Pacific Vista High School

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NAME: ________________________________________GRADE & SECTION:


General Instruction:
This is a 65 points examination. You have an hour to take this test and please use your time very wisely. Most importantly,
DO NOT cheat.

TEST I: From the group of words below, circle the word that spelled correctly. (15 points)

1. a. Philippines b. Phillippines c.Phelippines d. Phileppines

2. a. Simbolizes b. Symbolises c. Symbolizes d. Symmbolices

3. a. Knowlage b. Knowledge c. Knowlledge d. Knawledge

4. a. Frinds b. Frends c. Friends d.Friennds

5 a. Veterinnarian b. Vetterenarian c.Veterinarian d. Veterinarian

6. a. Journey b. Jurnney c. Journney d. Journay

7. a. Cantry b. Counntry c. Counttry d. Country

8. a. Hecitate b.Hessitate c. Hesitate d. Hesittate

9. a. Condem b. Condiem c. Condeum d. Condemn

10. a. Vegetable b. Veigetablle c. Vidgetable d. Beigetable

11. a. Mississippi b. Misisipii c. Mississsipi d. Misisippi

12. a. Buzinezz b. Business c. Bussines d. Busiiness

13. a. Ungkle b. Angkle c. Uncle d. Ancle

14. Hapiness b. Happines c. Happyness d. Happiness

15. Fuschia b. Fucha c. Fuchsia d. Fuusha

TEST II- Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer on
the space provided. (10 points)

__________ 1. Philippine literature existed even before the Spaniards came.

__________ 2. The form of proverbs is chiefly poetic.
__________ 3. Damiana L. Lacsamana is the mother of Philippine folklore.
__________ 4. Proverbs classified into five categories.
__________ 5. It is difficult to preserve proverbs.
__________ 6. The Spaniards introduced proverbs.
__________ 7. It is impossible to classify and categorize the proverbs.
__________ 8. Our proverbs reflect lot of things about our culture and identity.
__________ 9. Proverbs do not have geographical origin.
__________ 10. In Filipino, proverbs called salawikain.

TEST III- Identify each type of sentence. (10 points)

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Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Interrogative

1. The students wanted to go on a field trip. ________________________________________

2. Can we go to the Adventureville Theme Park? ___________________________________
3. Be on your best behavior for the next two weeks. ________________________________
4. After a couple long weeks of keeping their hands to themselves, quietly focusing on instruction, and cleaning up
their messes, the students was rewarded with a fieldtrip. _____________________
5. We are so excited about going to Adventureville! _________________________________
6. How far away is the park from the school? ________________________________________
7. Ouch! It hurts! ____________________________
8. Quit asking questions and be happy. ____________________________________
9. The children are playing under the rain. _________________________________
10. Please give me a glass of water. _____________________________

TEST IV: Circle the correct verb choice in the following sentences. (10 points)

1. Some (thinks, think) more logically than others.

2. Students graduating with a major in business (earns, earn) good salaries.
3. To be happy, a person first (accepts, accept) himself.
4. My brother, not my sisters (is, are) in college.
5. Every one of these men (plays, play) golf.
6. A dictionary and an atlas (belongs, belong) in library.
7. Judith and Peter (has, have) trouble with essay exams.
8. My favorite food (is, are) pork adobo
9. Suzanne (loves, love) cats.
10. Charles, as well as Laura (plays, play) charade well.

TEST V: Discuss briefly the questions below.

1. In the origin of the world according to the Maranao, what is it that you found puzzling, interesting,
intriguing, or strange? Is it similar to your belief of how the world began? Why or why not? (10 points)

2. If you we’re Awiyao, is it right to exchange your wife to the beliefs and traditions of your tribe? Why or
why not? (10 points)


God bless!

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