Foucault's Method in New Settings: September 2014

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Foucault's method in new settings

Article · September 2014

Source: arXiv


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2 authors, including:

Gregor Weihs
University of Innsbruck


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Foucault’s method in new settings
Z. Vörös, G. Weihs
Department of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck,
Technikerstraße 25/d, Innsbruck, A-6020 Austria

In this paper, we introduce two simple and inexpensive versions of the well-known Foucault
method for measuring the speed of light. In a footprint of just 20 cm by 270 cm with readily available
laboratory items and a webcam, we obtained c = 296720 ± 3000 km/s, and c = 302295 ± 3000 km/s,
respectively, both within less than a per cent of the defined value. The experiment also prepares
students to work with large amounts of data.

I. INTRODUCTION to demonstrate in this paper is that it is not necessary

to regard the above-mentioned two subjects, historical
In recent years, we could witness a substantial perspective, and progress in measurement capabilities as
paradigm shift in sciences: relationships emerge from disjoint. There are ways of showing the beauty and inge-
vast amounts of collected data (sometimes dubbed big nuity of past experiments, while reaping the many bene-
arXiv:1409.5573v1 [physics.optics] 19 Sep 2014

data), and not just a few measurements. Notable exam- fits of modern technologies in terms of measurement time,
ples are customer recommendation systems of Amazon, accuracy, cost, or the volume of data.
eBay and similar retailers, or the data streams of the The example that we take is the measurement of the
Large Hadron Collider or the Square Kilometre Array. speed of light, which is one of the fundamental physical
This trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable fu- constants. Strictly speaking, our example is pathological
ture, especially, with the advent of always-online mobile in the sense that the international meter is defined by the
devices capable of continuously collecting and transmit- help of the speed of light and the international standard
ting all kinds of data. of time, and not the other way around. However, first,
till 1983 (i.e., in Foucault’s life), length and time were
However, it also seems that science education does
defined and the speed of light was the derived quantity,
not keep up with the pace of progress in data collection
second, this fact does not reduce the didactic value of the
and analysis capabilities, and that many introductory
experiment itself. We would like to emphasize that while
or even advanced level laboratory experiments are still
the evaluation of the measurements requires some data
conducted with hand-held stopwatches, weights, mercury
processing, this fact does definitely not qualify it as a big
thermometers, and microscopes with engraved scales.
data exercise.
This approach has at least three inherent problems. The
first is that it teaches students how experiments were The paper is organized as follows. In the next two
conducted two centuries ago, but does not tell them how sections, we outline the historical and theoretical back-
to do them now. Second, the amount of data that can ground and derive the expression for c. In Section IV., we
be collected in this way is limited, and inaccurate. This introduce our experimental setup and the critical compo-
also means that statistical evaluation of the results is nents, Section V. contains a detailed discussion of our re-
constrained to a handful of data points. Finally, by the sults, while Section VI. is devoted to a thorough analysis
very nature of the required specialized setups, these ex- of various systematic errors. In the appendix, we present
periments are expensive, and students have to operate a couple of MATLAB (The Mathworks, Inc.) snippets
within the spatial and temporal confines of the labora- that can be used to evaluate measurement data.
tory course. We are convinced that one cannot underesti-
mate the pedagogical benefits of pursuing science on the
kitchen sink: when one can accurately measure some- II. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
thing relevant (such as, a fundamental constant) with
easily available and cheap everyday items, and without That the speed of light, c, is finite was already conjec-
reference to a dedicated laboratory. It is a very fortunate tured by Galileo in the XVII. century, though, his exper-
coincidence that in our times, everyday items are digital imental apparatus at the time prevented him from giving
gadgets capable of measuring all kinds of physical quan- even an order-of-magnitude estimate for the value. Since
tities, e.g., distance, temperature, acceleration, magnetic then, various methods have been developed.
fields, light intensity, frequency, time etc., and that the It was first Huygens, who, based on the astronomi-
demand for high quality in user experience makes it pos- cal measurements of Rømer in 1676 on the entry into
sible to deliver unprecedented accuracy. and exit from eclipses of Jupiter’s moons, could provide
At the same time, we also recognize the pedagogical a lower bound of about 200 000 km/s. The same mea-
value of discussing how experiments were conducted in surements, repeated with higher accuracy by Delambre
the past and that it would be an irreparable loss not in 1809, yielded 304 000 km/s, astonishingly close to the
to show what could be achieved with devices that we true value. Another astronomical method, the aberra-
would now consider rudimentary. What we would like tion of light, was discovered by Bradley in 1729, with the

result of about 296 000 km/s.

Later, it was realized that in Maxwell’s theory, the M
speed of light is linked to fundamental electromagnetic
constants through the relation 0 µ0 = c−2 , and there- d3
fore, by measuring the vacuum permittivity 0 , and the RM S'
vacuum permeability µ0 , it is possible to indirectly infer d3 d2 Δs
the value of c [1, 2]. V S
It is also to be noted that, if the frequency f of electro- Δs' L
magnetic radiation is known, and the wavelength λ can
be measured, then by dint of the relation c = f λ, c can be V'
indirectly determined. This is the basis of measurements
of interferometric methods [3, 4], and of cavity resonance Figure 1: The concept of the experiment. RM is the rotating
methods [5]. mirror, M is the end reflector, and L is a lens. S, S 0 are the
Finally, there are several methods that measure the light source, and its image, respectively, while V , and V 0 are
the virtual images of S, and S 0 .
time of flight in terrestrial settings. One of them is the
Foucault method that we discuss in more detail in the
next section [6–9], while with the advent of high-speed tions, the rotating mirror turns by an amount ω∆t, where
electronics, it is now possible to directly measure the de- ω is the angular velocity, and ∆t = 2d3 /c. This rotation
lay in the arrival of short optical pulses as the distance be- displaces the virtual image V to V 0 , where the distance
tween the emitter and receiver is increased [10–13]. This between these two points is simply ∆s0 = 2ω∆t · d3 . The
latter method is the simplest of all, but it definitely lacks factor of 2 is a result of the reflection on RM : upon re-
the elegance of the others. flection, all angles change by a factor of 2. The image of
The interested reader can find a more detailed survey the virtual point V 0 is mapped by the lens to the point
of various measurement methods and their significance S 0 , and using the two similar triangles formed by V, V 0 ,
in [14]. and the lens, and S, S 0 , and the lens, respectively, we
conclude that the distance between S and S 0 is
∆s = ∆s0 = 2ω∆t = ,
d2 + d3 d2 + d3 d2 + d3 c
Foucault’s is one of the simplest methods of measuring
i.e., the speed of light is
the speed of light on Earth, and it falls into the category
of time of flight measurements. It is based on the obser- 4d1 d23 ω
vation that, if a light beam bounces off a moving mirror c= . (1)
d2 + d3 ∆s
twice, the mirror will have moved by a small amount by
the time it is hit by the beam the second time, and this Given d1,2,3 , the speed of light can be gotten by measur-
movement results in a small displacement of the reflected ing the displacement ∆s for a given angular speed. In
beam. It is this displacement that is to be measured, and principle, to determine c, a single measurement point is
from where the speed of light is to be inferred. In this enough, but as we will see later, by measuring ∆s as a
particular instance, the mirror is rotating, and the rota- function of ω, and taking the slope of the linear depen-
tion angle between the two events can simply be related dence, it is not necessary to find the reference position at
to the time that was required for the round trip. The ω = 0. Re-arranging Eq.(1) yields
speed of light can be obtained from the measured dis- −1
4d1 d23

placement, and the length of the round-trip path. Due d∆s
to its conceptual simplicity, this is perhaps the most pop- c0 = . (2)
d2 + d3 dω
ular method in student laboratories.
To be more specific, let us take the simplified exper- In Section VI., we will show that the errors are negligible,
imental setup shown in Fig. 1. A point source emitting if the lens is not positioned perfectly, and the image of S
light is located at point S, at a distance d1 from the lens is not formed at M . In the formula above, c0 indicates
L. The source’s light is reflected by the rotating mirror that these errors are not yet taken into account.
RM (at a distance of d2 from the lens, and at this point,
stationary) and its image is created at the position of the
end mirror M , which is at a distance of d3 from the ro- IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
tating mirror, and is normal to the in-coming light. This
also means that the light reflected by M is focused on S Fig. 2 displays our first experimental setup. Laser light
again. In the absence of the rotating mirror, the image from a standard fibre fault locator (OZ Optics, FODL-
of S would be at V . 43S-635-1) emitting at a wavelength of 635 nm is trans-
Now, let us assume that in the time ∆t the light tra- mitted through a single-mode fibre, and collimated by a
verses the distance between RM and M in both direc- short focal length fibre collimator (Thorlabs F240FC-B).

While it is not absolutely necessary, by passing the light plies that the physical size of the setup can considerably
through the single-mode fibre patch cable (Thorlabs P1- be reduced. We would like to point out that the use of
630A-FC-1), we begin with a perfect Gaussian beam. It a webcam in the context of speed of light measurements
is worth noting that the fault locator can be replaced by was discussed in an interferometric setting in [4].
an inexpensive laser pointer. Our second setup, Setup 2, is shown in Fig. 3. The light
of the fault locator is focused by a lens of focal length
400 mm onto F P , from where it reaches the spherical
mirror SM with a focal length of 2 m. The spherical
mirror is 4060 mm away from F P , and is tilted slightly,
so that the light is reflected off the rotating mirror RM ,
RM BS located 730 mm away from SM , and finally F M , located
3260 mm away from RM . The lengths in the setup are
L 2 400 mm L1 75 mm
chosen in such a way that the light is focused on the
TS flat end reflector, F M , although, as will be discussed
in Section VI., small longitudinal misalignments do not
Figure 2: Experimental setup Setup 1. RM , F M , SM are influence the results in any significant way. As in the first
the rotating, folding, and back reflector mirrors, respectively, setup, folding mirrors were used between SM , and RM ,
L1 , L2 are lenses of focal length 75 and 400 mm, respectively, and between RM , and F M .
F P is the focal point of L1 , F C is the fibre collimator, BS is
the beamsplitter, and T S are translation stages. Dimensions FM RM
are given in the text.

The collimated beam is then lead through a telescope Detector

consisting of two lenses of focal lengths 75 mm (L1 ), and SM BS
400 mm (L2 ), respectively. The telescope is misaligned
slightly in the longitudinal direction (the distance be- L 400 mm
tween the two lenses is larger than 475 mm), so that the Camera
beam leaving is not collimated any more, but, after be-
ing reflected on the rotating mirror RM , is focused on
a spherical mirror SM , which acts as the back reflector.
The rotating mirror is located at a distance of 1630 mm Figure 3: Experimental setup, Setup 2. RM , F M , and SM
from the 400-mm lens, while the back reflector with a ra- are the rotating, flat, and spherical mirrors, respectively, L is
dius of curvature of 4000 mm is positioned at a distance of a lens of focal length 400 mm, F C is the fibre collimator, BS is
4830 mm from the rotating mirror. Distances were mea- the beamsplitter, and T S are translation stages. Dimensions
sured with a tape measure. In order to reduce the overall as indicated in the text.
size of the setup, the 4830-mm path was folded by the
insertion of a flat mirror (not shown) between RM , and The two setups are conceptually the same: the only
SM , F M . We should also note that since the spherical difference between them is that the imaging element in
mirror is not involved in the imaging, it can be replaced the first case is a lens, while in the other case, it is a
by a flat mirror. spherical mirror.
For monitoring the rotation, we also placed a standard As the rotating reflector, we employed an octagonal
silicon photodiode (Thorlabls PD136A) close to the ro- printer mirror scavenged from a faulty printer, shown
tating mirror: when rotating, the mirror diverts the laser in Fig. 4. (This part can also be purchased separately.
light to the diode 8 times per revolution, thereby, produc- A possible alternative is a barcode reader with a re-
ing a well-defined potential spike that can conveniently volving mirror.) Laser printers utilize a focused laser
be recorded on an oscilloscope. beam to locally discharge a positively pre-charged cylin-
The light reflected by the spherical mirror travels along drical drum, that is itself rotating around its own axis.
the same path, except that it is diverted to a webcam The octagonal (sometimes quadratic, or hexagonal) mir-
(Logitech C310) by a pellicle beam splitter (BS, Thor- ror is used for scanning the laser beam along the axis
labs BP150) positioned to the left of F P , which is the of the drum, thereby creating an accurate time-to-two-
focal point of L1 . The small lens of the webcam has to dimensional mapping on the drum’s surface. In order
be removed before use, so that no extra imaging element to achieve high spatial accuracy, both the drum and the
is introduced. In the original version of the experiment, rotating mirror have to revolve at a constant speed. Sta-
instead of a camera, a microscope is used to measure bilization of the rotation frequency is achieved by means
the displacement of the beam. However, given the fi- of phase-locked loops (PLL), in which an external clock
nite size of the focal spot, this also entails that large dis- signal is locked to the signal of a magnetic field trans-
tances have to be employed in order to realize measurable ducer measuring the temporal variations of the field of a
displacements. The application of the camera not only constant magnet moving with the axle of the motor. This
makes data collection more convenient, but it also im- also means that, within limits, the rotation speed can be

set by adjusting the clock signal that is fed into the PLL from the focal spot, F P . With the tip-tilt control knobs
loop. Fig. 4 also indicates the connections of the mirror of the mirror holder, SM has now to be aligned so that
assembly: P W R (pin 1) is the power line, whose po- the light is reflected back to the laser. At this point,
tential can be anything between +18, and +36 V, GN D the reflected beam should be focused on F P . Finally,
(pin 2) is ground, EN AB (pin 3) is the active-low motor the camera has to be placed in the diverted focus of the
enable pin (this should be tied to ground), while CLK back-reflected beam. Great care has to be taken to make
(pin 5) is the clock line, which takes TTL pulses with fre- sure that the camera’s plane is as perpendicular to the
quencies between around 300, and 6000 Hz. Pin 4 is an laser beam as possible: failure to do so will results in a
output connected to the magnetic field transducer, and systematic error, which leads to higher speeds of light.
can be used for monitoring the rotation. For a thorough discussion on this, see Section VI.
The advantages of the mirror assembly are that first,
the mirror is monolithic, therefore, it is safe to operate:
no pieces can break off at high speeds. Second, the con- V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
trol electronics makes it possible to adjust the speed by
setting the frequency of the clock signal from a simple As can be inferred from Eq.(2), in order to determine
function generator, and that there is a well-defined lin- the speed of light, one has to measure d1,2,3 , the angular
ear relationship between the rotation speed and the clock frequency ω, and the displacement ∆s. The measure-
frequency. ment can be done in the same way in both setups, and
the steps are as follows. First, one has to determine the
rotation speed as a function of the clock frequency. Next,
the pixel size of the camera has to be measured. This step
amounts to calibrating a ruler. Then the displacement of
the image on the camera has to be measured at various
clock frequencies (this step involves fitting to the camera
images), and by using the pixel size, this displacement
has to be converted to physical units. Finally, the slope
of the displacement-frequency relationship has to be de-
termined, and inserted in Eq.(2).
The rotation speed can be deduced from the time
traces of the photodiode, either by simply measuring the
time difference between an integer number of maxima, or
recording the potential values, taking the Fourier trans-
form, and identifying the strongest frequency component.
Given a high enough number of samples, the two methods
deliver the same results. In Fig. 5, we show the measured
rotation speed as a function of the clock frequency, with
a typical time trace of the detector signal on an oscillo-
scope, and its Fourier transform. The period can clearly
be resolved from either the signal, or its Fourier spec-
trum. Note that at high clock rates, the rotation speed
saturates. For this reason, we excluded the last 3 points
from the linear fit, from which we deduced the relation-
Figure 4: Rotating printer mirror, side view (top), and top ship frot (Hz) = (0.167 ± 0.00054) · fclk (Hz) − 0.649 (Hz).
view (bottom). The 30-pin integrated circuit contains the The error of the fit is approximately 0.3%. Given the
motor driver (BD6792FM from Rohm Semiconductors) with precision (in the ppm range) of frequency standards used
the built-in PLL. Control pins are labeled in blue. in modern pulse generators, and the stability of phase-
locked loops used in laser printers, we ascribe the error to
Initial alignment of the setup is performed when the our way of determining the frequency from the Fourier
mirror is stopped (the enable line is high). First, all transform of the time trace. Also note that, since the
mirrors are placed to their respective positions, and F C rotating mirror has 8 facets, the actual rotation speed is
is aligned such that the collimated laser beam can travel only 1/8 of what the detector signal indicates.
to the end mirror, SM . Then L1 is inserted in such a It is worth pointing out that, given the order of mag-
way that the diverging laser light still reaches both RM , nitude of the rotation speed, in the absence of an os-
and SM . After this, L2 is inserted in the path, and is cilloscope, these frequencies can easily be measured by
moved along the optical axis till the size of the light spot means of a smart phone. All one has to do is to convert
reaches its minimum on SM . When this is achieved, the the electrical signal of the photodiode to sound by ampli-
beamsplitter, BS, has to be placed on the left hand side fying it, and connecting it to a speaker, and then record
of the focal point of L1 , at a distance of about 5-7 cm the sound through the microphone. There are countless

applications that can take and display the Fourier trans-

form of the microphone input. Likewise, the clock signal
can be generated by a suitable waveform applied to the
P(µm) =2.750 ·p(pixel)−359.22(µm)
phone’s speaker. 2000

Position P(µm)
1200 1500
frot(Hz) =0.167 ·fclk(Hz)−0.649(Hz)
1000 1.0 1000
Rotation frequency (Hz)

Power (a.u.)

800 0.6
0.4 500
600 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency (kHz)
Time (ms) 200 400 600 800 1000
400 0 5 10 15 20
Position p(pixel)
Signal (V)

200 0.5
Figure 6: Measurement of the pixel size. The statistical errors
0.0 in both the dependent and independent variables are too small
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 to be visible. The parameters of the linear fit are indicated
Clock frequency (Hz) in the figure.

Figure 5: Rotation speed as a function of clock frequency.

The inset in the lower right corner shows a typical time trace still about 10 mm in diameter. This means that diffrac-
on the detector with its Fourier spectrum in the upper left. tion will stretch the beam in the direction of the smallest
The clock frequency for this trace is 300 Hz. The parameters dimension of the mirror.
of a linear fit are displayed in the figure. The last three data
points (blue squares) were excluded. The error in the slope is
885 Hz
Position (pixel)

In order to convert the pixel positions into physical

distance, we have to calibrate the CCD camera. In other 417 Hz
words, we have to measure the pixel size. For this pro-
cedure, we stopped the rotating mirror, and shifted the 0
50 183 Hz
camera by an amount indicated by the micrometer screw 100
on the translation stage. The data points are plotted 200
in Fig. 6 in conjunction with a linear fit, which gives a 500 550 600 650 700
pixel size of 2.75 µm. This is also the value given by the Position (pixel)
manufacturer. By the help of this measurement, one can
also ascertain that the translation axis is parallel to the Figure 7: Typical camera images in Setup 1 at rotation fre-
camera’s plane, because if that is not the case, then the quencies 183, 417, and 885 Hz, respectively. The profiles be-
width of the profiles changes as the camera is shifted. As low were obtained by integrating over the region indicated on
the right hand side by the small white arrows.
shown below (see e.g., Fig. 8), the centre of the nearly
Gaussian profiles can be obtained with sub-pixel accu-
racy. If we take half of the smallest micrometer division The images in Fig. 7 are turned into nearly Gaussian
(10 µm) as the error in position, this procedure incurs an profiles by vertically integrating over a range of ±25 pix-
overall error of less than one fifth of a per cent. els around the maximum, as indicated by the small white
Having determined the calibration for both the cam- arrows in the figure. Such profiles for three different ro-
era, and the rotation speeds, we now turn to the measure- tation speeds (183, 417, and 885 Hz) are shown in Fig. 8.
ment of the displacements. First we discuss the results In order to accurately determine the centre positions of
obtained from Setup 1. Typical images of the reflected these profiles, we fit a Gaussian with an offset to the data
beam at three different rotation speeds (183, 417, and points in a range of ±15 pixels around the pixel with the
885 Hz) are shown in Fig. 7 (only a small part of the oth- highest intensity, as shown by the shaded gray domains
erwise 720-by-1280 chip is displayed). The movement in the figure. The centre of these fits is then accepted as
of the beam is clearly visible. Note that, while we be- the true position of the reflected beam. The error in the
gin with a circularly symmetric Gaussian beam (this is fit is less than 0.15 pixels for all measurements.
what leaves the single-mode fiber), the camera image is Figure 9 contains measurement data on the beam dis-
elongated along the vertical direction, which is perpen- placement as a function of the rotation speed. On the
dicular to the direction of the displacement. The rea- right vertical axis, the positions are given in terms of
son for this is that the mirrors are only 2 mm thick, but the CCD pixels, as taken from images similar to Fig. 7.
15 mm wide, while the beam at the mirror’s position is The left axis displays the positions in physical units, af-

3.0 speculate that this might be related to turbulence gener-

ated by the fast rotating mirrors: while the average speed
Intengrated intensity (a.u.)

2.5 885 Hz of the motor is determined by the clock frequency, vor-

tices detaching from the vertices of the octagonal mirror
2.0 can lead to fluctuations in the instantaneous speed.

1.5 417 Hz
50 Hz
183 Hz

Position (pixel)
400 Hz
500 550 600 650 700
Position (pixel)
100 751 Hz
Figure 8: Typical profiles taken in Setup 1 at a rotation fre- 200
quency of 183 (solid red circle), 417 (empty green triangle), 400
and 885 Hz (solid blue square), respectively. The domain of 500
Gaussian fits is indicated by the shaded gray regions, while 700
the solid black lines are the fits.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Position (pixel)
ter the CCD pixels were converted using the fit from Figure 10: Camera images in Setup 2 at frequencies 50, 400,
Fig. 6. The linear fit to these data yields a slope of and 751 Hz.
(0.130 ± 0.00047) µm/Hz. Given that, with the nomen-
clature of Eq. (2), d1 = 425 ± 1 mm, d2 = 1630 ± 1 mm,
and d3 = 4830 ± 1 mm, and taking all above-mentioned This change in the width can also be seen in Fig. 11,
error sources into account, we calculate a speed of light where we plot the vertically integrated camera images
of c = (2.97 ± 0.03) · 108 m/s. This is within 1% of the for 17 rotation frequencies as indicated. However, despite
defined value of 2.99792458 · 108 m/s, and overall, the the broadening of the profiles, the displacement is clearly
statistical errors are within 1%. visible as the frequency changes.

1400 640 7
630 6
Integrated intensity (a.u)

851 Hz
Peak position (pixel)
Peak position (µm)

801 Hz
1350 620 5 751 Hz
701 Hz
651 Hz
4 601 Hz
610 551 Hz
501 Hz
1300 3 450 Hz
600 400 Hz
2 350 Hz
300 Hz
∝ 0.1300 ·frot(Hz)
590 250 Hz
1250 1 200 Hz
150 Hz
100 Hz
580 0 50 Hz
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Rotation speed (Hz) Position (pixel)
Figure 9: Position of the reflected beam as a function of the Figure 11: Vertically integrated camera profiles in Setup 2 as
rotation speed in Setup 1. On the right vertical axis, the a function of the frequency.
same data are shown in units of the CCD pixels. The peak
position can be obtained from Ppeak (µm) = (0.130±0.00047)·
frot (Hz)+1247.6(µm). Error on the data points is not visible. In Fig. 12 we plot the beam displacement as a function
of the rotation speed, similar to Fig.9. The linear fit
We now discuss measurements in Setup 2. Typical to these data yields a slope of (0.899 ± 0.0059) µm/Hz.
camera images at frequencies 50, 400, and 751 Hz, re- Given that d1 = 4060 ± 1 mm, d2 = 730 ± 1 mm, and
spectively are shown in Fig. 10. As opposed to the other d3 = 3260 ± 1 mm, and considering all error sources, we
setup, the laser spot is stretched vertically over the whole calculate a speed of light of c = (3.02 ± 0.03) · 108 m/s.
length of the camera (720 pixels). Also note that as the Our experimental conditions and results are summa-
frequency increases, so does the width of the images. We rized in Table I.

650 slightly with respect to the translation stage till all mea-
1200 sured profiles are identical. As with the systematic error
600 discussed above, corrections are quadratic in the angle.

Peak position (pixel)

Peak position (µm)

550 Third, the measurement of independent quantities, in

1000 this case, the frequency (time) and distance might con-
500 tain errors that result from the particular method used
800 450
to measure them. Given the accuracy of frequency mea-
surements, it is reasonable to expect that only the value
600 400 of distance would be affected, and one can safely neglect
systematic errors in frequency.
∝ 0.8991 ·frot(Hz) 350 Fourth, imperfections in the focusing lead to small er-
400 rors. In order to estimate the order of magnitude of these,
0 200 400 600 800 1000 let us assume that the image of S is formed not at the
Rotation speed (Hz) end mirror, but at P , which is at a distance of x from M ,
as shown in Fig. 13. The virtual image of P will also be
Figure 12: Position of the reflected beam as a function of the shifted by the same amount, and following the derivation
rotation speed in Setup 2. On the right vertical axis, the same in Section III., we arrive at
data are shown in units of the CCD pixels. The linear fit to
the peak position is Ppeak (µm) = (0.899 ± 0.0059) · frot (Hz) +  −1  
383.3(µm). Error on the data points is not visible. 4d1 d3 (d3 − x) d∆s xd2
c= ≈ c0 1 − ,
d2 + d3 − x dω d3 (d2 + d3 )
d1 d2 d3 c (m/s)
if x  d3 . Note that d1 does not necessarily indicate
F P − L2 L2 − RM RM − SM the distance at which the image is formed: it simply
Setup 1 2.97 · 108
425 mm 1630 mm 4830 mm designates the position of the measurement (webcam).
F P − SM SM − RM RM − F M If d1 is chosen such that the imaging condition is not
Setup 2 3.02 · 108
4060 mm 730 mm 3260 mm
satisfied, it does not mean that the derivation is incorrect,
Table I: Summary of experimental conditions, and results.
it only means that the image will not be sharp at that
Overlines denote distances between designated elements. point, but Eq.(3) is still valid.

d3 P
We have already indicated the magnitude of statistical RM d1 S'
errors: the calibration of the CCD is about 0.2%, the x d3 d2 Δs
rotation frequency’s is about 0.3%, the length measure- d'1
ment’s is less than 0.1%, while the Gaussian fits to the Δs' L
profiles contain an error of about 0.2%. However, in ad- V'
dition to these, there are a number of systematical errors
that one has to consider. Figure 13: The concept of the measurements, with focusing
One we have already pointed out, namely, if the cam- errors. Notation as in Fig. 1. P is the image of the source S.
era is not perpendicular to the laser beam, all displace-
ments will be measured shorter and this will lead to a The magnitude of the correction will depend on two
seemingly larger speed of light. One way of removing parameters of the setup, d2 , d3 , and the inaccuracy in
this error source is to slightly rotate the camera without the focusing, x. Note that for d2 = 0, i.e., when the
moving it, and repeat the measurements multiple times. rotating mirror is next to the imaging element, the first-
The smallest value of c should correspond to the perpen- oder correction is zero. In the first setup d2 /d3 ≈ 1/3,
dicular configuration. However, since this correction is while in the second case, d2 /d3 ≈ 1/4. Therefore, an up-
proportional to the cosine of the angle of deviation from per bound for the correction in Eq.(3) is x/(4d3 ). Given
the normal, errors are of second order. that d3 ≥ 3 m, we incur an error of 1%, if x ≈ 0.12 m. It
Second, if the camera’s plane is not parallel to the axis is reasonable to assume that the focus can be determined
of the translation stage, the pixel size will be inferred in- with 10 cm accuracy, even if the imaging elements have
correctly, and this, again, will lead to a seemingly higher such long focal length. Therefore, we can conclude that
light speed. As mentioned above, a trivial test for this the error related to imperfect focusing is less than 1%.
is the beam profile measured at various positions of the Finally, the lens, the only glass element in the first
translation stage: all other conditions being identical, a setup, has finite width with a refractive index larger than
simple translation should result in identical profiles. If one, and this adds to the total length between the focal
this is not the case, then the camera has to be rotated point and the end mirror. This extra optical length can

be measured and added to the path, provided the refrac- We demonstrated that with readily available and inex-
tive index of the glass is known. Of course, the second pensive optics, and a bit of data processing, acceptable
setup does not suffer from this kind of error. accuracy (results within 1% of the defined value) can be
achieved. We also discussed a range of systematic errors,
and pointed out several possible improvements. The ex-
VII. CONCLUSION periment teaches students the historically important Fou-
cault method, and modern data evaluation concepts at
In conclusion, we presented a simple version of the Fou- the same time.
cault method for the measurement of the speed of light.

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f u n c t i o n p r o f i l e = c r e a t e _ p r o f i l e ( fn , range1 , r a n g e 2 )
% Returns and d i s p l a y s a p r o f i l e ( a v e r t i c a l l y i n t e g r a t e d image segment )
% Input :
% f n : t h e f i l e ( camera image ) t o r e a d
% range1 , r a n g e 2 : t h e l i m i t s o f t h e v e r t i c a l i n t a g r a t i o n

im = imread ( f n ) ;
im1 = sum ( im , 3 ) ; % Turns t h e RGB image i n t o g r a y s c a l e
f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; i m a g e s c ( im1 )
p r o f i l e = sum ( im1 ( r a n g e 1 : range2 , : ) ) ;
f i g u r e ( 2 ) ; p l o t ( p r o f i l e , ’ ro ’ ) ;

f u n c t i o n y = g a u s s ( par , xdata )
% Returns a Gaussian f u n c t i o n e v a l u a t e d a t p o i n t s g i v e n i n xdata
% y = A∗ exp (−(x−x0 )^2/ sigma ^2)+ o f f s e t
% Input :
% par : an a r r a y o f p a r a m e t e r s i n t h e form [ A, x0 , sigma , o f f s e t ]
% A: a m p l i t u d e o f t h e Gaussian
% x0 : c e n t r e o f t h e Gaussian

% sigma : s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n o f t h e Gaussian
% o f f s e t : o f f s e t o f t h e Gaussian
% xdata : p o i n t s where t h e f u n c t i o n i s t o be e v a l u a t e d

y = par ( 1 ) ∗ exp (−( xdata−par ( 2 ) ) . ^ 2 / par ( 3 ) / par ( 3 ) ) + par ( 4 ) ;

f u n c t i o n f i t _ p r o f i l e ( p r o f i l e , xlim1 , xlim2 , par )

% F i t s a p r o f i l e with a Gaussian
% Input :
% p r o f i l e : a 1D a r r a y o f e v e n l y s p a c e d measurement p o i n t s
% xlim1 , xlim2 : t h e f i t w i l l be done on domain [ xlim1 : xlim2 ]
% par : i n i t i a l g u e s s o f t h e f i t ( s e e g a u s s ( par , xdata ) )

f = l s q c u r v e f i t ( @gauss , par , xlim1 : xlim2 , p r o f i l e ( xlim1 : xlim2 ) )

f i g u r e ( 3 ) ; h o l d on ; p l o t ( xlim1 : xlim2 , p r o f i l e ( xlim1 : xlim2 ) , ’ ro ’ )
p l o t ( xlim1 : xlim2 , g a u s s ( f , xlim1 : xlim2 ) , ’ b − ’ ) ;
hold o f f ;

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