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?What is meant by Randomization - 1

B. Randomization is a method of allocating treatment such that each subject has an equal
.chance of receiving any of the possible treatments

?What is meant by compliance in a randomized clinical trial -2

.B. The degree to which study subjects adhere to an assigned treatment protocol

:Excessive exclusion criteria may result in which of the following -3

.A. Decreased external validity

:Investigators worry about lost-to-follow-up-4

.D. All of the above

:Blinding is an important feature of a RCT because -5 .

A. It helps prevent measurement bias - the biased assessment of


The experimental group received the treatment or intervention while the control -6

group received either an inert version of the treatment or no

treatment at all. (A)

?Which of the following is the definition of a placebo effect -7

-An effect of treatment that can be attributed to participants; expectations from A

.the treatment rather than any property of the treatment itself

Confounds are variables that vary along with the independent variable in an -8

experimental study.( A)

Daniel is concerned about whether the effect that he is studying directly causes the -9
outcome of the dependent variable. He is concerned with

A) Reliability

What are two properties of experimental design that are not present in non- - 10
?experimental design

D. Manipulation of conditions and random assignment of participants 

:A double-blind design means that-11

the experimenter and the participant do not know the hypothesis of the study.(B)

What is an ethical concern present in some experimental designs but not survey -12


Asking participants to divulge private information (A)

Researchers have found that past a certain age, an individual's resting metabolism -13

decreases. Because of this knowledge, Sandy decides to design a study using

different age groups in her experiment to investigate the effect of age on weight

:gain. In this case, age is a

quasi-independent variable (A)

.External validity is also known as -14

Generalizability( C)
15- Participant characteristics that vary systematically across conditions in an experimental
research are potential confound variables to the findings of the study if they are unknown
to the researcher.

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