Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled

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8759       February 14, 2000 (b) Serve as referral and information center for the various
services and programs of DOLE and other government agencies
PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE IN EVERY PROVINCE, (c) Provide clients with adequate information on employment and
KEY CITY AND OTHER STRATEGIC AREAS THROUGHOUT THE labor market situation in the area; and
(d) Network with other PESOs within the region on employment
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the for job exchange purposes.
Philippines of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Section 5. Functions of the PESO. - The PESO shall have the following
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the "Public Employment functions:
Service Office Act of 1999."
(a) Encourage employers to submit to the PESO on a regular
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is a declared policy of the State to basis a list of job vacancies in their respective establishments in
promote full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all, order to facilitate the exchange of labor market information
and for this purpose, to strengthen and expand the existing employment between job seekers and employers by providing employment
facilitation service machinery of the government particularly at the local information services to job seekers, both for local and overseas
levels. employment, and recruitment assistance to employers;

Section 3. Establishment of the Public Employment Service Office. - To (b) Develop and administer testing and evaluation instruments for
carry out the above-declared policy, there shall be established in all effective job selection, training and counselling;
capital towns of provinces, key cities and other strategic areas a Public
Employment Service Office, hereinafter referred to as "PESO," which (c) Provide persons with entrepreneurship qualities access to the
shall be community-based and maintained largely by local government various livelihood and self-employment programs offered by both
units (LGUs) and a number of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or government and nongovernmental organizations at the
community-based organizations (CBOs) and state universities and provincial/city/municipal/barangay levels by undertaking referrals
colleges (SUCs). The PESOs shall be linked to the regional offices of the for such programs;
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for coordination and
technical supervision, and to the DOLE central office, to constitute the (d) Undertake employability enhancement trainings/seminars for
national employment service network. job seekers, as well as those who would like to change career or
enhance their employability;
Section 4. Objectives of the PESO. - In general, the PESO shall ensure
the prompt, timely and efficient delivery of employment service and (e) Provide employment or occupational counselling, career
provision of information on the other DOLE programs. guidance, mass motivation and values development activities;

Specifically, the PESO shall: (f) Conduct pre-employment counselling and orientation to
prospective local and, most especially, overseas workers;
(a) Provide a venue where people could explore simultaneously
various employment options and actually seek assistance they (g) Provide reintegration assistance services to returning Filipino
prefer; migrant workers; and
(h) Perform such functions as willfully carry out the objectives of Section 7. Role of DOLE and LGUs, NGOs, CBOs and SUCs. - Upon the
this Act. request of the LGUs, NGOs, CBOs, SUCs which do not have existing
PESOs, the establishment, operation and maintenance of PESOs shall
Section 6. Other Services of the PESO. - In addition to the functions be undertaken by the DOLE. The DOLE shall enter into memoranda of
enumerated in the preceding section, every PESO shall also undertake agreements with the concerned LGUs, NGOs, CBOs, SUCs for the
the following programs and activities: establishment, operation and maintenance of PESOs in their respective
areas of jurisdiction, and the institutionalization of existing PESOs.
(a) Jobs Fairs - These shall be conducted periodically all over the
country to bring together in one venue job seekers and employers It shall be the responsibility of the DOLE to:
for immediate matching;
(a) Establish and maintain a computerized national manpower
(b) Livelihood and Self-Employment Bazaars - These will give registry of skills and employment and business opportunities to
clients information on the wide array of livelihood programs they facilitate the provision and packaging of employment assistance
choose to avail of, particularly in the rural areas; to PESO clients and the setting-up of intra- and inter-regional job
clearance systems as part of the overall employment network;
(c) Special Credit Assistance for Placed Overseas Workers - This
type of assistance will enable poor but qualified applicants to avail (b) Provide office space, equipment and/or supplies, as well as
of opportunities for overseas employment; the necessary personnel complement to manage, operate and
maintain the PESO;
(d) Special Program for Employment of Students and Out-of-
School Youth (SPESOS) - This program shall endeavor to (c) Designate, in consultation with the LGU, NGO, CBO or SUC
provide employment to deserving students and out-of-school concerned, a qualified project manager and/or key personnel who
youth coming from poor families during summer and/or Christmas shall be responsible for the operation and management of the
vacations as provided for under Republic Act No. 7323 and its PESO;
implementing rules, to enable them to pursue their education;
(d) Provide technical assistance and allied support services to the
(e) Work Appreciation Program (WAP) - This program aims to PESO;
develop the values of work appreciation and ethics by exposing
the young to actual work situations; (e) Train PESO personnel in the various aspects of employment
facilitation functions;
(f) Workers Hiring for Infrastructure Projects (WHIP) - This
program is in pursuance of Republic Act No. 6685 which requires (f) Extend/facilitate such other package of employment services
construction companies, including the Department of Public to the provision of employment assistance to clients of the LGU,
Works and Highways and contractors for government-funded NGO, CBO or SUC concerned, including the conduct of jobs fairs
infrastructure projects, to hire thirty percent (30%) of skilled and and other activities; and
fifty percent (50%) of unskilled labor requirements from the areas
where the project is constructed/located; and (g) Undertake, monitor, assess and evaluate the PESO program
(g) Other programs/activities developed by DOLE to enhance
provision of employment assistance to PESO clients, particularly For their part, the LGUs, NGOs, CBOs or SUCs shall extend such
for special groups of disadvantaged workers such as persons assistance and services as may be necessary in the promotion of
with disabilities (PWDs) and displaced workers. employment within their respective areas of jurisdiction.
Section 8. Administration of the PESO Program. - The DOLE shall be
primarily responsible for the administration of the PESO Program through
its Bureau of Local Employment, as well as its regional offices throughout
the country. The Secretary of Labor and Employment, in coordination
with the Department of the Interior and Local Government and in
consultation with the presidents of the various local government leagues,
namely the League of Provinces, the League of Cities, the League of
Municipalities and the League of Barangays, shall accordingly
promulgate, within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this Act, the
necessary rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the

Section 9. Funding. - The amount necessary for the initial

implementation of this Act shall be charged against the existing
appropriation of the DOLE and its other operating agencies. Thereafter,
the amounts needed for the full implementation of this Act shall be
included in the budget of the DOLE in the succeeding General
Appropriations Act.

Section 10. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, executive orders,

rules and regulations or any part thereof which are inconsistent herewith
are hereby deemed repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 11. Separability Clause. - If for any reason, any section or

provision of this Act or any part thereof, or the application of such section,
provision or portion is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder
thereof shall not be affected by such declaration.

Section 12. Effectivity. -This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after
its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of
general circulation.

Approved: February 14, 2000

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