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KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Key Stats

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Order: Latest on Right   Units: S&P Capital IQ (Default)
Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)   Dilution: Basic

Key Financials¹
For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2013A Mar-31-2014A Mar-31-2015A Mar-31-2016A Mar-31-2017A Mar-31-2018A

Total Revenue 288.477 319.092 362.969 426.152 548.913 706.665

Growth Over Prior Year 46.47% 10.61% 13.75% 17.41% 28.81% 28.74%

Gross Profit 79.706 60.961 82.506 246.446 328.246 422.318

Margin % 27.63% 19.10% 22.73% 57.83% 59.80% 59.76%

EBITDA 61.898 18.281 57.029 79.628 123.494 143.502

Margin % 21.46% 5.73% 15.71% 18.69% 22.50% 20.31%

EBIT 50.91 (23.874) 19.343 47.028 91.886 105.064

Margin % 17.65% (7.48%) 5.33% 11.04% 16.74% 14.87%

Earnings from Cont. Ops. 9.357 (2.959) 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518
Margin % 3.24% (0.93%) 0.34% 7.54% 9.75% 9.41%

Net Income 9.357 (2.959) 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518

Margin % 3.24% (0.93%) 0.34% 7.54% 9.75% 9.41%

Diluted EPS Excl. Extra Items³ 0.06 (0.02) 0.01 0.2 0.33 0.41
Growth Over Prior Year 16.49% NM NM 2,493.81% 66.61% 24.24%


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H

¹All results are taken from the most recently filed statement for each period. When there has been more than one, earlier filings can be viewed on the individual statement pages.
²Growth rates for the LTM period are calculated against the LTM period ending 12 months before.

Growth Rates are calculated in originally reported currency only and will not reflect any currency conversion selected above.

Current Capitalization (Millions of INR)

Currency INR
Share Price 13.63
Shares Out. 163.085

Market Capitalization 2,222.849

- Cash & Short Term Investments 124.599
+ Total Debt 67.544
+ Pref. Equity -
+ Total Minority Interest -
= Total Enterprise Value (TEV) 2,165.794

Book Value of Common Equity 449.886

+ Pref. Equity -
+ Total Minority Interest -
+ Total Debt 67.544
= Total Capital 517.43

**For companies that have multiple share classes that publicly trade,
we are incorporating the different prices to calculate our company level
Note: Striped area represents the impact of negative Net Liability on Market Cap.
Total Liability includes Total Debt, Minority Interest and Pref. Equity.
Net Liability includes Total Liability, net of Cash and Short Term Investments.
TEV includes Market Cap and Net Liability.
Total Capital includes Common Equity and Total Liability.

Valuation Multiples
For the Fiscal based on Current Capitalization
Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2016A Mar-31-2017A Mar-31-2018A Mar-31-2019A Sep-30-2019A
TEV/Total Revenue 5.08x 3.95x 3.06x 2.75x 2.40x

TEV/EBITDA 27.20x 17.54x 15.09x 14.06x 10.88x

TEV/EBIT 46.05x 23.57x 20.61x 18.78x 13.77x

P/Diluted EPS Before Extra 69.17x 41.52x 33.42x 25.82x 18.96x

P/BV 16.58x 9.25x 7.31x 5.69x 5.02x

Price/Tang BV 16.64x 9.26x 7.39x 5.77x 5.08x

12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2019A Sep-30-2019A

822.586 903.028
16.40% 19.73%

504.845 561.466
61.37% 62.18%

160.879 199.032
19.56% 22.04%

120.429 157.29
14.64% 17.42%

86.077 116.265
10.46% 12.88%

86.077 116.265
10.46% 12.88%

0.53 0.72
29.40% 80.72%

1.0 1.0
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Income Statement

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Template: Standard   Restatement: Latest Filings
Period Type: Annual   Order: Latest on Right
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Defaul   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)

Income Statement
For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019 Sep-30-2019

Revenue 362.969 425.657 548.288 706.665 822.586 903.028

Other Revenue - 0.495 0.625 - - -
Total Revenue 362.969 426.152 548.913 706.665 822.586 903.028

Cost Of Goods Sold 280.463 179.706 220.667 284.347 317.741 341.562

Gross Profit 82.506 246.446 328.246 422.318 504.845 561.466

Selling General & Admin Exp. 8.521 7.796 11.707 22.074 36.235 36.235
Provision for Bad Debts 1.354 3.539 1.698 6.857 4.631 4.631
R & D Exp. - - - - - -
Depreciation & Amort. 37.935 32.821 31.911 38.638 41.994 43.286
Other Operating Expense/(Income) 15.353 155.262 191.044 249.685 301.556 320.024

Other Operating Exp., Total 63.163 199.418 236.36 317.254 384.416 404.176

Operating Income 19.343 47.028 91.886 105.064 120.429 157.29

Interest Expense (19.187) (15.077) (9.918) (6.926) (11.051) (9.592)

Interest and Invest. Income 0.305 0.251 0.383 1.372 5.574 5.574
Net Interest Exp. (18.882) (14.825) (9.535) (5.554) (5.477) (4.018)

Other Non-Operating Inc. (Exp.) 0.298 - (2.488) (0.944) - 2.773

EBT Excl. Unusual Items 0.759 32.203 79.863 98.566 114.952 156.045

Impairment of Goodwill - - - - - -
Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Assets 0.29 - - (0.654) - -
Asset Writedown (0.843) (0.153) - - - -
Other Unusual Items 1.033 8.51 0.01 0.097 8.33 8.33
EBT Incl. Unusual Items 1.239 40.56 79.873 98.009 123.282 164.375

Income Tax Expense - 8.424 26.332 31.491 37.205 48.11

Earnings from Cont. Ops. 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518 86.077 116.265

Earnings of Discontinued Ops. - - - - - -

Extraord. Item & Account. Change - - - - - -
Net Income to Company 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518 86.077 116.265

Minority Int. in Earnings - - - - - -

Net Income 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518 86.077 116.265

Pref. Dividends and Other Adj. - - - - - -

NI to Common Incl Extra Items 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518 86.077 116.265
NI to Common Excl. Extra Items 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518 86.077 116.265

Per Share Items

Basic EPS 0.01 0.2 0.33 0.41 0.53 0.72
Basic EPS Excl. Extra Items 0.01 0.2 0.33 0.41 0.53 0.72
Weighted Avg. Basic Shares Out. 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 161.706

Diluted EPS 0.01 0.2 0.33 0.41 0.53 0.72

Diluted EPS Excl. Extra Items 0.01 0.2 0.33 0.41 0.53 0.72
Weighted Avg. Diluted Shares Out. 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 161.706

Normalized Basic EPS 0.0 0.12 0.31 0.38 0.44 0.6

Normalized Diluted EPS 0.0 0.12 0.31 0.38 0.44 0.6

Dividends per Share NA NA NA NA NA NA

Supplemental Items
EBITDA 57.029 79.628 123.494 143.502 160.879 199.032
EBITA 19.343 47.028 91.886 105.064 120.429 157.29
EBIT 19.343 47.028 91.886 105.064 120.429 157.29
EBITDAR 58.941 81.608 125.511 147.521 165.768 NA
As Reported Total Revenue* 365.094 435.046 549.438 709.881 839.026 922.241
Effective Tax Rate % NA 20.77% 32.97% 32.13% 30.18% 29.27%
Current Domestic Taxes NA 8.424 17.159 22.643 31.938 31.938
Total Current Taxes - 8.424 17.159 22.643 31.938 42.5
Deferred Domestic Taxes NA NA 9.173 8.848 5.267 5.267
Total Deferred Taxes - - 9.173 8.848 5.267 5.61

Normalized Net Income 0.475 20.127 49.914 61.604 71.845 97.528

Interest on Long Term Debt 19.172 15.064 9.906 6.539 9.687 NA
Non-Cash Pension Expense 0.18 (0.606) 0.106 0.501 0.224 -
Filing Date Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019 Nov-11-2019
Restatement Type RC RC RS RC O P
Calculation Type REP REP REP REP REP LTM

Supplemental Operating Expense Items

Advertising Exp. 6.61 5.815 9.69 18.055 31.346 NA
Selling and Marketing Exp. 6.61 5.815 9.69 18.055 31.346 31.346
Net Rental Exp. 1.911 1.98 2.017 4.019 4.889 NA
Imputed Oper. Lease Interest Exp. 1.955 1.988 1.916 2.134 3.481 -
Imputed Oper. Lease Depreciation (0.044) (0.008) 0.101 1.885 1.408 -
Maintenance & Repair Exp. 10.666 11.503 15.792 22.692 25.865 NA


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H
* Occasionally, certain items classified as Revenue by the company will be re-classified as other income if it is deemed to be non-recurring and unrelated to the core business of the firm. This field shows Total Revenue exa
Note: For multiple class companies, per share items are primary class equivalent, and for foreign companies listed as primary ADRs, per share items are ADR-equivalent.
Revenue exactly as reported by the firm on its consolidated statement of income.
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Balance Sheet

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Template: Standard   Restatement: Latest Filings
Period Type: Annual   Order: Latest on Right
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Defaul   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)

Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet as of: Restated Press Release
Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019 Sep-30-2019
Cash And Equivalents 3.033 3.334 8.701 3.47 17.843 94.771
Short Term Investments - - - 32.606 45.903 29.828
Total Cash & ST Investments 3.033 3.334 8.701 36.076 63.746 124.599

Accounts Receivable 15.033 19.018 24.594 34.354 32.979 23.223

Other Receivables - 0.192 - 0.859 6.438 -
Notes Receivable - - 0.384 0.289 9.958 11.043
Total Receivables 15.033 19.21 24.978 35.502 49.375 34.266

Inventory 7.271 6.239 6.77 6.762 9.362 16.093

Prepaid Exp. 0.584 0.359 0.292 0.348 2.072 -
Other Current Assets 0.168 0.603 1.785 0.346 0.642 3.091
Total Current Assets 26.088 29.746 42.526 79.034 125.197 178.049

Gross Property, Plant & Equipment 440.072 441.892 271.995 432.177 458.984 -
Accumulated Depreciation (186.613) (214.436) (31.607) (68.604) (109.054) -
Net Property, Plant & Equipment 253.459 227.457 240.388 363.573 349.93 340.918

Long-term Investments - - 0.918 0.822 0.94 0.771

Other Intangibles 0.429 0.474 0.372 3.125 5.802 5.532
Loans Receivable Long-Term - - 3.97 6.579 47.354 42.861
Deferred Tax Assets, LT - - 50.687 43.333 31.841 30.442
Other Long-Term Assets 30.018 37.153 41.795 33.02 34.15 47.646
Total Assets 309.994 294.83 380.656 529.486 595.214 646.219

Accounts Payable 29.631 30.326 32.37 40.922 52.719 56.919
Accrued Exp. 9.224 11.366 15.357 20.547 32.821 -
Short-term Borrowings 9.643 11.221 - 8.219 - -
Curr. Port. of LT Debt 32.064 32.59 28.847 33.277 26.549 -
Curr. Income Taxes Payable - - - - 0.874 -
Unearned Revenue, Current 0.849 0.879 0.697 5.055 10.69 -
Other Current Liabilities 11.63 10.205 25.343 7.401 0.129 68.076
Total Current Liabilities 93.042 96.586 102.614 115.421 123.782 124.995

Long-Term Debt 94.932 59.859 34.564 103.782 76.523 64.468

Capital Leases - - - - - 3.076
Pension & Other Post-Retire. Benefits 1.821 1.261 - 2.357 - -
Other Non-Current Liabilities 18.277 3.065 3.101 3.85 4.194 3.794
Total Liabilities 208.071 160.771 140.279 225.41 204.499 196.333

Common Stock 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085

Additional Paid In Capital - - - - - -
Retained Earnings (61.162) (29.026) 76.69 143.211 229.288 -
Treasury Stock - - - - - -
Comprehensive Inc. and Other - - 0.602 (2.22) (1.658) 286.801
Total Common Equity 101.923 134.059 240.377 304.076 390.715 449.886

Total Equity 101.923 134.059 240.377 304.076 390.715 449.886

Total Liabilities And Equity 309.994 294.83 380.656 529.486 595.214 646.219

Supplemental Items
Total Shares Out. on Filing Date 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 165.665
Total Shares Out. on Balance Sheet Date 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 165.665
Book Value/Share 0.62 0.82 1.47 1.86 2.4 2.72
Tangible Book Value 101.494 133.585 240.005 300.951 384.913 444.354
Tangible Book Value/Share 0.62 0.82 1.47 1.85 2.36 2.68
Total Debt 136.639 103.67 63.411 145.278 103.072 67.544
Net Debt 133.606 100.337 54.71 109.202 39.326 (57.055)
Debt Equiv. of Unfunded Proj. Benefit Obligation 2.036 1.52 (1.642) 2.882 4.995 NA
Debt Equivalent Oper. Leases 15.29 15.843 16.136 32.152 39.112 NA
Raw Materials Inventory 3.961 2.934 2.227 2.76 3.314 NA
Finished Goods Inventory 3.31 3.305 4.543 4.002 6.048 NA
Land 4.043 4.043 NA 58.358 58.358 NA
Buildings 143.998 143.998 107.402 107.402 107.402 NA
Machinery 203.081 204.901 108.707 210.486 236.348 NA
Construction in Progress - - - - 0.945 -
Leasehold Improvements 88.899 88.899 55.87 55.87 55.87 -
Full Time Employees 561 573 648 728 715 NA
Accum. Allowance for Doubtful Accts 0.656 1.362 9.211 17.394 13.72 NA
Filing Date Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019 Nov-11-2019
Restatement Type NC NC RS NC O P
Calculation Type REP REP REP REP REP REP


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H

Note: For multiple class companies, total share counts are primary class equivalent, and for foreign companies listed as primary ADRs, total share counts are ADR-equivalent.
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Cash Flow

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Template: Standard   Restatement: Latest Filings
Period Type: Annual   Order: Latest on Right
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Defaul   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)

For theFlow
Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019 Sep-30-2019

Net Income 1.239 32.136 53.541 66.518 86.077 116.265

Depreciation & Amort. 37.686 32.599 31.608 38.438 40.45 41.742
Depreciation & Amort., Total 37.686 32.599 31.608 38.438 40.45 41.742

Other Amortization 0.248 0.222 0.303 0.2 1.544 1.544

(Gain) Loss From Sale Of Assets (0.29) - - 0.654 - -
Asset Writedown & Restructuring Costs 0.843 0.153 3.242 8.183 6.263 6.263
Provision & Write-off of Bad debts 1.354 4.245 1.698 6.857 4.631 5.235
Other Operating Activities 7.898 (1.449) 21.99 13.375 9.461 15.177
Change in Acc. Receivable (2.664) (7.543) (11.603) (22.062) (3.885) (14.726)
Change In Inventories 0.107 1.031 (0.531) 0.008 (2.6) (8.258)
Change in Acc. Payable - - 2.045 8.552 11.797 11.797
Change in Other Net Operating Assets 7.864 (4.056) (1.716) 3.34 4.58 (26.978)
Cash from Ops. 54.286 57.339 100.577 124.063 158.318 148.061

Capital Expenditure (9.621) (8.21) (43.05) (157.683) (32.187) (28.317)

Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment 0.379 - - 0.21 - -
Cash Acquisitions - - - - - -
Divestitures - - - - - -
Invest. in Marketable & Equity Securt. - - 0.5 (32.628) (13.517) (37.681)
Net (Inc.) Dec. in Loans Originated/Sold - - - - (50.594) (50.594)
Other Investing Activities 1.075 0.191 0.525 0.448 5.609 8.204
Cash from Investing (8.168) (8.019) (42.025) (189.653) (90.689) (108.388)

Short Term Debt Issued - - - - - -

Long-Term Debt Issued 3.816 - 82.618 107.635 - -
Total Debt Issued 3.816 - 82.618 107.635 - 1.782
Short Term Debt Repaid - - - - - -
Long-Term Debt Repaid (30.626) (32.969) (122.878) (39.964) (42.22) -
Total Debt Repaid (30.626) (32.969) (122.878) (39.964) (42.22) (34.921)

Total Dividends Paid - - - - - -

Special Dividend Paid - - - - - -

Other Financing Activities (19.507) (16.55) (12.425) (7.312) (11.037) (9.577)
Cash from Financing (46.317) (49.518) (52.685) 60.359 (53.257) (42.716)

Misc. Cash Flow Adj. - - - - 0.001 0.001

Net Change in Cash (0.199) (0.199) 5.867 (5.231) 14.373 (3.042)

Supplemental Items
Cash Interest Paid 19.507 16.55 12.425 7.312 11.037 9.578
Cash Taxes Paid 10.026 16.187 17.255 20.202 25.684 24.66
Levered Free Cash Flow 27.625 42.664 53.67 (66.684) 82.983 85.251
Unlevered Free Cash Flow 39.617 52.087 59.869 (62.355) 89.89 91.246
Change in Net Working Capital 0.786 1.916 (13.579) 8.975 (4.815) 22.029
Net Debt Issued (26.811) (32.969) (40.26) 67.671 (42.22) (33.139)
Filing Date Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019 Nov-11-2019
Restatement Type NC NC RS RC O P
Calculation Type REP REP REP REP REP LTM


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Multiples

View: Data   Frequency: Quarterly

Order: Latest on Right   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)
Dilution: Basic  

Multiples Detail
In Millions of INR, except per share items.

For Quarter Ending Mar-28-2018 Jun-29-2018 Sep-28-2018 Dec-31-2018 Mar-29-2019

TEV/LTM Total Revenue Average 5.38x 4.57x 3.94x 3.12x 2.78x
High 6.66x 5.58x 4.41x 3.85x 3.65x
Low 4.19x 3.84x 3.48x 2.56x 2.17x
Close 4.25x 3.97x 3.48x 2.91x 3.19x

TEV/LTM EBITDA Average 26.05x 22.67x 19.92x 15.97x 14.40x

High 32.15x 27.07x 22.77x 19.01x 18.73x
Low 20.32x 19.81x 17.20x 13.46x 11.41x
Close 20.61x 20.52x 17.20x 15.34x 16.36x

TEV/LTM EBIT Average 33.82x 29.16x 25.77x 21.66x 20.19x

High 42.21x 34.64x 29.57x 24.48x 26.09x
Low 26.00x 25.72x 22.15x 19.01x 16.12x
Close 26.37x 26.65x 22.15x 21.67x 22.79x

P/LTM EPS Average 48.42x 42.86x 39.97x 33.63x 31.23x

High 60.62x 49.35x 45.85x 38.08x 40.27x
Low 37.09x 38.35x 34.37x 29.53x 25.01x
Close 37.61x 41.22x 34.37x 33.68x 35.16x

P/LTM Normalized EPS Average 57.82x 49.07x 43.70x 37.51x 35.74x

High 73.00x 58.28x 49.79x 41.94x 46.67x
Low 43.80x 43.17x 37.85x 33.25x 28.16x
Close 44.42x 44.76x 37.85x 37.92x 40.75x

P/BV Average 12.65x 11.04x 9.46x 7.30x 6.34x

High 15.06x 13.72x 10.36x 9.54x 8.53x
Low 10.31x 8.91x 8.61x 5.67x 4.80x
Close 10.46x 9.24x 8.61x 6.47x 7.44x

P/Tangible BV Average 12.67x 11.09x 9.55x 7.40x 6.45x

High 15.07x 13.73x 10.47x 9.64x 8.67x
Low 10.32x 9.00x 8.70x 5.77x 4.88x
Close 10.47x 9.33x 8.70x 6.58x 7.57x

TEV/LTM Unlevered FCF Average - - - - -

High - - - - -
Low - - - - -
Close - - - - -

Market Cap/LTM Levered FCF Average - - - - -

High - - - - -
Low - - - - -
Close - - - - -

Average multiples are calculated using positive close values on each trading day within the frequency periods selected. Negative values are excluded from the calculation. When the Multiples are not meaningful, due to neg

When a mismatch exists between the currency of the equity listing and the reported financial results such results are translated into the currency of the listing at the exchange rate applicable on the financial period end date

Historical Equity Pricing Data supplied by Interactive Data Pricing and

Reference Data LLC
Jun-28-2019 Sep-30-2019 Dec-27-2019
2.70x 2.15x 2.24x
3.35x 2.42x 2.57x
1.84x 1.99x 1.98x
2.26x 2.10x 2.40x

13.97x 11.18x 10.73x

17.18x 12.39x 11.66x
9.68x 10.33x 9.55x
11.90x 10.77x 10.88x

19.17x 14.77x 13.82x

23.94x 16.31x 15.14x
12.84x 13.59x 12.09x
15.77x 14.18x 13.77x

28.56x 20.12x 18.88x

36.94x 22.07x 20.50x
17.62x 18.41x 16.70x
21.62x 19.20x 18.96x

32.77x 22.49x 21.89x

42.81x 24.68x 24.17x
19.69x 20.59x 19.91x
24.16x 21.47x 22.60x

6.16x 4.72x 4.82x

7.82x 5.37x 5.37x
3.98x 4.30x 4.39x
4.88x 4.67x 5.02x

6.26x 4.79x 4.88x

7.95x 5.45x 5.44x
4.04x 4.37x 4.46x
4.95x 4.74x 5.08x

- - 23.34x
- - 25.43x
- - 20.84x
- - 23.74x

- - 25.65x
- - 27.89x
- - 22.98x
- - 26.07x

ul, due to negative values, then they will not be displayed in the chart.

riod end date.

KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Historical Capitalization

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Frequency: Quarterly   Order: Latest on Right
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Defaul   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)
Dilution: Basic  

Historical Capitalization
Balance Sheet as of:
Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019
Pricing as of* Sep-10-2014 Aug-14-2015 Aug-16-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019
Capitalization Detail
Share Price 2.79 2.56 8.1 20.85 17.2 10.73
Shares Out. 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085 163.085

Market Capitalization 455.007 417.498 1,320.989 3,400.322 2,805.062 1,749.902

- Cash & Short Term Investments 4.232 3.033 3.334 8.701 36.076 63.746
+ Total Debt 163.449 136.639 103.67 63.41 145.278 103.072
+ Pref. Equity - - - - - -
+ Total Minority Interest - - - - - -
= Total Enterprise Value (TEV) 614.225 551.104 1,421.325 3,455.031 2,914.264 1,789.228

Book Value of Common Equity 100.684 101.923 134.059 193.627 304.076 390.715
+ Pref. Equity - - - - - -
+ Total Minority Interest - - - - - -
+ Total Debt 163.449 136.639 103.67 63.41 145.278 103.072
= Total Capital 264.133 238.562 237.729 257.038 449.354 493.787


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H

sheet components from the last reported balance sheet as of this date.
The table above
company’s is organized
primary along
stock class. period
Shares end on
shown dates.
this page are total
company as-reported share values.
Historical Equity Pricing Data supplied by Interactive Data Pricing and
Reference Data LLC
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Capital Structure Summary

In Millions of INR, except ratios and % of Total values. Restatement: Latest Filings   Period Type: Annual
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Defaul   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)
Order: Latest on Right  

Capital Structure
For the Fiscal PeriodData
12 months Mar-31-2017 12 months Mar-31-2018 12 months Mar-31-2019
Currency INR INR INR
Units Millions % of Total Millions % of Total Millions % of Total

Total Debt 63.411 20.873% 145.278 32.33% 103.072 20.874%

Total Common Equity 240.377 79.127% 304.076 67.67% 390.715 79.126%
Total Capital 303.788 100.00% 449.354 100.00% 493.787 100.00%

Currency INR INR INR

Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H

Debt Summary
For the Data
Fiscal Period Ending
12 months Mar-31-2017 12 months Mar-31-2018 12 months Mar-31-2019
Currency INR INR INR
Units Millions % of Total Millions % of Total Millions % of Total

Total Revolving Credit 0 0.00% 8.219 5.657% 0 0.00%

Total Term Loans 63.41 99.998% 127.901 88.039% 106.242 103.076%
General/Other Borrowings - - 13.639 9.388% 11.519 11.176%
Total Principal Due 63.41 99.998% 149.759 103.084% 117.761 114.251%

Total Adjustments 0.001 0.002% (4.481) (3.084%) (14.689) (14.251%)

Total Debt Outstanding 63.411 100.00% 145.278 100.00% 103.072 100.00%

Additional Totals
Total Cash & ST Investments 8.701 - 36.076 - 63.746 -
Net Debt 54.71 - 109.202 - 39.326 -
Total Senior Debt 63.41 99.998% 149.759 103.084% 117.761 114.251%
Total Short-Term Borrowings - - 8.219 5.657% - -
Curr. Port. of LT Debt/Cap. Leases 28.847 45.492% 33.277 22.906% 26.549 25.758%
Long-Term Debt (Incl. Cap. Leases) 34.564 54.508% 103.782 71.437% 76.523 74.242%
Total Bank Debt 63.41 99.998% 136.12 93.696% 106.242 103.076%
Total Secured Debt 63.41 99.998% 149.759 103.084% 117.761 114.251%
Senior Secured Loans 63.41 99.998% 136.12 93.696% 106.242 103.076%
Total Senior Secured Debt 63.41 99.998% 149.759 103.084% 117.761 114.251%
Variable Rate Debt 0 0.00% 8.219 5.657% 0 0.00%

Credit Ratios
Net Debt/EBITDA 0.44x - 0.76x - 0.24x -
Total Debt/EBITDA 0.51x - 1.01x - 0.64x -
Total Senior Debt/EBITDA 0.51x - 1.04x - 0.73x -
Total Senior Secured/EBITDA 0.51x - 1.04x - 0.73x -
Net Debt/(EBITDA-CAPEX) 0.68x - NM - 0.31x -
Total Debt/(EBITDA-CAPEX) 0.79x - NM - 0.80x -
Total Senior Debt/(EBITDA-CAPEX) 0.79x - NM - 0.92x -
Total Senior Secured/(EBITDA-CAPEX) 0.79x - NM - 0.92x -

Fixed Payment Schedule

LT Debt (Incl. Cap. Leases) Due +1 - - 63.253 43.539% 49.797 48.313%
LT Debt (Incl. Cap. Leases) Due +2 - - 53.902 37.103% 23.249 22.556%
LT Debt (Incl. Cap. Leases) Due, Next 5 Yrs - - 117.155 80.642% 73.046 70.869%
LT Debt (Incl. Cap. Leases) Due, After 5 Yrs - - 28.123 19.358% 30.026 29.131%

Operating Lease Commitment Due +1 0.21 - 0.21 - 0.21 -

Operating Lease Commitment Due +2 0.21 - 0.21 - 0.21 -
Operating Lease Commitment Due +3 0.21 - 0.21 - 0.21 -
Operating Lease Commitment Due +4 0.21 - 0.21 - 0.21 -
Operating Lease Commitment Due +5 0.21 - 0.21 - 0.21 -
Operating Lease Commitment Due, Next 5 Yrs 1.05 - 1.05 - 1.05 -
Operating Lease Commitment Due, After 5 Yrs 6.51 - 6.3 - 6.09 -

Contractual Obligations Due +1 - - 55.72 - 72.409 -

Contractual Obligations Due + 2 - - 1.882 - - -
Contractual Obligations Due, Next 5 Yrs - - 57.602 - 72.409 -
Total Contractual Obligations - - 57.602 - 72.409 -
Interest Rate Data
Filing Date Aug-30-2018 - Sep-05-2019 - Sep-05-2019 -

Currency INR INR INR

Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Capital Structure Details
Principal Due in Millions of
INR. Period Type: Annual   Source: A 2019 filed Sep-05-2019
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Default)   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)

FY 2019 (Mar-31-2019) Capital Structure As Reported Details Coupon/Base

Description Type Principal Due (INR) Rate Floating Rate Maturity Seniority Secured
Deferred Liability Payments Other Borrowings 11.5 NA NA - Senior Yes
Secured Cash Credit Facilities Revolving Credit - 11.400% Base Rate + 2.250% - Senior Yes
from Banks
Secured Term Loan from State Term Loans 9.9 NA NA - Senior Yes
Term of India
Loan -1 from HDFC Bank Term Loans 43.8 NA NA - Senior Yes
Term Loan towards Purchase Term Loans 1.9 NA NA Feb-07-2022 Senior Yes
of CarLoan
Term from towards
Purchase Term Loans 11.2 NA NA Apr-01-2024 Senior Yes
of CT Loan
Term Scan towards
from YesPurchase
Bank Term Loans 39.6 NA NA May-01-2024 Senior Yes
of MRI Scan from Yes Bank

*Principal Due values translated into INR at an exchange rate of 1.000 INR/INR on Mar-31-2019.

FY 2018 (Mar-31-2018) Capital Structure As Reported Details Coupon/Base

Description Type Principal Due (INR) Rate Floating Rate Maturity Seniority Secured
Deferred Liability Payments Other Borrowings 13.6 NA NA - Senior Yes
Secured Cash Credit Facilities Revolving Credit 8.2 11.400% Base Rate + 2.250% - Senior Yes
from Banks
Secured Term Loan from State Term Loans 29.0 NA NA - Senior Yes
Term of India
Loan -1 from HDFC Bank Term Loans 43.8 NA NA - Senior Yes
Term Loan towards Purchase Term Loans 4.4 NA NA Feb-07-2022 Senior Yes
of CarLoan
Term from towards
Purchase Term Loans 11.2 NA NA Apr-01-2024 Senior Yes
of CT Loan
Term Scan towards
from YesPurchase
Bank Term Loans 39.6 NA NA May-01-2024 Senior Yes
of MRI Scan from Yes Bank
Convertible Currency

Convertible Currency
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Ratios

Restatement: Latest Filings   Period Type: Annual

Order: Latest on Right   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)

For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019 Sep-30-2019
Return on Assets % 3.8% 9.7% 17.0% 14.4% 13.4% 16.4%
Return on Capital % 4.8% 12.3% 21.2% 17.4% 16.0% 20.9%
Return on Equity % 1.2% 27.2% 28.6% 24.4% 24.8% 29.6%
Return on Common Equity % 1.2% 27.2% 28.6% 24.4% 24.8% 29.6%

Margin Analysis
Gross Margin % 22.7% 57.8% 59.8% 59.8% 61.4% 62.2%
SG&A Margin % 2.3% 1.8% 2.1% 3.1% 4.4% 4.0%
EBITDA Margin % 15.7% 18.7% 22.5% 20.3% 19.6% 22.0%
EBITA Margin % 5.3% 11.0% 16.7% 14.9% 14.6% 17.4%
EBIT Margin % 5.3% 11.0% 16.7% 14.9% 14.6% 17.4%
Earnings from Cont. Ops Margin % 0.3% 7.5% 9.8% 9.4% 10.5% 12.9%
Net Income Margin % 0.3% 7.5% 9.8% 9.4% 10.5% 12.9%
Net Income Avail. for Common Margin % 0.3% 7.5% 9.8% 9.4% 10.5% 12.9%
Normalized Net Income Margin % 0.1% 4.7% 9.1% 8.7% 8.7% 10.8%
Levered Free Cash Flow Margin % 7.6% 10.0% 9.8% (9.4%) 10.1% 9.4%
Unlevered Free Cash Flow Margin % 10.9% 12.2% 10.9% (8.8%) 10.9% 10.1%

Asset Turnover
Total Asset Turnover 1.1x 1.4x 1.6x 1.6x 1.5x 1.5x
Fixed Asset Turnover 1.3x 1.8x 2.3x 2.3x 2.3x 2.6x
Accounts Receivable Turnover 24.9x 25.0x 25.1x 24.0x 24.4x 41.8x
Inventory Turnover 38.3x 26.6x 33.9x 42.0x 39.4x 28.5x

Short Term Liquidity

Current Ratio 0.3x 0.3x 0.4x 0.7x 1.0x 1.4x
Quick Ratio 0.2x 0.2x 0.3x 0.6x 0.8x 1.2x
Cash from Ops. to Curr. Liab. 0.6x 0.6x 1.0x 1.1x 1.3x 1.2x
Avg. Days Sales Out. 14.7 14.6 14.5 15.2 14.9 8.7
Avg. Days Inventory Out. 9.5 13.8 10.8 8.7 9.3 12.8
Avg. Days Payable Out. 38.3 61.4 51.7 47.0 53.3 53.5
Avg. Cash Conversion Cycle (14.1) (33.0) (26.5) (23.1) (29.1) (32.0)

Long Term Solvency

Total Debt/Equity 134.1% 77.3% 26.4% 47.8% 26.4% 15.0%
Total Debt/Capital 57.3% 43.6% 20.9% 32.3% 20.9% 13.1%
LT Debt/Equity 93.1% 44.7% 14.4% 34.1% 19.6% 15.0%
LT Debt/Capital 39.8% 25.2% 11.4% 23.1% 15.5% 13.1%
Total Liabilities/Total Assets 67.1% 54.5% 36.9% 42.6% 34.4% 30.4%

EBIT / Interest Exp. 1.0x 3.1x 9.3x 15.2x 10.9x 16.4x

EBITDA / Interest Exp. 3.0x 5.3x 12.5x 20.7x 14.6x 20.7x
(EBITDA-CAPEX) / Interest Exp. 2.5x 4.7x 8.1x NM 11.6x 17.8x
Total Debt/EBITDA 2.4x 1.3x 0.5x 1.0x 0.6x 0.3x
Net Debt/EBITDA 2.3x 1.3x 0.4x 0.8x 0.2x NM
Total Debt/(EBITDA-CAPEX) 2.9x 1.5x 0.8x NM 0.8x 0.4x
Net Debt/(EBITDA-CAPEX) 2.8x 1.4x 0.7x NM 0.3x NM

Altman Z Score 2.13 4.55 9.22 11.17 10.27 NA

Growth Over Prior Year

Total Revenue 13.8% 17.4% 28.8% 28.7% 16.4% 19.7%
Gross Profit 35.3% 198.7% 33.2% 28.7% 19.5% 23.0%
EBITDA 212.0% 39.6% 55.1% 16.2% 12.1% 39.0%
EBITA NM 143.1% 95.4% 14.3% 14.6% 55.2%
EBIT NM 143.1% 95.4% 14.3% 14.6% 55.2%
Earnings from Cont. Ops. NM 2,493.8% 66.6% 24.2% 29.4% 79.7%
Net Income NM 2,493.8% 66.6% 24.2% 29.4% 79.7%
Normalized Net Income NM 4,140.8% 148.0% 23.4% 16.6% 69.7%
Diluted EPS before Extra NM 2,493.8% 66.6% 24.2% 29.4% 80.7%

Accounts Receivable 6.4% 26.5% 29.3% 39.7% (4.0%) 16.1%

Inventory (1.4%) (14.2%) 8.5% (0.1%) 38.5% 105.4%
Net PP&E (11.5%) (10.3%) 5.7% 51.2% (3.8%) (3.5%)
Total Assets (7.1%) (4.9%) 29.1% 39.1% 12.4% 17.4%

Tangible Book Value 0.9% 31.6% 79.7% 25.4% 27.9% 34.8%

Common Equity 1.2% 31.5% 79.3% 26.5% 28.5% 34.3%
Cash from Ops. 38.0% 5.6% 75.4% 23.4% 27.6% NA
Capital Expenditures (63.8%) (14.7%) 424.3% 266.3% (79.6%) NA
Levered Free Cash Flow 195.4% 54.4% 25.8% NM NM NA
Unlevered Free Cash Flow 74.7% 31.5% 14.9% NM NM NA
Dividend per Share NA NA NA NA NA NA

Compound Annual Growth Rate Over Two Years

Total Revenue 12.2% 15.6% 23.0% 28.8% 22.4% 19.7%
Gross Profit 1.7% 101.1% 99.5% 30.9% 24.0% 21.7%
EBITDA (4.0%) 108.7% 47.2% 34.2% 14.1% 23.5%
EBITA (38.4%) NM 118.0% 49.5% 14.5% 25.7%
EBIT (38.4%) NM 118.0% 49.5% 14.5% 25.7%
Earnings from Cont. Ops. (63.6%) NM 557.4% 43.9% 26.8% 29.4%
Net Income (63.6%) NM 557.4% 43.9% 26.8% 29.4%
Normalized Net Income (78.4%) NM 925.5% 74.9% 20.0% 30.1%
Diluted EPS before Extra (63.6%) NM 557.4% 43.9% 26.8% 29.9%

Accounts Receivable (4.5%) 16.0% 27.9% 34.4% 15.8% 3.4%

Inventory (0.3%) (8.0%) (3.5%) 4.1% 17.6% 57.1%
Net PP&E (8.2%) (10.9%) (2.6%) 26.4% 20.7% 4.5%
Total Assets (4.8%) (6.0%) 10.8% 34.0% 25.0% 17.5%

Tangible Book Value (12.9%) 15.2% 53.8% 50.1% 26.6% 28.2%

Common Equity (12.7%) 15.4% 53.6% 50.6% 27.5% 28.9%
Cash from Ops. (9.1%) 20.8% 36.1% 47.1% 25.5% NA
Capital Expenditures (63.2%) (44.4%) 111.5% 338.2% (13.5%) NA
Levered Free Cash Flow NM 113.6% 39.4% NM 24.3% NA
Unlevered Free Cash Flow NM 51.6% 22.9% NM 22.5% NA
Dividend per Share NA NA NA NA NA NA

Compound Annual Growth Rate Over Three Years

Total Revenue 22.6% 13.9% 19.8% 24.9% 24.5% 23.5%
Gross Profit 20.6% 45.7% 75.3% 72.3% 27.0% 60.6%
EBITDA 17.8% 8.8% 89.0% 36.0% 26.4% 27.9%
EBITA (8.4%) (2.6%) NM 75.8% 36.8% 34.2%
EBIT (8.4%) (2.6%) NM 75.8% 36.8% 34.2%
Earnings from Cont. Ops. (46.4%) 50.9% NM 277.2% 38.9% 42.3%
Net Income (46.4%) 50.9% NM 277.2% 38.9% 42.3%
Normalized Net Income (61.1%) 25.7% NM 406.3% 52.8% 53.8%
Diluted EPS before Extra (46.4%) 50.9% NM 277.2% 38.9% 43.0%

Accounts Receivable 6.0% 4.9% 20.3% 31.7% 20.1% 6.8%

Inventory 7.9% (5.2%) (2.8%) (2.4%) 14.5% 38.7%
Net PP&E 1.5% (8.9%) (5.7%) 12.8% 15.4% 14.0%
Total Assets 0.1% (4.8%) 4.5% 19.5% 26.4% 27.7%

Tangible Book Value (6.6%) (0.1%) 33.6% 43.7% 42.3% 40.2%

Common Equity (6.4%) 0.1% 33.7% 44.0% 42.8% 40.8%
Cash from Ops. 11.5% (4.4%) 36.8% 31.7% 40.3% NA
Capital Expenditures (51.9%) (51.3%) 17.4% 154.0% 57.7% NA
Levered Free Cash Flow NM NM 79.0% NM 24.8% NA
Unlevered Free Cash Flow NM NM 38.2% NM 19.9% NA
Dividend per Share NA NA NA NA NA NA

Compound Annual Growth Rate Over Five Years

Total Revenue 33.6% 26.7% 22.8% 19.6% 20.9% 21.3%
Gross Profit 29.9% 58.3% 47.5% 39.6% 52.6% 47.6%
EBITDA 62.0% 42.5% 28.8% 18.3% 54.5% 27.1%
EBITA NM 56.3% 29.5% 15.6% NM 131.3%
EBIT NM 56.3% 29.5% 15.6% NM 131.3%
Earnings from Cont. Ops. NM NM 46.1% 48.0% NM 49.2%
Net Income NM NM 46.1% 48.0% NM 49.2%
Normalized Net Income NM NM 44.0% 43.4% NM NM
Diluted EPS before Extra NM NM 46.1% 48.0% NM NA

Accounts Receivable 1.3% 11.3% 14.3% 15.8% 18.5% 11.1%

Inventory 19.4% 2.9% 3.2% (1.6%) 4.9% 16.4%
Net PP&E 16.0% 5.6% (0.2%) 3.9% 4.1% 4.8%
Total Assets 8.1% 5.0% 4.2% 9.1% 12.3% 14.8%

Tangible Book Value 18.9% 2.8% 14.0% 17.6% 30.8% 34.8%

Common Equity 19.0% 2.9% 14.1% 17.8% 31.2% 35.1%
Cash from Ops. NM 26.5% 20.7% 13.6% 32.1% NA
Capital Expenditures (22.2%) (33.7%) (13.0%) 17.3% 3.9% NA
Levered Free Cash Flow NM NM NM NM 54.8% NA
Unlevered Free Cash Flow NM NM NM NM 31.7% NA
Dividend per Share NA NA NA NA NA NA
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Supplemental

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Restatement: Latest Filings   Period Type: Annual
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Order: Latest on Right   Units: S&P Capital IQ (Default)
Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)  

For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019
Loss Carry Forward Related Items
Tax Benefit C/F, After Five Years - - - - 51.6 45.608
Total Tax Benefit C/F - - - - 51.6 45.608

Filing Date Aug-14-2015 Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Industry Specific

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Restatement: Latest Filings   Period Type: Annual
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Order: Latest on Right   Units: S&P Capital IQ (Default)
Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)  

Industry Specific
For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019
Expenses as % of Revenue
Salaries and Benefits 35.99% 33.68% 31.46% 29.28% 29.75% 26.13%
Supplies 3.04% 2.99% 2.40% 2.57% 2.43% 2.30%
Provisions for Doubtful Accounts 2.25% 0.51% 1.14% 0.43% 1.30% 0.70%
Other Operating Expenses 7.86% 5.82% 49.82% 47.94% 47.23% 45.69%
Outpatient Services 17.77% 19.15% 17.74% 15.23% 15.20% 14.57%
Inpatient Services 82.23% 80.85% 82.26% 84.77% 84.80% 85.43%

Other Items
Net Inpatient Revenues 193.479 213.253 256.373 337.848 448.315 563.813
Net Outpatient Revenues 41.824 50.519 55.301 60.676 80.387 96.183
Net Patient Revenues 235.304 263.772 311.674 398.524 528.702 659.996

Operating Expense - Supplies 9.693 10.851 10.22 14.112 17.148 18.922

Filing Date Aug-14-2015 Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Pension/OPEB

In Millions of INR, except per share items. Restatement: Latest Filings   Period Type: Annual
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Order: Latest on Right   Units: S&P Capital IQ (Default)
Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)  

For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019
Pension Information - Total
Defined Benefit Net Periodic Cost
Def. Benefit Service Cost 1.189 0.765 1.596 1.61 1.866 2.907
Def. Benefit Plan Interest Cost 0.172 0.316 0.402 0.532 0.404 0.906
Def. Benefit Plan Return on Assets (0.182) (0.24) (0.28) (0.426) (0.525) (0.682)
Def. Benefit Plan Other Cost 0.603 0.104 (0.728) - 0.622 -
Def. Benefit Plan Total Cost 1.782 0.945 0.99 1.716 2.367 3.131

Def. Contribution Plan Cost 5.443 6.97 7.436 8.294 11.142 9.33
Total Pension Expense 7.226 7.915 8.426 10.01 13.509 12.461

Defined Benefit Obligation

Beg. Def. Benefit Obligation 2.184 4.073 4.701 5.34 5.56 11.671
Def. Benefit Service Cost 1.189 0.765 1.596 1.61 1.866 2.907
Def. Benefit Interest Cost 0.172 0.316 0.402 0.532 0.404 0.906
Def. Benefit Actuarial Gain/Losses 0.603 0.108 (0.753) (0.9) 4.228 (1.125)
Def. Benefits Paid (0.075) (0.561) (0.606) (1.022) (1.009) (1.316)
Other Adj. To Def. Benefit Obligation - - - - 0.622 -
Proj. Benefit Obligation (Pension) 4.073 4.701 5.34 5.56 11.671 13.043

Plan Assets
Beg. Plan Assets 0.861 2.914 2.665 3.82 7.202 8.789
Actual Return on Plan Assets 0.182 0.244 0.255 0.426 0.437 0.35
Employer Contributions 1.947 0.068 1.506 3.978 2.158 0.225
Benefits Paid (0.075) (0.561) (0.606) (1.022) (1.009) (1.316)
Total Plan Assets 2.914 2.665 3.82 7.202 8.789 8.048
Weighted Avg. Assumptions on Net Periodic Cost
Exp. Long-Term Rate of Return on Assets - Min 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%
Exp. Long-Term Rate of Return on Assets - Max 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%

Weighted Avg. Assumptions on Def. Benefit Obligation

PBO Assumed Rate of Return - Min 8.25% 7.80% 7.80% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%
PBO Assumed Rate of Return - Max 8.25% 7.80% 7.80% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%
Rate of PBO Compensation Increase - Min 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 8.00% 8.00%
Rate of PBO Compensation Increase - Max 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 8.00% 8.00%

Adj. for Liability Recognized on Balance Sheet

Net Asset/Liability Recognized on Balance Sheet (1.603) (3.643) (3.342) 0.038 (5.614) (10.964)

Other Compr. Income Components Recognized on the BS

Net Actuarial Loss/Gain - - - (0.602) 2.22 1.658
Net Amount Recognized - - - (0.602) 2.22 1.658

Consolidated Balance Sheet Amounts

Long Term Assets - - - 1.642 - -
Current Liabilities (0.229) (0.338) (0.399) (0.574) (1.29) (7.996)
Long Term Liabilities (1.374) (3.304) (2.943) (1.03) (4.325) (2.968)

Other Pension Related Items

Benefit Info Date Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019

Pension Information - Domestic

Defined Benefit Net Periodic Cost
Def. Benefit Service Cost 1.189 0.765 1.596 1.61 1.866 2.907
Def. Benefit Interest Cost 0.172 0.316 0.402 0.532 0.404 0.906
Def. Benefit Return On Assets (0.182) (0.24) (0.28) (0.426) (0.525) (0.682)
Def. Benefit Other Cost 0.603 0.104 (0.728) - 0.622 -
Def. Benefit Total Cost 1.782 0.945 0.99 1.716 2.367 3.131

Defined Benefit Obligation

Beg. Def. Benefit Obligation 2.184 4.073 4.701 5.34 5.56 11.671
Def. Benefit Service Cost 1.189 0.765 1.596 1.61 1.866 2.907
Def. Benefit Interest Cost 0.172 0.316 0.402 0.532 0.404 0.906
Def. Benefit Actuarial Gain/Losses 0.603 0.108 (0.753) (0.9) 4.228 (1.125)
Def. Benefits Paid (0.075) (0.561) (0.606) (1.022) (1.009) (1.316)
Other Adj. To Def. Benefit Obligation - - - - 0.622 -
Proj. Benefit Obligation (Pension) - Domestic 4.073 4.701 5.34 5.56 11.671 13.043

Plan Assets
Beg. Plan Assets 0.861 2.914 2.665 3.82 7.202 8.789
Actual Return on Plan Assets 0.182 0.244 0.255 0.426 0.437 0.35
Employer Contributions 1.947 0.068 1.506 3.978 2.158 0.225
Benefits Paid (0.075) (0.561) (0.606) (1.022) (1.009) (1.316)
Total Plan Assets 2.914 2.665 3.82 7.202 8.789 8.048

Weighted Avg. Assumptions on Net Periodic Cost

Exp. Long-Term Rate of Return on Assets - Min 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%
Exp. Long-Term Rate of Return on Assets - Max 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%

Weighted Avg. Assumptions on Def. Benefit Obligation

PBO Assumed Rate of Return - Min 8.25% 7.80% 7.80% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%
PBO Assumed Rate of Return - Max 8.25% 7.80% 7.80% 7.28% 7.80% 6.55%
Rate of PBO Compensation Increase - Min 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 8.00% 8.00%
Rate of PBO Compensation Increase - Max 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 8.00% 8.00%

Adj. for Liability Recognized on Balance Sheet

Net Asset/Liability Recognized on Balance Sheet (1.603) (3.643) (3.342) 0.038 (5.614) (10.964)

Other Compr. Income Components Recognized on the BS

Net Actuarial Loss/Gain - - - (0.602) 2.22 1.658
Net Amount Recognized - - - (0.602) 2.22 1.658

Consolidated Balance Sheet Amounts

Long Term Assets - - - 1.642 - -
Current Liabilities (0.229) (0.338) (0.399) (0.574) (1.29) (7.996)
Long Term Liabilities (1.374) (3.304) (2.943) (1.03) (4.325) (2.968)

Other Pension Related Items

Benefit Info Date Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520) > Financials > Segments

In Millions of INR. View By: Line Items   Restatement: Latest Filings

Period Type: Annual   Order: Latest on Right
Currency: Indian Rupee   Conversion: Historical
Units: S&P Capital IQ (Defaul   Decimals: Capital IQ (Default)

Business Segments
For the Fiscal Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019
Medical and Healthcare Services 319.1 363.0 426.2 548.9 706.7 822.6
Total Revenues 319.1 363.0 426.2 548.9 706.7 822.6

Interest Expense
Medical and Healthcare Services (21.3) (19.2) (15.1) (9.9) (6.9) (11.1)
Total Interest Expense (21.3) (19.2) (15.1) (9.9) (6.9) (11.1)

Net Profit Before Tax

Medical and Healthcare Services (15.5) 1.2 40.6 79.9 98.0 123.3
Total Net Profit Before Tax (15.5) 1.2 40.6 79.9 98.0 123.3

Tax Expense
Medical and Healthcare Services (12.5) - 8.4 26.3 31.5 37.2
Total Tax Expense (12.5) - 8.4 26.3 31.5 37.2

Net Profit After Tax

Medical and Healthcare Services (3.0) 1.2 32.1 53.5 66.5 86.1
Total Net Profit After Tax (3.0) 1.2 32.1 53.5 66.5 86.1

Medical and Healthcare Services 333.7 310.0 294.8 380.7 529.5 595.2
Total Assets 333.7 310.0 294.8 380.7 529.5 595.2

Depreciation & Amortization

Medical and Healthcare Services 42.2 37.7 32.6 31.6 38.4 40.5
Total Depreciation & Amortization 42.2 37.7 32.6 31.6 38.4 40.5
Capital Expenditure
Medical and Healthcare Services (26.6) (9.6) (8.2) (43.1) (157.7) (32.2)
Total Capital Expenditure (26.6) (9.6) (8.2) (43.1) (157.7) (32.2)

Filing Date Aug-14-2015 Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H

For the Fiscal Segments
Period Ending 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Mar-31-2014 Mar-31-2015 Mar-31-2016 Mar-31-2017 Mar-31-2018 Mar-31-2019
India 319.1 363.0 426.2 548.9 706.7 822.6
Total Revenues 319.1 363.0 426.2 548.9 706.7 822.6

Interest Expense
India (21.3) (19.2) (15.1) (9.9) (6.9) (11.1)
Total Interest Expense (21.3) (19.2) (15.1) (9.9) (6.9) (11.1)

Net Profit Before Tax

India (15.5) 1.2 40.6 79.9 98.0 123.3
Total Net Profit Before Tax (15.5) 1.2 40.6 79.9 98.0 123.3

Tax Expense
India (12.5) - 8.4 26.3 31.5 37.2
Total Tax Expense (12.5) - 8.4 26.3 31.5 37.2

Net Profit After Tax

India (3.0) 1.2 32.1 53.5 66.5 86.1
Total Net Profit After Tax (3.0) 1.2 32.1 53.5 66.5 86.1

India 333.7 310.0 294.8 380.7 529.5 595.2
Total Assets 333.7 310.0 294.8 380.7 529.5 595.2
Depreciation & Amortization
India 42.2 37.7 32.6 31.6 38.4 40.5
Total Depreciation & Amortization 42.2 37.7 32.6 31.6 38.4 40.5

Capital Expenditure
India (26.6) (9.6) (8.2) (43.1) (157.7) (32.2)
Total Capital Expenditure (26.6) (9.6) (8.2) (43.1) (157.7) (32.2)

Filing Date Aug-14-2015 Aug-13-2016 Sep-04-2017 Aug-30-2018 Sep-05-2019 Sep-05-2019


Exchange Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Conversion Method H H H H H H

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