Eng105 Assignment Topic-Online Education Should Not Be Applied at School Level

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Do you want to engage our school children in online learning or encourage them to go to school
where they will have campus, playground, and new friends? For a school children, online
education is not a good thing as it will make them mentally disable to think freely than that of
offline education. When a school-going children are involved in online classes, he or she can’t
understand everything properly because they are very young. They need a teacher to make a
task properly completed, to make the classes enjoyable which is only possible in school. From my
point of view, Online education shouldn’t be applied in school because network connection can
be disconnected at any time, school children cant cope up with online classes, and offline
classroom will be super effective for them.
Engaged school children in online education will not be beneficial as network connection got
interrupted at any time. School going children will encounter this problem as a hazard. Because
poor network connection make them feel very uncomfortable. They feel discouraged because of
it. Again the time limit for the online class is very short that if the network connection gets
disconnected from time to time, these little children will have to face difficulties. So poor internet
connection is a barrier for school children to attain online classes.
Online education should not be applied at the school level as an offline classroom is mandatory
for school children. A teacher needs to take special care at every school children whether they
can understand everything properly or not, a teacher also can enlighten a student’s inner
strengths which is only possible if there is a campus and a classroom. If a schoolchild goes to
school regularly, they can make new friends to share their thoughts, they can play with their
friends also. So a classroom is highly recommended for school children.
Some people argued that online education is helpful for school children as it removes their
tiredness of traffic jams. But I don’t think it’s a big issue. Because school children will get used to
traffic problems at one time. Again comparing it with offline classes is a joke. Because school
children cant cope up with online classes as it is technology-based. School children need offline
education as they will taste the real beauty of education from school.
By scrutinizing all these things, once again I want to state that online education is a curse for
school-going children. If we engaged them in online education at their primary level, they cant
learn things properly, again they cant share their thoughts and ideas with the very limited time
of the online class. And the most important thing is they will not feel the real taste of education
with the means of online classes. Our governments should take proper initiatives like encourage
parents to send their children in schools, make the primary schools and kindergarten more
attractive with a good playfield with a neat and clean environment.

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