X ICSE Endocrine System-1 PDF

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X ICSE Biology


Topic: Endocrine System

 Glands are modified tissues for secretion.

 Glands can be
1. Exocrine – These glands have ducts to pour their secretion out of the gland. They commonly
produce enzymes (Biocatalysts). E.g. Salivary, Liver, Sebaceous, Tear gland.
2. Endocrine – These are ductless glands producing hormones. E.g. Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal,
3. Mixed glands – These have an exocrine part producing enzymes and an endocrine part
producing hormones. E.g. Pancreas

 Hormones – These are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands and poured
directly into blood stream and acting on target organs.

 Excess secretion of a hormone is called Hypersecretion while less secretion is called Hyposecretion.

 Enzymes are biocatalyst produced from exocrine glands and are proteins in nature.

 Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands and have varied nature: Proteins,
amines, steroids, peptides.


 Nature: Mixed as it has an exocrine part producing enzymes like trypsin that helps in digestion and
an endocrine part producing hormones like insulin.

 Location: Below stomach or Loop of duodenum.

 Endocrine part of pancreas is called Islets of Langerhans.

 Islets of Langerhans are groups of hormone secreting cells scattered in the pancreas.

 Islets of Langerhans has 3 different types of cells :

Alpha cells Beta cells Delta cells

 Produce the hormone  Produce the hormone  Produce the hormone
Glucagon Insulin Somatostatin
 Increases blood  Maintains blood glucose  It inhibits secretion of
glucose level by level by promoting insulin and glucagon.
breaking down utilization of glucose by
glycogen in the liver cells and converting
into glucose excess glucose to

X ICSE Biology
 Hyposecretion of insulin leads to Diabetes mellitus.

 Diabetes mellitus is characterized by

i) Hyperglycemia, ii) Glycosuria
iii) Increased thirst, iv) Increased hunger
v) Increased frequency of urination.

 Hypersecretion of insulin leads to Insulin shock .It is characterized by Hypoglycemia, faint, shock.

 Insulin is always injected and not administered orally as it is a protein by nature. If given orally it is
digested by protein digesting enzymes in stomach and inactivated. When injected, it directly enters
blood bypassing alimentary canal.

Pituitary gland
 Nature: Endocrine.
 Location: Base of brain / hypothalamus, Attached to hypothalamus by infundibulum.
 3 lobes seen. A large anterior ,a small posterior and an intermediate lobe
 Posterior lobe produces 2 hormones
i) Oxytocin ii) Vasopressin /Anti Diuretic Hormone

Posterior lobe

Oxytocin Vasopressin / Anti, Diuretic Hormone

 Birth hormone  Anti-Diuretic Hormone
 Causes contraction of uterine muscle during  Diuretics – Substances increasing urine
parturition(Child birth) formation
 Cause the ejection of milk from the  Increases the reabsorption of water from
mammary glands kidney tubules.

 Hyposecretion of vasopressin / ADH Diabetes insipidus.

 Diabates insipidus is characterized by large volume of dilute urine produced. Unlike Diabetes
mellitus, no glucose in urine is seen.

Criteria Diabetes mellitus Diabetes Insipidus

Cause Hyposecretion of insulin Hyposecretion of vasopressin
Symptoms Glycosuria /Presence of Large volume of dilute urine, no
glucose in urine glucose in urine

Anterior Pituitary

 Hormones released are

i) TSH – Thyroid Stimulating
ii) GH – Growth Hormone
iii) FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
iv) LH – Luteinising Hormone
v) ACTH – Adreno Cortico Tropic Hormone
vi) Prolactin

 TSH – Produced from the anterior pituitary it stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroxine.

 Prolactin – Produced from the anterior pituitary it stimulates mammary glands for milk production.
X ICSE Biology
 ACTH – Stimulates adrenal cortex to release its own hormone.

 Follicle Stimulating Hormone

1. Formation of ovum in females (Oogenesis)
2. Formation of sperm in males (Spermatogenesis)

 Luteinising Hormone
1. Production of progesterone in females
2. Production of testosterone in males

 Growth Hormone promotes general growth of the body.

 Hyposecretion of growth hormone leads to dwarfism showing retarded skeletal growth.

 Hypersecretion of growth hormone in children leads to gigantism which shows excessive skeletal

 Hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults leads to acromegaly characterized by increased growth

in the bones of hands, face and feet.

 Tropic hormones – Stimulate other endocrine glands to produce their own secretions .Since the
pituitary produces the tropic hormones it can control the working of most other endocrine glands and
is called as the master gland.


 Nature: Endocrine

 Located in front of the neck below larynx one lobe on either side of trachea.

 The two lobes of the trachea are connected by the narrow isthmus.

 On its posterior surface are 4 small parathyroid glands.

 Hormones produced :
1. Thyroxine 2. Calcitonin

 Thyroxine maintains basal metabolic rate.

 Iodine is the mineral element associated with synthesis of thyroxine.

 Simple goitre is commonly seen in hilly areas due to lack of iodine in soil. This leads to
enlargement of the thyroid gland seen as a swelling in the neck region. Iodised salt, Sea food is
commonly given to cover up for the deficient iodine in diet.

 Simple goiter is not seen in coastal areas as they consume sea food which is a rich source of iodine

X ICSE Biology

Hyposecretion Hypersecretion
Simple goitre In children In adults Ex-opthalmic goitre
 Swelling in neck  Cretinism  Myxoedema  Protruding eyes
region Showing Showing swelling  Increased heart
Dwarfism and of hands, face, beat
mental feet and  Increased rate of
retardation sluggishness of metabolism
metabolism  Weight loss


 Nature – Endocrine.

 Location: Cap like structure on top of both kidneys.

 Outer peripheral portion is called adrenal cortex and inner part is called adrenal medulla.

 Adrenal medulla produces Adrenaline.

 Adrenaline prepares the body for emergency conditions by fight / flight.

 Under the influence of adrenaline:

1. Heartbeat increases
2. Blood supply to muscles increases
3. Blood glucose level increases
4. Respiration increases.
5. Salivation decreases
6. Blood supply to skin decreases.
7. Pupils dilate

 Adrenal cortex produces 2 categories of hormones

1. Glucocorticoids E.g. Cortisone
2. Mineralocorticoid E.g. Aldosterone
3. Sex corticoids E.g. Adrenal androgens

 Functions of cortical hormones:

1. Increase blood glucose.
2. Promote metabolism of carbohydrate, proteins, fats.
3. Maintain salt and water balance.
4. Help adapt to stress conditions like extreme heat, cold, burns.

 Hyposecretion of Cortical hormones leads to Addison disease.

 Addisson’s disease is characterized by Hypoglycemia, Skin pigmentation, increased susceptibility to

infections and Loss of weight.

 Hypersecretion of cortical hormones leads to Cushing’s syndrome characterized by Hyperglycemia,

Salt and water retention, Obesity and Osteoporosis.

X ICSE Biology
 Adrenal virilism – Overgrowth of adrenal cortex in a young woman leads to the development of
secondary sexual characters of males in females. She develops certain male characteristics, such as,
a beard, moustaches and deep male voice.

 If the overgrowth occurs in mature men, they may develop some feminine characteristics, such as,
enlargement of breasts.

Negative feedback mechanism

 When blood sugar rises after meals there is negative feedback. So pancreas secrete insulin which
causes sugar to be deposited in the liver. Thus correction is carried out and normal level is restored.
Similarly when blood sugar falls during physical exercise there is negative feedback.
So pancreas stop the production of insulin and sugar is released from the liver .Thus correction is
carried out and normal level is restored.

Positive feedback mechanism

 Contraction of the uterus is controlled by oxytocin. As uterus contracts due to oxytocin the
contractions further stimulate the posterior pituitary to release more oxytocin.


Q.1 Name the hormone which:

i) Increases the heartbeat during emergency.

ii) Maintains glucose level in the blood.
iii) Converts glycogen to glucose and adds it to blood.
iv) Regulates basal metabolism.
v) Prepares the body during emergency.
vi) Helps in normal growth of the whole body.
vii) Increase the reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules.
viii) Is secreted by Islets of Langerhans.
ix) Influence other endocrine glands to produce hormones.
x) Releases glucose into blood.

Q.2 Choose the correct answer from the four options given below:

i) Cretinism and myxoedema are due to

a) Hypersecretion of thyroxine b) Hypersecretion of growth hormone
c) Hyposecretion of thyroxine d) Hyposecretion of growth hormone

ii) A gland which secretes both hormone and enzyme is

a) pituitary b) pancreas c) thyroid d) adrenal

iii) Insulin is secreted by ___________

a) beta cells of pancreas b) alpha cells of pancreas
c) delta cells of pancreas d) None of these

Q.3 Expand the following biological abbreviation:

i) TSH ii) ACTH iii) FSH iv) LH v) HGH

X ICSE Biology
Q.4 State the exact location of:
i) Adrenal gland ii) Thyroid gland iii) Pituitary gland iv) Pancreas
v) Adrenal

Q.5 Briefly explain the term:

i) Diabetes insipidus ii) Adrenal virilism iii) Cretinism iv) Hormones

Q.6 State the function of:

i) β-cells of pancreas ii) Thyroxine iii) Vasopressin
iv) Hypothalamus v) Oxytocin vi) Tropic hormones

Q.7 Give biological reason for the following:

i) Pituitary gland is also known as the master gland.

ii) Some women develop facial hair like men
iii) Adrenaline is called as the emergency hormone
iv) Thyroxine is called the calorigenic hormone
v) Insulin is injected and not given orally
vi) Pancreas is called as a mixed gland
vii) Oxytocin is called as the birth hormone

Q.8 Given below is the set consisting of five terms. In a set there is a word which is an odd
one. Write down the category of the others having identified the odd one out.

i) Vasopressin, growth hormone, TSH, ACTH, FSH

iii) Insulin, glucagon, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus.
iv) Cretinism, myxoedema, goitre, scurvy.
v) Adrenal, liver, thyroid, pituitary

Q.9 State the following statement true or false. If false, write the correct form of statement by
changing the first or last word only.

i) The pituitary gland is both exocrine and endocrine in function

ii) The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete insulin.
iii) Hormones are secreted directly into the organs.

Q.10 Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternative from the choice
given in the bracket

(Myxoedema / simple goitre / exophthalmic goiter) is a disorder caused by excess thyroid


Q.11 Complete the following table by filling in blank space (i) to (viii).

Gland Substance produced One important function

Islets of Langerhans i) ………………. ii) ……………….
iii) ……………… Adrenaline iv) ……………….
v) ………………. Thyroxine vi) ……………….
vii) ………………. LH viii) ……………….

X ICSE Biology
Q.12 Differentiate between the following pairs:

i) Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.(Cause and symptom)

ii) Acromegaly and myxoedema. (Cause and symptom)
iii) Acromegaly and cretinism (symptoms)

Q.13 Complete the following table by filling in the blanks numbered (i) to (viii).

Gland Hormone secreted Effect on body

i) ………………. ii) ………………. Regulates basal metabolism
Pancreas (β-cells) iii) ………………. iv) ……………….
v) ………………. vi) ………………. Increases heart beat
vii) ………………. Thyroid stimulating hormone viii) ……………….

Q.14 Complete the following table by filling in the blanks from (i) to (x) with appropriate terms:

Gland Secretion Function / Effect on body

Thyroid i) ………………. ii) ……………….
iii) ………………. Vasopressin iv) ……………….
v) ………………. vi) ………………. Promotes glucose
utilization by the body
Lacrimal gland vii) ………………. viii) ……………….
Adrenal medulla ix) ………………. x) ……………….

Q.15 Match the items given in Column A with the most appropriate ones in Column B rewrite
the correct matching pairs:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

i) Cretinism a) Hypersecretion of adrenal cortex
ii) Diabetes insipidus b) Hypersecretion of Thyroxine
iii) Exophthalmic Goitre c) Hypersecretion of growth hormone
iv) Adrenal virilism d) Hypersecretion of Vasopressin
v) Dwarfism e) Hypersecretion of adrenal cortex
f) Hypersecretion of Growth hormone
g) Hypersecretion of Thyroxine

Q.16 Name the hormones which lead to the following conditions.

i) Diabetes insipidus ii) Growth of beard in women
iii) Myxoedema iv) Gigantism
v) Exophthalmic goitre

Q.17 Study the diagram given alongside and then answer the questions that follow:

i) Name the cells of the pancreas that produce

a) glucagon b) insulin

ii) State the main function of

a) glucagon b) insulin

iii) Why is the pancreas referred to as an

exo-endocrine gland?

X ICSE Biology
iv) Why is insulin not given orally but is injected into the body?

v) What is the technical term for the cells of the pancreas that produce endocrine

vi) Where in the body is the pancreas located?

Q.18 The diagram given below represents the location and structure of an endocrine gland.
Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [5]

i) Name the endocrine gland shown in the diagram.

ii) Name the secretion of the gland which regulates basal metabolism.

iii) Name the mineral element required for the synthesis of the above
mentioned hormone.

iv) Name the disease caused due to undersecretion of the above

mentioned hormone in children.

v) Name the disease caused due to hypersecretion of the

above mentioned hormone.

Q.19 Given below is an outline of the human body showing the important glands.

i) Name the glands marked A to E.

ii) Name the hormone secreted by B.

Give one important function of this hormone.

iii) Name the endocrine cells present in part C.

iv) Name the hormone secreted by part D.

Give one important function of this hormone.

Q.20 Given below is the outline of the human body showing the important glands:

i) Name the glands marked 1 to 4.

ii) Name the hormone secreted by part 2. Give one important

function of this hormone.

iii) Name the endocrine part of the part numbered 3.

iv) Why is the part labelled 1 called the master gland?

Which part of the forebrain controls the gland labelled 1?

v) Name the gland that secretes the ‘emergency hormone’.

X ICSE Biology
Q.21 i) What do the arrows outside the blood vessel indicate?

ii) What does the coming out of gland A

represent ?

iii) What could be the possible Gland-

salivary,sweat or pituitary?

iv) What is the error in the diagram

regarding the arrows inside the
blood vessel ?

v) If B is one of the target cells in the thyroid, name the secretion being poured out
of the gland .


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