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Unit: Topic: “Kyrgyzstan”

Grade: 8 Time:45 min. Date: May 18, 2020

Objectives: Methods and Techniques:

to learn Present Simple Tense grammar translation method
to construct sentences in Present Simple work in pairs
to practice the speech by answering questions brainstorming
to distinguish the main idea of the theme work in groups

Target Vocabulary: Grammar:

unique, diverse, virgin, Present Simple Tense
population, to elect, government the formation of Present Simple:
to determine, culture, nature positive, negative and interrogative forms
using special questions

Lesson Procedure:
1. Greetings, taking attendance 5. Practice:
- Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see you to do exercise 1. Give the correct form of
today! How are you? Thanks, I’m fine, thank you. Present Simple
Now let’s begin our lesson.
2. Warm-up activity: to do exercise 2. Open the brackets using
Brainstorming game: Game – “picture describing” Present Simple
(Here is a picture for you. Now you are going to create a
story according to this picture. Each of your student have to to do test 3 about Present Simple
tell one sentence which should be connected with each other.
3.Revision: to read the topic “Kyrgyzstan”
4. Presentation of a new lesson:
Show a presentation about Present Simple to translate the topic “Kyrgyzstan”
Grammar reference:
I write a letter. to do exercise 4. Answer the questions
Ann likes apples, according to the text
Does Ann likes apples?
He doesn’t write a letter.
When do they watch TV?

Vocabulary reference:
always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom,
never, in the evening/morning, every da/month

Read text about “Kyrgyzstan”. 6. Evaluation:

Kyrgyzstan differs from other countries by its unique,
virgin, diverse, beautiful nature, geographical position
which defines a strict change of seasons.
7. Home work:
to create 5 sentences using Present Simple

Teacher: Azamatova A.A. Vice


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