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i) For example, if an establishment is consisting of 50 members, it will take for

preparation of pay bills by the department people is more than one hour for
verification of attendance, increments, deduction etc.

ii) On process the bill at DDO request, the bill will be in the login of DDO

iii) At DDO level, required documents are to be attached. For verification and for
submission by DDO it will take more than half an hour.

iv) At Treasury level, auditor shall post fly leaf and for further verification, it will take
one hour time

v) At verifier level, it will take 15 minutes time for further process

vi) At approval level it will take 15 minutes time for opening of documents,
verification and confirmation.

vii) Total time for preparation of bill at DDO level, if employees are 50 in number, it
will take one and half an hour. Total time at Treasury is one hour and 30 minutes

viii) If one salary bill consisting of 50 number of employees it will take nearly 3 hours
both at DDO and treasury level.

CONTINGENT BILLS: ( Bills directly prepared at CFMS)

i) There are 3 levels at DDO level i.e, Maker, checker and submitter. It will take
15 minutes at maker level, 10 minutes at checker level and 10 minutes at
submitter level depending upon the attachments.

In respect of Medical Reimbursement claims, it will take more than one hour
at each level for opening and verification of documents.

ii) There are 3 levels at Treasury level i.e, Auditor, Verifier and approver. It will
take 15 minutes at auditor level, 10 minutes at verifier level and 10 minutes at
approver level depending upon the attachments.

iii) In respect of P.D. bills it will take another 15 minutes at maker level as the
sanction order prepared in the system.

iv) The same time shall also be taken in respect of pensions also.
Note: It will totally dependent on the net speed, power supply and other

There is abnormal increase in preparation and submission of bills in

CFMS (voucher wise bill in respect of contingent expenditure)

Ex: Bills for 2017-2018 before introduction of CFMS –1,10,000(approx)

Bills for 2018-2019 after introduction of CFMS – 2,18,206(approx)
Bills for 2019-2020 after introduction of CFMS – 2,11,284(approx)

It clearly shows that the bills are doubled after introduction of CFMS,
for which work load is doubled in Treasury.

In respect of arrear claims, it will take more time depending up on the

periodicity and nature of claim.

The salaries of the Water Resource Department (irrigation) was

entrusted to Treasury from PAO w.e.f.01-04-2018 for which the volume
of work is increased.

As per G.O. 99 dt 14-08-2019, the salaries and other claims of all

P.D. Account administrators are being entrusted to Treasury, for which
work load is increased abnormally . i.e, DWMA, Housing Corporation,
AGMC, B.C. Corporation, Universities etc.

There is abnormal increase in bills in police department. They preferred

T.A. claims individual wise and month wise, for which bills are
increased abnormally.

Due to non-dispensing of procedure existing prior to introduction of

CFMS, both manual and system work is being done by the Treasury
people, accordingly workload is increased.

The following screens are to be opened, verified and confirmed at all

levels at Treasury. i.e,. basic information, beneficiary details, check list
and notes and documents (all attachments must be opened and
verified), for which much time is consumed.

Due to introduction of ward volunteers and secretariat employees,

nearly 2 lakh employee services are to be done by the Treasury, for
which workload increased.

Before introduction of CFMS,all P.D. cheques are being paid in normal
course. But on issuance of G.O. 99, the transactions of all P.D.
Accounts shall be watched like regular bills, for which the work is
increased in respect of P.D. Accounts.

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