Syllabus MATH2164 004

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MATH-2164-004, Matrices and Linear Algebra, Spring 2011

Professor: Dr. Mingxin Xu ([email protected]) 徐敏心

Office Hours: 14:00-16:00 W (or by appointments)

Fretwell 340C, 704-687-3870

Class Meetings: 11:00-12:15 TR, Smith 218, Jan. 10 – May. 3, 2010

(NO classes on Mar. 8 and Mar. 10)

Textbook: David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Third Edition

ISBN: 0-321-28713-4

Sections covered: 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.7, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.7, 5.1-5.4

Calculators: Calculators can be used in class, for homework, tests and the Final Exam

Course Policies and Help:

• Class material such as [syllabus, homework and due dates, exam info, etc.] will be posted on Moodle

( Class announcements [about schedule changes, exam information...] will

be made in class, or posted through the news forum on Moodle, or sent through email (to your account).

• Concepts and examples shown in class are important for learning. Therefore, it is essential to attend

the lectures.

• After each lecture find a set time to

1. read the textbook section corresponding to the lecture;

2. do the practice problems at the end of each section and check the details of your answers with

the provided solutions after the exercises;

3. do the assigned homework problems and check the correctness of your answers with the

provided solutions at the end of the textbook; the study guide (on the CD that comes with the

textbook) gives detailed solutions to some of the homework problems that might be of further


• Before each test or exam,

1. review the lecture notes; make a review sheet that summarizes major concepts, theorems, and

typical examples;

2. review homework problems and make sure that you know how to solve those that you’ve missed;

3. practice extra problems with the supplementary exercises at the end of each chapter.

• Students should make an independent effort on homework assignments. Should questions remain,

they are very much encouraged to seek help from

1. professor’s office hours;

2. tutoring help from Mathematics Learning Center (see schedule at the end of the syllabus);

3. tutoring service provided by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (see information at the end);

4. forming study group with other students in class, or discuss questions (under professor’s

supervision) in Moodle student discussion forum.

5. Online resources, for example:

Each student is expected to work out the solutions to the exams and tests independently. All students

are required to read and abide by the Code of Student Academic Integrity. Violations of the Code of

Student Academic Integrity, including plagiarism, will result in disciplinary action as provided in the

Code. Definitions and examples of plagiarism are set forth in the Code. The Code is available from

the Dean of Students Office or online at

• The use of cell phones, beepers, or other communication devices is disruptive, and is therefore

prohibited during class. Students are permitted to use computers during class for note-taking and

other class-related work only. Students are expected to come to class on time and leave after the

lecture is over.


• Homework (20%) and its due date (basically every Thursday) will be available on Moodle


• Test #1 (20%), Test #2 (20%) will be given in class on Feb. 17 and Mar. 31 (closed-book/closed-

• Final Exam (40%) will be given on May. 10, T, 11:00-13:30 (Closed-book/closed-notes). Location and

time can be found at

• No late submission of homework will be given credit. No make-up tests will be given unless the

instructor is contacted in advance, valid reasons are given and permission is granted.

• A: 90-100; B: 80-89; C: 70-79; D: 60-69; F: 0-59.

Student Checklist:

• Make sure you receive emails at your account.

• Log into Moodle (the login and password coincide with your 49er account), and familiarize yourself

with its use. Keep track of homework due dates and test/exam time/location.

Math Learning Center Hours

Tutoring Service provided by College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Tutoring is available for your class and remind them that Tutorial Services is located in Fretwell 318 K and
the phone number is 704-687-2163. They can make appointments by coming by the office, calling, or
signing up online. Tutoring is provided by trained peer-tutors in one-to-one appointments, and during the
current semester, students can schedule 1 appointment per subject per week. This service is FREE to
UNCC students.

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