) The equations are derived in an ideally synchronous
ωslip0 cos θr0 + (a − s) sin θr0
reference frame at constant speed ω0 , d-axis of which G Esd Ur (s) = −b
aligns with the terminal voltage vector, Ut , at initial (ωslip0 )2 + (a − s)2
state. ωslip0 cos θr0 + (a − s) sin θr0
G Esq θr (s) = −bUr0
¸ The stator and rotor voltage equations for DFIG are given as (ωslip0)2 + (a − s)2
(a − s) cos θr0 − ωslip0 sin θr0
Ut = − j x d Is + Es (8) G Esq Ur (s) = b (17)
⎧ (ωslip0 )2 + (a − s)2
⎪d E sd 1

⎨ = −  E sd − x d −x d Isq + ωslip E sq − ωbase Urq and a, b, and X are defined as follows:
dt T0 Lr
⎪d E sq 1
Lm 1 X Lm

⎩ = −  E sq + x d −x d Isd − ωslip E sd + ωbase Urd a=− , b = −ωbase , X = xd + x g . (18)
dt T0 Lr 
T0 X  Lr
The output active power can be approximately obtained by
Pe = Re Es · I∗s ≈ Re Us · I∗s . (19)
Lm L2
Es = j Ψ r , x d = L s , x d = L s − m Thus, linearizing (19) yields
Lr Lr
 Lr Usd0 Usq0
T0 = (10) Pe ≈ E sq − E sd . (20)
(Rr + Rv )ωbase X X
Urd and Urq are the d–q components of the generated rotor In addition, due to the high impedance featured in weak
excitation voltage Urabc by (4). All the quantities except slip ac system, the terminal voltage Ut has high sensitivity to the
frequency ωslip and angular frequency base value ωbase are change of inner potential of DFIG. It is clear from Fig. 6 that
per-unit (pu) values. xg x d
Assume that the current injected into grid from GSC can be Ut = Es + Us (21)
neglected relative to the stator current, and meanwhile, ignore xg xg
the influence of GSC control so as to simplify the analysis. Ut d =  E sd , Ut q =  E sq . (22)

Fig. 7. Simplified small-signal mathematic model of VSynC-based DFIG

connected to ac system. Fig. 8. Closed-loop bode diagrams of the active power control loop
of DFIG with different damping coefficients.

Similarly, the polar form is expressed as

⎪ Ut d0 Ut q0

⎨Ut = Ut d + Ut q
Ut 0 Ut 0
U U (23)

⎪θt = t d0 Ut q − t q0 Ut d
⎩ 2
Ut 0 Ut20
Finally, by substituting (22) in (23), the relationships of
phase angle and a magnitude of the terminal voltage versus
the inner potential of DFIG can be written as

⎪ x g Ut d0 Ut q0
⎨Ut = X  U E sd + U E sq

 t0 t0 

⎪ x g U t d0 U t q0

⎩ θ t = E sq − E sd .
X  Ut20 Ut20
Fig. 9. Responses of DFIG’s active power with different damping coefficients
The simplified small-signal mathematic model of under the perturbation of a small phase step at the infinite source.
DFIG connected to a weak ac system is shown in Fig. 7,
where the k− parameters are defined as not mean that the virtual synchronization method itself makes
⎧ Usd0 Usq0
the appreciable inertial response characteristic appear, which

⎪ka = , kb = −  is actually just a replacement for the PLL synchronizing

⎪ X  X

⎨ technique due to the negative effects caused by PLL when
x g Ut d0 x g Ut q0
k1 =  2 , k2 = −  2 (25) accessing weak grid. The crucial factor determining whether

⎪ X Ut 0 X Ut 0

⎪ the VSynC-based DFIG WTs provide the appreciable inertia

⎩k3 = x g Ut q0 , k4 = x g Ut d0 . support is the dynamic response speed of the active power
X  Ut 0 X  Ut 0 control. Fast dynamic response of the active power control
As can be seen in Fig. 7, the stability of active power control makes DFIG-based WT achieve synchronization with power
and alternating-voltage control loops is affected synthetically grid very quickly when disturbance occurs, which means
by both of the controller parameters and grid conditions. that the synchronization process is similar to the rapid
In general, the terminal voltage of each individual WT is synchronization characteristic of PLL. As a consequence,
stabilized via relatively fast inner voltage control. Referring the inertial response capability is poor and not quite ideal.
to [11] and [33], the controller parameters in the WT-level Therefore, the relative slow dynamic response of the active
voltage regulator are designed as K p_ac = 0, K i_ac = 40, power control is the prerequisite for VSynC-based DFIG to
respectively, and the corresponding BW is at about a few hertz. provide the appreciable inertial response.
Therefore, the gains of the alternating-voltage controller in In this paper, the integration constant T j is taken as 10 to
the proposed VSynC method are selected as normal in order mimic the dynamic behavior of SG with inertia constant
to obtain similar dynamic response. The alternating-voltage H = 5 s, and the virtual resistance Rv is set as 1. Further-
controller parameters are set to K p_ac = 1 and K i_ac = 40, more, the coefficient D has great influence on the dynamic
respectively. The parameters of DFIG, GSC controllers, and response of active power control loop. Under the condition
transmission line are given in Appendix A. of DFIG operating at rated power level and SCR being 4,
Active power control loop is specially chosen as the Fig. 8 shows the closed-loop bode diagrams for DFIG with
major studied object here because of its important role in different values of D. It can be clearly seen that there appears
synchronization functionality and inertial response a big peak on the amplitude-frequency curve when D is set
performance for VSynC-based DFIG. However, it does as 60, which dedicates an apparent oscillatory behavior with

Fig. 10. Closed-loop bode diagrams of the active power control loop of
DFIG under different ac-system SCR values.
Fig. 12. Changes of network dominant eigenvalues for VSynC-based
DFIG with different ac-system SCR and damping coefficients.

B. Stability Analysis
This section is to validate the results obtained from the
bode diagrams aforementioned through eigenvalues analysis
and also the comparative studies between the proposed VSynC
and the typical VC are performed for DFIG connected to
low-SCR ac system.
First, two cases of VSynC-based DFIG operating at rated
power level with different damping coefficient values are
studied. Relative to the base case (Case 1), where the damping
coefficient D is taken as 60, Case 2 increases the damping
coefficient to 100 with all the other parameters unchanged.
Fig. 12 shows the changes of system dominant eigenvalues
in black and red, which are depicted as Case 1 and Case 2,
Fig. 11. Closed-loop bode diagrams of the alternating-voltage control loop respectively. It can be clearly seen that the system dominant
of DFIG under different ac-system SCR values. eigenvalue pair in Case 1 gradually moves to left as the
ac-system SCR decreases from 4 to 1, which means stronger
weak damp. With the increase of damping coefficient, the peak damping and a more stable system. Fig. 12 also displays that
drops and the corresponding phase margin (at −3 dB roll-off the dominant eigenvalue pairs in red shift left compared with
point) increases gradually, which means the stability is the black ones in Case 1, which indicates that the stability
improved. In addition, the increase of coefficient D of DFIG system can be improved obviously when increasing
makes the BW of the active power control loop reduced the damping coefficient suitably. When SCR decreases to 1,
from 1.14 (D = 60) to 0.785 Hz (D = 150). Fig. 9 gives the the dominant eigenvalue pair in Case 2 finally moves
corresponding DFIG active power responses with different on the negative real axis, which means no oscillations in this
damping coefficients under the perturbation of a small phase dominant mode occurs the following perturbations in grid.
step at the infinite source, which is consistent with the results In theory, under some assumptions, the SCR value imposes
obtained from the bode diagram in Fig. 8. a theoretical limitation on the maximum power that DFIG can
In addition, the influences of ac-system SCR on stability inject into the ac system due to the following relationship [34]:
of active power control and alternating-voltage control loops
Pe ≈ SCR · sin δ ≤ SCR (26)
are also evaluated through bode diagrams. By taking the
condition of D = 80 as an example, Fig. 10 indicates that where Pe represents the output power in pu, and δ is defined
DFIG with VSynC clearly presents enhanced stability as the as the load angle between Ut and Us . In other words, for
ac system weakens and accordingly the BW of the active DFIG connected to a very low SCR system, e.g., SCR = 1, the
power control is reduced to 0.786 Hz under the SCR = 1.2. maximum transmittable power is Pe = 1 pu. Therefore, it is
Furthermore, the influence of lower ac-system SCR on well worth noting that the VSynC-based DFIG can achieve the
alternating-voltage control largely reflects the higher maximum theoretical output power even under the condition
sensitivity of ac-voltage magnitude and phase angle to wind of SCR = 1, and also shows excellent performance and good
power fluctuations. As a consequence, the BW of alternating- stability.
voltage control loop shows the increasing tendency, which By comparison, the stability and active power transfer
is from 1.02 Hz (SCR = 4) to ∼1.86 Hz (SCR = 1.2), capability of the VC-based DFIG connected to low-SCR
as shown in Fig. 11. ac system is studied using the same infinite-bus ac system, as

Fig. 15. Comparative results between VSynC and typical VC under the
perturbation of a small phase step at the infinite source.
Fig. 13. Influence of ac-system SCR on the system dominant eigenvalues
for VC-based DFIG when operating at rated power level.

highly limited, approximately to 0.84 pu under the condition

of SCR = 1.
Actually, according to the modal analysis, it can be con-
cluded that the PLL is the primary participant of the dominant
oscillation mode shown in Figs. 13 and 14, which means
PLL dynamic behavior has a big impact on the stability
of DFIG. More interestingly, the active power and alternating-
voltage controls in RSC also have a significant boost in
participation as the ac-system SCR decreases. In other words,
there appear fairly strong interactions among the PLL, active
power and alternating-voltage controls in RSC for VC-based
DFIG connected to a very low SCR system, and the GSC con-
trol rarely affects the system stability, even in a very low-SCR
ac system. This is because the transmitting power through
GSC in DFIG system is much less than the power output from
Fig. 14. Influence of delivering active power on the system dominant the stator, which directly leads to be a trivial matter compared
eigenvalues for VC-based DFIG under the condition of SCR = 1. with the grid-connected full-capacity converter systems,
e.g., full-capacity converter WTs, VSC-HVdc, and so on. As a
shown in Fig. 6. Similarly, the dynamics of outside speed and result, that is why the typical PLL-based VC method is still
pitch angle controls are not considered temporarily. Typical used for GSC control in the proposed VSynC method for RSC.
stator-voltage-oriented VC is the selected object and the Time domain simulations are performed to briefly validate
overall control structure refers to that in [35]. The design the results presented by the analysis above. As shown
of RSC control is to achieve the desired active power and in Fig. 15, VC-based DFIG is almost operating at the most
alternating voltage. The aim of GSC control is to maintain critical state when the output active power reaches 0.84 pu, and
the dc-link capacitor voltage and to guarantee the converter obviously, the VSynC-based DFIG shows superiority in system
operation with unity power factor. The VC parameters are also stability and power transfer capability under the condition
given in Appendix A. of SCR = 1.
Fig. 13 shows how the locations of the system dominant
eigenvalues vary as the ac-system SCR is decreased from IV. F REQUENCY S UPPORT C APABILITY OF DFIG-BASED
SCR = 4 to SCR = 1.1. As shown in Fig. 13, the system WTs W ITH V IRTUAL S YNCHRONOUS C ONTROL
dominant eigenvalue pair moves toward the imaginary axis In addition to the superiority in stability of VSynC-based
gradually as the ac-system SCR decreases, which means the DFIG connected to low-SCR ac system, VSynC can also make
stability becomes poor. It also indicates that the dominant DFIG naturally provide the appreciable inertial response to
eigenvalue pair has a positive real part when the ac-system prevent the grid frequency from changing rapidly, which is
SCR is decreased to SCR = 1.1, implying negative damping the other important advantage worth mentioning. Simulations
and a dynamically unstable system. In other words, the are carried out to demonstrate the capability of DFIG-based
VC-based DFIG operating at rated power level under the given WTs with VSynC to positively contribute to stabilizing grid
control parameters cannot be running stably when SCR is as frequency when disturbance on electromechanical time scale,
low as 1. The maximum transmittable power of DFIG under e.g., sudden connection of large loads, occurs in power grid.
SCR = 1 can be observed evidently from Fig. 14. It can The frequency support capability is verified by simulation
be clearly seen that the maximum actual output power is studies on a nine-bus test system, as shown in Fig. 16, which

Fig. 16. Test system.

Fig. 17. Comparative responses to the abrupt load variation between the
consists of two conventional power plants (SG1 and SG2 ), proposed VSynC with different damping coefficients and the typical VC
three aggregated loads (Lump A, Lump B, and Lump C), without inertial control.
and a DFIG-based wind farm rated at 600 MW
(400 MW × 1.5 MW). Assume that a single DFIG-based
WT represents the aggregate behavior of the whole wind
farm. The conventional power plants SG 1 and SG2 are
rated at 1200 and 900 MW, respectively. The three loads,
Lump A, Lump B, and Lump C, are 450, 250, and 300 MW,
respectively. The turbine control strategy of DFIG is
referring to GE 1.5-MW DFIG WT in [11]. Associated
parameters of DFIG, SGs, and transmission lines are given in
Appendixes A and B. The test system is designed specially
as a quite low SCR system, which is approximately as low
as 1.35 from the WTs’ access point of view. In addition, the
instantaneous penetration of wind power is reaching 33%
initially. The following is divided into two parts. The first is to
verify the frequency support capability of DFIG-based WTs
with VSynC, in particular in the weak grid. In addition, by
taking the typical df / dt control strategy [11] as an example,
Fig. 18. System frequency responses between the proposed VSynC with
comparisons of the inertial responses between the proposed different damping coefficients and the typical VC without inertial control.
VSynC and the VC with typical df / dt control are performed.
at least 5 s. In addition, the influence of damping coefficient
A. Frequency Support Capability of DFIG-Based on the response behavior can be observed clearly.
WTs With VSynC in Weak Grid The damping coefficient, D, in the three different cases
The initial wind velocity is fixed at 10 m/s (within is taken as 60, 80, and 100, respectively. The results
Maximum Power Point Tracking area). There occurs a show that the maximum value of overproduction power
predefined disturbance by increasing Lump C from 300 to gradually increases from ∼12% to 15% of the rated power
500 MW at 2 s. Fig. 17 compares the responses to the abrupt as the damping coefficient gets higher. Furthermore, the
load variation between the proposed VSynC and the typical overproduction period grows in which WTs provide the extra
VC without inertial control. It can be seen that the positive power output until reaching the normal production power
contribution of VSynC is noticeable. The DFIG-based WTs before disturbance.
with typical VC can be viewed as a constant-power source for Fig. 18 displays the system frequency responses for
the disturbances on electromechanical time scale, and have DFIG-based WTs with VSynC and typical VC. It is evident
no contribution to supporting the grid frequency. In addition, that the rate of change of the system frequency decreases
it is also worth noting that there exist serious oscillations, significantly as the control BW reduces due to the increased
depicted in the inset of Fig. 17, which occur in the output damping coefficient, and meanwhile the minimum frequency
power from VC-based DFIG, and are actually related with the point is improved. In above, as we can see from Figs. 17 and
dynamic behavior of PLL. On the contrary, the top waveforms 18, VSynC presents good stability in low SCR ac system, and
in Fig. 17 clearly show that DFIG-based WTs with VSynC moreover, excellent frequency supporting capability.
can positively provide an appreciable increase in output In addition, though the increase of coefficient D can
power to temporarily support the power shortage in grid for improve the system stability and enhance the inertial response


Fig. 19. Dynamic responses of GSC ac currents and dc-link voltage when N ETWORK C ONFIGURATION PARAMETERS
VSynC is adopted for RSC when different damping coefficients.

using the same test system. The parameters of the

df / dt control are given in Appendix B. As shown in Fig. 20,
the response performance of DFIG with the typical VC-based
df / dt control is badly affected in the weak grid. This is because
that the output of PLL is used as the phase reference of
the overall control system, and also the input signal of the
df / dt control. Furthermore, the stability of PLL becomes poor
as the grid weakens, and thus affects the response performance
of DFIG-based WT. This section embodies the superiority of
the VSynC-based DFIG on stability and dynamic frequency
Fig. 20. Comparative responses between the proposed VSynC and the
typical VC with df / dt control.
support capability when connected to a very weak ac grid.

mentioned above, too large value of the coefficient D in active V. C ONCLUSION

power control may severely deteriorate the dynamic response VSynC is presented for DFIG-based WTs referring to
of the outer speed control loop and thus cause serious speed the well-known synchronization mechanism featured in SGs,
and power oscillations. In addition, the inertial response must which enables DFIG-based WT synchronize with power grid
be consequently limited when the initial wind speed or rotor relying on the active power control, rather than the widely used
speed is very low due to the minimum speed limit and also the PLL technique. Two major features of VSynC are elaborated
risk of rotor stall. Under this condition, the inertial response throughout this paper and can be summarized as follows.
can be limited by modifying the control parameters (Tj and D)
to quicken the dynamic response of the active power control A. Superior Stability in Weak AC Grid
In addition, the dynamic responses of the GSC current Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the
represented by Igd and Igq , and the dc-link voltage, Udc , are VSynC-based DFIG displays superiority in stability especially
also provided below under different values of coefficient D. when connected to relatively low-SCR ac system. Accordingly,
From Fig. 19, it can be seen that the proposed VSynC almost the power transfer capability of DFIG with VSynC is not
has no impacts on the GSC current and dc-link voltage limited, which means the maximum transmittable power viz.,
dynamics. This is because the dynamic response speeds of the rated power can be achieved even when SCR is decreased
the dc-link voltage and current are designed as fast as normal. to 1. However, the stability of the typical VC-based DFIG
will get dramatically worse as the ac-system SCR decreases,
which is closely related to dynamic behavior of PLL. As a
B. Comparisons With VC-Based df / dt Control in Weak Grid consequence, the maximum transmittable power of VC-based
In addition, a comparative study between the proposed DFIG is highly limited, approximately down to 0.84 pu.
VSynC and the typical VC with df / dt control is performed Therefore, VSynC may be of great potential for DFIG-based






the dynamic behavior of PLL when operating in weak
ac system.

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Xiaoming Yuan (S’97–M’99–SM’01) received the ac transmission systems and power quality. From 2001 to 2008, he was with
B.Eng. degree from Shandong University, Jinan, the GE Global Research Center, Shanghai, China, as the Manager of the
China, in 1986, the M.Eng. degree from Zhejiang Low Power Electronics Laboratory. From 2008 to 2010, he was with the
University, Hangzhou, China, in 1993, and the GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA, as an Electrical Chief
Ph.D. degree from the Federal University of Engineer. His current research interests include stability and control of power
Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1998, all in system with multimachines and multiconverters, control and grid-integration
electrical engineering. of renewable energy generations, and control of high voltage dc transmission
He was with Qilu Petrochemical Corporation, systems.
Zibo, China, from 1986 to 1990, where he was Dr. Yuan was a recipient of the first prize paper award from the Industrial
involved in the commissioning and testing of relay- Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society
ing and automation devices in power systems, in 1999. He is a Distinguished Expert of the National Thousand Talents
adjustable speed drives, and high-power Uninterruptible Power Supply/System Program of China, and the Chief Scientist of the National Basic Research
systems. From 1998 to 2001, he was a Project Engineer with the Swiss Federal Program of China (973 Program).
Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, where he was involved in flexible

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