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NAME: _MARIO ROSERO_ DATE: _8/18/2020_

1 Make questions using the prompts. Use the present simple or present continuous.
1 where / you / live?
  Where do you live?   
2 he / study / hard for his exams right now?
        Does he study hard for his exams right now          ?
3 you / watch / the news / every day?
    Do you watch the news every day    ?
4 why / she / sell / her motorbike?
        Why does she sell her motorbike ?
5 where / he / work / at the moment?
      Where does he work at the moment        ?
6 you / like / your job?
      Do you like your job      ?

2 Complete the sentences using the present simple or present continuous.

1 I   ’m living  (live) in London now.
2 Emily     is moving          (move) to New York today.
3 He     is working      (work) at the university for a
4 Joe     is checking          (check) his emails.
5 I   ‘m watching    (watch) the news every morning.
6 I   like        (like) my job and my boss too.


3 Underline the correct alternative.

1 He doesn’t like golf. He never/always plays it.
2 I only eat cheese once in a while/often.
3 They hardly ever/usually write emails because it’s easier to send texts.
4 Tim hates tea so he rarely/usually drinks coffee.
5 She works hard during the week so she sometimes/rarely works at weekends.
6 We usually do our food shopping online but occasionally/always we go to the supermarket.

4 Complete the words related to work.
1 I’m not an e m p l o y e e. I work for myself.
2 Peter doesn’t want to work in an o   f    f    i    c    e  . He wants to work outside, not at a desk.
3 She’s got a job with an international c o    m    p    a    n    y  . They have s   a    l    e    s  in offices all over the
4 In my new job, I do lots of different t   a    s    k    s  and I often help c   u    s    t    o    m    e    r    s  in the
5 Nick gets a b   o    n    u    s  at Christmas as a ‘thank you’ for all his good work.

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
consultant deal fashion get lives
pressure risk team with

1 Don’t work in that shop. The sales assistants don’t   get  any holidays.
2 I’m looking for a job where I don’t have to     deal      with people.
3 People who always work under     pressure          often       risk              their health.
4 He wants to work alone. He doesn’t like working in a   team                    .
5 Matt loves being an IT       consultant      and says he enjoys dealing       with          computer problems.
6 Firefighters risk their       lives                every day.
7 Cheryl is a   fashion      designer for a big clothing company.

6 Look at the jobs and complete the industries they work in.
1 r   e  t  a  i l (customer assistant)
2   a  c   c  o   u  n t   s  (finance manager)
3 sales and   m  a   r    k  e   t  i n   g  (sales executive)
4 e   d    u  c a   t  i o   n  (teacher)
5   e  n t   e    r  t   a  i   n  m e n    t (TV presenter)
6 the   f  o   o  d industry (waiter)
7 the f   a  s   h    i    o  n industry (model)

7 Find and correct the mistakes. Tick () the correct sentences.
1 A: Are Do you like going dancing?
B: Yes, I absolutely love it! 
2 A: I am hating beach holidays. They’re boring.
B: Really? I can’t mind them. They can be fun.
3 A: I’m really keen about cooking. 
B: I prefer washing-up to than cooking!
4 A: I can’t stand watch sci-fi films. 
B: What aren’t don’t you like about them?
5 A: I hate to go shopping for clothes.
B: Why? I think it’s really fun! 
6 A: Are Do you keen in rock music?
B: It’s OK. I do mind it. 

8. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1. Peter doesn’t like spending time with his family and friends. F
2 Peter prefers to be active at weekends. T
3 Peter got married at the top of a mountain. T
4 Kate works as a doctor in a children’s hospital. F
5 Kate doesn’t love everything about her job. T
6 Kate only works Monday to Friday. F

9. Complete the extracts with the correct words. Listen to check your answers.
1 … the_usually_ _thinks_ I suppose … spending time with my family and friends …
2 And the exciting _feeling___ you get as you race down the side of the_mountain_ …
3 I don’t__turn_ a lot of money …
4 I have to work _long_ __hourd_ and at weekends.
5 But it’s worth it for the feeling of _enjoy__ and _satisfaction_ I get …
6 … even though they aren’t well, the children are really _funny__ and tell jokes …

10. Listen to Marc talking about his job and tick () the things he talks about.
working weekends 
working in a team 
working under pressure 
eating delicious food
working flexible hours
earning a lot of money
working in an office
11. Listen again and underline the correct alternative.
1. Marcus decided to leave school when he was sixteen/eighteen.
2. He thought being a chef would be creative/exciting.
3. His feet and legs/arms and legs get tired.
4. The kitchen is usually hot/cold..
5. You have to/don’t have to work closely with the other chefs.
6. He works/doesn’t work long hours.
7. He thinks cooking well is satisfying/boring.
8. He wants/doesn’t want to be his own boss one day.

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