Evidence of Spin-Density-Wave Transition and Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties in Ca Ce Co O

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Evidence of spin-density-wave transition and enhanced thermoelectric

properties in Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦
G. D. Tang, Z. H. Wang,a兲 X. N. Xu, L. Qiu, and Y. W. Du
National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China,
Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China, and Jiangsu Provincial Laboratory for
NanoTechnology, Nanjing 210093, China
共Received 27 August 2009; accepted 18 January 2010; published online 9 March 2010兲
We have investigated the effect of Ce doping on the magnetic and low-temperature thermoelectric
properties of Ca3Co4O9+␦. A small shoulder occurring at about 23 K in the d␹−1 / dT curve indicates
an occurrence of spin-density-wave transition, which is confirmed by resistance characteristics.
With partial Ce substitution, the thermopower increases while the thermal conductivity decreases.
The magnetic measurements give a support to the concentration reduction in Co4+ ions, which
results in the enhancement of thermopower. The dimensionless figure of merit ZT= 0.016 is
achieved at 335 K for Ca2.9Ce0.1Co4O9+␦, demonstrating that heavy atoms Ce doping may promise
an effective way for improving thermoelectric properties of Ca3Co4O9+␦ system.
© 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3313923兴

I. INTRODUCTION samples by Ce doping and investigated systematically their

TE and magnetic properties in this work. Our investigation
Thermoelectric 共TE兲 materials as a clean energy- discloses an occurrence of SDW transition, which also dem-
conversion system have attracted renewed interest. The per- onstrates that heavy atom Ce doping is an effective way for
formance of TE materials can be evaluated by the figure of improving TE properties of Ca3Co4O9+␦ system.
merit Z = S2 / ␳␬ with S, ␬, and ␳ as the thermopower, the
thermal conductivity, and the electrical resistivity, respec- II. EXPERIMENT
tively. Therefore, large thermopower 共an absolute value of
thermopower兲, low electrical resistivity, and thermal conduc- The starting materials were standard reagents and used
tivity are required for an optimal TE material. In 1997, as commercially obtained. Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ powders were
Terasaki et al.1 reported a new layered cobalt oxide NaCo2O4 prepared using sol-gel method as follows: The stoichiometric
exhibiting a large thermopower of about 100 ␮V / K and a CaCO3, Co共NO3兲2 · 6H2O, Ce共NO3兲3 · 6H2O, and citric acid
low resistivity with 200 ␮⍀ cm at 300 K, which was sug- monohydrate were dissolved in distilled water. Citrate solu-
gested as a potential TE material for application. Since then, tion was dehydrated at 353 K. The resulted uniform was
much attention has been focused on similar layer cobalt crushed and heated to 473 K for 2 h to remove the moisture
oxides,2–7 among which cobaltite Ca3Co4O9+␦ system has of gel. The obtained carbonaceous xerogel was calcined at
been considered to be a promising candidate of TE materials 823 K for 3 h in air. After being cooled to room temperature,
due to its large room-temperature thermopower, low resistiv- the obtained powders were ground and sintered at 1173 K for
ity, and thermal conductivity.4 However, for practical appli- 12 h, then pressed into pellets. Finally these pellets were
cation, its TE performance needs to be further improved.8,9 annealed at 1173 K for 24 h under O2 atmosphere.
So far, various rare earths 共Dy, Gd, Eu, La, and Nd兲, alkali The phase purify of samples was examined by x-ray dif-
metals, or transition metals have been used to substitute for fraction 共XRD兲 with Cu K␣ radiation. The magnetic mea-
Ca or Co for this system and these results show that the surements were performed with a superconducting quantum
doping is an effective way to improve the TE properties.8–15 interference device measurement system. All the TE proper-
Ce element doping inspires our interest for holding that dop- ties 共thermopower, thermal conductivity, and electrical resis-
ing with heavy atoms can enhance phonon scattering and tivity兲 were measured using a physical property measure-
further suppress the lattice contribution to the thermal con- ment system from 4 to 350 K.
ductivity. This will contribute to the improvement of TE ef-
ficiency for this system. In addition, Ca3Co4O9+␦ system ex- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
hibits very complicated magnetic properties, such as Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦
ferrimagnetic transition, spin-state transition, and spin- samples. All the diffraction peaks can be indexed as
density-wave 共SDW兲 transition due to its complex crystal Ca3Co4O9+␦ phase with monoclinic symmetry.4 Clearly Ce
structure; moreover, the effect of doping on magnetic prop- atoms are doped into Ca sites and a single phase is identified.
erties is evident.2,4,16 In order to improve its TE performance The magnetic measurements were performed in the
and to understand the unusual magnetic properties of the field-cooling mode under a magnetic field of 2000 Oe. The
system, we obtained a new series of Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ susceptibility 共␹兲 as a function of temperature for
Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ samples with x = 0 – 0.5 is shown in Fig. 2.
Electronic mail: [email protected]. It is found that ␹ increases slowly with decreasing tempera-

0021-8979/2010/107共5兲/053715/4/$30.00 107, 053715-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics

053715-2 Tang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 053715 共2010兲

FIG. 3. d␹−1 / dT vs T curves for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦.

FIG. 1. XRD patterns of Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦.

sample exhibits no clear shoulder. We ascribe this anomaly
ture until 25 K, then abruptly below 25 K. For all doped to the occurrence of SDW transition. Sugiyama et al.16 ob-
samples, ␹ is unanimously suppressed with increasing Ce served a similar shoulder in Ca3Co4O9+␦ single crystal. They
doping content. The inset in Fig. 2 shows the curves of in- suggested that this shoulder indicates the occurrence of SDW
verse susceptibility 共1 / ␹兲. It is obvious that the magnetic transition, which was detected by muon spin rotation.2 SDW
behaviors of Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ with x = 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 transition was also observed in similar Ca3Co4−xTixO9+␦
above 100 K are paramagnetism and obey the Curie–Weiss system.17 For Ca3Co4O9+␦ polycrystalline sample, the change
law. The negative Weiss constant values obtained indicate in ␹ at the SDW transition temperature TSDW is expected to
the presence of strong antiferromagnetic interaction at low be small and anisotropic due to its broad transition width and
temperatures. It is found that the samples with x = 0.1, 0.3, two dimensional structure. Therefore, such a shoulder will be
and 0.5 do not exhibit a clear ferrimagnetic transition, which difficult to detect.2 We notice that TSDW of Ce-substituted
was observed in Ca3Co4O9+␦.2 Our results are consistent with samples is very close to that of Ca3Co4O9+␦ single crystal.
previous reports that the ferrimagnetic transition is sup- The SDW state exists in the CoO2 layers and propagates
pressed by M 共M represents Sr, Y, Bi, and Ti兲 doping into Ca within the CoO2 ab plane,18 while the substituted Ce ions
sites for a Ca3−xMxCo4O9+␦ system.2,10 As discussed in enter into the 关Ca2CoO3兴 rather than the 关CoO2兴 subsystem.
literatures,16 the ferrimagnetic transition in Ca3Co4O9+␦ is Therefore it is plausible that the Ce doping has little influ-
caused by the interlayer coupling between the 关Ca2CoO3兴 ences on the SDW transition.
and 关CoO2兴 subsystems. In this respect, Ce doping into the Also we studied the TE properties in Ce-substituted
关Ca2CoO3兴 subsystem may enlarge the distance and weaken samples. The temperature dependence of thermopower 共S兲
the magnetic coupling between two subsystems. Therefore, for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ is shown in Fig. 4. The positive values
no ferrimagnetic transition is found down to 5 K in the doped of the thermopower suggest that holes are the major charge
Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ samples. In order to look into more de- carriers in Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ ceramics. The thermopower S
tailed magnetic structure, we plot the d␹−1 / dT versus T for increases monotonically with temperature elevation in the
all materials in Fig. 3. Interestingly, there exists a shoulder in studied temperature range. We also find, as shown in Fig. 4,
the d␹−1 / dT curves at about 23 K for x = 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 that the thermopower is enhanced gradually with increasing
samples while the free doped polycrystalline Ca3Co4O9+␦ Ce doping level. For material with x = 0.5, the S value
reaches up to 128 ␮V / K at 336 K.

FIG. 2. Susceptibility 共␹兲 in the Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ samples with x = 0 – 0.5 as

a function of temperature. The inset shows the temperature dependence of
the reciprocal of the susceptibility for these samples. FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of thermopower for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦.
053715-3 Tang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 053715 共2010兲

FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity 共␬兲 for

FIG. 6. Electric resistivity as a function of temperature for
Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦. The inset shows the fitting plot of resistivity for
Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ at low temperature.
To clarify the enhancement of thermopower, we start
from the definition of thermopower. The thermopower in a shown that the thermal conductivity for all materials in-
strong-correlation system can be expressed as19,20 creases with elevated temperature. From Fig. 5, we can see
1 M12 ␮ that the ␬ values of all Ce substitutions studied are lower
S=− + , 共1兲 than Ca3Co4O9+␦. Among these series, Ca2.9Ce0.1Co4O9+␦ has
eT M11 eT
the lowest ␬ values. Our results suggest that heavy element
where e is the absolute value of electron charge and ␮ is the doping is an effective way to reduce thermal conductivity.
chemical potential. The meaning of M1i共i = 1 , 2兲 is given in The decrease in total thermal conductivity can be explained
Refs. 19 and 20. We studied thermopower within room tem- by that the heavy element Ce dopant makes scattering
perature, but our results may stand well if extrapolated to- phonons more effective, and therefore reduces the phonon
ward high temperature. In the high temperature limit, M1i thermal conductivity.
becomes constant and thus the first term in Eq. 共1兲 decreases The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity ␳
to zero.19 Therefore, in this limit the thermopower is deter- for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ materials is presented in Fig. 6. We can
mined by the second term, which comes from spin entropy see that the resistivity increases with increasing Ce doping
contribution. The spin entropy contribution to the ther- content, possibly due to the substitution of Ce for Ca that
mopower can be expressed by the modified Heikes decreases the concentration of holes. Below 50 K, the resis-
formula,19,20 tivity for all samples increases abruptly as the temperature

ln冋 冉 冊册
g3 c
g4 1 − c
, 共2兲
decreases, showing a semiconductor behavior. In a SDW
state, the resistivity is expected to take the form2,10,16,18,25

where g3 and g4 are the spin orbital degeneracies for Co3+

and Co4+ ions, respectively, c is the concentration of Co4+

= ␮共T兲exp − 冉 冊
k BT
, 共3兲
holes on the Co sites, and kB is the Boltzmann constant.
From Fig. 2, the susceptibility of all samples decreases with where ␮共T兲 is the mobility of carriers and E0 is the activation
increasing Ce doping content in the whole studied tempera- energy. To check if the SDW transition occurs, our experi-
ture range. Previous x-ray absorption and x-ray photoemis- mental data and fitting lines are both plotted in the inset of
sion spectroscopy studies of Ca3Co4O9+␦ showed that Co4+ Fig. 6. Our experimental data from 25 to 55 K follow Eq. 共3兲
and Co3+ ions were in low-spin states t2g 5
and t2g6
, on the assumption that ␮共T兲 is independent of temperature,
respectively. Based on the studies of other substituted and therefore is consistent with a SDW state. The fitting
layer cobalt oxides,22,23 one can believe that substitution of parameters E0 are 1.61, 2.95, 4.01, and 4.50 meV for the
Ce does not change the spin states of both Co3+ and Co4+ samples with x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5, respectively. E0 in-
ions. Therefore, we think that the reduction in the suscepti- creases gradually with increasing Ce doping level.
bility by Ce doping is related to the reduced concentration of Finally, we calculated the dimensionless TE figure of
the magnetic Co4+ 共S = 1 / 2 , ␮eff = 1.73 ␮B兲 ions. The spin merit ZT according to the equation of ZT= S2T / ␳␬. ZT value
orbital degeneracies g3 = 1 and g4 = 6 are determined accord- as a function of temperature for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ series is
ing to the low-spin states of both Co3+ and Co4+ ions. Using shown in Fig. 7. It is clear that the ZT values increase with
Eq. 共2兲 and considering that the first term in Eq. 共1兲 will increasing temperature. The ZT values of all Ce doped ma-
counteract the thermopower enhancement at room tempera- terials studied here are higher than that of Ca3Co4O9+␦ over
ture, we think that the thermopower enhancement by Ce dop- the whole studied temperature range. Ca2.9Ce0.1Co4O9+␦, in
ing results from the decrease in Co4+ ions concentration. It is particular, has the highest ZT value among these materials. A
consistent with the results of Ref. 24. ZT= 0.016 is achieved at 335 K and much larger than that of
Figure 5 displays the temperature dependence of total Ca3Co4O9+␦. A further increase in Ce doping content from
thermal conductivity 共␬兲 for Ca3−xCexCo4O9+␦ series. It is x = 0.1 to 0.5 will result in a decrease in ZT values. In short,
053715-4 Tang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 053715 共2010兲

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