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242. Tol-Noquera v.

Date: July 20, 1992
Ponente: Cruz

The case in a nutshell: Daya Tol-Noquera filed a petition for appointment as administratrix of the property
of the absentee Remigio Tol. She claimed that she was his acknowledged natural child, and that she sought to
be appointed administratrix to recover the property from Diosdado Tol, who had fraudulently obtained title
thereto in his name. The CFI dismissed the petition, on the ground that it was a collateral attack on a Torrens
title. The SC held that Daya’s petition for appointment as administratrix of Remigio’s property was not
intended as a collateral attack on a Torrens title. Although she did say there was a need to appoint an
administrator to prevent Remigio’s property from being usurped, this did not amount to a collateral attack on
the title. Diosdado’s argument that Daya cannot inherit ab intestato from the legitimate parents of the
absentee, Remigio, is immaterial. Her disqualification as an heir to her supposed grandparents does not
inhibit her from petitioning for a declaration of absence or to be appointed as an administratrix of Remigio’s
estate. Under the relevant provisions (Art. 381-385 of the Civil Code), it is not necessary that a declaration of
absence be made in a proceeding separate from and prior to a petition for administration. The purpose of
these rules is the protection of the interests and property of the absentee, not of the administrator. Thus, the
question of whether the administrator may inherit the property to be administered is not controlling.

1) In December 1986, petitioner Daya Maria Tol-Noquera filed a petition for appointment as
administratrix of the property of the absentee Remigio Tol.
a. She alleged that she was the acknowledged natural child of Remigio Tol, who had been
missing since 1984. She claimed that a certain Diosdado Tol had fraudulently secured a free
patent over Remigio’s property and obtained title thereto in his name. Thus, she sought to be
appointed administratrix, in order that she could recover the property.
2) Diosdado opposed the petition, arguing that Daya was not an acknowledged natural child of Remigio,
and that the property was covered by an OCT issued in his name.
3) The CFI dismissed Daya’s petition, on the ground that it was a collateral attack on a Torrens title. The
court also declared, in effect, that it was useless to appoint an administrator, in view of the claim of a
3rd person that he was the owner of the absentee’s property.
4) The CFI dismissed Daya’s MR, so she filed a petition for review on certiorari in the SC.

1) Was Daya’s petition for appointment as administratrix of Remigio’s property a collateral attack on a
Torrens title? NO.
2) Since Daya claims she is an illegitimate child of Remigio, is she prohibited under Art. 992 of the Civil
Code from inheriting ab intestato from the relatives of her father? YES, BUT IMMATERIAL.

Held: WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. This case is hereby REMANDED to the court of origin for
determination of the legal personality of Daya Maria Tol to petition the declaration of Remigio Tol’s absence
and of her competence to be appointed as administratrix of his estate.

1) Daya’s petition for appointment as administratrix of Remigio’s property was not intended as a
collateral attack on a Torrens title. Hence, Art. 389 of the Civil Code is not applicable.
a. Art.389 provides instances when administration of an absentee’s property shall cease:
Art. 389. The administration shall cease in any of the following cases:
(1) When the absentee appears personally or by means of an agent;
(2) When the death of the absentee is proved and his testate or intestate heirs appear;
(3) When a third person appears, showing by a proper document that he has acquired the absentee’s property by
purchase or other title;

In these cases the administrator shall cease in the performance of his office, and the property shall be at the disposal
of those who may have a right thereto.
b. Although Daya did say there was a need to appoint an administrator to prevent Remigio’s
property from being usurped, this did not amount to a collateral attack on the title.
i. The alleged fraudulent issuance of title was mentioned as a justification for her
appointment as administrator, but there was nothing in the petition to indicate that
she would attack the title issued to Diosdado in the same proceeding. In fact, she
declared that whatever remedy she might choose would be pursued in another
venue, in a proceeding entirely distinct and separate from her petition for
appointment as administratrix.
2) Diosdado’s argument that Daya cannot inherit ab intestato from the legitimate parents of the
absentee, Remigio, is immaterial. Her disqualification as an heir to her supposed grandparents does
not inhibit her from petitioning for a declaration of absence or to be appointed as an administratrix
of Remigio’s estate.
a. Under the relevant provisions (Art. 381-385 of the Civil Code), it is not necessary that a
declaration of absence be made in a proceeding separate from and prior to a petition for
administration. (Reyes v. Alejandro, reiterating Pejer v. Martinez)
Art. 381. When a person disappears from his domicile his whereabouts being unknown, and without leaving an
agent to administer his property the judge, at the instance of an interested party, a relative, or a friend, may appoint
a person to represent him in all that may be necessary.

This same rule shall be observed when under similar circumstances the power conferred by the absentee has

Art. 382. The appointment referred to in the preceding article having been made, the judge shall take the necessary
measures to safeguard the rights and interest of the absentee and shall specify the powers, obligations and
remuneration of his representatives, regulating them according to the circumstances, by the rules concerning

Art. 383. In the appointment of a representative, the spouse present shall be preferred when there is no legal

If the absentee left no spouse, or if the spouse present is a minor, any competent person may be appointed by the

Art. 384. Two years having elapsed without any news about the absentee or since the receipt of the last news, and
five years in case the absentee has left a person in charge of the administration of his property, his absence may be

Art. 385. The following may ask for the declaration of absence:
(1) The spouse present;
(2) The heirs instituted in a will, who may present an authentic copy of the same;
(3) The relatives who may succeed by the law of intestacy;
(4) Those who may have over the property of the absentee some right subordinated to the condition of his death.

Art. 386. The judicial declaration of absence shall not take effect until six months after its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation.
b. The purpose of these rules is the protection of the interests and property of the absentee, not
of the administrator. Thus, the question of whether the administrator may inherit the
property to be administered is not controlling.
i. What is material is whether Daya is one of those allowed by law to seek the
declaration of absence of Remigio, and whether she is competent to be appointed as
administratrix of his estate. To answer these questions, the case must be remanded
to the CFI.
ii. The issue of whether or not the property titled to Diosdado is really owned by him
should be resolved in another proceeding. Daya’s right to be appointed
administratrix cannot be denied outright by reason alone of such issue.

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