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I’m going to speak out on what I’ve learnt this year

throughout the whole pandemic, watching how things
have changed in our society since March and what I’ve
educated myself on through sources all over the world.
I have no political views because I’ve never tried to
educate myself on it and thought we can still hold our
democracy without my vote, I’m trying to get this
across to you from person to person that just wants to
live the best life for themselves and other people.
Whether you’re a high paid politician, doctor, student
it doesn’t matter. This should concern you, we are the
99% being led by a corrupt 1%. Get a cup of tea, read
this and open your eyes.
I haven’t made this to scare anyone but to get the real
facts and sources out there, proving that Coronavirus
(COVID-19) should NOT be a pandemic.
Then I will explain what I’ve learned and truly believe is
the agenda for this ‘new normal’ we’re all headed for,
it isn’t looking good.
I was focusing on my own work and career but couldn’t
work while learning what’s really going on around us,
Dividing the nations all over the world. I am talking
about worldwide tyranny from our own governments.
You can choose to believe what I have to say or not,
that’s your opinion. But we all want one thing in
common, we want the best for family, friends and
more. So, listen carefully, look at the facts and no I’m not a crazy
conspiracy theorist.

Also, if this is being shared, I would like my name kept

out of it if possible, wherever this is getting sent to. I
just want to get a simple message to people that
turning on each other isn’t a way to live our lives, you’ll
see a truth to it. I’m scared because I don’t want this
ruining what I’ve done for myself, but if I thought like
that then I would be keeping my head down and not
saying what I know and what I see happening. We are
at a risk of losing the free world. You have to open your
eyes and see it for what it is, if you don’t agree with
one fact that doesn’t matter, keep reading. There is a
simple message behind why I’m doing this. Us, the
99%, are at a crisis of losing human rights due to
Government tactics to seize control, and it’s
happening, Globally.
Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want, but if people
don’t listen up and understand what we are blindly
walking into then you’re not seeing the biggest picture.
Protect each other is what we are being told, what are
we doing all over the world? Domestic abuse,
substance abuse, the list goes on. Protestors being
silenced and arrested, social media being suppressed,
free speech is being violated for a reason.

They don’t want you to fucking know what’s actually

going on while you’re being compliant listening to their

This is a strange time in our society, I’m sure you can all
agree and feel that life has felt different for quite a
while. I’d like to add that I haven’t lost the plot,
everything I say or show today will have a credible
source to back it up.
Firstly, please take everything I’ve said into account
and look at the facts around this. People are so against
this topic and believing in it, they call it conspiracy
theory right away without looking at the facts. This is
known as Cognitive Dissonance –

Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving

conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviours. This
produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an
alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviours
to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.
Source -

Keep that in mind and please read this with an open

view, there is a lot going on in our world right now and
people need to understand what’s at stake with our
‘new normal’.
There are millions of people protesting worldwide,
calling out our governments and the modern tyranny
that is happening globally. Although the media is
downplaying the numbers saying that there are less
people attending, this will all be explained.
Here are the facts showing that we should NOT be
following the rules that are being given to us by our
WHO 2017 – ‘Up to 650,000 people die of respiratory
diseases linked to seasonal flu each year.’

Currently the death toll is at 848,000 worldwide – as of

2nd September.
We are looking at a similar statistic that we usually
have as said from the WHO’s own website, although
the death toll is around 200,000 more.
Surely we’re looking at a bad flu season because of this
different strain of Coronavirus? There’s plenty of
Coronavirus strains remember.

Source -

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause

mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in
addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6
additional conditions or causes per death.”

This means that on average every person had 2.6

conditions that killed them? That would have also
happened with a similar disease, flu or common cold?
So why is COVID different?
This is something that normally happens, and I feel for
them and their loved ones, but we are being misled
and told we are doing it for each other’s safety when in
fact, it’s doing so much worse.
Millions of people die every year, we must ask why did
it have to be so bad and why they are reporting this
the way they are? It is proven that this virus only
affects the elderly and vulnerable people more, like a
normal flu. 96% of the deaths from this study has other
contributing factors to the death.

I would also include some information on the death

certificates being carried out fraudulently although I
couldn’t find anything online, I have seen clips of
doctors over the world challenging their co-workers on
why this is being done.

You must remember that the people behind this are

trying to silence people worldwide for speaking out on
this truth and silencing the true facts going against the
narrative they are trying to push all around us.
People all over the world have set up new platforms to
post about these topics without being silenced. I will
leave a list of links at the end of this document where
you can dig deep into this and see for yourself what
other people are saying.

I’d love to have a protest where we live, but that’s not

something I’m willing to risk because of my business
but I feel like the people’s voices need to be heard.
Some of you went to the George Floyd protests and
that was great to see, but our lives and futures are at a
risk here if we are willing to accept this ‘new normal’
they’re promising but it’s not a world we want to be in.
People are losing their businesses and jobs worldwide,
you must remember your part of this 99% too. We are
only a statistic in their eyes.
It’s psychological what they’re doing to us to accept it,
Divide and Conquer, Yuri Bezmenov explains this in a
1984 interview in a few more pages.

Here is a notification I received yesterday morning (1st

September) on Facebook, they know that this
information is getting out there and they will do
anything in their power to suppress it.
So now I hope you can understand that this virus is not
as deadly as they have made it out to be but why has
this been done?
What we are seeing now with these lockdowns
worldwide is crippling our economy, middle/lower
class businesses worldwide are being forced into
closure and many are struggling.
Irish politician challenged on another lockdown -

These lockdowns have done more harm than good

with domestic abuse, suicides, substance abuse and
more soaring across the world as people try to cope
with this ‘pandemic’, can we even really call it a
pandemic at this point?
Through all this people all over the world can’t get
their hospital appointments for serious illnesses, I
believe that because of this we are looking at a huge
death count that they will most certainly be passing off
as COVID-19 deaths.
Can’t keep the people out of the fear surely?

Who is benefitting from this, what is the outcome and

what is really going on?

This is where I may lose some of you, above I’ve listed

all the facts on why I think the Coronavirus pandemic is
a scam and I hope you can understand that this needs
to be questioned. We are being sold a lie and it’s a fact,
what I’m about to tell you may feel very surreal, but
you must understand that these things have happened,
can happen and are happening. I know it’s 2020 but we
can’t forget our history.
Know your history or be doomed to repeat it.

To find out who’s behind this and what the plan really
is, just follow the money.
Throughout this year all huge media outlets and
reporters have been reporting this novel Coronavirus
as something we should all act on, changing how we
live and restricting us through various things – such as
lockdown, mask wearing, social distancing.

These media corporations are funded by the people

pushing this agenda, the bankers and the billionaires
known as the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates,
Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and many more. These are
known as the 1%.

To push through this New World, they’re trying to

install on us it is a slow process, through the fear
mongering and compliance of the public. This is
explained in Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov’s
interview -

This video is from 1984 and applies to what we are

seeing today.

Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis and

“A person who was demoralized is unable to assess
true information, the facts tell nothing to him even if I
shower him with information with the authentic proof
with documents with pictures, even if I take him by
force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration
camps, he will refuse to believe it.”
Watch the video and you will understand how this
system works.
Now this shows how this is being implemented in our
society. Demoralized people not willing to see the truth
that our own government is a puppet for the 1%, the
99% of us in a destabilized world that has been brought
to crisis in our economy and a new normalization that
they are trying to push through with their agenda.
Haven’t we been hearing ‘the new normal’ all year?

I’d also like to add that it isn’t just the BBC and other
news channels that have been hijacked to push this
narrative. Google, Facebook, The Guardian and so
much more are included in this. They are ‘debunking’
these claims with made up facts and denying anything
that goes against the narrative. Their finances and
political power are endless. Haven’t we been seeing
them getting richer by the minute all year too?
Try this – Type any 3 numbers and write ‘cases’ after
into Google, I have tried many times and every single
time an article comes up about coronavirus cases, with
the same number on the article. Just something I was
told to try, and it does always show articles on that
number with the Coronavirus cases. This could be a
coincidence but still something to think about.
A total of 1.5 million people died from TB in 2018 (including 251 000 people
with HIV). Worldwide, TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the
leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS).

In 2018, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis(TB)

worldwide. 5.7 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.1 million children.
There were cases in all countries and age groups. But TB is curable and

In 2018, 1.1 million children fell ill with TB globally, and there were 205 000
child deaths due to TB (including among children with HIV). Child and
adolescent TB is often overlooked by health providers and can be difficult to
diagnose and treat.

They shouldn’t even be reporting the cases in the first

place, but they are to keep shoving it out to keep you
either scared or to blindly comply with whatever
they’re doing. At first it was people in ICU, then the
deaths, but now there’s not enough deaths so they’ll
give everyone the false positive, asymptomatic and
mild cases.
Who do you know that has died or got this virus?
The WHO, United Nations and CDC are also corrupt
establishments that are involved, they are the top of
the chain with the WHO giving out the public health
advice with the media following up shoving cases down
your throat. The United Nations are the top control for
all of this ‘sustainable development’ but there’s
nothing sustainable or developing where our lives are
concerned. CDC is the Center for Disease control where
they do all the science behind it.
Everything we’ve been seeing matches up with
no cash accepted at some shops,
they must crash the economy to bring in this new
system of cryptocurrency,
5G for tracking and tracing through AI on your ‘vaccine
record’. See it for yourself here’s a write up on it then
the ‘Read full story here’ will link you to the public

We have to ask, what do they have to gain from all
This Agenda 21 was signed off by the United Nations in
1992 - And it was signed, in 1992, by President George
H.W. Bush and the leaders of 177 other countries —
nations representing 98% of the world's population.
Source -


Of course, these claims aren’t outlined in black and

white, but this is widely talked about around the world
and is something that people really need to understand
the way this is going by having these systems in place,
systems like this have been implemented in China. I
have nothing against Chinese people btw.
What’s happening to us more and more everyday is
making a home run into the same boat.
The fear has been working, with social distancing and
mask wearing in place it is dividing the world we live in
before our own eyes, but we can’t see it. Divide and
conquer is how to do this to nations like Yuri explained
Face masks are worse for our health claim many
doctors all over the world, here’s Dr Ben Lynch
explaining this with studies on children –

Dr Ben Lynch -
“Here’s a test for you:
Get a mask. Put it on at 8 am. Take it off at 3 pm. Do 5
days a week.
How do you feel?
No way that’s safe for a child’s developing brain.
Support their health. Not hide in fear.”

The truth about masks -
At first, they reported the people in ICU, then reported
deaths and now because there isn’t as much deaths,
they are still pushing out thousands of articles about
cases. Where is the logic? Shouldn’t we be happy there
is no deaths, the general population WILL survive from
this virus, but they aren’t telling us that. They want to
keep this fearmongering with cases being pushed out.
It’s easier to control people in fear.

Our own Human Rights are being stripped away from

us through all this, free speech is being suppressed.

Pol Murray talks more on this topic –

And Alan Jones on Sky News Australia showing them

abusing their powers.

One thing I’ll say about this new COVID-19 Vaccine is

Who’s behind the entire Vaccination of the planet you
ask? The devil himself Bill Gates. Now I’m not going to
sit here and get into why I think this man is all kinds of
evil because this isn’t about that. These elite people
and 1% have also been called out all year for child sex
trafficking, with the #pizzagate topic. This started to
get popular after people found out about the Epstein
Island, Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails and more but
that’s not what this is document is about. Exposing
‘COVID-19’ for what it really is, a plan.

A bit of background on Gates is he created Microsoft as

you all know but stepped down in 2008 to focus on

“He says he wants to focus on global health and development, education and
tackling climate change.”
Bill Gates is saying he wants a forced vaccination
program for all 7.8 billion people in the world. He’s
very open about it. Since when was Bill Gates our #1
Health Advisor?
I have a very bad feeling about it, and we could be
looking at a huge depopulation through this, it doesn’t
seem like they have our best interests at heart, and I
will show what he’s done to Africa and India that
should have him arrested for crimes against humanity.

What’s happening now is the great race with 100

companies involved to make this Vaccine, the winner
takes all.
If this Vaccine was £100 that would be
£780,000,000,000, for some people it’s paid by the
Government then surely, pay it back in taxes.

These Vaccine companies have no repercussion or

backlash if you are harmed or damaged from the
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising
from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a
vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects
that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was
accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”
I can imagine Bill Gates and his friends will take a cut of
this income, not that they need any more money
anyway, they have more wealth between them than
4.6 billion of us.

They even have these Coronaviruses patented and stop

other people from researching on COVID-19. This is
talked about in this documentary ‘Plandemic’ -

This one explains some of what I’m talking about here


It is illegal to patent something from nature or natural.

So is the Coronavirus illegally patented as it’s a natural

disease or legally patented being a manmade virus?

Someone is lying…

Here’s some more on what Bill Gates is up to, I can bet

my own life on it this man doesn’t have a great ‘new
normal’ planned for us and I hope someone can stop
this insanity before it’s too late.
Did the Gates Foundation Actually Sterilize Hundreds
of Thousands of Girls in India?

COVID-19 Vaccine -

He also has this new cryptocurrency patented that

they’re going to use for you to buy and sell in this ‘new


– WO2020060606

Just noticing this while writing this too, split the numbers up.

WO 2020 060606

Notice the 060606? I’ll go into the religious side of all this soon, I’ve never believed in
Religion but it’s strange the amount of the Devils number ‘666’ relates to all this. It’s called
The Mark of The Beast in the bible and what we are living through now is bible prophecy,
insane to me because I never believed in Religion, but I’ll explain all that soon. Can I also say
I haven’t lost the plot but everything I am showing has sources to back up, whether you
believe this is up to you but I’m giving real things that connect to each other.
ID2020 is behind all our digital identities they’re going
to have to identify us.
“We need to get digital ID right”, “1.1 Billion people
worldwide live without a Digital ID” and “Protections
for privacy are insufficient”.
“For the one in seven people globally who lacks a
means to prove their identity, digital ID offers access to
vital social services and enables them to exercise their
rights as citizens and voters and participate in the
modern economy. But doing digital ID right means
protecting civil liberties and putting control over
personal data back where it the hands of
the individual.” – wrong. In the hands of, YOU.
Oh, look who’s involved, Gavi – The VACCINE Alliance,
The Rockefeller Foundation and Microsoft.
Our favourite masters. :)
The best way to hide things is in plain sight I suppose.

“Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic

coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people
that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from
person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The
pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely
on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community
setting by people with mild symptoms.”
This was in October 2019, simulating a pandemic 5
months before COVID-19 hit our world ‘massively’.

Who was involved?

Strange one…you know I really wonder where

this virus came from? – people come on now
wake up a wee bit.

TransHuman 2.0 – A Huge Wake Up Call To The World (ORIGINAL, NO COMMENTS)


In this video Dr Carrie Madej, an internal medicine

specialist, explains how this vaccine is delivered by
Microneedle platform. At first, I thought this video was
strange but keep watching a yes, she is a real internal
medicine specialist.
Everyone saying that Bill Gates is trying to chip us all is
right and wrong at the same time as it’s not a generic
RFID microchip that’s been in some countries for a
while. This administers the vaccine but with a twist.
She claims that this microneedle platform can give out
and receive data.
Microneedle Patches as Drug and Vaccine Delivery Platform -
This makes sense to the claims we’ve heard that we
will pay for things in society through this and it is
constantly connected to this new 5G network being
installed all over the world.
We will be constantly monitored with tracking and
tracing, this has been allowed in the H.R.6666 -
COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone

There’s another 666?

5G is much more capable than 4G, merging computing,

wireless and AI technology at speeds we can only
imagine. This is how they can track and trace you with
this microneedle platform, you’re lovely COVID-19
Vaccine. It’s a plan to merge humanity with AI

COVID-19 means
Certificate of Vaccination Identification – AI
A = 1, I = 9

Like I said before, COVID-19 is the PLAN, not the virus.

“5G combines edge computing into wireless networks with
open source initiatives and standards to distribute data
across the network, from radio access and transport to new
core-enabling capabilities such as network slicing.”

“Edge computing applies artificial intelligence (AI) and machine

learning technologies to enhance data management across

I’ll give this one its own page because it deserves it.

Look how complex this diagram is.

The World Economic Forum has a COVID-19 handbook

on how this will structure and change our society as we
know it. Notice how COVID-19 is the cover of this, I’ll
say it again for those of you in the back,

COVID-19 is the plan, NOT the virus.

If you can’t understand this, I don’t know what else I

can say. The facts are out there, you just have to see it
for what it is. We sadly are the losers of this war if
something doesn’t change.

I was never someone who believed in Religion or

thought I should spend my time praying to a God that
we have never known, and we don’t know what comes
after this life.
Where’s that money that’s going into all the churches
with the unpaid taxes? They hijacked Religion and now
they’re doing the same to science – assumption.
Whether you have faith or not, this shit is in the bible if
all this goes through. With religious people trying to
get the message out there that the ‘end’ is coming with
this new system.
I’m not going to take loads of quotes from the bible but
it’s all in there. Satan portrays a false God and is an
angel of light (fibre optic uses light?).
They say that Satan uses his ‘Devices’ to take over.

After looking at all this information and strange things

connecting, I can’t deny that I now believe there is
something out there that has created us. Just look at
what I can show you.
The Mark of The Beast (Revelation 13) –

And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means
of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of
the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they
should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by
a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause
that as many as would not worship the image of the beast
should be killed.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Six hundred, threescore and six.

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Luciferase – In the microneedle platform delivering the


Cryptocurrency patent (to buy and sell) – 060606

HR BILL 6666 – COVID-19 Track and Trace Act

Try this – add each letter of their number in the

alphabet of the word ‘Corona’
C = 3, O = 15, R = 18, O = 15, N = 14, A = 1
= 66
6 letters in Corona = 666
I honestly don’t even know what to tell you, but this is
all out there, I hope that this doesn’t sound like I’ve
went crazy, but I haven’t, it’s all there in black and
Robert Breaker explains all of this in these 2 videos –
The Counterfeit Holy Spirit -
The Mark of The Beast -
I’m hoping that most of you can make sense of what
I’ve shown, with various reputable sources to back up
my claims. I’ve held back from a few claims due to
insufficient evidence but there is a lot out there on
what these people do and are really planning.
This goes along with saying, these people have been
claimed to be involved with child sex trafficking,
Adrenochrome, sacrificing children and more.
Could this be the devil’s work taking over the world as
we know it? It’s all told in the bible that God will come
when Satan takes over the land.

Now again, I was never religious at all before doing this

research but whether you choose to believe or not is
up to you. I can say for certain that what is happening
around us is not normal, it is a grab for power and our
human rights will be stripped from us if something
doesn’t change.
Surely people say, no way that couldn’t be, they
couldn’t make us comply like China has.
I’ll tell you one thing, you’re wrong. They can and will
use anything in their power to complete this plan. It’s
life or death for all of us.
I’ll finish with this, as I said I’m not political but 1 thing
I know is I want Trump to win this election. Hillary,
Biden and friends are accused of being heavily involved
with this cabal of evil shit.

Here’s a Donald Trump speech that was never aired,

talking about the elite cult –

Scared for my life at this point but I won’t walk along

keeping my head down. These people mean NO MORE
than the rest of us because they are people in power
or have money. We all have our own stories, but we
can all agree something needs to happen or we are
headed down a dark tunnel we may not be able to
If you’ve made it this far, I’m sure you can all agree.
That we are heading into deep water and something
needs to change. I’m not sure how this can be done
but people need to know about this and do something.
Take in the facts and use your own mind to question
what you think. WE all want the same thing here, but
our governments seem to have other plans for us.
I haven’t lost my mind over the lockdown, believing in
a load of random shit that doesn’t make sense because
this does make sense to what we are seeing around us.
I hope for the best life in every single one of you and
people need to get this word out there, hopefully it can
reach the right people.
I’ll finish this with a few quotes from history –
“United we stand, divided we fall”
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When
the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” –
Thomas Jefferson
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where
government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to
protect us from ourselves.” – Ronald Reagan
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” –
Edward R. Murrow
More to check out –
Clinical trials show Hydroxychloroquine is 'safe' to treat
COVID-19 with no reported toxicity –

Denise Welch speaks out against Covid scaremongering


****ID2020, Bill Gates and the Mark of the Beast_ how Covid-19 catalyses
existing online conspiracy movements.pdf


Not COVID-19 related but U.S. court: Mass surveillance program exposed by
Snowden was illegal:
Q & A’s
🐑 why arent you a wearing a mask ?
🙂 because nobody here is ill & besides they dont work.
🐑 your mad this virus is very deadly !!
🙂 not really the infection to death rate is 0.004 % if your under 70, 0.026% if you add the
over 70s.
🐑 it killed lots of people in Wuhan
🙂 Wuhan has an elderly population full of respiratory problems & terrible air pollution.
Perfect place to declare a new pandemic, plenty of scope to redesignate cases & deaths.
🐑 but what about all the people we saw dead in the street on the news ?
🙂 hmm yes how many people have you seen dead in the street here ?
🐑 ok but what about Italy ?
🙂 once again Lombardy has terrible air quality & an elderly population full of respiratory
problems perfect for redesignation.
🐑but i saw videos of people really ill in hospital.
🙂the footage was proven to be fake.
🐑 but after the lockdown cases in china plummeted.
🙂 very convenient that the first lockdown happened in a communist country, where
people have no rights & could then be presented to us as a success.
🐑 but the World Health Organisation declared a pandemic.
🙂 the world heath organisation has massive financial ties to Bill Gates, China and Big
🐑 but the computer models said we were all going to die.
🙂 the models were produced by colleges funded by bill gates ... they have got it wrong
every time.
🐑 yes but that’s because the lockdowns saved us all.
🙂 no they didnt, Japan had no lockdown, they have double the population of the UK, 122
million living in densely packed cities, they have had just over 1000 deaths.
🐑 but the nhs was almost over run. We had to build field hospitals.
🙂 no it wasnt, not even for a minute .. the field hospitals were virtually never used & are
now closed .. normal hospitals are empty.
🐑 but the virus is very contagious.
🙂 really ... who do you know thats had it ?
🐑 Boris & Prince Charles both had it.
🙂 yes two of the most protected men in the country .. what are the chances ?
🐑 but what about all the hospital covid cases back in April?
🙂 most people were diagnosed on symptoms ... flu like symptoms.
🐑 yes but they test more people now.
🙂 yes with an innaccurate test that does not directly test for the virus.
People who were never even tested have received calls saying they have tested positive !!
🐑 but what about the antibody tests ?
🙂 even worse ... according to the CDC it has trouble distinguishing between covid 19 &
other corona virus's including the common cold.
🐑but what about the excess deaths ?
🙂 what did you think would happen if you shut down half of the nhs & delay treatment &
diagnosis to seriously ill people ?
🐑 but they say the deaths are down to covid 19 ?
🙂 many people were never tested or given a post mortem, thousands of relatives of the
deceased are complaining about falsified death certificates.
🐑 but what about all the deaths in care homes ?
🙂 thats what happens when they send elderly people with flu symptoms back to care
homes full of vulnerable people, & pressure as many as possible to sign ‘do not resuscitate’
forms ..
all to protect the nhs of course.
🐑 but the government wouldn’t lie.
🙂 really ... politicians dont lie ?
Remind me how many weapons of mass destruction where found in Iraq?
🐑 hmm ok .. but why lie about this ?
🙂 many government advisory bodies such as GAVI have huge financial links to Bill Gates &
big pharma ..
🐑 yes but why would the BBC lie ?
🙂 the BBC receive millions from Bill Gates
🐑 and the rest of the media ?
🙂 mostly owned by the one percent who own big pharma. Plus bad news sells.
🐑 but what do the governments gain ?
🙂 massively increased state control & a chance to implement massive social changes we
would never normally accept, as in operation ‘Lockstep’
🐑 what is operation lockstep ?
🙂 a scenario modelled in 2010 by the Rockerfellers, simulating how the state could gain
increased powers and control following a global pandemic originating in China.
🐑 and what do pharma companies get from this ?
🙂 vast profits from largely untested vaccines ... its the only medicine you can sell to the
healthy after all.
🐑 but surely the vaccine will be safe ?
🙂 so why are all pharmacuetical companies insisting on complete indemnity from
compensation claims ?
🐑 but Bill Gate’s wants to give us all a digital health record surely thats a good thing ?
🙂 no it means your life style & travel will be restricted unless you have his vaccine.
🐑 but why would the government give us all this money ?
🙂 they havent given us anything, they have borrowed it from the banks and the taxpayer
will pay back every penny with interest.
The banks owned by the one percent will clean up again .
🐑 so why arent doctors speaking out ?
🙂 many are but since ‘Event 201’ highlighted the need to control the media, social media,
google & you tube, anything that contradicts the Gates owned WHO, version of events, is
🐑 what was Event 201 ?
🙂 a gates funded exercise in oct 2019 which just happened to simulate a world wide
corona virus pandemic.
🐑 but Gates is a good guy he set up a charitable foundation.
🙂 yeah he got that idea from John Rockefeller. Perfect way to repair a shit public image ...
like Al Capone’s soup kitchens for the poor.
🐑 no ... he wants to help the world.
🙂 foods cheap.
🐑 the govenment & my tv told me to, anyway i dont want to infect you.
🙂 you wont, you’re not ill 🙄and I have an immune system which will protect me!
🐑 yes but i may be asymptomatic.
🙂 asymptomatic transmission is highly unlikely even according to the WHO.
🐑 well at least I’ll pay by card cash is dangerous.
🙂 but plastic wrapped packages are fine ?
🐑 well I’d better keep socially distant.
🙂 theres nothing social about distance.
🐑 but it’s safer to be 2 metres apart
🙂 really what scientific study was that based on ?
🐑 but we have to be careful there has been a spike in cases.
🙂 yes but hardly anyone is actually ill... theres just 1000 people in hospital out of 66
🐑 so why the spike ?
🙂 because they are testing more and more people with innaccurate tests to boost the
numbers anyway they can. Double counted cases have been admitted by the U.K.
🐑 why would they want to do that ?
🙂 to keep people afraid until the winter when the flu kicks in after everyone takes the flu
jab, therefore giving more scope to redesignate deaths.
🐑 but why do they want us afraid ?
🙂 so you will have the vaccine and won’t ask questions.
🐑 well at least if we have the vaccine it will be over ?
🙂 no it wont ... they will tell you it has mutated so you keep needing vaccine after vaccine.
👀 so what do we do ?
🙂 take the mask off for a start & stand up for your rights while you still have some !!
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