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University of Education Lahore

Department of English

CCourse Title: Advanced Academic Reading and Writing

Programme: BBA HONS

Course Code: ENGL2116

Instructor Name: Miss Isma

Background of Resume

• In the very near future and several times in lifetime, you will be
applying for a job. It is estimated that a worker entering the work
force in the next several years will change jobs an average of six times
in his or her lifetime.
• The competition for good jobs increases as the job market changes.
Those workers who know how to apply for a job will have a distinct
• One very important aspect of applying for and securing a job is your
personal resume and cover letter.

• A resume is an organized summary of the applicant’s background and

qualifications. It lists the applicant’s education, work experience,
talents, skills, etc.
• It should be a vivid account of the person applying for the job. It must
be organized in such a way that the prospective employer can see at a
glance whether the applicant has the necessary skills for the job.

• Resume is summary of your educational qualification details

• It highlights your skills and experience relevant to the field
• It highlights your objective and accomplishments
• Its purpose is to get you an Interview call
• A resume should reflect more than just work experience
• It should consider your extracurricular, and leadership qualities
Do I need to change my resume for
each application?

• You need to modify your resume to every job application so that it

responds to the specific requirements of the job you're applying for.
• You might not need to change much, but you do need to make sure
your opening statement, your key skills and your personal attributes
all respond to the needs of the role, based on the job ad (if there was
one) and the research you've done into the job.
• You should also tailor your resume to show how your work
experience specifically meets the needs of the job you're applying for.
How to Tailor your Resume

• Ways that you can tailor your resume include:

• Using your opening statement to link your experience and education
to the organization and the requirements of the job
• Listing your most relevant key skills first
• Including examples of achievements that meet the advertised
requirements of the job
• Including specifically relevant key words and phrases throughout your
resume (see "Keywords" in "What Your Resume Should Include",
What Can a Resume Will Do For
• Makes the first impression about the you for interview
• Helps organize your thoughts gets you
• Highlights the relevant facts the job, about you, your education, and
your experience.
• Positions you in the mind of the employer, thus creating a value.
The resume
• Be a basis for the interviewer to gets you the justify your hiring
Why Give Importance to Resume?

• First point of interaction between employer & you.

• Spend time on preparing targeted, effective and error free
• Usually, a Hiring Manager spends not more than15 – 20 seconds per
• A clear & crisp resume will qualify you for the INTERVIEW
Writing Formula

• Step 1: Begin your objective statement with the position title, occupational field, area of
interest, or type of organization you want to apply for.
• Step 2: Follow this with 1-3 (possibly more) qualifications you offer of interest to the
Examples include:
•Prior experience
•Skills/skill sets you want to use
•Areas of knowledge
•Areas of expertise
•Educational background
•Personal traits
How to format a resume?

• Set one-inch margins on all four sides.

• Pick a 11 or 12pt resume font and stick to it.
• Create a proper resume header format for your contact details.
• Divide your resume into legible resume sections: Contact Information, Resume Summary, Work Experience,
Education, Skills.
• Use bullet points to talk about past jobs.
• Be consistent with your resume formatting (e.g., stick to the same date format: for example 11–2018,
or November 2018.)
• Use single or 1.15 line spacing.
• Add an extra space before and after each section heading.
• Make your resume as long as it needs to be.
• Don’t use photos on your resume. Unless the job description specifically asks for them. You’re looking for a
job, not a date!
The Content and Format of a
The content and format of a resume may vary slightly, but generally all resumes
contain the following information:

• Personal Data
• Employment Objective
• Educational Background
• Work Experience

• Other Experience (volunteer work, clubs etc.)

• Special Skills, knowledge or interests
• Accomplishments
• Other Experience (volunteer work, professional membership, clubs
• References (on a separate sheet)
Main Characteristics

• A short covering letter is required

• It should begin by identifying the job
• Add any other information not included in the resume which might
be important for this particular job.
• Finally, request an interview.
• Include your address, phone number and email address.
Guidelines for Writing a Resume

• Write or type your name (in capitals), address, phone number (when
you are available at this number) and email address at the top of your resume.
1. List your career aims and objectives.
This allows you an opportunity to express enthusiasm for the job as well as to list
your general qualifications for the job.
2. Give details of your educational background.
List the latest qualifications first.
3. Be specific when describing your achievements.
Use numbers and figures (…graduated in top five percent… maintained a ‘B’
average). Give full names of places you mention.
4. List your work experience.
Again, began with the most recent experience. Include positions held,
names, of employers, specific duties, and dates you held each position.
5. Include information about related experiences.
List volunteer work, professional membership, club duties, and any other
experience or activities which reflect positively on your ability to work in
a responsible, dependable manner.
6. Keep the resume as brief as possible.
Cover all the essential information clearly and concisely. Limit your
resume to one typed page (not more than two pages).
Do not add these things in
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

• A curriculum vitae (CV) provides an overview of a person's experience

and other qualifications.
• It is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview.
• an outline of a person's educational and professional history.
• A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to make applications.
• It is an application form that is designed to bring out the essential
information and personal qualities that the employer requires.
Highly Challenging and Dynamic
Work Environment
• Looking for a highly challenging and dynamic work environment, where I
can transform my knowledge to valuable work experience and which can
refine my research, managerial, & learning skills.
• To take a challenging position in an esteemed organization with devotion
and determination, so that it can enhance my skills and knowledge in the
best interests of the organization and for my personal and professional
• To obtain a meaningful and challenging position in a healthy, friendly and
competitive atmosphere that enables me to learn and excel. Believing that
good team leadership and a hands-on approach to management brings
increased standards of services.
Personal Details

• Education and qualifications

• Work experience
• Interests and achievements
• Skills References
Necessary Things for Resume

• your activities
• Write about activities
• Pick items to highlight
• Create resume sections
• Format your resume
• Study Resume Examples
Call for Interview

• Paints a positive and factual picture of YOU.

• Sets a positive tone for the interview.
• Guides the interviewer in what to ask.
• Influences others who approve the hiring .
Work Experience

• Omit this section IF you have no training, no college experience, and

no courses to list that are in any way related to your new job goal.
• If you completed a training class, list the certificate you earned.
• If you only completed part of the training, list every course you took
that is directly related to your current job target.


• ________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________________
• REFERENCE: Reference would be furnished on demand
• Use professional fonts: Times, Garamond, Arial, Calibri, etc.
• Name font size (14–20 pt)
• Header font size (12–14 pt)
• Body text size (10–12 pt)
• Emphasize major headings using CAPS and bolding
• Fill the page but keep to one page if less than 10 years of related experience
• NO high school information after sophomore year unless specifically related to career
• NO grammatical/spelling mistakes
• NO social security number, birth date, pictures/graphics, marital status, gender,
ethnicity, or religion
• NO references (belong on separate page)
• NO personal pronouns such as “I, me or my”

• A Research Guide for Students: Research, Writing, and Style Guides

(MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, CGOS, CBE)
• Purdue Online Writing Lab: Resume Workshop

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