Integrated Project Delivery With Blockchain: An Automated Financial System

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Integrated project delivery with blockchain: An automated financial system

Article  in  Automation in Construction · June 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103182


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3 authors:

Faris Elghaish Sepehr Abrishami

University of Portsmouth University of Portsmouth


M. Reza Hosseini
Deakin University


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Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

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Integrated project delivery with blockchain: An automated financial system T

a,⁎ a b
Faris Elghaish , Sepehr Abrishami , M. Reza Hosseini
University of Portsmouth, School of Civil Engineering and Surveying, Portsmouth PO1 2UP, UK
Deakin University, Faculty of Sci Eng & Built Env, Geelong, Victoria 3220, Australia


Keywords: Integrated project delivery (IPD) in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry relies on risk/
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) reward sharing and deferral of parties' profit payments until all project activities are completed. A decentralised,
Smart contract automated and secured financial platform is needed to enable all parties to control and track financial trans-
Hyperledger fabric actions, with no unauthorised changes allowed. The new technology, blockchain, enables data to be recorded,
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
has no network participant with dominant power and manages data using specific functions, in line with smart
contracts. The present study is the first to develop a framework proposing blockchain technology utilisation in
Financial transactions IPD projects. The framework would enable core project team members to automatically execute all financial
transactions, through coding the three main transactions of IPD projects: reimbursed costs, profit and cost
saving, as functions of the IPD smart contract. To demonstrate the proposed framework's applicability, a “proof
of concept” is developed and validated through an IPD case project. The practicality of the built-up hyperledger
network (IBM® Blockchain Cloud Beta 2) and the advantages of the proposed smart contract functions are
examined. The user-friendliness of the proposed financial system and its efficiency in automating all transactions
are demonstrated. No deficiency is found in the blockchain network components. The study's findings, applied in
a favourable external context, would facilitate IPD adoption and use across the AEC industry by providing a
workable solution to existing financial barriers. The findings extend the horizon for further research on exploring
blockchain's capabilities to solve comparable deficiencies to those affecting the AEC industry.

1. Introduction decentralising the operation across the network through a specific

consensus mechanism (i.e. peer to peer) [8]; all data are presented as
Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a delivery approach char- blocks which will be immutable once joined to the chain; and self-au-
acterised by: (1) early involvement of project participants [1,2]; (2) thentication is required for all new recorded data [9].
sharing risks/rewards [2,3]; (3) replacing the tender stage by the buy- Recently, researchers and practitioners have focused on exploring
out stage, without traditional bidding [1]; and (4) deferring payment of the various ways in which blockchain can be used in the AEC industry.
profits until all project works are completed [4]. Therefore, IPD re- The use of smart contracts to automate payments without appointing a
quires a distinctive financial management approach, as well as a col- third party and the sharing of data through a decentralised platform
laboration platform [2,4]. A review of the literature indicates that the [9,10] have been particular areas of interest in construction manage-
financial system and collaboration platform required for IPD projects ment. The AEC industry is therefore exploring blockchain opportunities
must satisfy several requirements [5]. These are: (1) a readable/con- in the following functions: creating immutable financial systems [9,11];
sistent accounting system is needed [4]; (2) all project participants can sharing information through a highly secured platform [10,11]; and
check all cost records including those of other project participants [2]; using smart contracts to automate payments [9,11].
(3) all recorded data should be immutable to achieve the desired trust Another advanced methodology in the AEC industry, Building
environment [2,4]; and (4) the collaboration platform should be in- Information Modelling (BIM) is designed to enhance project delivery
accessible to any third party [6]. [12]. That said, some deficiencies are apparent, such as the lack of
To enable parties to interact and share sensitive data [7], IPD re- integration methods that foster BIM adoption [13]. The most advanced
quires the adoption of high levels of information and communications form of BIM implementation, BIM level 3, relies on a delivery approach
technology (ICT). Blockchain can be an ideal solution for the following that facilitates collaboration and shares risks/rewards among project
reasons: it is defined as a distributed ledger that has the advantage of parties [14]. Furthermore, the recent wave of research in the AEC

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Elghaish), [email protected] (S. Abrishami), [email protected] (M.R. Hosseini).
Received 11 November 2019; Received in revised form 11 March 2020; Accepted 12 March 2020
0926-5805/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

industry presents the feasibility of integrating blockchain into con- cost of implementing blockchain is justified, when compared to the cost
struction processes to accelerate collaboration, maximise trust and cut of using third parties to implement financial tasks [27]. The price of
costs by minimising third-party involvement in legal/financial tasks conducting a transaction relies on the size and load of the BCN; the cost
[15]. With these points in mind, taking advantage of the inter- can also be optimised by adding specific provisions to the smart con-
relationship between BIM and IPD is highly recommended [2,16]. The tract. [28].
integration of BIM with blockchain is also encouraged [10,11], with Blockchain networks (BCNs) comprise two categories of nodes: (1)
various researchers having acknowledged the capabilities of blockchain the network member nodes and (2), to direct information inside the
in offering solutions for the deficiencies of existing financial systems. BCN, the orderer peer nodes. For sending any new data to the BCN,
For instance, Abrishami and Elghaish [8] present some generic cases of smart contracts include a set of functions which can be invoked at any
blockchain application in the AEC industry, and Turk and Klinc time to send data within the BCN, as described in the next section.
[9],Wang et al. [17] discuss blockchain's potential to enhance con-
struction management processes and tools. Other studies have in- 2.2. Smart contracts
vestigated the integration of blockchain and BIM, such as the work of
Mathews et al. [18], in which the authors present the various ways that The development of smart contracts dates back to 1994, with “a
blockchain could enhance collaboration when BIM is being used. smart contract” defined as an automated system to perform contract
However, none of the available studies go beyond the theoretical terms, such as payment transactions, through an automated/agreed
realm; in other words, their contribution remains confined to proposing protocol [19,29]. Due to contract terms being executed based on pre-
conceptual frameworks or theoretical models. The present study pro- identified consensus mechanisms [30], a traditional trusted third party
vides a background for responding to the widespread consensus on the is not needed. Meanwhile, Peters and Panayi [31] propose the following
capabilities of blockchain in construction management, in practical comprehensive definition of a smart contract: a platform for enforcing
terms. It extends existing research studies by moving beyond theoretical and monitoring the data entered by trusted sources, to be stored in a
models to develop a workable solution. BCN, based on pre-identified contract terms. These pre-identified terms
The objectives of this study are pursued through: (1) developing a should be coded/written using a program language like Go (see Do-
framework to build an automated financial system using blockchain novan and Kernighan [32] for details). This is one of the blockchain
(hyperledger fabric), while considering BIM throughout the process; (2) features and its ability to transfer cryptocurrency/data over blockchain
building blockchain network components and a smart contract – in- is a result of the evolving BCN throughout the last decade [29]. Andoni
cluding all IPD transactions, such as reimbursed costs, profit and cost et al. [23] state that smart contracts use peer-to-peer (PTP) networks
saving – for an IPD project; and (3) testing the proposed IPD-based that enable multi-trusted parties to manage data simultaneously, so that
blockchain framework through developing a proof of concept, using the each chain in the BCN carries its own data and, subsequently, all data
IBM® Blockchain Platform Cloud Beta 2. are stored in the ledger, according to the agreed consensus mechanism
This paper is structured as several sections. The theoretical back- [33]. Smart contracts also reduce dependency on lawyers/third parties
ground is presented next in order to provide insight into the topic's in executing and monitoring contract terms, such as financial transac-
essence and to establish the gap in the literature. This is followed by tions, hence the accuracy and transparency of data can be enhanced
descriptions of the development of the framework and the validation [20]. In fact, as Christidis and Devetsikiotis [29] point out, smart
process for the case project. The paper concludes by setting out several contracts benefit users by providing an automatic audit of the trans-
recommendations for practitioners and by clarifying the study's im- ferred data. Once the validity of the data has been shown, the data can
plications, from a broad perspective. be immutable to enhance transparency and security.
Smart contracts have a close affinity with the chaincode in the hy-
2. Theoretical background perledger fabric, given that the chaincode ensures that all transactions
are linked and properly sequenced. A discussion of the origin of smart
2.1. Distributed ledger technology (DLT) contracts and how they work relies on explaining the structure of the
hyperledger fabric as a blockchain platform and the way that the
Tapscott and Tapscott [19] define blockchain as a distributed ledger chaincode operates.
that records all data shared among different members in a network. Klaokliang et al. [34] describe the structure of the hyperledger as
Each transaction represents a block in the network and, subsequently, follows:
new blocks are linked to the previous ones, in order to create a chain
[20]. The interrelationships among all blocks maximise the opportunity • Ledger: a set of blocks that records multiple transactions.
for security [21]; that is, each block carries data and a hash (i.e. a code) • Peer: a pool that contains ledgers and smart contracts.
for previous blocks to reduce the chance of hacking [22]. Mason and • Chaincode: the smart contract that performs transactions according
Escott [20] define two categories of blockchain networks (BCNs). The to the hyperledger concept.
first category, the public BCN, can be accessed publicly under the • Channel: the path taken by the transaction and blocks, to be allo-
generic consensus mechanism. However, it remains secure due to its cated among different peers.
cryptography power mechanisms, like Bitcoin [23]. The second cate- • Endorsement policy: a set of instructions providing specific metrics
gory is the private BCN, characterised by having pre-identified users, in to the peer to decide if the transaction received is valid or invalid
which the mechanism for obtaining users' consensus must be clearly [35].
identified [24]. The private BCN represents a single BCN platform for a • Ordering service: the ordering service node (OSN) that is utilised to
certain organisation, with the data centralised in that organisation; order transactions and blocks based on the agreed consensus me-
however, the data are decentralised between network users [23]. chanism, such as Kafka (see Javaid et al. [36]). This node should
Kumar and Mallick [25] define the BCN as a tamper-proof tech- include specific information regarding the size of blocks, maximum
nology that makes it fit for multifunctioning and, therefore, a promising time and number of transactions allowed for each block, before
technology through which to avoid a wide range of bad practices across assigning it to the peer through the channel [35,37].
various industries. Similarly, the BCN provides high levels of security, • Consensus mechanism: a set of protocols designed to ensure that
as the block recorder can check all the recorded data, in terms of the all the network's nodes work according to the agreed conditions and
sequence and the interrelationships of data in the network [26]. In the defined steps to endorse transactions [23,38].
BCN, this prevents the likelihood of tampering with data [25]. In ad-
dition, BCNs are efficient in supporting computing solutions [9,11]. The

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

2.3. Blockchain/smart contracts in construction stakeholders to all available data in a secure way, managing project
funds and releasing the owed payments based on a set of agreed-upon
Blockchain has not been widely adopted across the construction rules [40,41]. Additionally, blockchain can provide a secure and col-
industry; however, several attempts to use blockchain have been made laborative environment for BIM processes [7,8], in which all project
by developing business models [15]. As an example, BIMCHAIN is a parties can obtain the same benefits in accessing all the information.
proof of concept to integrate BIM into blockchain in the form of a plug- Stakeholders will also have the chance to control project changes, due
in for BIM platforms [11,39]. Fox [40] reports on several cases of to the main blockchain principle regarding neutrality [8].
adopting smart contracts in the construction industry, such as: deli- Mathews et al. [18] contend that IPD requires a high level of trust
vering the agreed contracts automatically with enabling parties to up- and a collaboration network among core team members: all IPD team
date any variations; enhancing copyright for project documentation; members are supposed to be ‘all for one and one for all’ [49]. Block-
and making automated payments among project parties, adding that it chain, due its capabilities in terms of transparency, immutability and
can also work as a claim submission platform [11,15]. As a result, smart automated data validation, will be able to create a new proposition
contracts will be valuable in the automation of some construction [8,33]. Therefore, all sorts of rewards can be extracted, be they tangible
processes that traditionally rely on multi-interactions and contributions or intangible [43,50]. Moreover, blockchain allows several participants
from project participants in making decisions [20,30]. to work collaboratively in a single project and supports a data-driven
Cardeira [41] states that late payments and insolvencies in the digital environment for better project delivery [8,44]. Some re-
construction industry lead to several claims, but the adoption of smart searchers, such as BIMCHAIN [39], Cousins [48], assert that the com-
contracts can significantly reduce the negative consequences [40]. bination of BIM and blockchain can provide an incorruptible, reliable
Therefore, (ICE) [10],Lamb [11] contend that a smart contract is a and transparent system to record, update and maintain the project
simple and quick executable solution, making it promising for business database. Blockchain and smart contracts not only enhance collabora-
developments. In fact, complex transactions are relatively expensive; tion in the construction industry [51], but also keep all participants
therefore, adopting smart contracts will reduce these accumulative informed of the project status and all changes, such as 3D BIM design,
costs [42]. construction site procedures and the flow of supply materials [18].
Uncertainties in construction payments are a challenge in devel-
oping a reliable cash flow, subsequently leading to claims that affect 2.5. Decision criteria for selecting a suitable blockchain platform for IPD
business growth [43]. With the recommended construction trust ac-
count [41], smart contracts can work as trust accounts that hold the A major hallmark of IPD is its compensation system for allocating
money to be transferred automatically to the party who is to receive it gain and pain ratios among project participants [52]. This necessitates a
[41]. Project participants will trust smart contract outputs, given that cooperative contracting relationship that ties the individual success of
all the embedded data are immutable and decentralised [11,20]. participants to success in achieving the project objectives [1]. All par-
Koutsogiannis and Berntsen [44] argue that digital construction is ticipants must agree on a suitable compensation scheme [50], with this
an integrated process. With the growth of digitalisation across the AEC scheme determining the proportions of cost overrun, cost underrun and
industry, smart contracts can be implemented for a wide range of ac- any other fees within the total budget and under the agreed cost
tivities. The utilisation of smart contracts with cryptocurrencies can [50,52]. The cost scheme must comprise direct, indirect and overhead
provide a draft contract that specifies where particular funds can be costs and capture the risk/reward proportions based on the degree of
kept to avoid common insolvency issues or late payments [41]. In ad- achievement during project delivery [50,53]. In IPD, three components
dition, cross-verification by several references leads to the acquisition or limbs can be defined: Limb 1 represents the reimbursement of project
of an efficient, robust, secure and reliable system, thus building a trust costs and captures all project implementation costs (guaranteed); Limb
environment among project parties [20,30]. 2 refers to the overhead costs for all participants, in addition to the
profit (at-risk); and Limb 3 is the pain or gain ratios (the contractual
2.4. Integration of BIM, IPD and smart contracts agreement) [53].
Table 1 shows the IPD characteristics in terms of financial processes,
Turk and Klinc [9] state that blockchain platforms (e.g. Ethereum illustrating the five common permissioned blockchain platforms. The
and hyperledger) can be integrated with BIM to add new features. suitable platform is the one with characteristics matching the corre-
These features can record all the changes in three-dimensional (3D) sponding IPD characteristics. The five platforms can be summarised as
BIM models throughout the design and construction stages, subse- follows:
quently enabling stakeholders to easily track these changes [45]. Mason
and Escott [20] assert that BIM integrated with smart contracts will be • Hyperledger fabric, as discussed.
attainable by 2020, due to the foreseeable increase (up to almost 25 • Ethereum, an open and programmable blockchain platform: (1)
billion) in the number of sensors in devices. The promise of BIM level 2 enables anyone to sign up and create an Ethereum account; (2)
is the minimisation of paper-based communications and exchange [46]; enables decentralised applications to be built, as well as smart
therefore, a platform is much needed that shares information among contracts to be deployed; and (3) uses a cryptocurrency called Ether
project parties with high levels of transparency and tracks all possible and has a consensus mechanism that is not fabricated [54].
changes [47]. Moreover, Parn and Edwards [6] recommend the utili- • R3 Corda is designed as a specialised distributed ledger platform for
sation of blockchain with the common data environment (CDE) to en- the financial industry: it is classified as a permissioned blockchain
able the recorded data to be tracked with displaying recorders, as the platform, with a token able to be sent using a smart contract [55].
data will be stored as a set of nodes. • Ripple is an open payment system: as well as a digital currency
Cousins [48] argue that BIM processes require a 3D contractual called ‘XRP’, it has a consensus mechanism called Ripple Consensus
model that includes all the data needed for validation and authorisation Algorithm (RPCA) that is not fabricated. It has its open source
of all possible tasks. BIMCHAIN, as discussed, can minimise the gap project for smart contracts [56].
between 3D BIM models and paper-based legal documentation [39]. It • Quorum is designed to provide security and maintain a desired level
can be seen as an attempt to manage BIM by using smart contracts that of privacy for financial and banking services. Interested readers are
enable automated payments, insurance and project information referred to Baliga et al. [57] for details.
tracking [11,39]. Smart contracts can therefore be coded for integration
into BIM processes/platforms, enabling traditional provisions to be The consensus mechanism should be modular and flexible to enable
executed in an automated way. This will facilitate the access of all IPD parties to develop a suitable mechanism, according to the team and

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

project environment; therefore, Ethereum, Ripple and Quorum cannot

be used to develop an IPD financial system.
blockchain platforms
The consensus mechanism, privacy, sending transactions as fiat
currency or by tokens and the functionality of smart contracts are the
References for

main distinctions among the five listed platforms. Of these platforms,




the Ethereum platform is a private blockchain; hence, any interested
entity can join based on agreed algorithms [58,59]. It is, however, not
designed for business networks. Regarding the consensus mechanism,
Ripple and Quorum use probabilistic and major voting techniques, re-
spectively [60]. Accordingly, these two platforms are not sufficiently

flexible to enable the design of a consensus mechanism based on

agreement among an IPD's core team members. The R3 Corda permis-

✗ sioned blockchain platform enables a network's participants to mod-

ularise the consensus mechanism, with transactions able to be sent and

recorded as fiat currencies [55,59].

The hyperledger fabric has a consensus mechanism that is modular

and can be fabricated according to terms agreed among network

(project) participants [37]. Regarding the applicability of permissioned
R3 Corda

blockchain platforms, several commercial packages are available, for

example, the IBM® Blockchain Cloud, the Oracle Blockchain platform

and the SAP Cloud, among others [61], with these able to work in co-

operation with the hyperledger platform to facilitate its implementa-

tion. It can therefore be inferred that the hyperledger platform is the

most appropriate for IPD projects, as shown in Table 1.

3. Research gap and justification

Blockchain platforms

Research on blockchain has received much attention in recent years

Hyperledger fabric

[7,9]. Some researchers have demonstrated the importance of im-

plementing specific features of blockchain, such as smart contracts in
automating payments in the construction industry [20,30]. Evidence in
the literature acknowledges the wide applicability of blockchain and
smart contracts. For example, Mathews et al. [18] argued that the in-

tegration of BIM and blockchain can maximise trust among project

participants in the AEC industry, while Abrishami and Elghaish [8]

proposed that blockchain can be useful in enhancing supply chain


management. However, to date, the available research studies on the





topic have not gone beyond conceptual proposals and recommenda-


tions. Research on the topic has therefore been limited to the theoretical
conceptualisation of possible applications of blockchain in the AEC
should be friendly for various users, understandable and flexible: a platform that
IPD core team members are pre-identified entities; all members should acquire the

Risks/rewards are shared among parties; this requires all parties to be able to track

The consensus mechanism should be flexible, so it can be changed based on agreed

As IPD core team members come from different backgrounds, the financial system
project progress (cost and schedule) and having access to all data, regardless of

A new party can join at any time after the core team members are formulated.

The above gap can be a major issue across the AEC industry. With
Financial transactions should be invoked and recorded in specific tokens (fiat
Three financial transactions should be invoked in each payment milestone

the growth in adoption of BIM level 2 and the move in BIM level 3
towards the full integration of all dimensions [64], the need to use IPD
[50] is increasing. The integration of BIM and IPD [14] also requires
Permissioned blockchain platforms and IPD financial characteristics.

much more research. Moreover, some aspects of IPD implementation,

particularly financial management, act as major barriers. To be specific,
sharing risks/rewards requires an automated/immutable system to re-
cord the achieved profit, cost saving and reimbursed monetary values
same information at the same time as it is released.

for each member, as the IPD core team members cannot receive their
profits and rewards until all project works are delivered [3,4,50].
Through a comparison of the requirements of an efficient IPD fi-
(reimbursed cost, profit and cost saving).

uses commercial packages is preferred.

nancial system and blockchain capabilities, specifically hyperledger

fabric, building an IPD financial system using hyperledger fabric is
conceptually confirmed in this study. This confirmation builds on the
currencies such as dollars).

capabilities proven in previous studies, such as the works of Abrishami

and Elghaish [8], Nawari and Ravindran [65],Li et al. [66]. It also
provides a response to widespread recommendations to utilise block-
IPD characteristics

chain and BIM in an integrated way. The present study's outcome is

their location.

intended to enhance the financial process in the AEC industry, parti-


cularly for IPD projects, as recommended in the literature [11,39].

4. Research method, design and tools

Table 1

The objective here is to present and then test a workable solution



through developing a proof of concept, using the permissioned

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 1. Research design and tools.

blockchain (hyperledger fabric platform). The blockchain approach is section develops a mechanism to manage all IPD transactions within the
used as it can provide a secure platform for the transferral of data of a IPD construction stage: it also enables those parties who finish their
sensitive nature, as previously discussed. agreed works at earlier stages of the project timeline to follow other
The present study uses an experiment as the principal method for contractors without needing to attend all meetings (see Fig. 1). The
testing assumptions on the effectiveness and workability of the pro- third section, the close-out stage, is different to that used in traditional
posed automated financial system for the IPD approach. The reason is approaches as it determines the profit proportions owed to owners and
that experiments are effective in revealing whether real data either non-owner parties.
support or rebut the conceptualisations of a study's researchers. The presented framework is designed to integrate the three pro-
According to Zellmer-Bruhn et al. [67] “experiments isolate causal cesses of IPD, blockchain and BIM in order to visualise the flow of in-
variables and enable a strong test of the robustness of a theory: they formation. For BIM, the framework provides details of which BIM di-
provide convincing evidence for theories”. In other words, the validity mensions are to be utilised. This provides information that feeds into
of assumptions in the present study on causes and effects, in which a the proposed IPD–blockchain system, using 4D to inform the payment
match between data and theory is observed, is demonstrated through schedule for all IPD core team members and 5D to provide cost data
experiments [68,69]. Fig. 1 illustrates the logic of the research and its (see Fig. 2).
design. Fig. 2 shows the entire process of implementing the permissioned
As shown in Fig. 1, the created framework proposes a solution that blockchain and the hyperledger fabric with the IPD stages. Different
addresses the deficiencies of IPD financial management, through in- types of information and different tasks are involved in every IPD stage.
tegrating the merits of blockchain and smart contracts (with a hyperl- Therefore, the framework aims to enable potential users to implement it
edger fabric platform). The proof of concept is then developed, using easily. It can be used to inform users of the input and outcome of each
the following tools, to test the applicability of the framework: IPD stage, along with the progress achieved in developing or utilising
the blockchain network (BCN). Each set of IPD stages has different le-
• IBM® Blockchain Cloud Beta 2 platform, as it is user-friendly [8] and vels of information and distinct characteristics; therefore, the BCN
does not require skilled operators or high levels of competency. should be developed and used according to the characteristics of the
Therefore, this easy-to-use tool is applicable for practitioners across IPD stages, as discussed next.
the AEC industry, even junior and novice users [35].
• IBM® VSCode extension for blockchain, as it facilitates the writing of
5.1. Conceptualisation to buy-out stage
the smart contract by providing templates to help novice users to
correctly write the functions.
Three major sections form the conceptualisation to buy-out stage.
Firstly, in building the network components, each party in the IPD core
5. Framework team represents a peer node in the blockchain network (BCN). This peer
node carries its own ledgers in the deployment stage, while there is a
The framework is divided into three main sections, in line with the peer node to order transactions is called the orderer peer. Secondly, the
three main IPD phases, as previously discussed. The first section focuses endorsement policy includes the path of a transaction from one party to
on preparing the BCN before its deployment. This should be im- others for endorsement, that is, defining who should endorse transac-
plemented throughout the IPD pre-construction stage. The second tions proposed by one of the parties. This requires the development of

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 2. Framework: IPD-based hyperledger fabric.

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

mathematical equations to enable determination of the value of each package and contacts. To maximise transparency and security for IPD
transaction and the proposal of new terms consistent with blockchain parties, the profit pool can be capped at a certain monetary value for
technology. The third section covers the ordering policies and is con- each milestone, as well as accumulatively. The profit thus will be
cerned with the path of the transaction to be recorded, including by checked/endorsed automatically for any new transaction.
which peer (project party) and through which channel. The ordering process presents a main part of the hyperledger fabric
Core team members in IPD should have the same level of informa- network component. In the IPD context, the ordering policy refers to
tion/details; therefore, any transaction by non-owner parties (including the management and control of relationships among project parties. To
contractors and the consultant team) should be endorsed by owner be specific, the movement of endorsed transactions should be pre-
parties and consultant peers. Given that not all contractors finish their identified through nominating the channel for transferring the trans-
tasks at the same time, the time stamp is part of the endorsement policy. action data.
Each contractor is limited to acting within a specific period, with this The ordering process in the present study is designed to follow the
extracted from the project timeline (4D BIM). Any proposed transaction sequence of the project timeline and the distinctive relationships among
(e.g. sent by a contractor) beyond the specified ranges will be invalid. IPD project team members. To extend IPD characteristics by sharing all
The IPD compensation approach relies on reimbursing all costs below acquired data among all participants, the genotype of each transaction
the specified profit-at-risk percentage (Limb 3). This value is coded for should show: (1) the transaction number (i.e. 1, 2, etc.); (2) the identity
each party individually, so no party can exceed its coded value. Eq. (1) of the respondent (i.e. owner or non-owner parties); (3) the endorse-
below shows how reimbursed costs in IPD if the project does not exceed ment status (i.e. which peer has accepted the transaction); this last
the summation of planned limbs are calculated: aspect is based on who invoked the transaction, with the endorsement
policy defining which peers should endorse the transaction (see Fig. 2).
RMVoTi = Limbs (1, 2 and 3) PMVoLimbs (1) At each payment milestone, all non-owner parties who are supposed
where RMVoTi is the reimbursed monetary value of the transaction for to implement works based on the project timeline (4D BIM) should
contractor i and PMVoLimbs is the planned monetary value of limbs for invoke three transactions according to the agreed endorsement policy.
contractor i. Once all the invoked transactions have been endorsed, the total re-
Other transactions must also be invoked by any non-owner party: imbursed cost transaction should be gathered in a block (e.g. Block 1 for
these transactions should be profit/risk values and the achieved cost the May payment milestone). Accordingly, this block should be shared
saving value. Eqs. (2) and (3) show the calculation mechanism of these with the peers of all parties through a channel. Subsequently, the other
two transactions when the total planned value of the compensation two transactions that carry profit and cost saving should be transferred
structure is greater than the reimbursed costs: to the peers of all parties. This ensures that all IPD core team members
have the same amount of information, enabling them to make the de-
( + ) Profit cision needed (see Fig. 2). Therefore, any IPD project requires two
T2p = PMVoLimbs RMVoT 1 = ( + )(Profit + Cost saving ) channels: the main channel to transfer transactions among all parties
( ) Monetary value of risks (2) and another individual channel among all non-owner parties and the
owner, in case an error is revealed, so adverse transactions can be in-
T3CS = T2p Limb3 (3) voked by the owner to restore the amounts paid.

where T2p is the second transaction for the profit values and the T3CS is 5.2. Construction stage (processing and reflection)
the third transaction for the cost saving values.
If the value of RMVoTi exceeds that of PMVoLimbs, the non-owner The processing of a transaction in hyperledger fabric comprises four
party should split the value into two transactions. Eq. (4) presents the major stages, with these stages tailored to fit the BIM and IPD contexts.
reimbursed costs as the whole compensation structure: Therefore, all the information needed from BIM models is identified,
T1R = PMVoLimbs (4) taking into consideration the IPD characteristics. In addition, tasks related
to the hyperledger fabric are presented. These four stages are described
Another transaction (T2R) should be implemented by the same below and highlighted in Fig. 2 (using numerical indications from 1 to 5):
contractor i and endorsed by the client: this represents the direct costs
of all works that exceed the planned values (see Eq. (5) below):
• Sending a transaction proposal to specific peer nodes: in ac-
T2R = DCALimb3 cordance with the project timeline (4D BIM), non-owner parties who
have implemented works should initiate request transactions using
Where DCALimb 3 is the direct cost above limb 3. the application programming interface (API) to invoke the chain-
The value of transaction (T)2R should be assigned to all other peer code function. The framework relies on IBM blockchain, while the
nodes carrying the time stamp which identifies the trigger of the IBM cloud offers the API screen that can manage the BCN nodes,
transaction and the time. channels and peers. Every network member can use this API screen
The interrelationships among project parties on the BCN should be to log in and invoke any function to record new data in the hy-
drawn to identify the endorsement path. The proposed framework as- perledger. As stated in the endorsement policy, the transaction
sumes that the owner is committed to endorsing any transaction in- should be sent for endorsement to pre-identified peers (see Fig. 2,
voked by any non-owner party. For mistakes made by the client in any ‘processing’ and ‘reflection’ sections).
previous transaction, the client can invoke a retrieved payment to re- • Endorsing proposed transactions: all transactions should meet the
ceive their money back; however, this should be endorsed only by the mentioned endorsement policy requirements, such as the maximum
payer non-owner party. value of each transaction and the planned time in which to invoke
The IPD smart contract should include specific functions to record the transaction (see Fig. 2, ‘processing’ and ‘reflection’ sections).
the proposed financial transactions, with three IPD financial functions Once a transaction has been endorsed, it returns to the transaction
to be coded: (1) reimbursed costs pool, (2) profit pool and (3) cost sender to begin the ordering process.
saving pool. Each function should include identifier parameters, such as • Ordering the endorsed transaction: all endorsed transactions
sender, value, milestone and nature of trade package. Given that the should be transferred to the ordering peer node so their signature
IPD agreement accepts the addition of new members at any time during can be double-checked. Subsequently, transactions will be ordered
the project stages, the smart contract can include a function for this chronologically; that is, an interrelationship exists between the
purpose with specific parameters, such as name, nature of trade transactions and the precedence for each transaction (as planned in

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 3. Architecture of the IPD-based smart contract transaction.

4D BIM) based on the ordering policy agreed in the pre-deployment party (p); PLimb3(Mn, Ln) is the planned monetary value of Limb 3 for
stage. Hence, the chaincode architecture represents the number of payment milestone (n), stated in ledger (n). As discussed, IPD supports
transactions, the transaction sender, value of the transaction and the sustainable relationships among owner parties and non-owner parties.
trade package name (i.e. T1, ceiling package trade contractor, £500, Accordingly, a financial evaluation for all parties should be retrieved
ceiling package) (see Fig. 2, ‘processing’ and ‘reflection’ sections). from the hyperledger fabric network, with evaluation parameters as
Accordingly, based on the timestamp, the transactions are packaged presented in Eq. (8):
into a block to be sent to peers for their commitment. The chaincode
architecture for the proposed three transactions (reimbursed costs, C = ARCij Planned Limbs (1&2) ( ) = C 0
profit and cost saving) should be arranged, as illustrated in Fig. 3, f (AFPij ) = P = APPij Planned Limb 3 P 0
and coded as function parameters in the IPD smart contract. CS = ACSij /Planned Limbs (1&2) CS 0 (8)
• Committing the transaction: all ordered and packaged transac-
where C represents the paid cost; AFPij refers to the accumulative fi-
tions should be broadcast to the peer nodes pre-identified in the
ordering policy, as stated in Fig. 2 (‘processing’ and ‘reflection’ nancial parameters for party I which is appointed to implement trade
sections). To illustrate, all ordered transactions proposed by non- package j (in £); P represents the profit parameter; ARCij is the accu-
owner parties should be broadcast to all peer nodes through a mulative reimbursed cost (in £); APPij is the accumulative paid profit
channel using the application programming interface (API). In ad- (in £); CS represents the cost saving; and ACSij is the accumulative cost
dition, a transaction coming from the owner party, to correct any saving (in £).
issue revealed in a previous financial statement (an adverse trans- As discussed, three parameters can articulate a performance in-
action), should be transferred to all peers (project parties), to make dicator for the entire IPD financial progress. Table 2 below illustrates
them aware of any change in the final statements of the three main how these parameters can be understood by IPD core team members.
IPD transactions. Therefore, an inquiry function needs to be coded into the IPD smart
contract to support the collection of the information needed to under-
take the proposed financial evaluation.
5.3. Close-out stage

At each milestone, the same process should be repeated; however, 5.4. Interoperability between BIM, IPD and blockchain
the accumulative value of project profit should be checked through the
ordering service. All profit transactions for each milestone should be Fig. 4 illustrates the interrelationships between BIM tools and the
gathered in a ledger; hence, the profit node (profit pool) includes a chaincode hyperledger fabric within the IPD implementation stages.
bundle of ledgers. The summation of the profit requested by all non- During the IPD pre-construction stage, and particularly during the
owner parties should be presented in the ledger. Each profit ledger must documentation and buy-out stages, the BIM dimensions – 3D, 4D
be linked to the previous one to achieve the conditions, as formulated in (Scheduling) and 5D (Cost) – provide the information needed to de-
Eq. (7): velop the chaincode system. The information needed from BIM should
be the starting and finishing dates of each trade package, so these can
VAPT = AVoPT(Ln, Pn) PLimb3(Mn, Ln) (7) be coded into endorsement and ordering policies; the total cost for each
package; and the maximum estimated profits for each non-owner party,
where VAPT is the valid accumulative profit transaction; AVoPT(Ln, Pn) is to be used in validating the profit transactions per payment milestone
the accumulative value of profit transactions, stated in ledger (n) for and accumulatively at further milestones (see Fig. 2, the ‘endorsement

Table 2
Evaluation of financial parameters during IPD close-out stage.
Parameter Value Indication

C Zero The package has been implemented as planned and no cost saving has been achieved.
(+) A cost overrun has occurred and part of the profit proportion has been consumed.
(−) A cost saving has occurred equal to the estimated value from this parameter.
P Zero The estimated profit is achieved.
(−) A cost overrun has occurred and a proportion of the profit has been consumed as a cost.
CS Zero No cost saving has been achieved. This case is accompanied by the C equals zero parameter.
> Zero A cost underrun has been achieved and the profit percentage has been completely achieved.

Note: C = cost; CS = cost saving; P = profit.

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 4. Interoperability among BIM, IPD and the chaincode system.

policy’ section). Simultaneously, the chaincode hyperledger fabric create a blockchain network using the recently released IBM®
should be designed using the BIM data, such as defining the number of Blockchain Beta 2 platform, as illustrated in Fig. 5. This IBM Beta
peers (peer per party) and the functions that need to be written into the platform can enable enterprises to develop and extend their networks
IPD smart contract format, as discussed next. when these enterprises intend to use the network as an ongoing prac-
As shown in Fig. 4, once the construction stage begins, the non- tice. The IPD-based blockchain proof of concept is developed based on
owner parties who have implemented works should invoke smart the hyperledger fabric, as discussed in the ‘development of the frame-
contract functions by the retrieved values (from 5D BIM). These are the work’ section. The hyperledger fabric includes specific components:
financial resources spent to implement the agreed works, counting the Certificate Authorisation (CA), Member Service Provider (MSP), peers
remaining profit-at-risk percentage based on agreed values in the IPD and channels, with each peer (project party) needing to have a CA as
buy-out stage and determining, through API, whether or not a cost well as being an MSP to identify its presence in the network. The
saving has been achieved. This process is reiterated to reach the close- channel role is to move the information (transaction) to a set of peers
out stage. As all risks/rewards should be shared during the close-out (project parties), in accordance with an agreed endorsement policy. For
stage, all parties can request the net amount of total profit, cost saving instance, a client should have all the information regarding reimbursed
and reimbursed costs. Subsequently, based on the agreed risk/reward cost, profit and cost saving for all participants. The client peer should
proportions during the buy-out stage, each party can receive the pro- also be selected when instantiating the smart contract. The architect
portion owed in each term: profit, cost saving and risks [49]. The team is responsible for developing the network and all other partici-
performance of each party is then assessed using 5D BIM, by comparing pants (i.e. contractors and trade contractors) can then join the network.
the planned profit to the achieved profit. Fig. 5 presents a map which directs the development of a blockchain
In contrast to traditional accounting systems that record owed network (BCN) to automate financial transactions in the construction
profit, cost saving and profits for each party, the chaincode hyperledger industry. As can be seen, all processes are accompanied by adequate
fabric prevents any party from amending the achieved percentages. details to clarify the nature of each step and show who is the re-
This is particularly the case as some parties leave the construction site sponsible party for each step.
at early stages, creating a lack of trust among the remaining parties. Smart contracts should be written in specific algorithms. The IBM®
VSCode extension for blockchain is used to write all the proposed
6. Proof of concept functions. Therefore, each party should invoke the three transactions
and each payment milestone to update the hyperledger fabric net-
6.1. Blockchain (permissioned) web-based IPD work.

In developing the proof of concept, 10 main steps are undertaken to

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 5. Logic of the proposed “Proof of Concept” blockchain based IPD framework.

6.2. Case project 6.3. Blockchain network (BCN): IBM® Blockchain Beta 2 Platform

This section describes the case project. A property development As illustrated in Fig. 6, seven participants are involved in the case
company decides to build a compound of 100 identical houses. The project as BCN members; consequently, each party should be re-
specification of each house is as follows: (1) the gross floor area is presented by a peer. In creating a peer, two main components should be
about 192 m2; (2) the house has a single floor; and (3) from reviewing created beforehand, these components being the Certification Authority
the Revit architectural plan, the spaces are a master bedroom with its (CA) and Member Service Provider (MSP). Fig. 6 shows a CA for each
own bathroom and robe room facilities, three bedrooms, large living party and one for the orderer peer. This network is developed for a
room, kitchen, dining room, another bathroom, family room and uti- project that comprises seven members in its core team: client, architect,
lity room. main contractor and the other four trade contractors (doors and win-
The project works are categorised into five trade packages: (1) dows, finishing works, ceiling works and lighting fixture works).
general works; (2) ceilings: (2) lighting fixtures; (3) finishing; (5) doors Fig. 7 illustrates the IPD core team's organisations with each parti-
and windows. The client intends to use IPD to deliver the project. An cipant identified by a distinct Member Service Provider (MSP). This is
architectural firm and five trade contractors are appointed to build the also used to validate the identity of network members; that is, when
project's core group, as well as involving trade contractors to obtain the data are sent from any party to other parties, the receivers are identified
required information during kick-off meetings. The blockchain network through their MSPs (as shown in Fig. 7 for the presented case project).
(BCN) should include all IPD core team members (client, five con- The orderer here works as a node in the network; therefore, their MSP
tractors and the consultant). should be presented in the organisation list (see Fig. 7).
As previously discussed, the channel is a main part in the BCN, and
is used to move data between network parties. Fig. 8 shows the channel

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 6. Developed blockchain network based on IPD.

for an IPD project case, which is called “ipdchannel”, with members Therefore, all parties should be listed, as illustrated in Fig. 9.
provided in order to identify the path of the data when any function is
invoked to record any new data on the network and specifying which
parties should receive the data. In IPD projects, all core team members 6.4. Smart contract based on IPD financial terms
should receive the same amount of data in the same sequence.
As previously discussed, the IBM® VSCode extension is used to build

Fig. 7. MSP for the organisation members.

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 8. Creating a channel to assign the data to the network participants.

the functions of the smart contract (the chaincode), packaging it and, blockchain, particularly hyperledger fabric – the blockchain for busi-
subsequently, installing and instantiating it to the specific channel and ness networks. With blockchain (hyperledger fabric), all participants
peer. As proposed in the framework (see Fig. 4), the chaincode should have an equal opportunity to track all financial transactions, regardless
include substantial functions, such as the ‘instantiate’ and ‘query’ of their geographical location.
functions. The user can add more functions to govern the purpose of the
chaincode. 7. Discussion
In the prototype presented here, four functions are added to perform
the proposed purpose of the framework, that is, recording all project The proof of concept provided here presents a workable procedure
transactions and preventing any possible amendments. Fig. 9 shows the for addressing a major barrier to the adoption of IPD in the construction
functions used: (1) adding participants; (2) cost saving; (3) reimbursed industry, namely, the management of financial transactions among
costs; and (4) profit. project parties under the distinctive nature of IPD characteristics
All financial transactions are defined through specific parameters: [5,70]. This is accomplished through proposing a methodology that
who the sender is, the trade package, payment milestone and the value offers a practicable and viable solution to the documented financial
of the transaction (see Fig. 9). deficiencies of IPD, as discussed below.

6.5. Smart contract on blockchain network (BCN) • The issue of profit pooling – paying profits after all project works are
completed, regardless of the timeline of trade packages [4] – has
been solved as all profit transactions are received by the profit pool
After developing the chaincode, any party can invoke one of the
after passing the automated endorsement and validation processes.
transactions in accordance with the agreed endorsement policy (see
Subsequently, all recorded values are immutable, with any potential
Fig. 2). Fig. 10 illustrates the installed smart contract that includes the
amendment causing a problem for the entire blockchain network
proposed functions. The smart contract should be uploaded to the smart

contract panel in the network and to the endorsement policy as stated
Another endemic financial issue revealed by IPD is the inconsistency
in the ‘development of framework’ section. The uploaded smart con-
of accounting between owner parties and non-owner parties [71]
tract should then be installed and instantiated in all peers (project
that can lead to misunderstandings. This is contrary to the main
parties). Subsequently, project parties can invoke the four main func-
purpose of IPD which is to create a sustainable relationship.
tions (reimbursed costs, profit, cost saving and query) at each payment
Therefore, the hyperledger fabric has a single/consistent electronic
milestone. Invoking can be executed through a web-based application,
format to record the data and all parties receive the necessary data
thus providing easy access for all participants regardless of their tech-
in the same sequence, with the same amounts and tokens (i.e. cur-
nical skills and capabilities.

At the completion of the IPD project, any party can invoke the
The promise of IPD is about management by decentralised teams,
‘query’ function in order to estimate the recorded amount of money in
with there being no dominant party. This necessitates repetitive
each pool (reimbursed cost, profit and cost saving). This can increase
meetings to make all required decisions [4,49]. The proposed uti-
the rate of IPD adoption, given that the main barrier is the lack of trust
lisation of the IPD-based blockchain can reduce the need for such
in sharing risks/rewards. This can be addressed by implementing

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 9. Snapshot of the developed chaincode based on IPD financial transactions.

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

Fig. 10. Snapshot of installing and instantiating smart contracts on blockchain-IPD network.

repetitive meetings, with all financial issues being managed through 8. Limitations and future studies
the hyperledger fabric network.
• Another advantage is the facilitation of decision making among IPD The present study develops a platform from which to deal with the
core team members through the endorsement policy that includes financial challenges of implementing IPD projects; hence, this research
rigorous algorithms to define the decision paths, This comprises the can be extended horizontally. To be specific, the proposed financial
identity of decision makers and the effectiveness of previous deci- system is validated by developing a “proof of concept”. Therefore, a
sions (i.e. the consultant party should validate all financial data; fully integrated prototype that includes an automated way to retrieve
therefore, this party, as a vital decision maker, should be mentioned data from BIM models for the blockchain network (BCN), in order to
in all decision paths). develop the endorsement policy, can be investigated in future research.
• According to Pishdad-Bozorgi and Srivastava [50], IPD targets Much more can be done to improve the proposed prototype and to
create sustainable relationships among parties in the AEC industry. extend it vertically by adding more functions, such as contingency
This requires performance evaluation by the end of the project, in costs. This would assist each party in invoking the recording of incurred
terms of the achieved rewards against the risks for each party. To values, where “unneeded proportion” and other legal terms could be
conduct this, the hyperledger fabric network, through the ‘query’ coded to automate the entire process and reduce the impact of a third
function, can provide all recorded accumulative risk/reward values party on the smart contract. Subsequently, these functions could be
for each node (party) in the network. The owner can therefore de- invoked and add new features to the network. Moreover, the present
termine the parties who achieved their targets, thus assisting with study presents a generic methodology for developing a BCN and a smart
informed decision making on future collaboration. contract for IPD; therefore, the same methodology used with the IBM®
• A blockchain network that uses cryptocurrencies instead of fiat Blockchain platform could be used with other platforms, such as Oracle.
currencies [72] and the contradiction between the private ledger in Integrated project delivery (IPD) has a sophisticated financial pro-
the bank and the distributed ledger in the blockchain have been cess, with the developed framework system showing its applicability for
managed through utilising the hyperledger fabric which depends on providing reliable solutions. Therefore, this framework could be ex-
tokens in sending transactions to build the network, as well as de- tended to work with different procurement approaches, including the
ploying the smart contract. The IPD approach requires that the three design-build (DB) approach. In this case, some changes should be
main transactions (profit, cost saving and reimbursed costs) merely considered including: (1) the endorsement policy and the ordering
be recorded, while the actual money can be sent through normal policy would need to be amended as the risk/reward sharing me-
bank accounts. chanism is not utilised; (2) the functions in the smart contract would
• Contractual challenges exist, such as the necessity of coding un- need to be adjusted as only a single payment should be invoked in the
straightforward legal concepts and other practical challenges [70]. DB approach; and (3) the BCN members would be different as sub-
With this in mind, the present study succeeds in developing a smart contractors cannot be participants as no contractual relationships exist
contract that includes all the needed functions. Non-coded expres- between owner parties and themselves.
sions and elements will not affect the efficiency of the entire fi- Even though the applicability and practicability of the framework
nancial process. are validated using a case project, further validation is required. This
• The proposed methodology is invaluable for IPD adopters, given the could be achieved by conducting case study research to observe the
simplicity and user-friendliness of the proposed financial system in attitudes of project stakeholders regarding the applicability of the
relation to IPD goals and benefits. Blockchain, IPD and BIM are proposed financial system.
aligned in a dynamic process to allow IPD users to utilise all avail-
able capabilities and noting that, in IPD, BIM is highly re-
commended. Therefore, all input data for the endorsement policy 9. Conclusion
are designed to be derived particularly from 4D BIM and 5D BIM
models. Apart from the contributions of the present study to the world of
practice, as discussed above, the study opens new horizons for pro-
moting the adoption of blockchain in the AEC industry. The study's

F. Elghaish, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103182

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