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Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion

45 Gorordo Ave. Cebu City

Night High School Department
SY 2019-2020



Direction: Read the story of Rip Van Winkle again and answer the following questions.

1. In Washington Irving's 'Rip Van Winkle,' what war does Rip Van Winkle sleep through?

2. How Hendrik Hudson became an important figure in American history?

3. How long was Rip Van Winkle asleep?

4. What did Rip Van Winkle say to cause the crowd to shout, "A Tory! A Tory! A spy! A refugee!"?

5. At the time Rip Van Winkle fell asleep, what were the respective jobs of Derrick Van Bummel and Peter

6. Whose image had replaced that of George III on the sign at the site of the former village inn after the American

7. Who was it Rip Van Winkle believed to have met in the mountains? Describe them.

8. What sign is stated in the story which indicates that more than one night has passed when Rip Van Winkle awakens?

9. In the story, who was it that Rip Van Winkle feared?

10. What happened to Rip's dog after Rip fell asleep?

11. What happened to Rip at the end of the story?

12. What made Rip Van Winkle fall asleep in the mountains?

13. What was the name of Rip Van Winkle’s dog?

14. What was Rip Van Winkle's one personality flaw?

15. Give one word to describe Rip Van Winkle?

16. What physical change that Rip notices about himself after his long sleep?

17. What were the strangers playing when Rip Van Winkle first saw them?

18. How is Rip Van Winkle’s wife characterized in the story?

19. – 20. In what point-of-view was the story written? Explain.

Activity 4.4 VERBALS

A. Direction: Copy and underline the participial phrase in each of the following sentence. Watch for past and present
1. Having been on the road for four days, the scavengers were exhausted.
2. That hymn, sung by many generations of churchgoers, is my favorite.
3. Climbing slowly, we approached the top of the hill.
4. Surprised by my question, Mrs. Osmond blushed.
5. Phil, worn out by his long trip, slept for twelve hours.
6. Watching me closely, the dog came toward me.
7. Staring out the window at the rain, Bob became more and more impatient.
8. Having been hurt in the first game, Al sat on the bench for the rest of the season.
9. The plates, brought from Denmark by my grandmother, are on display in the dining room.
10. The cookies, baked this morning, were all gone by five o'clock.
11. Having come out in the cool night air, Mr. Troy looked up at the sky.
12. The children, waiting for the play to begin, grew bored.
13. Working hard all day, the boys finished the job by dinner time.
14. Driven from their homelands, many people each year seek refuge in the United States.
15. Jumping up and down, the cheerleaders urged the team on.

B. Direction: Copy and underline the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence. Some sentences contain only a gerund
and some contain a gerund phrase (remember that if there is a gerund phrase, we always include its objects connected to
it). After which, identify its function in the sentence.

Example: Climbing is not as easy as it looks. – SUBJECT

Kylie’s main interest is working with computers. – PREDICATE NOMINATIVE

Here are your choices


1. Working hard is often its own reward.

2. My mother always enjoys driving.

3. I know people who are obsessed with eating all the time.

4. Groping in the dark is not my idea of fun.

5. It seems that his favorite activity is sleeping.

6. I don't believe in choosing sides.

7. Practicing basketball is all Willie does.

8. My father's job is managing the New York office.

9. Young people used to dream about making movies.

10. Yes, I began cleaning my room this morning.

11. According to researchers, apologizing for mistakes provides psychological benefits and often makes the apologizer
feel better.

12. Uncle Gary studied welding, and now he works as a technician in a metal fabrication company that produces and
assembles metal parts for machinery.
13. In baseball, bunting can be a good strategy to help runners advance to the next base. When the batter hits the ball
softly, the infielders are forced to run in toward home plate.

14. After the budget crisis, the city of Campbell stopped funding the construction of bike lanes and crosswalks.

15. One of the most thrilling events in gymnastics, vaulting requires incredible strength, momentum and precision.

Activity 4.5 “The Whistle”

Read “Lesson 4: American Stream: Rationalism and Romanticism” and the biography of Benjamin Franklin on pages
189-191. On your lecture notebook, using a graphic organizer, write a summary of Benjamin Franklin’s biography.

(on a short bond paper)

Exercise 1: Based on your own understanding, give the difference between Rationalism and Romanticism.

Exercise 2: Answer the following questions. Some of the items have choices, while some would require you to answer on
your own.

1. From whom did Franklin get the whistle?

2. According to Franklin, what will happen if people overvalue property?

a. They will become popular.
b. Their affairs (personal and public business) will suffer.
c. They will give up comfortable living.

3. Which literary device does Franklin use in the phrase “say I”?
a. aphorism b. allusion c. inversion d. meter

4. According to Franklin, one who is “fond of appearance” will end his career in _________.

5. From where does Franklin say most of the "miseries of mankind" come?

6. Which of the following best describes the author's purpose in the story “The Whistle
a. to explain b. to describe c. to entertain d. to persuade

7. What is the main idea of the story?

8. In paragraph 8, what does the word “fine” mean? (answer only in one word)

9. From the context, what does the word "reflection" mean?

a. mirror image b. possibility c. likeness d. thought

10. From the context, what does the word "folly" mean?
a. a good deal b. an agreement c. a mistake d. good sense

Exercise 3:
The story you have just recently read talks about the whistles of life; all the things we have given too much effort,
all the things we have paid too much but are not necessities of life. This may also include all the people we have given too
much love but never lead us to grow as a person.

Now, I’m going to ask you, HAVE YOU PAID TOO MUCH FOR A WHISTLE?

To answer this once-in-a-lifetime question, I want you to go outside the frontal lobes of your juvenile minds and
shift to a more serious, critical, unimaginable way of human nature. According to Franklin, a great part of the miseries of
mankind are brought upon us due to our false estimates with how we value things. Have an in-depth reflection as to when
was the last time you have paid too much for a whistle? when can you say that the youth have paid too much for a whistle
which led most of them to a miserable life? when can you say that the poor have paid too much for a whistle which led
them also to experience poverty? when can you say that the rich have paid too much for a whistle which led them to
acquire prestige but in the end experienced a sudden great loss? What does the whistle symbolize in YOUR LIFE? in the
lives of YOUTH? in the lives of the POOR? and in the lives of the RICH? (limit your answer to 4-5 sentences ONLY.)





Activity 4.6 “Poem Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Annabel Lee’ ”

Directions: Copy the questions and answer directly. Write the word and letter of your answer.


1. Which of the following highlights the poem’s theme?

a. When in love, one must suffer. c. Love one another.

b. Good and evil coexist. d. To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.

2. Which two of the following selections best support the poem’s theme?

a. “So that her high-born kinsmen came / And bore her away from me”

b. “But we loved with a love that was more than love— / I and my Annabel Lee”

c. “For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams / Of the beautiful Annabel Lee”

d.” But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we”

3. Which of the following would not describe the narrator through the course of the poem?

a. infatuated b. arrogant c. accepting d. thoughtless

4. Which of the following best highlights the notion that the narrator could be described as protective?

a. "Nor the demons down under the sea / can ever dissever my soul from...Annabel Lee"

b. "So that her highborn kinsmen came / and bore her away from me"

c. "She was a child and I was a child"

d. "And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side / of my darling"


5. Who exactly is Annabel Lee to the narrator?

6. “A wind blew out of a cloud by night/ Chilling my Annabel Lee”. This line of text reveals the cause of death of
Annabel Lee. Why did Annabel Lee die?

7. The poem mentions beautiful images and images that resemble death. List down these images.
An example is given for you:
beautiful images - death images

Ex. angels Ex. demons

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

8. How do the images influence the mood of the poem?

9. What is the pseudonym of Edgar Allan Poe in English literature?

10. Why do you think he was given that title?

Activity 4.7 POINT OF VIEW

Directions: Read “Choosing the Point of View in a Narrative” on pages 222-223.

Copy and answer Exercise 13. The selections given are just found in your ECAS book. Use
the table of contents to locate these.

Activity 4.8 “Poem Analysis of Walt Whitman’s ‘O Captain! My Captain’ ”

Directions: Copy the information about Walt Whitman found on pages 235-236 including his famous poem "O Captain!
My Captain!”

Answer the questions as follows:

1. Why is the United States called “the ship”?
2. What is meant by “the ship has weathered every rack”?
3. The poem mentions ‘flag is flung,’ ‘bugle trills,’ and ringing bells. What do these signify?
4. Research on how Abraham Lincoln died.
5. What is the speaker doing at the end of the poem?

Activity 4.9 “Home is Where…”

Read the “Introduction to Contemporary Philippine Theater in English” on page 388.

Exercise 1: Read the story “Home is Where…” by Ligaya Victorio Fruto on pages 390-395 and answer the questions
given on the left and right side of the story.

Activity 4.10 Passive and Active Voice (see ppt for further discussion)
Read and answer page 405 about using verbs in active and passive voices. Answer Exercise 5 (1-10 only).
Activity 4.11 “We Filipinos Are Mild Drinkers”
Read the story “We Filipinos Are Mild Drinkers” found on pages 409-417 and answer the following questions:

1. What was being circulated about the American soldier and his whisky?
2. What was the name of the carabao?
3. Why do you think we mostly address Americans as “Joe”?
4. The American soldier mistakenly accused the Filipino’s mother as?
5. What name did the Americans give lambanog?
6. How is the coconut tree like the Philippines?
7. What did they use as chaser in their drink?
8. Why did the Filipino pour some of the drink on the bamboo floor?
9. Where is lambanog made from?
10. What did Joe call to the lambanog drink?
11. According to Joe, what symbolizes the States?
12. When is drinking considered wrong?


MINI Task#1:
 Write your own definition of home through writing a balak. Since “balak” is a bisaya poem, you will also write
your poem using the vernacular and the title “Home is Where…” should also be translated into “Sa Balay Kung
Asa…” Your balak must define/ explain what really home is for you. Your balak can be serious, or it can also be
in a humorous way, for most of us define home depending on the experience we had. In your balak, I want it to
sound positive. Mood and tone should be felt all throughout .
 Literary devices such as imagery, point-of-view, figure of speech should be used in your balak as these will be
part of the criteria for grading your balak.
 Should have a minimum number of 3 and a maximum number of 5 stanzas.
 I’ll be making a group page where you will be posting your balak.

In the midst of this pandemic, may you foster a deep love towards your family, and may you have already found what it
really feels to be at home.

1. Major Task [same with Speech 9 task but there are changes in the note given at the bottom of the page]
 Recall the musical stage play Jesus Christ Superstar. Copy and answer the activities below, and write
your specific comments on the performance you watched. Be sure you understand the elements or
components of the play. Write your comments in 3 sentences or more in the column provided. Use the
rubric on p.159 (SPEECH BOOK) as your guide.


Elements/Components Comments

1. Plot

2. Characters/Cast

3. Set/Props/Stage Design

4. Sound Effects/Music

5. Theme/Central Message
6. Dialogue/Script

Personal Commentary 
(Answer the following questions comprehensively in 5-8 sentences.)

I would like to play the role of ________________________________ because___________________________


Among all the characters, I saw myself mostly in the character of ____________________.This is because

If I were to rate from 1-10 [1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest] considering all the elements of a play/drama, I would
give JCS a ____________ because

What I like and/or dislike the most about the play is ________________________________________________

Would I recommend this stage play to other people? Why/Why not? Explain.

Note: Copy and answer on sheets of paper/bond paper to be compiled through a fastener/staple wire. OR If you CAN send your answers through a
word/PDF file, kindly save it using this format: SECTION-SUBJECT-FAMILY NAME, FIRST LETTER OF YOUR FIRST NAME. (e.g.: 9Respect
English RIZAL, J.) Please send it as an attachment in gmail, and send to [email protected]  . Or, you could simply take pictures of your
output, send to Joana Talavero for 9 Compassion, and to Christia Mae Diaz for 9- Solidarity. Submit within your online connectivity on or before
April 25, 2020. God bless. 

-HOME IS WHERE… the heart is-

Stay safe. Stay quarantined, for now…

Prepared by: Ms. Dimple Villanueva

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