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Raw. Rugged. Refined.

On the cover:
Lloyd Cox, NCHA $9 Million Rider
Copperish, 2019 Open World Champion Mare

Table of Contents
4 History of Cutting
7 8
7 Memberships
8 National Youth Cutting
Horse Association

9 Shows
12 Classes
13 Judges
13 Scoring and Winning
14 Achievement Buckle
14 How Do I Get Started
15 FAQs

Mission Statement
The National Cutting Horse Association
promotes and celebrates the cutting horse,
whose origin on Western ranches allows us to
support ranching and its Western heritage.

By establishing rules for the conduct of cutting

horse shows, NCHA strives to give cutters
a level playing field and a progressive class
structure which accommodates everyone from
the beginner to the advanced competitor.

NCHA draws on the diverse talents and back-

ground of its members and encourages their
participation in helping it achieve these goals.
Your #1 source for all
things NCHA!
• How to Get Started
• NCHA Event Calendar
• Trainer Directory
• Industry News
• Horse and Rider Eligibility

Follow us on social media!




HUB is the operational system of record for the Association

A listing and calendar view of all NCHA produced and
approved events are stored and published via HUB,
including special events and Association milestones.

As a relational database, HUB stores NCHA approved

events show results, calculates rider and horse earnings,
class eligibility and a multitude of awards for members.

Current and historical membership information is stored

in the database to help track roles, membership tenures,
sanctions, positions held and certifications (Show
Secretaries, Show Producers, Monitors, Judges, etc.)

Through the webpage interface, NCHA produced events entries, draws and
results are processed and stored in HUB.

HUB stores the Association’s Stallion Foal Program data, providing annual reporting for total
program subscriptions and nominations.

Over 70 reports of Show, Horse, Membership, Stallion Foal and Financial Transaction data are
available in HUB for daily NCHA operations.

New Members Guide 3

In the beginning,
there was the horse...
Nowadays, cutters compete indoors for millions
of dollars in prizes. It wasn't always that way.
nineteenth century The cutting horse was an fast becoming obsolete.
cowboy transplanted elite member of the remuda. Today, the National Cutting
to the present A typical cutting horse Horse Association has given
day would probably be might have started out in the cutting horse new life
perplexed by the modern a cowboy’s string, but his in one of the world’s most
world’s high tech marvels. sensitivity to cattle brought exciting equine events.
But he’d still feel right at him to the attention of the The first advertised cutting
home at a cutting horse roundup boss. He was the contest was held at the 1898
show. horse that pricked his ears Cowboy Reunion in Haskell,
When American cowboys toward a cow and followed Texas. Fifteen thousand
of the 1800s began using her with his eyes. He people, lured by ads in the
their best horses to separate instinctively knew not to Dallas News and the Kansas
individual cows from a herd, crowd her, yet was wary of City Star, attended. Since
it was part of the daily job. her every move. He made the nearest railroad was fifty
They would never have the difficult job of separating miles away, they came on
imagined cutting as one of
the world’s most popular
equine sports. But each
year, thousands of cutting
events—from Austin to
Australia—attract riders
aged eight to eighty.
Cutting’s heritage runs
strong and deep, like the
centuries-old mesquites
that flourish on the Texas
plains. From Chisholm
Trail to present day,
cutting horses have been
indispensable tools in the
cattle trade.
During the era of the open cattle easier and quicker. He horseback, or by wagon and
range, cattle from one outfit even made it fun. hack.
often drifted and mingled “It was worth the trip to The cutting contest offered
with those of other outfits. brush country just to sit a prize of $150, a substantial
Twice a year, in the spring above Ol’ Gotch and feel sum in those days, and 11
and the fall, neigh- boring his shoulders roll, watch riders entered. Old Hub—
ranchers would join in a his ears work and his head whose fans swore that he
roundup to sort out their drop low when he looked could work blindfolded
brands. an old steer in the eye,” and without a bridle—was
Every outfit traveled with said cowboy humorist Will brought out of retirement
a remuda of horses. Within Rogers after a visit to a by Sam Graves for this one
the remuda each cowboy South Texas ranch during event.
had a string of horses, some the 1920s. Graves primed the
of them more suitable for As big cattle outfits gave 22-year-old horse with oat
one job than another. way to small farms and mash and prairie hay, then
For instance, a cowhand ranches in the twentieth he tied Old Hub to the back
needed a steady mount to century, pickup trucks and of a hack and led him all
patrol the herd during the squeeze chutes took the the way to Haskell—a two-
night, but in the morning he place of cow horses. A few day journey. It was a trip
could ride last year’s bronc large ranches still rounded into the history books, and
to the far reaches of the up cattle the old-fashioned Graves set aside half of his
roundup circle. way, but cutting horses were winnings to ensure Old Hub

Photos by Frank Reeves, courtesy of the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
Among the horses in this picture from a cutting horse event in 1948 are such greats as Snooks, Poco Bueno, Skeeter, Old Paint and Benny Binion’s gelding that was NCHA’s first World Champion. Riders
include early NCHA Presidents Ray Smyth, Gay Copeland and H. Calhoun; and legendary riders Milt Bennett, Guy Harrell, Pine Johnson, Phil Williams and George Glascock. Photos by Frank Reeves, courtesy
of the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

had the best of care for $35.4 million awarded in prize money at 2019 NCHA approved shows
the rest of his days.
The first record of cut-
ting as an arena spectator All-time Money Earners 15 Metallic Cat....................... $574,494
event came at the South- Rank Horse..................................Earnings 16 Faith In My Cat.................. $559,706
western Exposition and 1 Poco Quixote Rio........... $1,091,734 17 Rey Lynx............................ $559,422
Fat Stock Show in Fort 2 Red White And Boon.........$882,498 18 Chiquita Pistol................... $545,001
Worth, Texas, when a 3 Sister CD........................... $833,214 19 Third Cutting..................... $528,268
cutting horse exhibition 4 Dont Look Twice............... $824,546 20 Junie Wood....................... $525,744
was added to the annual 5 Dual Rey Me......................$812,942 21 Cash Quixote Rio...............$520,583
rodeo in 1919. It became 6 Woody Be Lucky................$699,276 22 San Tule Uno..................... $519,496
a competitive event the 7 Meradas Little Sue............$670,098 23 Redneck Yachtclub........... $518,799
following year. 8 Gun Smokes Wimpy..........$661,431 24 Im Countin Checks............$509,642
By 1946, there were so 9 Little Badger Dulce........... $657,276 25 Jazzote.............................. $504,286
10 Little Pepto Cat..................$624,820 26 Spots Hot...........................$502,682
many cutting horse con-
11 Smooth Asa Zee................ $616,978 27 High Brow CD.................... $502,202
tests being held, under
12 Docs Okie Quixote.............$599,109 28 Miss Silver Pistol.............. $500,876
so many different sets
13 Quintan Blue......................$594,637 29 Boon San Kitty...................$498,188
of conditions and rules, 14 Smart Little Lena.............. $577,652 30 Little Pepto Gal..................$490,951
that a group of 13 cutting As of 2/10/2020
horse owners met at the
Southwestern Exposi- cause it looked as though ranches had been breed- day, and the contestants at
tion and Fat Stock Show it had the potential to ing their own horses for the NCHA Futurity will be
and decided to form an grow into something big. years. The world famous divvying up more than $3.5
association to establish The first show was held King Ranch had a remu- million—over a hundred times
standard rules and pro- in Dublin, Texas, in the da of copper-colored the offering of that first year.
cedures for holding such fall of 1946. horses descended from Total purses at NCHA-ap-
competition. Smyth recalled that the Old Sorrel. Yellow proved shows now exceed $36
One of the founders, secretary-treasurer Jacket horses, with gold- million
Ray Smyth, said, “When Volney Hildreth guarded en coats and black manes annually.
the meeting broke up, the association’s and tails, filled the Yet for many, cutting’s
we had formed what we resources “with a big Burnett's Triangle Ranch greatest rewards are intangi-
thought would be more stick. If we wanted any- pastures; while the Pitch- ble. The bond between people
or less a local cutting thing that cost money, fork Outfit was known and horses that makes the
horse association. Some- Volney would tell us to for cast-iron cow ponies sport so special, also links it to
one remarked that with get enough new mem- sired by Grey Badger. the sweat and dust of the Old
luck, we might even get bers to pay for it.” By 1963, the associa- West, and sets it apart from
as many as 50 members When NCHA was tion recorded the results all other events.
by another year.” formed, most cutting of 727 events, of which “The people who brought
Later, at a meeting in horses were ranch 504 were recognized as cutting from the open range
Mineral Wells, Texas, the geldings like Old Paint, a NCHA championship to the arena, and turned the
association was brown and white horse of events. In those days, skills of the horse and cowboy
incorporated, and Pat unknown parentage that cutters vied for a piece into the contest, were real
Dalton suggested the Smyth bought for $40 at of $404,183 in prize sports,” said Buster Welch, a
name ‘National Cutting Weatherford trade days. money. That included legendary cutting champion.
Horse Association,’ be- Old Paint became one of $23,225 paid out at that "That fine sportsmanship is
cutting's first champions. year’s NCHA Futurity. still alive and well in
But some of the big Fast forward to to- cutting today.”
NCHA Membership
NCHA offers multiple membership options so members are able to compete against peers of the same
skill level. All riders and horse owners must be current NCHA members to show in NCHA events. See
Rulebook for complete details. For the most up to date version of the rulebook, visit

Amateur Amateurs must have lifetime earnings of $100,000 or less. In addition, an

Amateur must not:
a. have been paid to train or assist in training a horse or rider in any
equine discipline
b. have been married to, lived with, resided on the premises of or been employed
astride by a professional horse trainer in any equine discipline.

Non-Pro A Non-Pro may not receive direct or indirect remuneration for training horses
astride in any cattle/cow related equine disciplines or remuneration to show, train
or assist in training a cutting horse or cutting horse rider.

Professional Any rider who has been paid remuneration to show, train or assist in training a
horse or rider in any equine discipline

Plan on Showing?
Before you show in an Amateur or Non-Pro class, you need to hold an Amateur/Non-Pro status.
Applications for Amateur/Non-Pro status can be found on

New Members Guide 7

National Youth
Cutting Horse
NYCHA membership is open to all youth who are 18 years of age or
The National Cutting Horse
Association was formed
with its main goals being to
There are two age divisions, Senior Youth (14-18) and Junior Youth
promote cutting competitions,
(ages 13 and under).
standardize contest rules
and preserve the cutting Youth Cutting and Special Events
horses’ Western heritage. The
NYCHA World Finals, Summer Scholarship
National Youth Cutting Horse
Cutting and Convention
Association (NYCHA), was
Each summer, the NYCHA holds its World Finals, Annual Youth
formed in 1993 to offer youth
Convention and Scholarship Cutting in Fort Worth, Texas. During the
members the opportunity to
event, youth members compete for scholarships, conduct business
develop their horsemanship
meetings, elect officers, participate in family fun night and attend
skills, practice sportsmanship
educational workshops. The annual youth awards banquet is held in
and discipline, develop
conjunction with the convention and cutting competition to recognize
leadership skills and learn
members’ achievements throughout the year.
responsibility in caring for
their horses and themselves.
The NYCHA strives to offer
Programs and Scholarships
programs and opportunities LEAP Program
to fit the needs and abilities of The Levels of Excellence Award Program (LEAP) was created to
all horses and riders. recognize youth for their participation in NYCHA activities. Points are
earned through participation in NYCHA activities such as attending
workshops, community service, writing a newspaper article, helping
with fundraisers or participating in cutting events. LEAP points become
crucial when it comes to scholarship applications and other awards.
Scholarship Programs
More than $150,000 in college scholarships are awarded each year
through a variety of scholarship programs and youth scholarship
cuttings. The scholarships are awarded based on involvement in
NYCHA activities, academic achievements, financial need and
community involvement.
Judging Programs
Additional opportunities for involvement outside of the cutting pen
are available for members. Judging contests and other programs that
aim to develop professional skills are offered throughout the year.

Leadership and Education

Leadership Opportunities
The NYCHA National Officers and Board of Directors conduct
the business of the NYCHA. They are responsible for implementing
NYCHA programs at the local level, promoting the sport of cutting and
informing youth members about activities and fundraisers.

In addition to the 1,500-

plus NCHA-approved
shows held annually
around the world, NCHA
produces six shows each
year. Three are major
limited-age events held
in Fort Worth, two are
National Championships
for weekend cutters and
one is the World Finals
for weekend cutters.

1. Weekend Shows: have thousands of dollars in for thousands of dollars in
Weekend shows are a great place added money. scholarships each year. Their
for beginners all the way up to Also, at the end of the point success at weekend shows
professional trainers. Shows year, the Top 15 in 10 of NCHA’s will contribute to their future
feature a progressive class approved classes may compete education. Each summer during
structure offering some or all of in the World Finals held in the Summer Spectacular Cutting
NCHA's 12 approved classes so conjunction with the NCHA in Fort Worth, TX, the NYCHA
everyone has the opportunity World Championship Futurity in holds its Youth World Finals and
to compete against others at a Fort Worth, TX. Convention.
similar level of achievement. National Youth Cutting Horse
At the end of the point year, Association (NYCHA) members 2. Limited-Age Shows:
anyone can enter the Eastern can compete in Junior (age Fort Worth is home to three
National or the Western National 13 and under) or Senior (age annual NCHA limited-age
Championships, based on their 14-18) classes at weekend events, also known as the
eligibility on final day of that shows. NYCHA members have Triple Crown of Cutting. Each
point year. Both of these events the opportunity to compete show has limited-age classes

offering millions of dollars to Crown is the NCHA Super the classic portion is offered for
the payout. The first jewel is the Stakes held in April for horses 5 and 6-year-olds. A horse that
NCHA World Championship ages 4 to 6. The third and final wins the World Championship
Futurity held in December. The jewel for the Triple Crown is Futurity, the Super Stakes and
Futurity is for 3- year-old cutting the NCHA Summer Cutting the Summer Spectacular in the
horses that have never been Spectacular held in July. The same point year is crowned as
shown before in competition. derby portion of the event is the Triple Crown winner.
The second jewel in the Triple offered for 4-year-olds and the

New Members Guide 11

are NYCHA Youth Members age
13 or younger (Youth point year
June 1 – May 31).

7. Senior Youth – Riders who

are NYCHA Youth Members age
14-18 (Youth point year June 1 –
May 31).


in which restrictions are based
solely on the horse. Any rider can
compete in these classes. The term
“Novice” refers to the horse.
8. $5,000 Novice – Open
to all horses of any age that
have $5,000 or less of eligibility
earnings at the beginning of the
point year (excluding limited age
9. $25,000 Novice – Open
to all horses of any age that have
$25,000 or less of eligibility
earnings at the beginning of the
point year (excluding limited age
Different Types of Show Classes
Twelve standard classes are at the beginning of the point year. Classes in which there are
offered at NCHA events. Classes The horse must be owned by the restrictions on both the horse and
can be based on the qualifications rider or rider’s immediate family. the rider. The term “Novice” refers
of the rider, the qualifications of 3. $2,000 Limit Rider/Any to the horse and the term “Non-
the horse or the qualifications of Horse – The class of choice for Pro” refers to the rider.
both horse and rider. Regardless members who are new to cutting. 10. $5,000 Novice/Non-Pro
of the class, Amateur/Non-Pro This class is open to all riders – Open to horses with eligibility
riders must own the horse they with lifetime earnings in cutting earnings of $5,000 or less at
compete on. competitions of $2,000 or less at the beginning of the point year
the beginning of the point year. (excluding limited-age events) and
RIDER CLASSES: Classes are the rider has a Non-Pro card. The
4. Non-Pro – Riders holding a
based on the rider and his/her horse must be owned by the rider
Non-Pro card and Amateur status
accomplishments. or rider’s family member.
are also allowed to enter this class.
1. $50,000 Amateur – Riders There is no limit on the amount 11. $25,000 Novice/Non-Pro
holding an Amateur card with less of money which the horse or rider - Open to horses with eligibility
than $100,000 of lifetime earnings have won. earnings of $25,000 or less at
($50,000 Weekend/$50,000 the beginning of the point year
Limited Age) at the beginning of 5. $35,000 Non-Pro - Riders
holding a Non-Pro card with (excluding limited-age events) and
the point year. The horse must the rider has a Non-Pro card. The
be owned by the rider or rider’s less than $35,000 of eligibility
earnings at the beginning of the horse must be owned by the rider
immediate family. or rider’s family member.
point year.
2. $15,000 Amateur – Riders 12. Open – Any horse can be
holding an Amateur card with less 6. Junior Youth – Riders who ridden by any rider. There are no
than $15,000 of eligibility earnings


Cutting judges are similar to other scores are totaled.

sports’ referees in that they evaluate Like most referees today, NCHA
the run at live speed, enforce the judges can use video to watch re-
competition rules and determine plays at NCHA-approved shows. A
the contestant’s score. A judge’s competition can be video reviewed
score can range from 60 to 80 immediately following each “set” of
points and a show can use one judge cattle to determine if a mistake was
up to and as many as five judges. made in the application of a major
When a panel of five judges is used, penalty. After the judges review the
the lowest and highest scores are run, the score may then be adjusted
discarded and the three middle to reflect a final score.

Scores and
Since cutting is a judged event,
there are certain characteristics in a
run that determine a horse’s score.
Reflecting a mirror image of the cow
and its movement is the ultimate
goal of the horse. Reining or visibly
cueing your horse or allowing the
cow to get back to the herd before
“quitting” the cow also results in the
deduction of points. Matching the
cow’s movement and body position
and keeping it in the center of the
arena all help to add points to the
score. Every rider starts out with a
score of 70 from each judge and as
the run progresses, each judge adds
or deducts points as necessary. Once
the run is over, each judge tallies up
points to get the competitor’s score
with the highest score being declared
the winner.

New Members Guide 13

NCHA $1,000
Once a rider wins $1,000 in lifetime NCHA weekend earnings
from approved classes, he/she is awarded a trophy Gist buckle,
compliments of NCHA. Whether a person is a weekend warrior
or World Champion, NCHA wants to congratulate them on their
achievement. Every professional trainer started out as a beginner
and worked their way up. Whether a person’s goal is to become a
World Champion or cutting is just their hobby, the first jewel in
their crown is the NCHA $1,000 Achievement Buckle.

How Do I
Get Started?
There are many ways to get further involved in the exciting sport of cutting.

Finding a Trainer
The best way to get more familiar with the sport is to spend some time
with a local trainer who is an invaluable source of information. The
NCHA provides a free digital trainers directory at that
displays all of the local trainers in your area. These professionals can
show and teach you every facet of the sport. They can be like your own
personal coach.

Visit is the official website of the National Cutting Horse
Association. Whether you want to view the most up-to-date rule book,
watch video tips and runs from past champions or look at the schedule
of upcoming shows, is your resource for the most
current information. National
Cutting Horse

How long does my NCHA
How do I find out where According to the system, the high
membership last? the weekend shows are and low scores are tossed out in
being held? a five-judge show, leaving three
NCHA memberships can be scores to be tallied. A monitor
purchased for one year. One There are two easy ways. The is assigned to make rulings on
year of membership begins on first place to find out about major penalty discrepancies and to
January 1 and is valid through weekend events is on the NCHA evaluate the judges’ performance
December 31 of the same year, website. You can search the during each go-round.
whether it is purchased on comprehensive listings by state,
January 1 or halfway through the city or month. How do I obtain an Amateur
year. or Non-Pro card?
In the Cutting Horse Chatter,
Do I have to ride my own which members can elect to Before entering any Amateur or
horse to show in NCHA receive every month, turn to the Non-Pro class at an NCHA show,
competition? “Coming Events” section. The you must complete an Amateur/
first page of that section lists Non-Pro application, in addition
There are several NCHA classes show locations and their dates to your membership, for approval
in which the horse’s rider does in each state. Details for each to the NCHA office. Your approval
not have to be the owner of the event are listed in chronological status will be indicated on your
horse (Open, $5,000 Novice, order in the remainder of the membership card.
$25,000 Novice, $2,000 Limit section. Directions, class fees,
Rider, Junior Youth and Senior stall information, judges and The normal approval turnaround
Youth) excluding Amateur/Non secretaries are all listed for each time for receiving your card once
Pro riders. Holders of Non-Pro/ cutting. received at NCHA is two weeks.
Amateur cards may compete in However, if you need immediate
the $2,000 Limit Rider on any Why does NCHA use approval because you are planning
horse, regardless of ownership, five judges for the major to show right away, call the
without jeopardizing their limited-age events? Membership Department and they
Non-Professional status. In all will make every effort to get your
Amateur and Non-Pro classes, Nearly 20 years ago, NCHA application approved sooner.
the horse must be owned by the instituted the Adjusted Monitor
rider or rider’s immediate family. System in order to make judging If you are planning to show in
fair for each contestant. The either an Amateur or Non-Pro
The $2,000 Limit Rider class system is used at all major class, your NCHA membership
is a great way for any member limited-age events with five card should have “Amateur/
who is new to cutting to gain judges and may be used at three- Non-Pro” printed on the card. If
experience before stepping up judge shows. your membership card does not
against more experienced riders. have this printed, contact the
Membership Department.

New Members Guide 15



260 Bailey Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107 • 817.244.6188 •

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