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Aquatic Science I February 9, 2004

Second Long Exam

I. Multiple Choice (30 pts)

1. The country's total territorial water area
a. 220,000,000 ha c. 230,000,000 ha
b. 320,000,000 ha d. 2,500,000 hectares
2. The country's oceanic waters total to
a. 193,400,000 ha c. 293,400,000 ha
b. 195,400,000 ha d. 194,400,000 hectares
3. Coastal waters
a. 36,600,000 ha c. 54,600,000 hectares
b. 26,600,000 ha d. 24,600,000 ha
4. The length of the Philippine coastline (in km) is
a. 28,460 b. 19,560 c. 18,460 d. 17,460
5. Gear characterized by a non-returning device to prevent the fish from
a. cast net b. traps c. purse seine d. hook and line
6. Most unselective gear
a. hook and line b. squid jig c. trawl d. bagnet
7. Animal not used in fishing
a. dog b. cormorant c. otter d. monkey
8. Phylum to which corals belong
a. Porifera b. Echinodermata c. Cnidaria d. Mollusca
9. Reduces wave action
a. seagrass beds b. mangroves c. coral reefs d. fish ponds
10. Depends on seagrasses alone for their food
a. dugong b. fish larvae c. butanding d. turtles

II. Fill in the Blanks (15 pts)

1. _________ is an indentation of the shoreline which is wider than a cove
but smaller than a bay.
2. ________ is made up of three panels of netting for entangling the fish.
3. _________ is the largest lake in the Philippines.
4. _________ Sea has the highest municipal fisheries production.
5. The extent of the municipal territory is up to ___________.

III. Enumeration (40 pts)

1-3 Means of attracting/confusing fish
4-6 Lakes in the Philippines
7-9 Gulfs
10-11 Straits
12-20 Classificatiom of fishing gears

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