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Tips on Using Convergence Tests

Chapter 11, Ostebee & Zorn

 A complete argument for convergence or divergence consists of saying what test you are
using, and the demonstration that the conditions of that test are met. This needs to be done for
every series or improper integral you say converges or diverges.

 When you use the comparison test, be sure your inequality goes the right way for the
conclusion you want to make. A series bigger than a convergent series could either converge
or diverge. Similarly, a series smaller than a divergent series could either converge or

 When you use the comparison test, be sure your inequality is true!

 The nth term test (a.k.a. the Divergence Test) can only be used to conclude divergence.
(Remember the harmonic series!)

 The alternating series test cannot be used to determine divergence, that is, if the conditions of
the test are not met, the test doesn't imply anything about the series. (If the terms don't go to
zero, the series diverges, but this is the nth term test, not the alternating series test).

 The alternating series test cannot be used to determine absolute convergence. If you think a
series converges absolutely, you need to test the corresponding series of positive terms, which
isn’t alternating.

 The integral and comparison tests are for series of non-negative terms. If used on a series
with both positive and negative terms, you need to take the absolute value of the terms, in
which case you are testing for absolute convergence, not simply convergence. In this case, if
the tests indicate divergence, you cannot conclude that the series diverges, only that it does
not converge absolutely. These tests cannot be used directly to determine conditional

 Unlike the integral and comparison tests, the ratio test, as modified in class, does determine
convergence or divergence of the original series, even if the series has both positive and
negative terms. The ratio test is always inconclusive on a series similar to a p-series.

 When you claim that a series converges conditionally, you are really making claims about
two series—you are claiming that the given series converges and that a related series
diverges. You need to give separate arguments for both. The comparison test or integral test
may be useful in showing that the related series of positive terms diverges, but they are not of
use in showing that the original series converges.

 For a power series, always use the ratio test to determine the interior of the interval of
convergence. Never use the ratio test to check the endpoints—the ratio is always 1. The
endpoints are separate problems that require their own tests. Sometimes convergence at one
endpoint implies convergence at the other.

 Sharpen your intuition. On most series you should be able to make an educated guess about
its convergence or divergence. Then you should use this as a guide to prove your guess.

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