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Gaurav Jindal, Mridul Anand
December 2012

Can you imagine the world today without mobile phones? Without internet? Or even
without this android application installed and runs with artificial intelligence? This question may
bother most of the millennials in this modern world – world of innovations and technologies
wherein mobile phones are very crucial in daily living. But what does mobile phones mean? A
mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive calls and to
send text messages, among other features. The earliest generation of mobile phones could only
make and receive calls. Today’s mobile phones, however, are packed with many additional
features, such as web browsers, games, cameras, video players and even navigational systems. A
mobile phone may also be known as a cellular phone or simply a cell phone.

In the article, Android Applications with Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Phones of

Gaurav Jindal and Mridul Anand, mobile phones using an OS or operating system such an
android confuses the mind of the end users for its daily updates, as it uses different methods and
modes of technology and IT to launch its new applications for end users to make their usage
easier. For which some of them are using artificial intelligence methods to make applications of
android more updated. And according to them, with the present of the artificial intelligence and
its wide spread usage in the robotic systems and innovations, as the recreation of human brain to
explore more inventive abilities, this makes work easier to do and is useful in daily living. In
their article, they give some example of the applications and systems with artificial intelligence
used frequently by android mobiles and can make many tasks easy for the end users. As, they all
have robotic AI in them. And they concluded that the android phones applications with the
present of the artificial intelligence are essential and almost thoroughly engaged in person’s life.

Well, obviously we can’t really deny that some of the applications in our mobile phones
are very useful for it makes our work easier to do. But there are still negative effects and
disadvantages in using some of the application in our mobile phones. Some people abuse the
usage of this applications in their mobile phones, they sometimes use it in an inappropriate and
bad way. Here are some example of an abuse and inappropriate way of using applications in
mobile phones:
1. Cyberbullying - cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell
phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps,
or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or
share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful,
false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private
information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some
cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior.
2. The use of the internet on cell phones exposes children to inappropriate behaviors. They
can easily access sites showing age inappropriate content. This can have a negative
impact on the psyche of the children, leading to disturbing behavior. Studies have
shown that teenagers who are addicted to cell phone usage are prone to anxiety,
addiction, and depression.
3. Negative effects of mobile phone usage in class outweigh the benefits. Students who use
mobile phones excessively perform poorly in class as compared to those who don’t. A
study had found that cell phone usage in class can have a negative impact on learning
outcome due to distraction. Those who use smartphones in class tend to recall less
information, and therefore perform badly in exams.
4. The use of mobile phone negatively affects social relationships. Teenagers who spend a
lot of their time on their cell phones become socially withdrawn. They tend to spend
time browsing the net or watching movies instead of interacting with others. The self-
enforced isolation can have a negative effect on the social and emotional development
of teenagers. They will lack the social skills required to form close relationships with
others during their adult lives.
5. Mobile phone usage has played a role in increasing the incidence of stalking and
harassment cases. This is a serious concern particularly for young women. Criminals use
mobile devices to stalk women, verbally harass, or entice them to have sex with them. A
study by Opennet had found that kids between 13 to 17 years old are the most
vulnerable to inappropriate mobile activity.
6. The increasing usage of mobile phone negatively impacts health. Various studies have
shown that mobile phone usage leads to increased risk of cancer. The International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) had classified radiation from mobile phones as
possibly carcinogenic. The researchers have also found that the use of mobile phone
leads to changes in sleep patterns, leading to insomnia. Spending time staring on the
screen has been associated with poor sleep efficiency and shorter sleep duration. The
lack of sleep results in a host of medical problems including a high risk of diabetes,
heart attack, and depression. Moreover, constantly checking social media can result in
lack of self-esteem, confidence, and sense of worthlessness.
7. Mobile phones are changing the way people interact with each other. Excessive mobile
phone usage is damaging the social fabric of society. Smartphone usage is making
people lose touch with reality. The phones are secluding us from our friends. Most of us
prefer interacting with strangers through WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook rather
than connect with friends in real life. By constantly staring at our mobile screen, we are
losing out on the beautiful moments of life with close friends and family members.
8. The most dangerous effect of mobile phone usage is using a mobile phone while
driving. Despite the fact that using mobile phone while driving is illegal, most people
can’t resist the urge to reply. Using mobile phone distracts the attention of the driver.
Drivers who use mobile phone while driving have reduced visual information of the
road ahead which increases the risk of accidents that might even prove fatal.

Those are some of the most common negative effect in excessive or inappropriate way of
using applications in your mobile phones with artificial intelligence. Though there are lots of
positive and crucial effect of this applications in our daily living, we must also know our
limitations not to abuse it and not to use it in an inappropriate way.





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