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SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Limited is the largest pharmaceutical company in

Bangladesh. They need to research for their product and market. The research
methodology used must be able to give reasonable answers to the research question
and fulfil the objectives of research. In this research work, researcher will follow both
types of research methodologies-quantitative and qualitative approaches. In quantitative
research, the information obtained from the participants is expressed in numerical form.
In quantitative approach, researcher tends to collect numerical contents from the
Square Company and on the other hand, qualitative part researcher will collect
subjective data. In qualitative research, on the other hand, the information obtained from
participants is not expressed in numerical form. The emphasis is on the stated
experiences of the participants and on the stated meanings they attach to themselves,
to other people, and to their environment. Those carrying out qualitative research
sometimes make use of direct quotations from their participants, arguing that such
quotations are often very revealing. Qualitative data will be collected by interviews. This
study involves largely the use of primary data for the purpose of empirical analysis. The
primary data will be obtained with the use of structured questionnaire and selected
interviews. The questionnaires were structured in such a way as to provide pertinent
information on the value created architecture and competitive advantage. That is how
Square Pharmaceutical Company. Interviews will equally be conducted with some key
person namely; selected staff of square Pharmaceutical Company, particularly those at
the top management level. This will enable us to obtain a balanced picture of how value
is created to gain competitive advantage over other competitors. Also, secondary data
will be obtained from the annual report of the company and the performance will be
compare with similar company. Indeed, the sum total of companies in the
pharmaceutical industry constitutes the population of the study. However, as it will be
cumbersome and rather unrealistic to consider all companies, a case study was
considered. This case study chosen by this research work as earlier stated is square
Pharmaceutical Company. Candidly; the choice of this company is deliberate. It is one
of the largest companies in the pharmaceutical company where adequate data can be
easily gathered for the success of the study.
Therefore, questionnaire will be distributed to key persons among the staff to collect
pertinent data relating to value creation and planning and organizational performance.
Thus, an equal sample size will be drawn from among the staff of the organization. A
total sample of 50 staff will be selected among the staff of the organization. The random
sampling technique is intended to be employed in the distribution of the questionnaires.
This implies that every staff of square Pharmaceutical Company stands a chance of
being selected until the required sample size (50) is obtained. This aspect shows the
technique adopted in analyzing the collected data. In this study, both the descriptive and
quantitative techniques will be employed. The descriptive statistics involved the analysis
of data in frequencies, tables, percentages, chart etc. while the quantitative technique to
be used is the Pearson Correlation method of data analysis as it is more realistic and
clearer to express the collected data. All these analyses shall be done manually with the
aid of statistical tools for social sciences. All these analyses shall be done manually with
the aid of statistical tools for social sciences

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