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Chords in a key can be categorized into three areas:
• Tonic
• Subdominant
• Dominant

Tonic chords move to either Subdominant or Dominant Chords
Subdominant chords move to Dominant
Dominant chords move to Tonic

Chord progressions that move backwards, Subdominant to Tonic or Dominant to Subdominant
are called retrogression.

In the key of C Major, the chords are:
I C Major (C E G)
ii D minor (D F A)
iii E minor (E G B)
IV F Major (F A C)
V G Major (G B D)
vi A minor (A C E)
viiº B diminished (B D F)

Tonic Subdominant Dominant
C Major F Major G Major
E minor D minor B diminished
A minor

Chords can move up and down in each column. This is less of a chord progression and
considered more of a change in color. Play C major to E minor to A minor. This creates a sense
of color change and not so much forward momentum.

Typical chord progressions:
I IV V (C F G) The I IV and V chords in a key are called the primary chords. With those three
chords alone you can harmonize any melody note in the key.
ii V I
I vi ii V I
viiº iii vi ii V I IV (This called a circle progression. The roots of each chord move around the circle
of 4ths. B-E-A-D-G-C-F

Chords with roots that are a third apart (C to E, C to A, A to F, F to D, E to G, G to B) will share
two notes in common. This creates very smooth chord changes.
Chords with roots a fourth or fifth apart (C to F, D to G, B to E, E to A, A to D) will share one note
in common.
Chords with roots a second apart ( C to D, D to E, E to F, F to G, G to A, A to B, B to C) will have
no tones in common. This is considered less smooth as all the notes are new when the chords

Secondary Dominant Chords:
In each key there is one true Dominant relationship. That is the V-I (G to C).
Secondary Dominant relationships can be created by changing the quality of chords in the key
to create a temporary Dominant to Tonic (V to I) progression. We are basically creating a
temporary new Tonic on chords in the key. We borrow the V chord from the new temporary
Tonic chord.

D7 to G (V of the V chord) this sounds as if we are moving to the key of G. G is really the V chord
in the key of C, but the D7 chord make G sound like the new Tonic (I) chord. This is used in
almost every country song.
E7 to Am
A7 to Dm
B7 to Em
C7 to F

The Band’s “Ophelia” uses quite a bit of Secondary Dominants
(I)C – (V/vi)E7- (V/ii)A7- (V/V) D7 – (IV)F – (V)G each chord be one measure
(I)C –(V/ii)A7- (V/V) D7 –(V)G as the tag of the progression. Each chord is two beats.

Borrowed chords:

We can create fresh sounding progressions by borrowing chords from the parallel minor key
(parallel keys share the same root note but have different scale construction).
C Major = C D E F G A B
C Major’s parallel minor scale is C minor = C D Eb F G Ab Bb

The chords in the key of C minor are:
i C minor (C Eb G)
iiº D diminished (D F Ab)
bIII Eb Major (Eb G Bb)
iv F minor (F Ab C)
v G minor (G Bb D)
bVI Ab Major (Ab C Eb)
bVII Bb Major (Bb D F)

Check out the Beatles “In My Life”. The song is in the key of A Major, but when the words “in
my life” are sung, the chord is D minor. The minor iv chord. In the key of (I)C major this would
be (iv)F minor.

Many Southern Rock progressions use the bVII chord. In “Can’t You See” the key is D Major and
the chords move from (I) D Major – (bVII) C Major – (IV) G Major. Yes, D C and G major are the
V, IV, and I chords in the key of G respectively, but because D sounds like the Tonic chord (the
song want to end on D) D is actually the tonic.

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