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Supporting Doubling
Farmers’ Income –
Science of Delivery

he National Agricultural the country’s population holds a share of
Research System (NARS) of just 14.50 per cent in the nation’s overall
India, broadly comprising the Gross Value Added (GVA). Knowing that
Indian Council of Agricultural welfare of the farmers is largely predicated
Research (ICAR) and Central/ upon the average incomes they earn, the
State Agricultural Universities (CAUs/ logical conclusion is that much is desired
SAUs), stands out among all developing to be improved upon. Hence the need for
countries, as also at the global level. It is a mindset change of science community
the output of NARS, that has enabled India engaged with agriculture. This transition
to leapfrog from one of food deficiency to can be encapsulated as one from ‘Science
one of sufficiency, and surpluses in certain of Discovery’ to ‘Science of Delivery’.
Ashok Dalwai,
Chief Executive Officer,
There is no gain saying, that science and Science of delivery
National Rainfed Area
technology (S&T) constitute the fulcrum This is a disruptive approach to research &
of advancement. However, a nation can development (R&D), as it aims to focus on
only rest on its laurels at its own peril. ‘How’ to realise large and sustained impact
For, the context does not remain stagnant. drawing from knowledge management &
Doubling Farmers’ Income
It is always dynamic, throwing up new diverse methods of sharing. These include
(DFI) Committee
challenges that warrant a new response. large scale demonstrations to communicate
[email protected]
The new paradigm in the agricultural decisions, adapt new approaches and
situation of India emanates from the farmers’ change mindsets that accelerate the
perspective.Notwithstanding an impressive pace of innovation cycle. It also includes
growth in productivity and production consideration of local conditions, context
across the agricultural sub-sectors, it has and culture while developing and delivering
failed to generate required incomes for products and services. Further, the new
the farmers. This can be well deduced approach has to enable the squeezing of
from the data-points, that 48 per cent of transit time from discovery to delivery.

48 AGRICULTURE TODAY September 2019


A better understanding among all the Issues that science of delivery

stakeholders,of the challenges relating to should address
delivery, will significantly improve the ability • Accelerating the innovation cycle will require
of the system to achieve consistent and agricultural research to compress the long ‘research-
transformational impacts on farmers’ fields into-use pathway’ into a ‘shorter &more impactful
and consumers’ plates. pathway’ that leverages participatory research
framework. Apropos the last mile along the value
Science of delivery is system, ICT can help by providing real-time
challenging feedback on appropriateness by both producers and
Being relatively a new concept among most consumers. The researchers can then respond as
scientists, development practitioners and needed quickly.
extension agencies, there will be several
• Modernisation of agriculture can take advantage of
challenges in popularising the same. While
the fast paced evolution of molecular biology and
innovations are happening at break-neck
information technology, and facilitate development
pace, not all of them are being translated into
of new varieties that integrate all required production
practical tools. It is assessed, that optimally
and market traits.
deploying various of these interventions could
increase grain yield by atleast 50 per cent • Convergence of data (agriculture, nutrition,
and resource use efficiency by 5-7 per cent; environment, hydrology, soil health, weather,
besides reduction in cost of cultivation by 20 farm diversification, markets, socio-economic
per cent (Wani et al., 2017). status of target group, government schemes/
programmes etc.) is critical in implementation.
Science of delivery- Spatial Data Integration (SDI) offered through
complexities of agricultural commercial cloud services will be a key component,
systems as Artificial Intelligence can be deployed to distil
Farming is a highly complex and risky business, complex and disparate data sets to aid actionable
arising from unpredictability of monsoons recommendations at farmers’ level.
and fluctuations of markets. The problems • Partnership with private sectors and agri-
are seen to be exacerbating on account of entrepreneurs will enable efficient value addition,
increasing water scarcity, land degradation delivery of inputs & extension services in double
and climate change. Variables that impact the speed of time.
outcome are the attributes of land, weather, • Backward integration of supply chains will ensure
markets, knowledge, access to inputs, greater market opportunities for surpluses of
support services, capital and infrastructure farmers.
etc. This suggests the need for finding
solutions that are designed to sync with the • A consortium of government research organisations,
local needs and production situations. Science private sector research bodies, government
of delivery vis-à-vis agricultural development ministries, as also non-government organisations
demands an ecosystem approach consisting need to work concertedly and in coordination, for
of strengthened farmer organisations, efficient cost effective and speedy delivery of solutions.
service providers and an enabling institutional
framework. To sum up
In the context of income approach to All the previously published articles of this author by
agriculture, that warrants efficiency of Agriculture Today have laboured to highlight the need
monetisation of produce, market actors will for adopting demand-pull approach in preference to
demand high-quality agricultural advisory supply–push mode of agricultural production. The
services. The expected demand will be for doubling farmers’ income strategy also demands
compressing supply chains to increase safe market-centric outcomes from research. In reference
& secure delivery, integrate traceability and to this, the R&D apparatus has to remember that an
ensure steady&timely supply, while also being agricultural value system is rooted in research farms
competitive in market place. The demand on and laboratories, and should always design their
R&D will be to keep these last mile obligations research project accordingly, keeping the final delivery
in mind. in focus.

September 2019 AGRICULTURE TODAY 49

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