Psilocybin For Depression and Anxiety Associated With Life-Threatening Illnesses

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JOP0010.1177/0269881116675771Journal of PsychopharmacologyMcCorvy et al.


Psilocybin for depression and anxiety

associated with life-threatening illnesses
Journal of Psychopharmacology
2016, Vol. 30(12) 1209­–1210
© The Author(s) 2016
John D McCorvy, Reid HJ Olsen and Bryan L Roth Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0269881116675771

Life-threatening and terminal illnesses are accompanied by been criticized for their small sample size and open-label design.
substantial stressors that encumber both patients and their fami- The current studies represents a significant advance over these
lies. Faced with a life-threatening diagnosis such as late-stage prior studies by virtue of larger sample sizes and the use of com-
cancer, these factors can compound the existential crisis of parator compounds as controls.
impending mortality and produce or exacerbate major depres- Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other
sive and anxiety symptoms (Silverstone, 1990; Vergo et al., antidepressants are thought to exert many of their actions, in part,
2016). Addressing depression and anxiety in the unique context by augmenting the concentration of serotonin at the neuronal
of life-threatening illnesses has been a significant problem for synapse. Indeed, direct activation of serotoninergic nuclei in the
palliative psychiatric care. In this regard, two recent studies dorsal raphe can produce antidepressant-like effects in animal
suggest that the one-time use of the naturally derived psychoac- models (Urban et al., 2016). The antidepressant effects of SSRIs
tive compound psilocybin could have the potential to alleviate and other conventional tricyclic antidepressants, however,
these symptoms for up to six months. require at least three to six weeks to achieve clinical efficacy
Two independent studies by Griffiths et al. (2016) and Ross (Frazer and Benmansour, 2002), which may not be optimal for
et al. (2016) demonstrate that psilocybin, a serotoninergic psy- individuals with terminal illness.
chedelic, can produce a rapid and clinically significant decrease Although SSRIs and psilocybin presumably both work via
in the symptoms of depression and anxiety, which can persist for modulating central nervous serotonin, psilocin, the active
up to six months. Each study utilized a double-blind design and hydroxy metabolite of psilocybin, directly activates serotonin
employed different active control compounds to address design- receptors, including 5-HT2A receptors located on prefrontal cor-
based confounds associated with the use of a psychoactive drug. tical neurons (Willins et al., 1997). Elevated cortical 5-HT2A
Griffiths et al. (2016) used a low dose (1–3 mg) of psilocybin, receptor expression has been implicated in depression-related
while Ross et al. (2016) selected niacin. It is worth noting that the suicide (Pandey, 2013; Pandey et al., 2002), and SSRIs have been
placebo effect is a major confound in the development of novel reported to reduce cortical 5-HT2A receptor expression
antidepressant drugs, as placebos can produce antidepressant (Yamauchi et al., 2006) via a process termed receptor downregu-
effects in 30–40% of individuals (Papakostas et al., 2016). lation. Considering that both 5-HT2A antagonists and agonists
Psilocybin treatment was associated with statistically significant have been found to induce 5-HT2A downregulation (Yadav et al.,
antidepressant and anxiolytic effects in both studies. The use of 2011), and that several newer generation antidepressants such as
two separate control compounds (including a subclinical dose of mirtazepine (Nutt, 1998) possess 5-HT2A antagonist activity, it
psilocybin as control) minimizes the potential outcome that the is conceivable that psilocin may possess such sustained antide-
effects are due to placebo rather than an active drug effect. pressant effects with one-time use via downregulating serotonin
Additionally, these studies utilized a crossover design, where receptors, although further studies are needed to test this hypoth-
patients receiving placebo for the first administration were given esis directly. It should be noted, though, that psilocin has actions
psilocybin in the second half of the study. When patients in this at essentially all other serotonin receptors (
latter group were given psilocybin, they also exhibited marked, and its actions could be due to a
reductions in depression and anxiety-related symptoms beyond
that which may have occurred following administration of the
control compounds. Together with their larger sample of partici-
pants compared with prior trials (51 and 29, respectively), these Department of Pharmacology, Division of Chemical Biology and
studies provide support for definitive trials designed to test the Medicinal Chemistry and the National Institute of Mental Health
hypothesis that psilocybin may have therapeutic effects with Psychoactive Drug Screening Program, University of North Carolina
what appear to be minimal side-effects. Chapel Hill Medical School, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
A prior open-label study also showed apparent efficacy of
Corresponding author:
psilocybin in treatment-resistant depression (Carhart-Harris Bryan L Roth, Department of Pharmacology, Division of Chemical
et al., 2016), and although other studies have suggested a role for Biology and Medicinal Chemistry and the National Institute of Mental
psychedelics such as psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide Health Psychoactive Drug Screening Program, University of North
(LSD) as adjuncts to psychotherapy (Carhart-Harris et al., 2012; Carolina Chapel Hill Medical School, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.
Gasser et al., 2014; Grob et al., 2011), these prior studies have Email: [email protected]

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1210 Journal of Psychopharmacology 30(12)

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psilocybin and LSD as potential therapeutics has remained contro- duces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety
in patients with life-threatening cancer: a randomized double-blind
versial (Nichols, 2016). The Griffiths et al. (2016) and Ross et al.
trial. J Psychopharmacol 30: 1181–1197.
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for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Work in 1404–1415.
the authors’ lab is supported by the National Institutes of Health. RHJO Vergo MT, Whyman J, Li Z, et al. (2016) Assessing preparatory grief in
was supported by F31NS093917. advanced cancer patients as an independent predictor of distress in an
American population. J Palliat Med. Epub ahead of print 1 Sep 2016.
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